Перевод: с английского на финский

с финского на английский


  • 1 answer

    • olla vastuussa
    • tulema
    • joutua vastuuseen
    • vastine
    • vastaaminen
    • vastata
    • vastaus
    • antaa vastaus
    • kantaa vastuu
    • sanoa
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (something said, written or done that is caused by a question etc from another person: She refused to give an answer to his questions.) vastaus
    2) (the solution to a problem: The answer to your transport difficulties is to buy a car.) ratkaisu
    2. verb
    1) (to make an answer to a question, problem, action etc: Answer my questions, please; Why don't you answer the letter?) vastata
    2) (to open (the door), pick up (the telephone) etc in reponse to a knock, ring etc: He answered the telephone as soon as it rang; Could you answer the door, please?) vastata, avata
    3) (to be suitable or all that is necessary (for): This will answer my requirements.) vastata, täyttää
    4) ((often with to) to be the same as or correspond to (a description etc): The police have found a man answering (to) that description.) vastata
    - answering machine
    - answer for
    - answerphone

    English-Finnish dictionary > answer

  • 2 meet

    • osua
    • saada heltymään
    • saada osakseen
    • torjua
    • tulla vastaan
    • nähdä
    • tyydyttää
    • hellyttää
    • heltyä
    • vastata
    • ajautua
    • täyttää
    • törmätä
    • tavata
    • kattaa
    • kokea
    • kohdata
    • kilpailu
    • sattua yhteen
    • maksaa
    • sulattaa
    • sopiva
    • sulaa
    • yhtyä
    • kuitata
    • kokoontuminen
    • kokoontua
    • kokoontumispaikka
    • kokoontua kokoukseen
    • lunastaa
    * * *
    mi:t 1. past tense, past participle - met; verb
    1) (to come face to face with (eg a person whom one knows), by chance: She met a man on the train.) tavata
    2) ((sometimes, especially American, with with) to come together with (a person etc), by arrangement: The committee meets every Monday.) kokoontua
    3) (to be introduced to (someone) for the first time: Come and meet my wife.) tutustua
    4) (to join: Where do the two roads meet?) yhtyä
    5) (to be equal to or satisfy (eg a person's needs, requirements etc): Will there be sufficient stocks to meet the public demand?) tyydyttää
    6) (to come into the view, experience or presence of: A terrible sight met him / his eyes when he opened the door.) kohdata
    7) (to come to or be faced with: He met his death in a car accident.) kohdata
    8) ((with with) to experience or suffer; to receive a particular response: She met with an accident; The scheme met with their approval.) kärsiä, joutua
    9) (to answer or oppose: We will meet force with greater force.) vastata
    2. noun
    (a gathering, especially of sportsmen: The local huntsmen are holding a meet this week.) kokoontuminen
    - meet someone halfway
    - meet halfway

    English-Finnish dictionary > meet

  • 3 next

    • tuleva
    • jälkeinen
    • tämän jälkeen
    • viereen
    • viereinen
    • ensi
    • sitten
    • välitön
    • seuraavan kerran
    • seuraavaksi
    • seuraava
    • lähin
    • lähinnä
    • läheinen
    * * *
    nekst 1. adjective
    (nearest in place, time etc: When you have called at that house, go on to the next one; The next person to arrive late will be sent away; Who is next on the list?) seuraava
    2. adverb
    (immediately after in place or time: John arrived first and Jane came next.) seuraavaksi
    3. pronoun
    (the person or thing nearest in place, time etc: Finish one question before you begin to answer the next; One minute he was sitting beside me - the next he was lying on the ground.) seuraava
    - biggest
    - oldest
    - next door
    - next to

    English-Finnish dictionary > next

  • 4 someone

    • joku
    • eräs
    * * *
    1) (an unknown or unnamed person: There's someone at the door - would you answer it?; We all know someone who needs help.) joku
    2) (a person of importance: He thinks he is someone.) tärkeä henkilö

    English-Finnish dictionary > someone

  • 5 back

    • olla puolella
    • pakki
    • rästissä oleva
    • tukea
    • tuki
    • noja
    • huovata
    • vasta
    • puolustaja
    • tausta
    • kannattaa
    • hamara
    • peräyttää
    • perä
    • peruuttaa
    • peräpää
    • perimmäinen
    • peräytyä
    • perukka
    • selkäpii
    • selkä
    • selkänoja
    • selus
    • selusta
    • selkänahka
    • selkämys
    • selkäkappale
    • selkäpuoli
    • takapuoli
    • takakappale
    • takaperin
    • takainen
    • taka-
    • takaosa
    • taaksepäin
    • takakappale (hameen)
    • takaisin-
    • takakappale (housun)
    • taaempi
    • takamies
    • taka
    • takapää
    • takaisin
    • takimmainen
    • kääntöpuoli
    • lyödä vetoa puolesta
    * * *
    bæk 1. noun
    1) (in man, the part of the body from the neck to the bottom of the spine: She lay on her back.) selkä
    2) (in animals, the upper part of the body: She put the saddle on the horse's back.) selkä
    3) (that part of anything opposite to or furthest from the front: the back of the house; She sat at the back of the hall.) takaosa
    4) (in football, hockey etc a player who plays behind the forwards.) puolustaja
    2. adjective
    (of or at the back: the back door.) taka-, selkä-
    3. adverb
    1) (to, or at, the place or person from which a person or thing came: I went back to the shop; He gave the car back to its owner.) takaisin
    2) (away (from something); not near (something): Move back! Let the ambulance get to the injured man; Keep back from me or I'll hit you!) pois
    3) (towards the back (of something): Sit back in your chair.) taaksepäin
    4) (in return; in response to: When the teacher is scolding you, don't answer back.) takaisin
    5) (to, or in, the past: Think back to your childhood.) taaksepäin
    4. verb
    1) (to (cause to) move backwards: He backed (his car) out of the garage.) peruuttaa
    2) (to help or support: Will you back me against the others?) tukea
    3) (to bet or gamble on: I backed your horse to win.) lyödä vetoa
    - backbite
    - backbiting
    - backbone
    - backbreaking
    - backdate
    - backfire
    - background
    - backhand
    5. adverb
    (using backhand: She played the stroke backhand; She writes backhand.) rystylyönnillä, vasenviisto
    - back-number
    - backpack
    - backpacking: go backpacking
    - backpacker
    - backside
    - backslash
    - backstroke
    - backup
    - backwash
    - backwater
    - backyard
    - back down
    - back of
    - back on to
    - back out
    - back up
    - have one's back to the wall
    - put someone's back up
    - take a back seat

    English-Finnish dictionary > back

  • 6 panel

    • paneelikeskustelu
    • paneeli
    • paneloida
    • ruutu
    • verhoilla
    • aihio
    • asiantuntijaryhmä
    • päällystää
    • taulu
    • kojetaulu
    • levy
    • kaistale
    • monijäseninen toimielin
    • peili
    • sairausvakuutuslääkärien luettelo
    • laudoittaa
    • lautamiehistö
    • laudoitus
    • pitkä ja kapea kuva
    • komitea
    • korokekeskustelun osanottaja
    * * *
    1) (a flat, straight-sided piece of wood, fabric etc such as is put into a door, wall, dress etc: a door-panel.) paneeli
    2) (a group of people chosen for a particular purpose eg to judge a contest, take part in a quiz or other game: I will ask some questions and the panel will try to answer them.) paneeli, joukkue
    - panelling

    English-Finnish dictionary > panel

  • 7 key

    • ohjausuloke
    • painike
    • ruuvitaltta
    • tuloskirja
    automatic data processing
    • näppäin
    • tunnus
    • varustaa avainaukolla
    • virittää
    • vetoavain
    • avainuloke
    • avain
    • avainloveta
    • avaintieto
    • ensisijainen
    • ratkaiseva
    • ratkaisu
    • kiila
    • kiilata
    • lennätinkoodi
    • selitys
    • selite
    • läppä
    • sähkötysavain
    • sähköttää
    • sävellaji
    • äänilaji
    • koodi
    • kosketin
    * * *
    ki: 1. noun
    1) (an instrument or tool by which something (eg a lock or a nut) is turned: Have you the key for this door?) avain
    2) (in musical instruments, one of the small parts pressed to sound the notes: piano keys.) kosketin
    3) (in a typewriter, calculator etc, one of the parts which one presses to cause a letter etc to be printed, displayed etc.) näppäin
    4) (the scale in which a piece of music is set: What key are you singing in?; the key of F.) sävellaji
    5) (something that explains a mystery or gives an answer to a mystery, a code etc: the key to the whole problem.) avain
    6) (in a map etc, a table explaining the symbols etc used in it.) merkkien selitys
    2. adjective
    (most important: key industries; He is a key man in the firm.) avainasemassa oleva
    - keyhole
    - keyhole surgery
    - keynote
    - keyed up

    English-Finnish dictionary > key

См. также в других словарях:

  • door — [ dɔr ] noun count *** 1. ) a large flat object you open when you want to enter or leave a building, room, or vehicle: a little house with a red door The door creaked slowly open. There was a draft coming from under the door. open/close/shut the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Door to Door (Modern Family) — Door to Door Modern Family episode Episode no. Season 3 Episode 4 Directed by Chris Koch Written by …   Wikipedia

  • door — W1S1 [do: US do:r] n [: Old English; Origin: duru door and dor gate ] 1.) the large flat piece of wood, glass etc that you open and close when you go into or out of a building, room, vehicle etc, or when you open a cupboard →↑gate open/close/shut …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Open the Door, Richard — is a song first recorded on the Black White Records label by saxophonistist Jack McVea at the suggestion of A R man Ralph Bass. In 1947, it was the number one song on Billboard s Honor Roll of Hits and became a runaway pop sensation.[1] Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Foot-in-the-door technique — (FITD) is a compliance tactic that involves getting a person to agree to a large request by first setting them up by having that person agree to a modest request. [Freedman, J.L. Fraser, S.C. (1966). Compliance without pressure: The foot in the… …   Wikipedia

  • The Honest Whore — is an early Jacobean city comedy, written in two parts; Part 1 is a collaboration between Thomas Dekker and Thomas Middleton, while Part 2 is the work of Dekker alone. The plays were acted by the Admiral s Men.Part 1 The Honest Whore, Part 1 was… …   Wikipedia

  • The Richleighs of Tantamount — is a children’s historical novel written by British author Barbara Willard. It was originally published in the United Kingdom in 1966 by the publishers, Constable, before being published in the United States by Harcourt, Brace World in June 1967 …   Wikipedia

  • answer — [[t]ɑ͟ːnsə(r), æ̱n [/t]] ♦ answers, answering, answered 1) VERB When you answer someone who has asked you something, you say something back to them. [V n] I knew Ben was lying when he answered me... [V n] Just answer the question... He paused… …   English dictionary

  • door — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ open ▪ closed, shut ▪ locked, unlocked ▪ half open ▪ The door was half ope …   Collocations dictionary

  • door — [[t]dɔ͟ː(r)[/t]] ♦ doors 1) N COUNT A door is a piece of wood, glass, or metal, which is moved to open and close the entrance to a building, room, cupboard, or vehicle. I was knocking at the front door there was no answer... The policeman opened… …   English dictionary

  • door */*/*/ — UK [dɔː(r)] / US [dɔr] noun [countable] Word forms door : singular door plural doors 1) a) a large flat object that you open when you want to enter or leave a building, room, or vehicle a little cottage with a red door The door creaked slowly… …   English dictionary

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