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См. также в других словарях:

  • bear — / bar/ vb bore / bōr/, borne, / bōrn/, also, born vt 1: to physically carry (as an object or message) the right of the people to keep and bear arms U.S. Constitution amend. II …   Law dictionary

  • evidence — ev·i·dence 1 / e və dəns, ˌdens/ n [Medieval Latin evidentia, from Latin, that which is obvious, from evident evidens clear, obvious, from e out of, from + videns, present participle of videre to see]: something that furnishes or tends to furnish …   Law dictionary

  • Bear Stearns — Industry Investment services Fate Bought by JP Morgan Chase in September 2008 Founded 1923 Defunct …   Wikipedia

  • bear witness — I verb acknowledge, attest, authenticate, avouch, avow, certify, corroborate, give evidence, inform on, promise, seal, sell out, speak, substantiate, swear, take the stand, tell on, testify, turn informer, turn state s evidence, vouch, witness… …   Law dictionary

  • bear witness to — bear testimony to the majestic windows bear witness to the architect s fascination with natural light his diary bears witness to his lifelong struggle with depression Syn: testify to, confirm, be evidence of, be proof of, attest to, evidence,… …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • evidence — n Evidence, testimony, deposition, affidavit are, in their legal senses, closely related but not synonymous terms. The last three designate forms of evidence, or material submitted to a competent legal tribunal as a means of ascertaining where… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • bear upon — I verb advocate, affect, apply, apply to, cause, coax, concern, connect, have to do with, influence, insist, interest, involve, pertain, pertain to, press, pressure, recommend, refer, regard, relate, relate to, respect, rest on, tie in with,… …   Law dictionary

  • evidence — [ev′ə dəns, ev′ədens΄] n. [ME < OFr < L evidentia < evidens, clear, evident < e , from + videns, prp. of videre, to see: see WISE2] 1. Archaic the condition of being evident 2. something that makes another thing evident; indication;… …   English World dictionary

  • bear out — index attest, certify (attest), corroborate, document, evidence, justify, substantiate, support ( …   Law dictionary

  • bear witness to — index attest, certify (attest), depose (testify), evidence Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • bear witness — [v] vouch for attest, confirm, corroborate, demonstrate, depose, evidence, evince, prove, show, testify, testify to; concepts 49,71,317 …   New thesaurus

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