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  • 81 حالة

    حَالَة \ case: a state of affairs; a condition: In most cases we can help, but your case is different, an example (esp. of a disease) There were three cases of food-poisoning in our class. circumstance: the facts connected with a person or event; the conditions; the case: He died in very strange circumstances. In (or under) the circumstances, I shall not punish you. condition: state: in good condition; in a dirty condition. phase: one period during a course of change; the look of a thing during that period: The baby was going through a noisy phase. Watch the phases of the moon. position: a personal condition: His death left me in a difficult position. repair: condition (of sth. that is not new and might need repair): Your house is in good repair. situation: position; state of affairs: The loss of several teachers left the headmaster in a difficult situation. state: condition: a dirty state; a state of confusion. \ See Also وضع (وَضْع)، ظرف (ظَرْف)‏ \ حَالَة الجوّ \ weather: the state of the sky and the air: fine sunny weather; cold wet weather. \ حَالَة حَرْب \ war: fighting between nations: the World War of 1939-45; two countries at war (with each other). \ حَالَةُ سُعَالٍ (مَرَضِيّة)‏ \ cough: an act of coughing; a condition of the throat that causes coughing: He gave a gentle cough to get my attention. Many smokers have a nasty cough. \ حَالَة صِحِّيَّة جَيّدة \ trim: a state of fitness and readiness: You must practise to keep in (good) trim for the race. \ حَالَة طارِئَة \ emergency: a sudden happening which forces us to act quickly. \ حَالَة اللاّتَعْشِيق (في تُرُوس الآلة)‏ \ neutral: (of the gears that can join a machine to its engine) being separated, so that the engine can run but the machine remains still: Your car must be in neutral (gear) when you start the engine. \ حَالَة نَفْسِيَّة \ frame of mind: state of mind: He’s in a generous frame of mind today. humour: temper; state of mind: Our teacher was in a bad humour this morning. mood: the state of one’s mind and feelings: She’s in a very good mood today; she feels happy. spirit: a state of mind: He’s in high spirits. His spirits rose when he heard the good news. \ حَالَة هُدوء \ calm: a time or state of being calm.

    Arabic-English dictionary > حالة

  • 82 خرق

    خَرَقَ \ bore: to make a hole with a tool that turns round: to bore holes in wood. break (broke, broken): not to be faithful to (a law, a promise, etc.): He always tries not to break the law. infringe: to break (a rule). pierce: (of sharp points) to go through or into; make a hole in: The knife pierced his stomach. puncture: to make a puncture in (sth., esp. in the tyre of a car, so that air comes out). \ خَرَقَ \ offend: to do wrong: I offended against the law by driving too fast. \ See Also خَالَف القانون

    Arabic-English dictionary > خرق

  • 83 رشاش

    رَشَاش \ splash: sth. that has been splashed: splashes of mud on the car. spray: small drops of liquid, scattered through the air by the wind (or scientifically, by air pressure): Clouds of spray rose from the waterfall.

    Arabic-English dictionary > رشاش

  • 84 زحف

    زَحَفَ \ crawl: to move along slowly, on hands and knees or like a snake: Babies crawl before they can walk, move slowly The car crawled up the hill. creep (crept): to move with the body close to the ground; move along slowly, quietly or secretly. \ زَحَفَ \ scramble: to move hastily and with difficulty (over rough or steep ground, through bushes, up trees, etc.) using hands as well as feet. \ See Also تَسَلَّقَ بِسُرعَةٍ على يَدَيْهِ وَرِجْلَيْه

    Arabic-English dictionary > زحف

  • 85 صاحب

    صَاحِب \ companion: sb. that one likes to be with; a friend: John and his companions often go fishing together. His dog is his only companion. keeper: (in compounds) sb. who looks after sth.: goalkeeper; shopkeeper. master: the male owner of a dog or horse: A dog obeys his master’s call. owner: sb. who owns sth.; a possessor: Who is the owner of this car?. proprietor: an owner (esp. of land or buildings): the hotel proprietor. \ صَاحِب \ employer: one who gives paid work. \ See Also رب العمل (رَبّ العَمَل)‏ \ صَاحِب \ householder: sb. who owns or rents the house that she or he lives in. \ See Also ساكن البيت \ صَاحِب \ landlord: a man from whom one rents land or buildings. \ See Also مالك العَقار \ صَاحِب \ banker: one who controls a bank. \ See Also مُدير مَصْرِف \ صَاحِب \ landlord: a man who keeps an inn, public house or lodging house. \ See Also مدير المَنْزول، الفُنْدُق \ صَاحِب \ sponsor: sb. who puts forward a plan (or the name of a person who plans to do sth.) and accepts any duty or expense concerning it. \ See Also مُقَدِّم اقتراح \ صَاحِب الجَلالَة \ majesty: (used in speaking to or about a king or queen) the person of a king or queen: His majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen were present at the ceremony. \ صَاحِب حِرْفَة \ artisan: a skilled workman. \ صَاحِب الخَان \ innkeeper: one who keeps an inn. \ See Also الفُندق \ صَاحِب دُكّان \ shopkeeper, store keeper: sb. who works in a shop and often owns it. \ See Also حانوت (حَانُوت)‏ \ صَاحِب ذِمَّة \ conscientious: guided by conscience; careful to do one’s duty in the smallest matters: She’s conscientious about paying her bills at once. \ صَاحِب السُّلْطة \ authority: whoever has this power: The city authorities control the police. \ صَاحِب السُّمُوّ \ Highness: the title of honour given to sb. of royal rank: His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. \ صَاحِب مَتْجَر \ tradesman, tradesmen: sb. who trades (in a small way); a shopkeeper. \ صَاحِب مَزْرَعة \ planter: sb. who grows crops or trees on a plantation. \ صَاحِب مَزْرَعة صَغِيرة \ smallholder: the owner of a smallholding. \ صَاحِب مَصْنَع \ industrialist: sb., esp. a factory owner, who gains money through industry. manufacturer: the owner of a factory where things are manufactured. \ صَاحِب اليَخْت \ yachtsman: sb. who owns or sails a yacht. \ صاحِبة \ landlady: a woman from whom one rents land or buildings; a woman who keeps an inn or public house. \ See Also مالِكة المَنْزل

    Arabic-English dictionary > صاحب

  • 86 غير

    غَيَّرَ \ alter: to change; make or become different: People’s appearances alter as they grow older. She has altered her skirt because it was too short. change: to make sth. different: We had to change our plans.. modify: to change slightly; make more reasonable: They modified their demands and accepted a smaller increase in pay. revise: to read through and make any necessary changes to (one’s own written work, to improve it); read or study again (books or notes, before an examination); reconsider (one’s opinions): She revised her book and made it more modern. He had only 2 days to revise before the English exam. transfer: to move from one place to another: We transferred our account to a different bank. transform: to change in shape, appearance, character, etc.: The desert had been transformed into fields of corn. \ See Also عدل (عَدَّلَ)، راجع (رَاجَعَ)، نقل (نَقَلَ)‏ \ غَيَّرَ الاتجاه بشكل مُفَاجِئ \ swerve: to change direction suddenly: The car swerved to avoid the child. \ غَيَّرَ رأيه \ change one’s mind: to come to have a new opinion; make a different decision: We were going to go to America for a holiday, but we changed our minds and stayed at home instead, change one’s opinion or intention I was going to London today, but I changed my mind and stayed at home. think better of it: to change one’s plan; decide (wisely) not to do sth.: I planned to leave my job, but then I thought better of it., to change one’s plan; decide not to do sth. I planned to leave my job, but then I thought better of it.

    Arabic-English dictionary > غير

  • 87 غير

    غَيْر \ another: a different one: We’ll go there another time. If this hat does not fit, try another. besides: as well as: I have two brothers besides John.. other: (in comparisons) different: He likes French cigarettes and won’t smoke any other kind. This side is dry; the other side is wet. I can’t do it now; I have other things to do. short of: less than; other than: Nothing short of a new government will save the country. un-: giving an opposite sense: ‘Unlikely’ means ‘not likely’. \ See Also آخر (آخَر)‏ \ غَيْرُ أَجْوَف \ solid: not hollow: without holes: a solid rubber ball. \ See Also صلب (صُلْب)‏ \ غَيْرُ أَكيد \ faint: (of thoughts and feelings) weak; uncertain: I haven’t the faintest idea where she is. uncertain: not certain doubtful; undecided; changeable: I’m uncertain what time he’s coming. Our holiday plans are still uncertain, we haven’t decided where to go. The weather is uncertain - it may rain soon. \ See Also ضعيف (ضَعِيف)، غير مؤكّد \ غَيْرُ أمْلَس \ rough: not smooth: a rough road; a rough surface. \ غَيْرُ آمن \ insecure: not safe; not supported or able to support other things: Be careful of that door - the lock is very insecure. \ غَيْرُ أُمِّيّ \ literate: able to read and write. \ غَيْرَ أنَّ \ but: yet: He came but she did not. I need food but I have no money to buy any. She is thin but strong. only: but: She wanted to buy it, only she had no money. \ غَيْرُ أهل للثّقة \ suspect: not trustworthy; possibly the cause of trouble: a rather suspect character. \ غَيْرُ بالِغ \ immature: not fully formed or developed. \ غَيْرُ بهيج \ dull: (of weather or colour) not clean or bright; cloudy: a dull day; a dull blue. \ غَيْرُ جاهز للعَمَل \ out of training: not in good condition. \ غَيْرُ جَمِيل \ plain: (of people) not good-looking: He was a nice boy, but rather plain and not very clever. \ غَيْرُ جَمِيل \ homely: (of people, faces, etc.) not goodlooking. \ See Also جذاب (جذّاب)‏ \ غَيْرُ حادّ \ dull: (of the senses) not sharp: a dull pain. \ غَيْرُ حَذِر \ unwary: (esp. as a noun with the) careless; not looking out for danger or deceit: ‘Easy’ questions in an exam are often a trap for the unwary (or for unwary people). \ غَيْرُ حقيقي \ unreal: imaginary; not related to facts. \ غَيْرُ دقيق \ rough: not carefully made; not properly finished; not exact: a rough drawing; a rough guess. \ غَيْرُ ذلك \ else: other (together with the first one); besides: Who else came? Did you look anywhere else, or only under the bed?, other (instead of the first one); instead Let’s talk about something else. Peter was ill, so someone else came. If there’s no coffee, what else can I drink?. otherwise: differently: I thought it was true, but they thought otherwise. \ غَيْرُ رَسْمِيّ \ informal: without ceremony or special dress: The prince paid an informal visit to the town. private: not official; not concerning one’s work; concerning one’s home and family: In his private life, the actor is rather quiet, although in the play he is loud and angry. \ غَيْرُ سَارّ \ bad, worse, worst: (of news, weather, etc.) unpleasant. \ غَيْرُ سالِك \ impassable: (of roads) unfit for use; blocked (by snow, mud, etc.). \ غَيْرُ سَكران \ sober: not under the control of alcohol; not drunk: A car driver ought to be sober. \ غَيْرُ سليمة \ broken, break: (of language) incorrectly spoken by a foreigner: broken English. \ غَيْرُ شَرْعِيّ \ illegal: against the law: A crime is an illegal act. illegitimate: (of a child) born to a mother who is not married. \ غَيْرُ شريف \ crooked: dishonest. \ غَيْرُ شَفّاف \ opaque: not allowing light to pass through it: opaque glass. \ غَيْرُ صافٍ \ gross: (of figures or amounts) whole, before subtracting anything; the opposite of net: Your gross pay is the amount before tax is paid. \ غَيْرُ صَالِح للاستعمال \ out of order: not working: I couldn’t ring you up yesterday because our telephone was out of order. \ غَيْرُ صالح للأَكل \ inedible: not fit to eat. \ غَيْرُ صَالِح لِلْعَمَل \ out of action: not working; out of order: This telephone is out of action. \ غَيْرُ صِحّي \ insanitary: so dirty that health is put at risk: an insanitary kitchen. \ غَيْرُ صحيح \ false: wrong; incorrect: a false idea. \ غَيْرُ صَحيح \ unsound: not in good condition, not satisfactory: unsound teeth; an unsound explanation. \ See Also سَليم \ غَيْرُ ضَارّ \ harmless: causing no harm; gentle: A lamb is a harmless creature. Is this insect poison harmless to people?. \ غَيْرُ ضروريّ \ needless: useless; unnecessary (trouble, expense etc.). \ غَيْرُ طاهر \ impure: not pure. \ غَيْرُ طَبيعِيّ \ artificial: adj. (of teeth, light, silk, etc.) not natural; made by man. False: not natural: false teeth. weird: very strange. \ غَيْرُ عَادِيّ \ abnormal: different from what is natural or usual: It is abnormal to have only 3 fingers on one hand. exceptional: unusual: That book is an exeptional one. It was an exceptionally hot summer. peculiar: unusual strange. remarkable: surprising; unusual and worth noticing: a remarkable change; a remarkably goodlooking child. unusual: not usual; strange. \ غَيْرُ عالِم بِـ \ ignorant of: not having heard about (a particular thing): I was ignorant of his plans. \ غَيْرُ عَمَليّ \ theoretical: adj. of theories; not learned from experience; supposed; not proved: I have only a theoretical knowledge of cooking from reading cookery books. \ غَيْرُ فَعّال \ inefficient: not working well; wasting time or power: Old machines are often inefficient. He is an inefficient clerk. \ غَيْرُ قابل للتصديق (غير معقول)‏ \ incredible: too strange to be believed; unbelievable: an incredible story. \ غَيْرُ قادِر \ incapable: not able to do sth.; not having the power or nature to do sth.: flowers are incapable of growing without light. She is incapable of being unkind to people. \ غَيْرُ قادِر على الحركة \ numb: having no feeling: My fingers were numb with cold. \ غَيْرُ قانونيّ \ illegal: against the law: A crime is an illegal act. wrongful: unjust; unlawful: wrongful imprisonment. \ غَيْرُ كافٍ \ insufficient: not enough (in power, ability, etc.): insufficient knowledge; insufficient food. lacking: missing: The bread was enough but the butter was lacking. scanty: (of a supply, of clothing, etc.) very small; not enough: He was too scantily dressed to keep warm. \ غَيْرُ كامِل \ incomplete: not complete; not perfect: This piece of work is incomplete - please finish it. His explanation is incomplete - it doesn’t explain all the facts. \ غَيْرُ كَثِيف \ sparse: thinly scattered: sparse hair; sparse grass. \ غَيْرُ كُفْء \ inefficient: not working well; wasting time or power: Old machines are often inefficient. He is an inefficient clerk. \ غَيْرُ لائق \ beneath sb.’s dignity: unsuitable for sb. to do: It was beneath the teacher’s dignity to sweep the classroom. improper: not proper; unsuitable; not polite: improper behaviour. \ غَيْرُ لَبِق \ awkward: (of manner or movement) showing difficulty; not skilful: He is too awkward on his feet to be a dancer. tactless: showing no understanding or skill in dealing with others: a tactless person; a tactless statement. \ غَيْرُ مُؤَدَّب \ impolite: not polite; rude. \ غَيْرُ مُؤذٍ \ innocent: harmless: innocent amusements. \ غَيْرُ مؤكَّد \ uncertain: not certain; doubtful; undecided; changeable: I’m uncertain what time he’s coming. Our holiday plans are still uncertain, we haven’t decided where to go. The weather is uncertain - it may rain soon. \ غَيْرُ مُؤلم \ painless: causing no pain. \ غَيْرُ مأْلوف \ queer: strange, unusually and not understood: a queer noise. uncouth: lacking good manners; strange in one’s appearance: It is uncouth to push your knife into your mouth when eating. Modern young men don’t condiser it uncouth to wear their hair long. \ غَيْرُ مَأْهول \ desert: (of an island) with nobody living on it. wild: (of plants, creatures, land, etc.) in a natural state, not under the control of man. \ غَيْرُ مُبَاشِر \ indirect: not straight or directly joined to; meaning something which is not directly said: an indirect road; the indirect result of an action; an indirect answer. \ غَيْرُ مُبَالٍ \ indifferent: not caring; not interested: He was quite indifferent to his children’s troubles. \ غَيْرُ مَبْتُوت بأمْرِه \ pending: (of a doubtful matter, esp. in court) not yet settled. \ غَيْرُ مُبْهَم \ definite: certain; clear: a definite promise; a definite plan of action. \ غَيْرُ متأكِّد \ in doubt: uncertain: When in doubt, ask your father. \ غَيْرُ مُتَجَانِس \ odd: mixed; different from each other: a boxful of odd tools; two odd shoes (not a pair). \ غَيْرُ مُتَحَرِّك \ stationary: not moving: a stationary vehicle. \ غَيْرُ مُتَحَفِّظ \ outspoken: (of sb. or his speech) saying just what one thinks, although it may annoy some people. \ غَيْرُ مُتَحَمِّس \ cool: unfriendly; They gave us rather a cool welcome. \ غَيْرُ متحمّس لِـ \ half-hearted: not eager; showing little effort or interest: He made a half-hearted attempt at the work. \ غَيْرُ مُتَرَابِط \ scrappy: made of scraps; incomplete; badly arranged: a scrappy meal; a scrappy report. \ غَيْرُ مُتَّصِل \ intermittent: repeatedly stopping and starting; not continuous: intermittent rain. \ غَيْرُ مُتَّصِل بِـ \ irrelevant: not concerned with, not in any way related to the subject: If you are appointing a good teacher, his height is quite irrelevant. \ غَيْرُ مُتَطَرِّف \ moderate: reasonable (in size or amount; in one’s customs or opinions, etc.); neither too big nor too small; neither too much nor too little: moderate prices; moderate political aims. \ غَيْرُ مُتقَن \ rough: not carefully made; not properly finished; not exact: a rough drawing; a rough guess. \ غَيْرُ مُتْقَن (للشيء أو العمل)‏ \ sloppy: (of a person) lacking effort or spirit; weakly lazy; (of a substance) wet and loose: a sloppy piece of work; a sloppy paste. \ غَيْرُ مُتَكَلّف \ homely: simple and friendly; making one feel at home: This little hotel has a homely feeling. \ غَيْرُ مُتَمدِّن (إنسان)‏ \ savage: old use sb. living in an undeveloped society, seen as fierce and wild and likely to attack strangers. \ غَيْرُ مُتَوَازِن \ top-heavy: so heavy at the top that it is likely to fall over: a top heavy load. \ غَيْرُ مُتَوَافر \ out of stock: not in stock. \ غَيْرُ مُتَوَقَّع \ abrupt: (of movement, change, etc.) sudden and unexpected: an abrupt change of plan. unexpected: not expected; surprising that one did not think would happen: an unexpected present; something quite unexpected. \ غَيْرُ مُجْدٍ \ vain: useless; unsuccessful: a vain attempt. ineffective: not able to produce the desired effect: This medicine is quite ineffective. \ غَيْرُ مُحْتَرِف \ amateur: one who works or plays for pleasure, not for money: an amateur actor. \ غَيْرُ مُحْتَمَل \ improbable: not likely to happen: That is an improbable idea. intolerable: (of heat, annoyance, rudeness, etc.) more than one can bear. \ غَيْرُ مُحَدَّد \ indefinite: adj. not clear; not fixed in time: indefinite ideas; at an indefinite date. \ غَيْرُ مَحْدُود \ infinite: endless; not measurable: I have infinite faith in his abilities. This is infinitely better than that. The infinite space of the sky. whole-hearted: full, unlimited, eager and willing: His plan had their whole-hearted support. \ غَيْرُ مُدْرِك \ unaware: not knowing: I was unaware of all the facts. He was unaware of the danger he was in. \ غَيْرُ مَرْئيّ \ invisible: unable to be seen: The sun remained invisible behind the heavy clouds. unseen: not seen; without being seen: The prisoner escaped unseen. \ غَيْرُ مُرَاعٍ لشُعور الآخرين \ thoughtless: careless; not troubling about the future or about other people: a thoughtless waste of money; thoughtless cruelty. \ غَيْرُ مَرْبُوط \ undone: not done finished; no longer fastened: He left half the work undone. Your shoe has came undone. \ غَيْرُ مَرْبُوط \ loose: not tied; not contained in sth.: The sweets were sold loose, not packed in tins. \ See Also مقيد (مُقيَّد)‏ \ غَيْرُ مُرْتاح \ uneasy: anxious, uncomfortable. \ غَيْرُ مُرَتَّب \ dishevelled: (of a person’s appearance, esp. hair) untidy. \ غَيْرُ مُرَكَّز \ watery: like water; containing too much water: watery milk. weak: (of liquids like tea or coffee) lacking taste or strength, because of too much water or milk. \ غَيْرُ مُريح \ inconvenient: causing difficulty; not what suits one: That is an inconvenient time to visit me. uncomfortable: not comfortable: This chair is very uncomfortable. I’m very uncomfortable in it. \ غَيْرُ مَسْؤُول \ irresponsible: doing foolish things without thinking of the probable results; not trustworthy: It was irresponsible of you to give the child a box of matches to play with. \ غَيْرُ مُسْتَحَبّ \ unpleasant: not pleasing or enjoyable; (of people) wanting to quarrel; unkind: What an unpleasant smell! The heat of summer can be very unpleasant. That man was rather unpleasant to me. \ غَيْرُ مُسْتَخْدَم \ obsolete: no longer used; out of date: an obsolete word; an obsolete custom. \ غَيْرُ مُسْتَعْمَل \ archaic: very old; (esp. of words) no longer used. \ غَيْرُ مُسْتَوٍ \ irregular: not regular; uneven: irregular visits; an irregular shape. rugged: rough and rocky: a rugged coast; rugged cliffs. \ غَيْرُ مُسْرَج \ bareback: (in riding horses, etc.) without a proper leather seat: The boys rode bareback. \ غَيْرُ مُسْكِر (للشَّراب)‏ \ soft: (of drinks) not alcoholic. \ غَيْرُ مَشْرُوع \ foul: (in sport) disobeying the rules: Foul play. The whistle was blown for a foul. \ غَيْرُ مشغول \ free: not busy; not in use: If you’re free this evening, let’s go to the cinema. Is this seat free?. \ غَيْرُ مُصابٍ بِأَذى \ intact: not touched; not damaged or broken; complete: The box was broken but the contents were intact. \ غَيْرُ مَصْقول \ rough: not carefully made; not properly finished; not exact: a rough drawing; a rough guess. coarse: (of people and their manners) rough; rude: a coarse fellow; a coarse laugh. \ غَيْرُ مُصَنَّع \ crude: in its natural state: crude oil. \ غَيْرُ مَصْنُوع \ undone: not done finished; no longer fastened: He left half the work undone. Your shoe has come undone. \ See Also منجز (مُنْجَز)‏ \ غَيْرُ مطبوخ \ raw: uncooked: raw meat. \ غَيْرُ مُطْلَق \ relative: comparative: the relative values of gold and iron. \ غَيْرُ مُعَدّ \ rambling: (of speeches, stories, etc.) not planned; wandering aimlessly: He wrote a long rambling letter about his troubles. \ غَيْرُ مُعَشَّق \ out of gear: with the engine separated from the driving wheels. \ غَيْرُ مُعَقَّد \ simple: plain; not fine or grand: We lead a simple life in the country. \ See Also منمق (مُنَمَّق)، متكلف (مُتَكَلَّف)‏ \ غَيْرُ مَعْقُول \ absurd: not at all sensible; foolish: The singer’s absurd clothes made us laugh. \ غَيْرُ مُغَطّى \ naked: not protected by a cover: naked sword; a naked light (whose flame is therefore dangerous). \ غَيْرُ مُفيد \ useless: worthless; fulfilling no purpose; without effect. \ غَيْرُ مَقْرُوء \ illegible: difficult or impossible to read (because the letters or figures cannot be clearly seen). \ غَيْرُ مُقَيَّد \ open: not limited: The next race is open to children of any age. It’s an open race. \ غَيْرُ مُقَيَّد \ wanton: carelessly uncontrolled;with no good reason; wild or playful, with bad resutls: Wanton behaviour causes wanton damage. \ غَيْرُ مُكْتَرِث \ careless: not taking care: Careless drivers cause accidents. indifferent: not caring; not interested: He was quite indifferent to his children’s troubles. \ غَيْرُ مُكْتَرَث بِه \ perfunctory: done with little interest or care: a perfunctory piece of work. \ غَيْرُ مُلائِم \ adverse: unfavourable: an adverse report; adverse winds that delay sailing. improper: not proper; unsuitable; not polite: improper behaviour. inconvenient: causing difficulty; not what suits one: That is an inconvenient time to visit me. \ غَيْرُ مُمطِر \ dry: not wet; with no rain; with no water: a dry cloth; dry weather; a dry river. \ غَيْرُ ممكِن \ impossible: not possible. \ غَيْرُ مُمَيّز \ indiscriminate: not choosing carefully: He invited people indiscriminately to his party. \ غَيْرُ مناسب \ wrong: not correct; mistaken; unsuitable: That’s the wrong answer, and the wrong way to do it. She came in the wrong clothes for riding. \ See Also ملائم (مُلائِم)‏ \ غَيْرُ مُنْطَبِق على \ irrelevant: not concerned with, not in any way related to the subject: If you are appointing a good teacher, his height is quite irrelevant. \ غَيْرُ مُنَظَّم \ random: not planned, not regular: random visits to the city. \ See Also غَيْر مُخَطَّط \ غَيْرُ مَنْظُور \ unseen: not seen; without being seen: The prisoner escaped unseen. \ غَيْرُ مُهْتَمّ به \ perfunctory: done with little interest or care: a perfunctory piece of work. \ غَيْرُ مُهَذَّب \ impolite: not polite; rude. uncouth: lacking good manners; strange in one’s appearance: It is uncouth to push your knife into your mouth when eating. Modern young men don’t condiser it uncouth to wear their hair long. \ غَيْرُ مَوْثوق \ irresponsible: doing foolish things without thinking of the probable results; not trustworthy: It was irresponsible of you to give the child a box of matches to play with. suspect: not trustworthy; possibly the cause of trouble: a rather suspect character. \ غَيْرُ مُوجِع \ painless: causing no pain. \ غَيْرُ موجُود \ lacking: missing: The bread was enough but the butter was lacking. \ غَيْرُ مَوْصُول بالمُحَرِّك \ out of gear: with the engine separated from the driving wheels. \ غَيْرُ ناضج \ immature: not fully formed or developed. \ غَيْرُ نِظاميّ \ irregular: not regular; uneven: irregular visits; an irregular shape. \ غَيْرُ نَقِيّ \ cloudy: (of liquids) not clear. impure: not pure. \ غَيْرُ واثِق \ uncertain: not certain doubtful; undecided; changeable: I’m uncertain what time he’s coming. \ غَيْرُ واثِق من نفْسه \ insecure: feeling afraid and not sure of oneself: He’s a very insecure person, and so he always thinks other people don’t like him. \ غَيْرُ واضِح \ dull: (of the senses) not sharp: a dull pain. vague: not clearly seen or expressed or understood; (of people) having no clear ideas: She made a vague statement. He’s rather vague about his duties. \ غَيْرُ واقعي \ fictitious: imagined; not a fact; not true: a fictitious character in a book. \ غَيْرُ وِدّي \ icy: (of a voice or manner) very cold; very unfriendly. cold: unfriendly: a cold welcome; a cold heart.

    Arabic-English dictionary > غير

  • 88 فجأة

    فَجْأَة \ all at once: suddenly: All at once, a car came round the corner. all of a sudden: in a sudden manner. short: (with verbs like stop) suddenly: Halfway through his speech, he stopped short and looked around him. suddenly: in a sudden manner: The door opened suddenly.

    Arabic-English dictionary > فجأة

  • 89 قطع

    قَطَعَ \ cover: to travel a certain distance: We covered 300 miles in a day. cut: to separate, wound or treat with sth. sharp, esp. with a knife: I cut a branch off the tree. Please cut this apple in half. cut down: to cause to fall: He cut the tree down. cut off: to remove by cutting: He cut off the branch, to stop Our electricity supply was cut off till we paid the bill. cut short: to shorten: He cut short his visit because he felt ill. interrupt: to stop; prevent for a short time: The electricity supply was interrupted by the storm. sever: to cut through (or cut off) violently and completely: He severed the rope with a knife. His left arm was severed in the accident. shut off: to stop a supply: The water was shut off because the pipe burst. strike off: to cut off with a sharp blow: He struck the branch off with an axe. \ See Also اجتاز (اِجْتَازَ)، قصر (قَصَّرَ)، أَعَاقَ، منع (مَنَعَ)‏ \ قَطَعَ (بانصهار الفصَّال)‏ \ fuse: (of electrical things) to stop when the fuse melts; cause (sth. electrical) to stop in this way: The lights have fused. A worn wire in the radio fused the lights. \ See Also اِنْقَطَعَ التَّيار \ قَطَعَ الاتصال \ disconnect: to separate; pull out the wires of (sth. electrical) which join it to the main supply: The doctor disconnected the machine. \ قَطَعَ الأمل \ despair: to cease hoping: We despaired of finding our stolen car. \ See Also يئس (يَئِسَ)‏ \ قَطَعَ بعضُه بعضًا \ cross: (of letters, roads, travellers, etc.) to meet and pass, going in different directions: Our letters crossed in the post. \ See Also تقاطع (تَقاطَع)‏ \ قَطَعَ بفأس \ hew: to cut (with an axe, sword, etc.). \ قَطَعَ بالمِنْشار \ saw: to cut with a saw. \ قَطَعَ الشجرة \ chop down: to cause to fall by chopping: The men chopped down several trees. \ قَطَعَ الطريق على... \ intercept: to stop or catch sb. or sth. on the way: their secret message (or messenger) was intercepted by the police. One of their team intercepted the ball before it reached me. \ قَطَعَ على نَفْسِه عهدًا \ vow: to promise solemnly.

    Arabic-English dictionary > قطع

  • 90 قلب

    قَلَبَ \ convert: to change sth. from one state to another: The hotel was converted into a school. overturn: to turn over (by mistake): She went too fast round the corner and overturned (her car). reverse: to change to an opposite condition: The order was reversed, so that the first singer became the last. turn: (with into or to) to change: He is turning his sitting room into an office. \ قَلَبَ \ topple: to fall or cause to fall slowly (usu. of sth. that is topheavy). tip: to fall (or to make sth. fall) out of a container; empty: I tipped the water out of the pot. The fruit tipped out of the basket when I fell. upset: to turn over by mistake, so that the contents fall out: My coffee upset. I upset my coffee (or my coffee cup). \ See Also انقلب (اِنْقَلَبَ)‏ \ قَلَبَ (المكان) رأسًا على عَقِب بحثًا عن \ ransack: to search wildly through sth., and to leave its contents in disorder: The thieves ransacked the house without finding the hidden jewels.

    Arabic-English dictionary > قلب

  • 91 كسب

    كَسَبَ \ come by: to obtain sth: How did you come by that book?. earn: to obtain in return for one’s work: He earns $6000 a year. make: to gain (friends, money, etc.). pay one’s way: to earn enough for one’s needs; not get into debt. profit: to gain: We can profit (gain wisdom or skill) by experience. win: to gain (sth. esp. by hard work, by good fortune, by risking money or by doing better than others): We won a free holiday through a newspaper competition. I won $10 at the horse races. Our team has won every match. gain: to obtain (sth. useful, necessary, wanted etc.). get, got, gotten: to obtain (sth. that one wants): I must get a new car. \ See Also حصل (حَصَّلَ)، جنى (جَنَى)، ربح (رَبِحَ)‏ \ كَسَبَ قُوْتَه (بأساليب بارعة ولكنها ليست دائمًا شريفة)‏ \ live by one’s wits: to gain what one needs by cleverness rather than by work.

    Arabic-English dictionary > كسب

  • 92 لمح

    لَمَحَ \ catch a glimpse: to have a glimpse: I caught a glimpse of the driver’s face as the car raced past. catch sight of: to see for a moment, in the distance: I caught sight of her in the crowd. glance: to take a quick look: I glanced hurriedly through the newspaper.

    Arabic-English dictionary > لمح

  • 93 مدفأة

    مِدْفَأَة \ fire: sth. that burns and gives heat: a wood fire; an electric fire; a camp fire. fireplace: a place for lighting fires in a house. heater: a device for heating sth. (a room, a car, the water supply of a house, etc.) by oil, electricity or gas. radiator: a device for heating a room (either electrically or by hot water passing through pipes). stove: an enclosed fire, for cooking or heating.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مدفأة

  • 94 ممر

    مَمَرّ \ corridor: a long passage from which doors open into rooms; a passage like this in a railway carriage. footpath: a path for people to walk. pass: a narrow way across a line of mountains. passage: a narrow way inside a building: There were rooms on each side of the passage, a narrow way (between walls) beside or under a building. trail: a path through wild country. walk: a path: There is a pretty walk beside the lake. \ مَمَرّ (بين كراسِي المَسْرَح، إلخ)‏ \ aisle: a passage between blocks of seats in a church, theatre, etc.. \ See Also ممشى (مَمْشى)‏ \ مَمَرّ بين مقاعِد \ gangway: a passage between rows of seats in a theatre or hall. \ مَمَرّ مَسْقُوف \ gallery: a long narrow hall. \ مَمَرّ مُقَنْطَر \ arcade: an arched passage, often with shops along it. \ مَمَرّ مُنْحَدِر \ ramp: a sloping way, for rolling or driving sth. between two levels: I drove the car up the ramp on to the ship.

    Arabic-English dictionary > ممر

  • 95 all at once

    فَجْأَة \ all at once: suddenly: All at once, a car came round the corner. all of a sudden: in a sudden manner. short: (with verbs like stop) suddenly: Halfway through his speech, he stopped short and looked around him. suddenly: in a sudden manner: The door opened suddenly.

    Arabic-English glossary > all at once

  • 96 all of a sudden

    فَجْأَة \ all at once: suddenly: All at once, a car came round the corner. all of a sudden: in a sudden manner. short: (with verbs like stop) suddenly: Halfway through his speech, he stopped short and looked around him. suddenly: in a sudden manner: The door opened suddenly.

    Arabic-English glossary > all of a sudden

  • 97 short

    فَجْأَة \ all at once: suddenly: All at once, a car came round the corner. all of a sudden: in a sudden manner. short: (with verbs like stop) suddenly: Halfway through his speech, he stopped short and looked around him. suddenly: in a sudden manner: The door opened suddenly.

    Arabic-English glossary > short

  • 98 suddenly

    فَجْأَة \ all at once: suddenly: All at once, a car came round the corner. all of a sudden: in a sudden manner. short: (with verbs like stop) suddenly: Halfway through his speech, he stopped short and looked around him. suddenly: in a sudden manner: The door opened suddenly.

    Arabic-English glossary > suddenly

  • 99 appreciate

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > appreciate

  • 100 attain

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > attain

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