Перевод: с английского на венгерский

с венгерского на английский


  • 41 profit

    profit, haszon to profit: tanul, haszna van, hasznára válik, hasznot húz
    * * *
    ['profit] 1. noun
    1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) haszon
    2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) előny
    2. verb
    ((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) hasznot húz vmiből
    - profitably

    English-Hungarian dictionary > profit

  • 42 secretary

    titkár, titkárnő
    * * *
    plural - secretaries; noun
    1) (a person employed to write letters, keep records and make business arrangements etc for another person: He dictated a letter to his secretary.) titkár
    2) (a (sometimes unpaid) person who deals with the official business of an organization etc: The secretary read out the minutes of the society's last meeting.) titkár

    English-Hungarian dictionary > secretary

  • 43 sell up

    (to sell a house, business etc: He has sold up his share of the business.) elad, kiárusít

    English-Hungarian dictionary > sell up

  • 44 sideline

    * * *
    1) (a business etc carried on outside one's regular job or activity: He runs a mail-order business as a sideline.) mellékfoglalkozás, -üzemág
    2) (the line marking one of the long edges of a football pitch etc.) oldalvonal

    English-Hungarian dictionary > sideline

  • 45 transaction

    megkötés, lebonyolítás, üzlet, tranzakció, ügylet
    * * *
    1) (a particular piece of business; a business deal.) ügylet
    2) (the act of transacting: The transaction of the deal took several days.) tranzakció

    English-Hungarian dictionary > transaction

  • 46 turnover

    cikk vége másik oldalon, ciklus, gyümölcsízes pite
    * * *
    1) (the total value of sales in a business during a certain time: The firm had a turnover of $100,000 last year.) (üzleti) forgalom
    2) (the rate at which money or workers pass through a business.) megtérülés

    English-Hungarian dictionary > turnover

  • 47 affair

    esemény, eset
    * * *
    1) (happenings etc which are connected with a particular person or thing: the Suez affair.) ügy
    2) (a thing: The new machine is a weird-looking affair.) dolog
    3) ((often in plural) business; concern(s): financial affairs; Where I go is entirely my own affair.) ügy, dolog
    4) (a love relationship: His wife found out about his affair with another woman.) viszony

    English-Hungarian dictionary > affair

  • 48 agent

    ügynök, hatóanyag, természeti erő, közvetítő
    * * *
    1) (a person or thing that acts: detergents and other cleaning agents.) szer
    2) (a person who acts for someone in business etc: our agent in London; a theatrical agent.) ügynök, képviselő
    3) ((especially secret agent) a spy: an agent for the Russians.) ügynök, kém
    - by/through the agency of

    English-Hungarian dictionary > agent

  • 49 agreement

    megállapodás, egyezmény
    * * *
    1) (the state of agreeing: We are all in agreement.) egyetértés
    2) (a business, political etc arrangement, spoken or written: You have broken our agreement; We have signed an agreement.) megállapodás

    English-Hungarian dictionary > agreement

  • 50 aloof

    * * *
    [ə'lu:f] 1. adverb
    (apart or at a distance from other people: I kept aloof from the whole business.) távol
    2. adjective
    (not sociable and friendly: People find the new teacher rather aloof.) tartózkodó

    English-Hungarian dictionary > aloof

  • 51 antique

    ókori, ódon, ódonság, antik, régiség, antik tárgy
    * * *
    [æn'ti:k] 1. adjective
    1) (old and usually valuable: an antique chair.) antik
    2) (old or old-fashioned: That car is positively antique.) régimódi
    3) ((of a shop etc) dealing in antiques: an antique business.) régiségekkel foglalkozó
    2. noun
    (something made long ago (usually more than a hundred years ago) which is valuable or interesting: He collects antiques.) régiség
    - antiquity

    English-Hungarian dictionary > antique

  • 52 bad start

    (to start well or badly in a race, business etc.) jól, rosszul startol

    English-Hungarian dictionary > bad start

  • 53 be going strong

    (to be successful, healthy etc: Our business/grandfather is still going strong.) nagyszerűen megy; egészséges

    English-Hungarian dictionary > be going strong

  • 54 branch

    elágazás, ág to branch: elágazik, szétterjed
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (an arm-like part of a tree: He cut some branches off the oak tree.) ág
    2) (an offshoot from the main part (of a business, railway etc): There isn't a branch of that store in this town; ( also adjective) That train runs on the branch line.) ág(azat), elágazás
    2. verb
    ((usually with out/off) to spread out like, or into, a branch or branches: The road to the coast branches off here.) elágazik

    English-Hungarian dictionary > branch

  • 55 brisk

    fürge, tevékeny, eleven
    * * *
    (active or fast moving: a brisk walk; Business was brisk today.) fürge

    English-Hungarian dictionary > brisk

  • 56 building

    épület, építés
    * * *
    1) (the art or business of putting up (houses etc) ( also adjective): a building contractor.) építés(i)
    2) (anything built: The new supermarket is a very ugly building.) épület

    English-Hungarian dictionary > building

  • 57 building society

    (a business firm that lends money for building or buying houses.) lakásépítő szövetkezet

    English-Hungarian dictionary > building society

  • 58 butcher

    mészáros, hentes, hóhér, sebész to butcher: mészárol, leöl, lemészárol
    * * *
    ['bu ə] 1. noun
    (a person whose business is to kill cattle etc for food and/or sell their flesh.) hentes, mészáros
    2. verb
    1) (to kill for food.) (le)mészárol
    2) (to kill cruelly: All the prisoners were butchered by the dictator.) leöl

    English-Hungarian dictionary > butcher

  • 59 capital

    kéménytoldat, desztilláló sisak, legfőbb, oszlopfő
    * * *
    I 1. ['kæpitl] noun
    1) (the chief town or seat of government: Paris is the capital of France.) főváros
    2) ((also capital letter) any letter of the type found at the beginning of sentences, proper names etc: THESE ARE CAPITAL LETTERS / CAPITALS.) nagybetű
    3) (money (for investment etc): You need capital to start a new business.) tőke
    2. adjective
    1) (involving punishment by death: a capital offence.) főbenjáró
    2) (excellent: a capital idea.) nagyszerű
    3) ((of a city) being a capital: Paris and other capital cities.) nagy(obb)
    - capitalist
    - capitalist
    - capitalistic
    II ['kæpitl] noun
    (in architecture, the top part of a column of a building etc.) oszlopfő

    English-Hungarian dictionary > capital

  • 60 capitalism

    noun (a system of economics in which money and business are controlled by capitalists.) kapitalizmus

    English-Hungarian dictionary > capitalism

См. также в других словарях:

  • business — busi‧ness [ˈbɪzns] noun COMMERCE 1. [uncountable] the production, buying, and selling of goods or services for profit: • Students on the course learn about all aspects of business. • We are in business to create profit. • The company says it… …   Financial and business terms

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  • Business marketing — is the practice of individuals, or organizations, including commercial businesses, governments and institutions, facilitating the sale of their products or services to other companies or organizations that in turn resell them, use them as… …   Wikipedia

  • Business continuity — is the activity performed by an organization to ensure that critical business functions will be available to customers, suppliers, regulators, and other entities that must have access to those functions. These activities include many daily chores …   Wikipedia

  • Business acumen — is a concept pertaining to a person s knowledge and ability to make profitable business decisions. Originating within corporate learning and development circles, Charan, Ram. [http://www.strategy business.com/press/freearticle/06106?pg=7… …   Wikipedia

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