Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский

to hear smth with the greatest satisfaction

  • 1 to hear smth with the greatest satisfaction

    to hear smth with the utmost/with the greatest (with extreme) satisfaction слышать о чём-либо с величайшим (чрезвычайным) удовлетворением/удовольствием

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to hear smth with the greatest satisfaction

  • 2 satisfaction

    удовлетворение, удовлетворённость, удовольствие

    They felt satisfaction that a fair compromise had been reached. — Они были довольны, что было найдено компромиссное решение.

    She felt satisfaction at winning a prize. — Она была довольна тем, что выиграла приз.

    The paper was at last written to my satisfaction. — К моему удовлетворению работа наконец-то была напмсана

    - deep satisfaction
    - complete satisfaction
    - feeling of satisfaction
    - matter of satisfaction
    - one of his greatest satisfactions
    - smb's satisfaction with the results
    - satisfaction of all the parties concerned
    - everybody's satisfaction
    - hear smth with the greatest satisfaction
    - say smth with the greatest satisfaction
    - do smth with a special satisfaction
    - give smb some satisfaction
    - have a great satisfaction
    - have the satisfaction of knowing all the facts
    - express satisfaction

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > satisfaction

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