Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 101 outback

    ((in Australia) the country areas away from the coast and cities.) interior
    * * *
    ['autbæk] n cafundó, zona rural.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > outback

  • 102 outward

    1) (on or towards the outside; able to be seen: Judging by his outward appearance, he's not very rich; no outward sign of unhappiness.) exterior
    2) ((of a journey) away from: The outward journey will be by sea, but they will return home by air.) ida
    * * *
    ['autwəd] n aparência exterior, mundo exterior. • adj 1 externo, exterior. 2 visível, aparente. 3 material,corpóreo. 4 extrínseco. 5 para uso externo. 6 superficial. • adv 1 fora, do lado externo. 2 visivelmente, publicamente. 3 para fora. 4 materialmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > outward

  • 103 privacy

    noun (the state of being away from other people's sight or interest: in the privacy of your own home.) privacidade
    * * *
    [pr'aivəsi] n 1 privacidade. 2 retiro, isolamento. 3 segredo, reserva. 4 vida particular.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > privacy

  • 104 red herring

    1) (something that leads people away from the main point in a discussion.) pista falsa
    2) (a false clue or line of enquiry.) pista falsa
    * * *
    red herring
    a) arenque defumado. b) tentativa de desviar o assunto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > red herring

  • 105 rive

    [raiv] n rocha, fenda. • vt (pp riven) 1 rachar, fender, rasgar. 2 arrancar, rasgar, abrir ou separar à força (away, from, off). 3 rachar facilmente. 4 fazer ripas ou lousas para o telhado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rive

  • 106 secluded

    (not able to be seen, talked to etc by other people; far away from other people etc: a secluded cottage.) isolado
    * * *
    [sikl'u:did] adj retirado, isolado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > secluded

  • 107 shun

    past tense, past participle - shunned; verb
    (to avoid or keep away from.) evitar
    * * *
    [ʃ∧n] vt evitar, afastar-se, marginalizar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shun

  • 108 slant

    1. verb
    (to be, lie etc at an angle, away from a vertical or horizontal position or line; to slope: The house is very old and all the floors and ceilings slant a little.) estar inclinado
    2. noun
    (a sloping line or direction: The roof has a steep slant.) declive
    * * *
    [sla:nt, slænt] n 1 ladeira, inclinação, declive. 2 intenção, inclinação, ponto de vista. 3 coll olhadela. • vt+vi inclinar, inclinar-se, ter declive. • adj inclinado, oblíquo. on the slant inclinado. what’s your slant about it? qual é a sua opinião a respeito?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > slant

  • 109 squint

    [skwint] 1. verb
    1) (to have the physical defect of having the eyes turning towards or away from each other or to cause the eyes to do this: The child squints; You squint when you look down at your nose.) ser vesgo
    2) ((with at, up at, through etc) to look with half-shut or narrowed eyes: He squinted through the telescope.) olhar com os olhos semicerrados
    2. noun
    1) (a squinting position of the eyes: an eye-operation to correct her squint.) estrabismo
    2) (a glance or look at something: Let me have a squint at that photograph.) olhadela
    3. adjective, adverb
    ((placed etc) crookedly or not straight: Your hat is squint.) de través
    * * *
    [skwint] n 1 piscar de olhos. 2 olhadela, olhar de soslaio. 3 estrabismo. he has a squint / ele é vesgo ou estrábico. 4 inclinação, tendência. • vt+vi 1 piscar, olhar com os olhos meio fechados. 2 manter os olhos meio fechados. 3 olhar de soslaio. 4 ser estrábico ou vesgo. 5 andar ou correr em sentido oblíquo, inclinar-se. • adj estrábico, vesgo, que olha de soslaio. he squints at ele está cobiçando com os olhos. to have/ take a squint coll dar uma olhada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > squint

  • 110 truant

    (someone who stays away from school etc without permission: The truants were caught and sent back to school.) gazeteiro
    - play truant
    * * *
    [tr'uənt] n 1 ocioso. 2 cábula: estudante cabulador, gazeteiro. 3 pessoa negligente dos deveres, vadio. • adj 1 faltoso, cabulador. 2 negligente (nos deveres), relaxado. 3 preguiçoso, vadio. to play truant cabular aula, gazetear.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > truant

  • 111 verb

    (the word or phrase that gives the action, or asserts something, in a sentence, clause etc: I saw him; He ran away from me; I have a feeling; What is this?) verbo
    - verbally
    - verbatim
    - verbose
    * * *
    [və:b] n Gram verbo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > verb

  • 112 walk

    (to walk, stand etc on the toes: He stood on tiptoe(s) to reach the shelf.) pôr-se em bicos dos pés
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    [wɔ:k] n 1 passeio: a) caminhada a pé. b) lugar em que se passeia habitualmente. c) calçada. 2 o andar a pé ou a passo lento, passo, marcha, modo de andar. 3 caminhada: distância a percorrer a pé. 4 caminho, rua, alameda, avenida. 5 pasto, cercado. 6 zona, distrito (de vendedor). 7 circuito, itinerário regular, rota. 8 conduta, procedimento, comportamento. 9 condição ou posição social. 10 ramo, profissão, ocupação. • vt 1 passear, levar a passeio, andar a pé, caminhar. 2 ir a passo lento, ir devagar. 3 andar sobre, andar por. 4 perambular, vaguear. 5 progredir lentamente. 6 portar-se, viver, conduzir-se, comportar-se. 7 medir com passos. 8 levar, conduzir (to para). 9 fazer andar. to walk away ( from) não enfrentar (problema), desistir para não assumir as conseqüências. to walk into a) entrar em situações difíceis sem perceber. b) coll conseguir desempenhar funções com muita facilidade. to walk on air coll estar muito feliz, Braz estar nas nuvens. to walk out sair repentinamente, abandonar. to walk over somebody coll tratar muito mal, tratar com desconsideração. walk of life posição social e profissional.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > walk

  • 113 wean

    (to cause (a child or young animal) to become used to food other than the mother's milk: The baby has been weaned (on to solid foods).) desmamar
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    [wi:n] vt 1 desmamar, desaleitar. 2 desacostumar, despegar. 3 afastar, alienar. 4 curar de (um vício). to wean away from desacostumar alguém de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wean

  • 114 wide apart

    (a great (or greater than average) distance away from one another: He held his hands wide apart.) afastado entre si
    * * *
    wide apart
    muito separado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wide apart

  • 115 a stone's throw

    (a very short distance: They live only a stone's throw away from here.) a curta distância

    English-Portuguese dictionary > a stone's throw

  • 116 give a wide berth (to)

    (to keep well away from: I give people with colds a wide berth / give a wide berth to people with colds.) manter-se afastado

    English-Portuguese dictionary > give a wide berth (to)

  • 117 give a wide berth (to)

    (to keep well away from: I give people with colds a wide berth / give a wide berth to people with colds.) manter-se afastado

    English-Portuguese dictionary > give a wide berth (to)

  • 118 go wrong

    1) (to go astray, badly, away from the intended plan etc: Everything has gone wrong for her in the past few years.) correr mal
    2) (to stop functioning properly: The machine has gone wrong - I can't get it to stop!) avariar
    3) (to make a mistake: Where did I go wrong in that sum?) errar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > go wrong

  • 119 keep to

    (not to leave or go away from: Keep to this side of the park!; We kept to the roads we knew.) manter-se

    English-Portuguese dictionary > keep to

  • 120 live in

    (to have one's home at, away from, the place where one works: All the hotel staff live in; The nurse chose to live out.) (não) dormir no emprego

    English-Portuguese dictionary > live in

См. также в других словарях:

  • Away from the Sun — Studioalbum von 3 Doors Down Veröffentlichung 11. November 2002 Label Universal Records …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Away from the Sun — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Away from the Sun Álbum de 3 Doors Down Publicación 12 de noviembre, 2002 Grabación Seattle …   Wikipedia Español

  • Away From The Sun — Album par 3 Doors Down Sortie 12 novembre 2002 Durée 46 min 57 s Genre(s) Rock, Alternative rock Producteur(s) Ri …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Away from the sun — Album par 3 Doors Down Sortie 12 novembre 2002 Durée 46 min 57 s Genre(s) Rock, Alternative rock Producteur(s) Ri …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Away from the Sun — Album par 3 Doors Down Sortie 12 novembre 2002 Durée 46 min 57 s Genre Rock, Alternative rock Producteur Rick Parashar …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Away from Here — Album par Sirsy Sortie 30 mars 2002 Durée 42:26 Genre Pop Rock Format CD Producteur Richard Libutti, Melanie Krahmer …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Away from the Sun — (рус. Вдали от Солнца) второй студийный альбом американской рок группы 3 Doors Down, вышедший 12 ноября 2002 года. Синглы с альбома были следующие: When I m Gone , The Road I m On , Here Without You и Away from the Sun . Гитарист группы Rush… …   Википедия

  • away from it all — In or into a place which is remote from the bustle of life • • • Main Entry: ↑away …   Useful english dictionary

  • Away from Her — Infobox Film name = Away from Her writer = Alice Munro (short story) Sarah Polley starring = Julie Christie Gordon Pinsent Olympia Dukakis Kristen Thomson with Michael Murphy and Wendy Crewson director = Sarah Polley producer = Daniel Iron Simone …   Wikipedia

  • Away from Home — Infobox Single Name = Away From Home Cover size = Border = Caption = Artist = Dr Alban Album = Look Who s Talking A side = B side = Released = 1994 Format = CD single CD maxi Recorded = 1994 Genre = Dance, Electronic Length = 3:18 5:18… …   Wikipedia

  • Away from the Sun — Infobox Album | Name = Away from the Sun Type = Album Artist = 3 Doors Down | Released = November 12, 2002 Recorded = London Bridge in Seattle, Washington; Greenhouse in Burnaby, British Columbia; Ocean Way Studios in Hollywood, California Genre …   Wikipedia

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