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  • 121 πνεῦμα

    πνεῦμα, ατος, τό (πνέω; Aeschyl., Pre-Socr., Hdt.+. On the history of the word s. Rtzst., Mysterienrel.3 308ff).
    air in movement, blowing, breathing (even the glowing exhalations of a volcanic crater: Diod S 5, 7, 3)
    wind (Aeschyl. et al.; LXX, EpArist, Philo; Jos., Ant. 2, 343; 349; SibOr 8, 297) in wordplay τὸ πνεῦμα πνεῖ the wind blows J 3:8a (EpJer 60 πνεῦμα ἐν πάσῃ χώρᾳ πνεῖ. But s. TDonn, ET 66, ’54f, 32; JThomas, Restoration Qtrly 24, ’81, 219–24). ὀθόνη πλοίου ὑπὸ πνεύματος πληρουμένη MPol 15:2. Of God ὁ ποιῶν τοὺς ἀγγέλους αὐτοῦ πνεύματα who makes his angels winds Hb 1:7; 1 Cl 36:3 (both Ps 103:4).
    the breathing out of air, blowing, breath (Aeschyl. et al.; Pla., Tim. 79b; LXX) ὁ ἄνομος, ὅν ὁ κύριος Ἰησοῦς ἀνελεῖ τῷ πνεύματι τοῦ στόματος αὐτοῦ 2 Th 2:8 (cp. Is 11:4; Ps 32:6).
    that which animates or gives life to the body, breath, (life-)spirit (Aeschyl. et al.; Phoenix of Colophon 1, 16 [Coll. Alex. p. 231] πν.=a breathing entity [in contrast to becoming earth in death]; Polyb. 31, 10, 4; Ps.-Aristot., De Mundo 4 p. 394b, 8ff; PHib 5, 54 [III B.C.]; PGM 4, 538; 658; 2499; LXX; TestAbr A 17 p. 98, 19 [Stone p. 44] al.; JosAs 19:3; SibOr 4, 46; Tat. 4:2) ἀφιέναι τὸ πνεῦμα give up one’s spirit, breathe one’s last (Eur., Hec. 571; Porphyr., Vi. Plotini 2) Mt 27:50. J says for this παραδιδόναι τὸ πν. 19:3 (cp. ApcMos 31 ἀποδῶ τὸ πν.; Just., D. 105, 5). Of the return of the (life-)spirit of a deceased person into her dead body ἐπέστρεψεν τὸ πν. αὐτῆς Lk 8:55 (cp. Jdg 15:19). εἰς χεῖράς σου παρατίθεμαι τὸ πν. μου into your hands I entrust my spirit 23:46 (Ps 30:6; for alleged focus on ἐλπίζειν s. EBons, BZ 38, ’94, 93–101). κύριε Ἰησοῦ, δέξαι τὸ πνεῦμά μου Ac 7:59; composite of both passages AcPl Ha 10, 23 (cp. ApcMos 42). τὸ πν. μου ὁ δεσπότης δέξεται GJs 23:3 (on the pneuma flying upward after death cp. Epicharm. in Vorsokrat. 23 [=13, 4th ed.], B 9 and 22; Eur., Suppl. 533 πνεῦμα μὲν πρὸς αἰθέρα, τὸ σῶμα δʼ ἐς γῆν; PGM 1, 177ff τελευτήσαντός σου τὸ σῶμα περιστελεῖ, σοῦ δὲ τὸ πνεῦμα … εἰς ἀέρα ἄξει σὺν αὑτῷ ‘when you are dead [the angel] will wrap your body … and take your spirit with him into the sky’). τὸ σῶμα χωρὶς πν. νεκρόν ἐστιν Js 2:26. πν. ζωῆς ἐκ τ. θεοῦ εἰσῆλθεν ἐν αὐτοῖς (i.e. the prophet-witnesses who have been martyred) Rv 11:11 (cp. Ezk 37:10 v.l. εἰσῆλθεν εἰς αὐτοὺς πνεῦμα ζωῆς; vs. 5). Of the spirit that animated the image of a beast, and enabled it to speak and to have Christians put to death 13:15.—After a person’s death, the πν. lives on as an independent being, in heaven πνεύματα δικαὶων τετελειωμένων Hb 12:23 (cp. Da 3:86 εὐλογεῖτε, πνεύματα καὶ ψυχαὶ δικαίων, τὸν κύριον). According to non-biblical sources, the πν. are in the netherworld (cp. En 22:3–13; Sib Or 7, 127) or in the air (PGM 1, 178), where evil spirits can prevent them from ascending higher (s. ἀήρ2b). τοῖς ἐν φυλακῇ πνεύμασιν πορευθεὶς ἐκήρυξεν 1 Pt 3:19 belongs here if it refers to Jesus’ preaching to the spirits of the dead confined in Hades (so Usteri et al.; s. also JMcCulloch, The Harrowing of Hell, 1930), whether it be when he descended into Hades, or when he returned to heaven (so RBultmann, Bekenntnis u. Liedfragmente im 1 Pt: ConNeot11, ’47, 1–14).—CClemen, Niedergefahren zu den Toten 1900; JTurmel, La Descente du Christ aux enfers 1905; JMonnier, La Descente aux enfers 1906; HHoltzmann, ARW 11, 1908, 285–97; KGschwind, Die Niederfahrt Christi in die Unterwelt 1911; DPlooij, De Descensus in 1 Pt 3:19 en 4:6: TT 47, 1913, 145–62; JBernard, The Descent into Hades a Christian Baptism (on 1 Pt 3:19ff): Exp. 8th ser., 11, 1916, 241–74; CSchmidt, Gespräche Jesu mit seinen Jüngern: TU 43, 1919, 452ff; JFrings, BZ 17, 1926, 75–88; JKroll, Gott u. Hölle ’32; RGanschinietz, Katabasis: Pauly-W. X/2, 1919, 2359–449; Clemen2 89–96; WBieder, Die Vorstellung v. d. Höllenfahrt Jesu Chr. ’49; SJohnson, JBL 79, ’60, 48–51; WDalton, Christ’s Proclamation to the Spirits ’65. S. also the lit. in Windisch, Hdb.2 1930, exc. on 1 Pt 3:20; ESelwyn, The First Ep. of St. Peter ’46 and 4c below.—This is prob. also the place for θανατωθεὶς μὲν σαρκὶ ζωοποιηθεὶς δὲ πνεύματι• ἐν ᾧ καὶ … 1 Pt 3:18f (some mss. read πνεύματι instead of πνεύμασιν in vs. 19, evidently in ref. to the manner of Jesus’ movement; πνεῦμα is that part of Christ which, in contrast to σάρξ, did not pass away in death, but survived as an individual entity after death; s. ἐν 7). Likew. the contrast κατὰ σάρκα … κατὰ πνεῦμα Ro 1:3f. Cp. 1 Ti 3:16.
    a part of human personality, spirit
    when used with σάρξ, the flesh, it denotes the immaterial part 2 Cor 7:1; Col 2:5. Flesh and spirit=the whole personality, in its outer and inner aspects, oft. in Ign.: IMg 1:2; 13:1a; ITr ins; 12:1; IRo ins; ISm 1:1; IPol 5:1; AcPl Ant 13, 18 (=Aa I 237, 3).—In the same sense beside σῶμα, the body (Simplicius, In Epict. p. 50, 1; Ps.-Phoc. 106f; PGM 1, 178) 1 Cor 5:3–5; 7:34.—The inner life of humans is divided into ψυχὴ καὶ πνεῦμα (cp. Ps.-Pla., Axioch. 10 p. 370c τὶ θεῖον ὄντως ἐνῆν πνεῦμα τῇ ψυχῇ=a divine spirit was actually in the soul; Wsd 15:11; Jos., Ant. 1, 34; Tat. 13, 2; 15, 1 et al.; Ath. 27, 1. S. also Herm. Wr. 10, 13; 16f; PGM 4, 627; 630. ἐκ τριῶν συνεστάναι λέγουσι τὸν ἄνθρωπον ἐκ ψυχῆς καὶ σώματος καὶ πνεύματος Did., Gen. 55, 14) Hb 4:12. Cp. Phil 1:27. τὸ πνεῦμα καὶ ἡ ψυχὴ καὶ τὸ σῶμα 1 Th 5:23 (s. GMilligan, Thess. 1908, 78f; EvDobschütz in Meyer X7 1909, 230ff; EBurton, Spirit, Soul, and Flesh 1918; AFestugière, La Trichotomie des 1 Th 5:23 et la Philos. gr.: RSR 20, 1930, 385–415; CMasson, RTP 33, ’45, 97–102; FGrant, An Introd. to NT Thought ’50, 161–66). σαρκί, ψυχῇ, πνεύματι IPhld 11:2.
    as the source and seat of insight, feeling, and will, gener. as the representative part of human inner life (cp. PGM 4, 627; 3 Km 20:5; Sir 9:9 al.; Just., D. 30, 1; Did., Gen. 232, 5) ἐπιγνοὺς ὁ Ἰησοῦς τῷ πν. αὐτοῦ Mk 2:8. ἀναστενάξας τῷ πν. αὐτοῦ λέγει 8:12 (s. ἀναστενάζω). ἠγαλλίασεν τὸ πν. μου Lk 1:47 (in parallelism w. ψυχή vs. 46, as Sir 9:9). ἠγαλλιάσατο τῷ πν. 10:21 v.l., Ἰησοῦς ἐνεβριμήσατο τῷ πν. J 11:33 (s. ἐμβριμάομαι 3); Ἰης. ἐταράχθη τῷ πν. 13:21. παρωξύνετο τὸ πν. αὐτοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ Ac 17:16; ζέων τῷ πν. with spirit-fervor 18:25 (s. ζέω). τὸ παιδίον ἐκραταιοῦτο πνεύματι Lk 1:80; 2:40 v.l.; ἔθετο ὁ Παῦλος ἐν τῷ πν. Paul made up his mind Ac 19:21 (some would put this pass. in 6c, but cp. Lk 1:66 and analogous formulations Hom. et al. in L-S-J-M s.v. τίθημι A6). προσκυνήσουσιν τῷ πατρὶ ἐν πνεύματι of the spiritual, i.e. the pure, inner worship of God, that has nothing to do w. holy times, places, appurtenances, or ceremonies J 4:23; cp. vs. 24b. πν. συντετριμμένον (Ps 50:19) 1 Cl 18:17; 52:4.—2 Cl 20:4; Hv 3, 12, 2; 3, 13, 2.—This usage is also found in Paul. His conviction (s. 5 below) that the Christian possesses the (divine) πνεῦμα and thus is different fr. all other people, leads him to choose this word in preference to others, in order to characterize a believer’s inner being gener. ᾧ λατρεύω ἐν τῷ πν. μου Ro 1:9. οὐκ ἔσχηκα ἄνεσιν τῷ πν. μου 2 Cor 2:13. Cp. 7:13. As a matter of fact, it can mean simply a person’s very self or ego: τὸ πνεῦμα συμμαρτυρεῖ τῷ πνεύματι ἡμῶν the Spirit (of God) bears witness to our very self Ro 8:16 (cp. PGM 12, 327 ἠκούσθη μου τὸ πνεῦμα ὑπὸ πνεύματος οὐρανοῦ). ἀνέπαυσαν τὸ ἐμὸν πν. καὶ τὸ ὑμῶν they have refreshed both me and you 1 Cor 16:18. ἡ χάρις τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰ. Χρ. μετά τοῦ πν. (ὑμῶν) Gal 6:18; Phil 4:23; Phlm 25. Cp. 2 Ti 4:22. Likew. in Ign. τὸ ἐμὸν πν. my (unworthy) self IEph 18:1; IRo 9:3; cp. 1 Cor 2:11a—On the relation of the divine Spirit to the believer’s spiritual self, s. SWollenweider, Der Geist Gottes als Selbst der Glaubenden: ZTK 93, ’96, 163–92.—Only a part of the inner life, i.e. that which concerns the will, is meant in τὸ μὲν πνεῦμα πρόθυμον, ἡ δὲ σὰρξ ἀσθενής Mt 26:41; Mk 14:38; Pol 7:2. That which is inferior, anxiety, fear of suffering, etc. is attributed to the σάρξ.—The mng. of the expr. οἱ πτωχοὶ τῷ πνεύματι Mt 5:3 is difficult to determine w. certainty (cp. Pla., Ep. 7, 335a πένης ἀνὴρ τὴν ψυχήν. The dat. as τῇ ψυχῇ M. Ant. 6, 52; 8, 51). The sense is prob. those who are poor in their inner life, because they do not have a misdirected pride in their own spiritual riches (s. AKlöpper, Über den Sinn u. die ursprgl. Form der ersten Seligpreisung der Bergpredigt bei Mt: ZWT 37, 1894, 175–91; RKabisch, Die erste Seligpreisung: StKr 69, 1896, 195–215; KKöhler, Die ursprgl. Form der Seligpreisungen: StKr 91, 1918, 157–92; JBoehmer, De Schatkamer 17, 1923, 11–16, TT [Copenhagen] 4, 1924, 195–207, JBL 45, 1926, 298–304; WMacgregor, ET 39, 1928, 293–97; VMacchioro, JR 12, ’32, 40–49; EEvans, Theology 47, ’44, 55–60; HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion 1922, 134ff; Betz, SM 116 n. 178 for Qumran reff.).
    spiritual state, state of mind, disposition ἐν ἀγάπῃ πνεύματί τε πραΰτητος with love and a gentle spirit 1 Cor 4:21; cp. Gal 6:1. τὸ πν. τοῦ νοὸς ὑμῶν Eph 4:23 (s. νοῦς 2a). ἐν τῷ ἀφθάρτῳ τοῦ ἡσυχίου πνεύματος with the imperishable (gift) of a quiet disposition 1 Pt 3:4.
    an independent noncorporeal being, in contrast to a being that can be perceived by the physical senses, spirit (ELangton, Good and Evil Spirits ’42).
    God personally: πνεῦμα ὁ θεός J 4:24a (Ath. 16, 2; on God as a spirit, esp. in the Stoa, s. MPohlenz, D. Stoa ’48/49. Hdb. ad loc. Also Celsus 6, 71 [Stoic]; Herm. Wr. 18, 3 ἀκάματον μέν ἐστι πνεῦμα ὁ θεός).
    good, or at least not expressly evil spirits or spirit-beings (cp. CIG III, 5858b δαίμονες καὶ πνεύματα; Proclus on Pla., Cratyl. p. 69, 6; 12 Pasqu.; En 15:4; 6; 8; 10; TestAbr A 4 p. 81, 15f [Stone p. 10, 15f] πάντα τὰ ἐπουράνια πνεύματα; TestAbr B 13 p. 117, 26 [Stone p. 82] ὑψηλὸν πν.; PGM 3, 8 ἐπικαλοῦμαί σε, ἱερὸν πνεῦμα; 4, 1448; 3080; 12, 249) πνεῦμα w. ἄγγελος (cp. Jos., Ant. 4, 108; Ps.-Clem., Hom. 3, 33; 8, 12) Ac 23:8f. God is ὁ παντὸς πνεύματος κτίστης καὶ ἐπίσκοπος 1 Cl 59:3b.—Pl., God the μόνος εὐεργέτης πνεύματων 1 Cl 59:3a. Cp. 64 (s. on this Num 16:22; 27:16. Prayers for vengeance fr. Rheneia [Dssm., LO 351–55=LAE 423ff=SIG 1181, 2] τὸν θεὸν τὸν κύριον τῶν πνευμάτων; PGM 5, 467 θεὸς θεῶν, ὁ κύριος τῶν πν.; sim. the magic pap PWarr 21, 24; 26 [III A.D.]); the πατὴρ τῶν πνευμάτων Hb 12:9. Intermediary beings (in polytheistic terminology: δαίμονες) that serve God are called λειτουργικὰ πνεύματα Hb 1:14. In Rv we read of the ἑπτὰ πνεύματα (τοῦ θεοῦ) 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6; s. ASkrinjar, Biblica 16, ’35, 1–24; 113–40.— Ghost Lk 24:37, 39.
    evil spirits (PGM 13, 798; 36, 160; TestJob 27, 2; ApcSed [both Satan]; AscIs 3:28; Just., D. 39, 6 al.; Ath. 25, 3), esp. in accounts of healing in the Synoptics: (τὸ) πνεῦμα (τὸ) ἀκάθαρτον (Just., D. 82, 3) Mt 12:43; Mk 1:23, 26; 3:30; 5:2, 8; 7:25; 9:25a; Lk 8:29; 9:42; 11:24; Rv 18:2. Pl. (TestBenj 5:2) Mt 10:1; Mk 1:27; 3:11; 5:13; 6:7; Lk 4:36; 6:18; Ac 5:16; 8:7; Rv 16:13; ending of Mk in the Freer ms.—τὸ πν. τὸ πονηρόν Ac 19:15f. Pl. (En 99:7; TestSim 4:9; 6:6, TestJud 16:1; Just., D. 76, 6) Lk 7:21; 8:2; Ac 19:12f.—πν. ἄλαλον Mk 9:17; cp. vs. 25b (s. ἄλαλος). πν. πύθων Ac 16:16 (s. πύθων). πν. ἀσθενείας Lk 13:11. Cp. 1 Ti 4:1b. πνεῦμα δαιμονίου ἀκαθάρτου (s. δαιμόνιον 2) Lk 4:33. πνεύματα δαιμονίων Rv 16:14 (in effect = personified ‘exhalations’ of evil powers; for the combination of πν. and δαιμ. cp. the love spell Sb 4324, 16f τὰ πνεύματα τῶν δαιμόνων τούτων).—Abs. of a harmful spirit Mk 9:20; Lk 9:39; Ac 16:18. Pl. Mt 8:16; 12:45; Lk 10:20; 11:26.—1 Pt 3:19 (s. 2 above) belongs here if the πνεύματα refer to hostile spirit-powers, evil spirits, fallen angels (so FSpitta, Christi Predigt an die Geister 1890; HGunkel, Zum religionsgesch. Verständnis des NT 1903, 72f; WBousset, ZNW 19, 1920, 50–66; Rtzst., Herr der Grösse 1919, 25ff; Knopf, Windisch, FHauck ad loc.; BReicke, The Disobedient Spirits and Christian Baptism ’46, esp. 54–56, 69).—Hermas also has the concept of evil spirits that lead an independent existence, and live and reign within the inner life of a pers.; the Holy Spirit, who also lives or would like to live there, is forced out by them (cp. TestDan 4) Hm 5, 1, 2–4; 5, 2, 5–8; 10, 1, 2. τὸ πν. τὸ ἅγιον … ἕτερον πονηρὸν πν. 5, 1, 2. These πνεύματα are ὀξυχολία 5, 1, 3; 5, 2, 8 (τὸ πονηρότατον πν.); 10, 1, 2; διψυχία 9:11 (ἐπίγειον πν. ἐστι παρὰ τοῦ διαβόλου); 10, 1, 2; λύπη 10, 1, 2 (πάντων τῶν πνευμάτων πονηροτέρα) and other vices. On the complicated pneuma-concept of the Mandates of Hermas s. MDibelius, Hdb. exc. on Hm 5, 2, 7; cp. Leutzsch, Hermas 453f n. 133.
    God’s being as controlling influence, with focus on association with humans, Spirit, spirit as that which differentiates God fr. everything that is not God, as the divine power that produces all divine existence, as the divine element in which all divine life is carried on, as the bearer of every application of the divine will. All those who belong to God possess or receive this spirit and hence have a share in God’s life. This spirit also serves to distinguish Christians fr. all unbelievers (cp. PGM 4, 1121ff, where the spirit is greeted as one who enters devotees and, in accordance w. God’s will, separates them fr. themselves, i.e. fr. the purely human part of their nature); for this latter aspect s. esp. 6 below.
    the Spirit of God, of the Lord (=God) etc. (LXX; TestSim 4:4; JosAs 8:11; ApcSed 14:6; 15:6; ApcMos 43; SibOr 3, 701; Ps.-Phoc. 106; Philo; Joseph. [s. c below]; apolog. Cp. Plut., Numa 4, 6 πνεῦμα θεοῦ, capable of begetting children; s. παρθένος a) τὸ πν. τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 2:11b, 14; 3:16; 6:11; 1J 4:2a (Just., D. 49, 3; Tat. 13, 3; Ath. 22, 3). τὸ τοῦ θεοῦ πν. 1 Pt 4:14 (Just., A I, 60, 6). τὸ πν. τὸ ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 2:12b. τὸ πν. κυρίου Ac 5:9; B 6:14; B 9:2 (cp. Mel., P. 32, 222). τὸ πνεῦμά μου or αὐτοῦ: Mt 12:18 (Is 42:1); Ac 2:17f (Jo 3:1f.—Cp. 1QS 4:21); 1 Cor 2:10a v.l.; Eph 3:16; 1 Th 4:8 (where τὸ ἅγιον is added); 1J 4:13.—τὸ πν. τοῦ πατρὸς ὑμῶν Mt 10:20. τὸ πν. τοῦ ἐγείραντος τὸν Ἰησοῦν Ro 8:11a.—Without the art. πν. θεοῦ (JosAs 4:9; Tat. 15:3; Theoph. Ant. 1, 5 [p. 66, 18]) the Spirit of God Mt 3:16; 12:28; Ro 8:9b, 14, 19; 1 Cor 7:40; 12:3a; 2 Cor 3:3 (πν. θεοῦ ζῶντος); Phil 3:3. πν. κυρίου Lk 4:18 (Is 61:1); Ac 8:39 (like J 3:8; 20:22; Ac 2:4, this pass. belongs on the borderline betw. the mngs. ‘wind’ and ‘spirit’; cp. Diod S 3, 60, 3 Ἕσπερον ἐξαίφνης ὑπὸ πνευμάτων συναρπαγέντα μεγάλων ἄφαντον γενέσθαι ‘Hesperus [a son of Atlas] was suddenly snatched by strong winds and vanished fr. sight’. S. HLeisegang, Der Hl. Geist I 1, 1919, 19ff; OCullmann, TZ. 4, ’48, 364); 1 Cl 21:2.
    the Spirit of Christ, of the Lord (=Christ) etc. τὸ πν. Ἰησοῦ Ac 16:7. τὸ πν. Χριστοῦ AcPlCor 2:32. τὸ ἐν αὐτοῖς πν. Χριστοῦ 1 Pt 1:11. πν. Χριστοῦ Ro 8:9c. πν. τοῦ Χριστοῦ AcPl Ha 8, 18. ἀπὸ τοῦ πν. τοῦ χριστοῦ AcPlCor 2:10. τὸ πν. Ἰης. Χριστοῦ Phil 1:19. τὸ πν. κυρίου 2 Cor 3:17b (JHermann, Kyrios und Pneuma, ’61). τὸ πν. τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ (=θεοῦ) Gal 4:6. As possessor of the divine Spirit, and at the same time controlling its distribution among humans, Christ is called κύριος πνεύματος Lord of the Spirit 2 Cor 3:18 (s. Windisch ad loc.); but many prefer to transl. from the Lord who is the Spirit.—CMoule, OCullmann Festschr., ’72, 231–37.
    Because of its heavenly origin and nature this Spirit is called (the) Holy Spirit (cp. PGM 4, 510 ἵνα πνεύσῃ ἐν ἐμοὶ τὸ ἱερὸν πνεῦμα.—Neither Philo nor Josephus called the Spirit πν. ἅγιον; the former used θεῖον or θεοῦ πν., the latter πν. θεῖον: Ant. 4, 118; 8, 408; 10, 239; but ἅγιον πνεῦμα Orig. C. Cels 1, 40, 16).
    α. w. the art. τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον (Is 63:10f; Ps 50:13; 142:10 v.l.; cp. Sus 45 Theod.; TestAbr A 4 p. 81, 10 [Stone p. 10]; JosAs 8:11 [codd. ADE]; AscIs 3, 15, 26; Just., D. 36, 6 al.) Mt 12:32 = Mk 3:29 = Lk 12:10 (τὸ ἅγιον πνεῦμα; on the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’ s. HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion 1922, 96–112; AFridrichsen, Le péché contre le Saint-Esprit: RHPR 3, 1923, 367–72). Mk 12:36; 13:11; Lk 2:26; 3:22; 10:21; J 14:26; Ac 1:16; 2:33; 5:3, 32; 7:51; 8:18 v.l.; 10:44, 47; 11:15; 13:2; 15:8, 28; 19:6; 20:23, 28; 21:11; 28:25; Eph 1:13 (τὸ πν. τῆς ἐπαγγελίας τὸ ἅγιον); 4:30 (τὸ πν. τὸ ἅγιον τοῦ θεοῦ); Hb 3:7; 9:8; 10:15; 1 Cl 13:1; 16:2; 18:11 (Ps 50:13); 22:1; IEph 9:1; Hs 5, 5, 2; 5, 6, 5–7 (on the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Son in Hermas s. ALink, Christi Person u. Werk im Hirten des Hermas 1886; JvWalter, ZNW 14, 1913, 133–44; MDibelius, Hdb. exc. following Hs 5, 6, 8 p. 572–76).—τὸ ἅγιον πνεῦμα (Wsd 9:17; OdeSol 11:2; TestJob 51:2; ApcEsdr 7:16; Just. D. 25, 1 al.) Mt 28:19; Lk 12:10 (s. above), 12; Ac 1:8; 2:38 (epexegetic gen.); 4:31; 9:31; 10:45; 13:4; 16:6; 1 Cor 6:19; 2 Cor 13:13; 1J 5:7 v.l. (on the Comma Johanneum s. λόγο 3); GJs 24:4 (s. χρηματίζω 1bα). As the mother of Jesus GHb 20, 61 (HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion 1922, 64ff; SHirsch, D. Vorstellg. v. e. weibl. πνεῦμα ἅγ. im NT u. in d. ältesten christl. Lit. 1927. Also WBousset, Hauptprobleme der Gnosis 1907, 9ff).
    β. without the art. (s. B-D-F §257, 2; Rob. 761; 795) πνεῦμα ἅγιον (PGM 3, 289; Da 5:12 LXX; PsSol 17:37; AssMos Fgm. b; Just., D. 4, 1 al.; Ath. 24, 1. S. also Da Theod. 4:8, 9, 18 θεοῦ πνεῦμα ἅγιον or πνεῦμα θεοῦ ἅγιον) Mk 1:8; Lk 1:15, 35, 41, 67; 2:25; 4:1; 11:13; J 20:22 (Cassien, La pentecôte johannique [J 20:19–23] ’39.—See also 1QS 4:20f); Ac 2:4a; 4:8; 7:55; 8:15, 17, 19; 9:17; 10:38; 11:24; 13:9; 19:2ab; Hb 2:4; 6:4; 1 Pt 1:12 v.l.; 1 Cl 2:2; AcPl 6:18; 9:4 (restored after Aa I 110, 11); AcPlCor 2:5.—So oft. in combination w. a prep.: διὰ πνεύματος ἁγίου Ac 1:2; 4:25; Ro 5:5; 2 Ti 1:14; 1 Cl 8:1 (cp. διὰ πν. αἰωνίου Hb 9:14). διὰ φωνῆς πν. ἁγίου AcPl Ha 11, 6. ἐκ πνεύματος ἁγίου (Eus., PE 3, 12, 3 of the Egyptians: ἐκ τ. πνεύματος οἴονται συλλαμβάνειν τὸν γῦπα. Here πνεῦμα= ‘wind’; s. Horapollo 1, 11 p. 14f. The same of other birds since Aristot.—On the neut. πνεῦμα as a masc. principle cp. Aristoxenus, Fgm. 13 of the two original principles: πατέρα μὲν φῶς, μητέρα δὲ σκότος) Mt 1:18, 20; IEph 18:2; GJs 14:2; 19:1 (pap). ἐν πνεύματι ἁγίῳ (PsSol 17:37; ApcZeph; Ar. 15, 1) Mt 3:11; Mk 1:8 v.l.; Lk 3:16; J 1:33b; Ac 1:5 (cp. 1QS 3:7f); 11:16; Ro 9:1; 14:17; 15:16; 1 Cor 12:3b; 2 Cor 6:6; 1 Th 1:5; 1 Pt 1:12 (without ἐν v.l.); Jd 20. ὑπὸ πνεύματος ἁγίου 2 Pt 1:21. Cp. ἐν δυνάμει πνεύματος ἁγίου Ro 15:13, 19 v.l. (for πνεύματος θεοῦ). μετὰ χαρᾶς πνεύματος ἁγίου 1 Th 1:6. διὰ ἀνακαινώσεως πνεύματος ἁγίου Tit 3:5.
    α. w. the art. τὸ πνεῦμα. In this connection the art. is perh. used anaphorically at times, w. the second mention of a word (s. B-D-F §252; Rob. 762); perh. Mt 12:31 (looking back to vs. 28 πν. θεοῦ); Mk 1:10, 12 (cp. vs. 8 πν. ἅγιον); Lk 4:1b, 14 (cp. vs. 1a); Ac 2:4b (cp. vs. 4a).—As a rule it is not possible to assume that anaphora is present: Mt 4:1; J 1:32, 33a; 3:6a, 8b (in wordplay), 34; 7:39a; Ac 8:29; 10:19; 11:12, 28; 19:1 D; 20:3 D, 22; 21:4; Ro 8:23 (ἀπαρχή 1bβ; 2), 26a, 27; 12:11; 15:30; 2 Cor 1:22 and 5:5 (KErlemann, ZNW 83, ’92, 202–23, and s. ἀρραβών); 12:18 (τῷ αὐτῷ πν.); Gal 3:2, 5, 14 (ἐπαγγελία 1bβ); Eph 4:3 (gen. of the author); 6:17 (perh. epexegetic gen.); 1 Ti 4:1a; Js 4:5; 1J 3:24; 5:6ab (some mss. add καὶ πνεύματος to the words διʼ ὕδατος κ. αἵματος at the beg. of the verse; this is approved by HvSoden, Moffatt, Vogels, Merk, and w. reservations by CDodd, The Joh. Epistles ’46, TManson, JTS 48, ’47, 25–33), vs. 8; Rv 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22; 14:13; 22:17; B 19:2, B 7= D 4:10 (s. ἐτοιμάζω b). ἐν τῷ πνεύματι (led) by the Spirit Lk 2:27.—Paul links this Spirit of God, known to every Christian, with Christ as liberating agent in contrast to legal constraint ὁ κύριος τὸ πνεῦμα ἐστιν the Lord means Spirit 2 Cor 3:17a (UHolzmeister, 2 Cor 3:17 Dominus autem Spiritus est 1908; JNisius, Zur Erklärung v. 2 Cor 3:16ff: ZKT 40, 1916, 617–75; JKögel, Ὁ κύριος τὸ πνεῦμά ἐστιν: ASchlatter Festschr. 1922, 35–46; C Guignebert, Congr. d’Hist. du Christ. II 1928, 7–22; EFuchs, Christus u. d. Geist b. Pls ’32; HHughes, ET 45, ’34, 235f; CLattey, Verb. Dom. 20, ’40, 187–89; DGriffiths ET 55, ’43, 81–83; HIngo, Kyrios und Pneuma, ’61 [Paul]; JDunn, JTS 21, ’70, 309–20).
    β. without the art. πνεῦμα B 1:3. κοινωνία πνεύματος Phil 2:1 (κοινωνία 1 and 2). πνεύματι in the Spirit or through the Spirit Gal 3:3; 5:5, 16, 18; 1 Pt 4:6. εἰ ζῶμεν πνεύματι, πνεύματι καὶ στοιχῶμεν if we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit Gal 5:25. Freq. used w. a prep.: διὰ πνεύματος 1 Pt 1:22 v.l. ἐξ (ὕδατος καὶ) πνεύματος J 3:5. ἐν πνεύματι in, by, through the Spirit Mt 22:43; Eph 2:22; 3:5; 5:18; 6:18; Col 1:8 (ἀγάπη ἐν πνεύματι love called forth by the Spirit); B 9:7. κατὰ πνεῦμα Ro 8:4f; Gal 4:29. ἐν ἁγιασμῷ πνεύματος 2 Th 2:13; 1 Pt 1:2 (s. ἁγιασμός).—In neg. expressions: οὔπω ἧν πνεῦμα the Spirit had not yet come J 7:39b. ψυχικοὶ πνεῦμα μὴ ἔχοντες worldly people, who do not have the Spirit Jd 19.—ἓν πνεῦμα one and the same Spirit 1 Cor 12:13; Eph 2:18; 4:4; one (in) Spirit 1 Cor 6:17.
    The Spirit is more closely defined by a gen. of thing: τὸ πν. τῆς ἀληθείας (TestJud 20:5) J 14:17; 15:26; 16:13 (in these three places the Spirit of Truth is the Paraclete promised by Jesus upon his departure); 1J 4:6 (opp. τὸ πνεῦμα τῆς πλάνης, as TestJud 20:1; PsSol 8:14 πλ. πλανήσεως; Just., D. 7, 3 πλάνου καὶ ἀκαθάρτου πνεύματος; cp. 1QS 4:23); τὸ τῆς δόξης πν. 1 Pt 4:14. τὸ πν. τῆς ζωῆς the Spirit of life Ro 8:2. το πν. τῆς πίστεως 2 Cor 4:13. πν. σοφίας καὶ ἀποκαλύψεως Eph 1:17 (cp. Just., D. 87, 4). πν. υἱοθεσίας Ro 8:15b (opp. πν. δουλείας vs. 15a). πν. δυνάμεως AcPl Ha 8, 25. πν. δυνάμεως καὶ ἀγάπης καὶ σωφρονισμοῦ 2 Ti 1:7 (opp. πν. δειλίας). τὸ πν. τῆς χάριτος (s. TestJud 24:2) Hb 10:29 (Zech 12:10); cp. 1 Cl 46:6.
    Of Christ ‘it is written’ in Scripture: (ἐγένετο) ὁ ἔσχατος Ἀδὰμ εἰς πνεῦμα ζῳοποιοῦν 1 Cor 15:45. The scripture pass. upon which the first part of this verse is based is Gen 2:7, where Wsd 15:11 also substitutes the words πνεῦμα ζωτικόν for πνοὴν ζωῆς (cp. Just., D. 6, 2). On the other hand, s. Philo, Leg. All. 1, 42 and s. the lit. s.v. Ἀδάμ ad loc.
    The (divine) Pneuma stands in contrast to everything that characterizes this age or the finite world gener.: οὐ τὸ πν. τοῦ κόσμου ἀλλὰ τὸ πν. τὸ ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 2:12; cp. Eph 2:2 and 1 Ti 4:1ab.
    α. in contrast to σάρξ, which is more closely connected w. sin than any other earthly material (Just., D. 135, 6): J 3:6; Ro 8:4–6, 9a, 13; Gal 3:3; 5:17ab; 6:8. Cp. B 10:9. πᾶσα ἐπιθυμία κατὰ τοῦ πνεύματος στρατεύεται Pol 5:3.
    β. in contrast to σῶμα (=σάρξ) Ro 8:10 and to σάρξ (=σῶμα, as many hold) J 6:63a (for τὸ πν. ἐστιν τὸ ζῳοποιοῦν cp. Philo, Op. Mund. 30; Herm. Wr. in Cyrill., C. Jul. I 556c=542, 24 Sc. the pneuma τὰ πάντα ζῳοποιεῖ καὶ τρέφει. S. also f above). Cp. Ro 8:11b.
    γ. in contrast to γράμμα, which is the characteristic quality of God’s older declaration of the divine will in the law: Ro 2:29; 7:6; 2 Cor 3:6ab, 8 (cp. vs. 7).
    δ. in contrast to the wisdom of humans 1 Cor 2:13.
    the Spirit of God as exhibited in the character or activity of God’s people or selected agents, Spirit, spirit (s. HPreisker, Geist u. Leben ’33).
    πνεῦμα is accompanied by another noun, which characterizes the working of the Spirit more definitely: πνεῦμα καὶ δύναμις spirit and power Lk 1:17; 1 Cor 2:4. Cp. Ac 10:38; 1 Th 1:5. πνεῦμα καὶ ζωή J 6:63b. πνεῦμα κ. σοφία Ac 6:3; cp. vs. 10 (cp. TestReub 2:6 πνεῦμα λαλίας). πίστις κ. πνεῦμα ἅγιον 6:5 (cp. Just., D. 135, 6). χαρὰ καὶ πνεῦμα ἅγ. 13:52.
    Unless frustrated by humans in their natural condition, the Spirit of God produces a spiritual type of conduct Gal 5:16, 25 and produces the καρπὸς τοῦ πνεύματος vs. 22 (s. Vögtle under πλεονεξία).
    The Spirit inspires certain people of God B 12:2; B 13:5, above all, in their capacity as proclaimers of a divine revelation (Strabo 9, 3, 5 the πνεῦμα ἐνθουσιαστικόν, that inspired the Pythia; Περὶ ὕψους 13, 2; 33, 5 of the divine πν. that impels prophets and poets to express themselves; schol. on Pla. 856e of a μάντις: ἄνωθεν λαμβάνειν τὸ πνεῦμα καὶ πληροῦσθαι τοῦ θεοῦ; Aristobulus in Eus., PE 8, 10, 4 [=Fgm. 2, 4 p. 136 Holladay] τὸ θεῖον πν., καθʼ ὸ̔ καὶ προφήτης ἀνακεκήρυκται ‘[Moses possessed] the Divine Spirit with the result that he was proclaimed a prophet’; AscIs 1:7 τὸ πν. τὸ λαλοῦν ἐν ἐμοί; AssMos Fgm. f εἶδεν πνεύματι ἐπαρθείς; Just., A I, 38, 1 al.; Ath. 10, 3 τὸ προφητικὸν πν. Cp. Marinus, Vi. Procli 23 of Proclus: οὐ γὰρ ἄνευ θείας ἐπινοίας … διαλέγεσθαι; Orig., C. Cels. 3, 28, 23). προφητεία came into being only as ὑπὸ πνεύματος ἁγίου φερόμενοι ἐλάλησαν ἀπὸ θεοῦ ἄνθρωποι 2 Pt 1:21; cp. Ac 15:29 v.l.; cp. 1 Cl 8:1. David Mt 22:43; Mk 12:36; cp. Ac 1:16; 4:25. Isaiah Ac 28:25. Moses B 10:2, B 9; the Spirit was also active in giving the tables of the law to Moses 14:2. Christ himself spoke in the OT διὰ τοῦ πνεύματος τοῦ ἁγίου 1 Cl 22:1. The ἱεραὶ γραφαί are called αἱ διὰ τοῦ πν. τοῦ ἁγίου 45:2.—The Christian prophet Agabus also ἐσήμαινεν διὰ τοῦ πν. Ac 11:28; cp. Ac 21:11. Likew. Ign. IPhld 7:2. In general the Spirit reveals the most profound secrets to those who believe 1 Cor 2:10ab.—1 Cl claims to be written διὰ τοῦ ἁγ. πν. 63:2. On Ac 19:21 s. 3b.
    The Spirit of God, being one, shows the variety and richness of its life in the different kinds of spiritual gifts which are granted to certain Christians 1 Cor 12:4, 7, 11; cp. vs. 13ab.—Vss. 8–10 enumerate the individual gifts of the Spirit, using various prepositions: διὰ τοὺ πν. vs. 8a; κατὰ τὸ πν. vs. 8b; ἐν τῷ πν. vs. 9ab. τὸ πν. μὴ σβέννυτε do not quench the Spirit 1 Th 5:19 refers to the gift of prophecy, acc. to vs. 20.—The use of the pl. πνεύματα is explained in 1 Cor 14:12 by the varied nature of the Spirit’s working; in vs. 32 by the number of persons who possess the prophetic spirit; on the latter s. Rv 22:6 and 19:10.
    One special type of spiritual gift is represented by ecstatic speaking. Of those who ‘speak in tongues’ that no earthly person can understand: πνεύματι λαλεῖ μυστήρια expresses secret things in a spiritual way 1 Cor 14:2. Cp. vss. 14–16 and s. νοῦς 1b. τὸ πνεῦμα ὑπερεντυγχάνει στεναγμοῖς ἀλαλήτοις the Spirit pleads in our behalf with groans beyond words Ro 8:26b. Of speech that is ecstatic, but expressed in words that can be understood λαλεῖν ἐν πνεύματι D 11:7, 8; cp. vs. 9 (on the subject-matter 1 Cor 12:3; Jos., Ant. 4, 118f; TestJob 43:2 ἀναλαβὼν Ἐλιφᾶς πν. εἶπεν ὕμνον). Of the state of mind of the seer of the Apocalypse: ἐν πνεύματι Rv 17:3; 21:10; γενέσθαι ἐν πν. 1:10; 4:2 (s. γίνομαι 5c, ἐν 4c and EMoering, StKr 92, 1920, 148–54; RJeske, NTS 31, ’85, 452–66); AcPl Ha 6, 27. On the Spirit at Pentecost Ac 2:4 s. KLake: Beginn. I 5, ’33, 111–21. κατασταλέντος τοῦ πν. τοῦ ἐν Μύρτῃ when the Spirit (of prophecy) that was in Myrta ceased speaking AcPl Ha 7, 9.
    The Spirit leads and directs Christian missionaries in their journeys (Aelian, NA 11, 16 the young women are led blindfolded to the cave of the holy serpent; they are guided by a πνεῦμα θεῖον) Ac 16:6, 7 (by dreams, among other methods; cp. vs. 9f and s. Marinus, Vi. Procli 27: Proclus ἔφασκεν προθυμηθῆναι μὲν πολλάκις γράψαι, κωλυθῆναι δὲ ἐναργῶς ἔκ τινων ἐνυπνίων). In Ac 16:6–7 τὸ ἅγιον πν. and τὸ πν. Ἰησοῦ are distinguished.
    an activating spirit that is not fr. God, spirit: πν. ἔτερον a different (kind of) spirit 2 Cor 11:4. Cp. 2 Th 2:2; 1J 4:1–3. Because there are persons activated by such spirits, it is necessary to test the var. kinds of spirits (the same problem Artem. 3, 20 περὶ διαφορᾶς μάντεων, οἷς δεῖ προσέχειν καὶ οἷς μή) 1 Cor 12:10; 1J 4:1b. ὁ διάβολος πληροῖ αὐτὸν αὐτοῦ πν. Hm 11:3. Also οὐκ οἴδατε ποίου πνεύματός ἐστε Lk 9:55 v.l. distinguishes betw. the spirit shown by Jesus’ disciples, and another kind of spirit.—Even more rarely a spirit divinely given that is not God’s own; so (in a quot. fr. Is 29:10) a πνεῦμα κατανύξεως Ro 11:8.
    an independent transcendent personality, the Spirit, which appears in formulas that became more and more fixed and distinct (cp. Ath. 12, 2; Hippol., Ref. 7, 26, 2.—Ps.-Lucian, Philopatr. 12 θεόν, υἱόν πατρός, πνεῦμα ἐκ πατρὸς ἐκπορευόμενον ἓν ἐκ τριῶν καὶ ἐξ ἑνὸς τρία, ταῦτα νόμιζε Ζῆνα, τόνδʼ ἡγοῦ θεόν=‘God, son of the father, spirit proceeding from the father, one from three and three from one, consider these as Zeus, think of this one as God’. The entire context bears a Christian impress.—As Aion in gnostic speculation Iren. 1, 2, 5 [Harv. I 21, 2]): βαπτίζοντες αὐτοὺς εἰς τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ πατρὸς καὶ τοῦ υἱοῦ καὶ τοῦ ἁγίου πνεύματος Mt 28:19 (on the text s. βαπτίζω 2c; on the subject-matter GWalther, Die Entstehung des Taufsymbols aus dem Taufritus: StKr 95, 1924, 256ff); D 7:1, 3. Cp. 2 Cor 13:13; 1 Cl 58:2; IEph 9:1; IMg 13:1b, 2; MPol 14:3; 22:1, 3; Epil Mosq 5. On this s. HUsener, Dreiheit: RhM 58, 1903, 1ff; 161ff; 321ff; esp. 36ff; EvDobschütz, Zwei-u. dreigliedrige Formeln: JBL 50, ’31, 116–47 (also Heinrici Festschr. 1914, 92–100); Norden, Agn. Th. 228ff; JMainz, Die Bed. der Dreizahl im Judentum 1922; Clemen2 125–28; NSöderblom, Vater, Sohn u. Geist 1909; DNielsen, Der dreieinige Gott I 1922; GKrüger, Das Dogma v. der Dreieinigkeit 1905, 46ff; AHarnack, Entstehung u. Entwicklung der Kirchenverfassung 1910, 187ff; JHaussleiter, Trinitarischer Glaube u. Christusbekenntnis in der alten Kirche: BFCT XXV 4, 1920; JLebreton, Histoire du dogme de la Trinité I: Les origines6 1927; RBlümel, Pls u. d. dreieinige Gott 1929.—On the whole word FRüsche, D. Seelenpneuma ’33; HLeisegang, Der Hl. Geist I 1, 1919; EBurton, ICC Gal 1921, 486–95; PVolz, Der Geist Gottes u. d. verwandten Erscheinungen im AT 1910; JHehn, Zum Problem des Geistes im alten Orient u. im AT: ZAW n.s. 2, 1925, 210–25; SLinder, Studier till Gamla Testamentets föreställningar om anden 1926; AMarmorstein, Der Hl. Geist in der rabb. Legende: ARW 28, 1930, 286–303; NSnaith, The Distinctive Ideas of the OT ’46, 229–37; FDillistone, Bibl. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: Theology Today 3, ’46/47, 486–97; TNicklin, Gospel Gleanings ’50, 341–46; ESchweizer, CDodd Festschr., ’56, 482–508; DLys, Rûach, Le Souffle dans l’AT, ’62; DHill, Gk. Words and Hebr. Mngs. ’67, 202–93.—HGunkel, Die Wirkungen des Hl. Geistes2 1899; HWeinel, Die Wirkungen des Geistes u. der Geister im nachap. Zeitalter 1899; EWinstanley, The Spirit in the NT 1908; HSwete, The Holy Spirit in the NT 1909, The Holy Spirit in the Ancient Church 1912; EScott, The Spirit in the NT 1923; FBüchsel, Der Geist Gottes im NT 1926; EvDobschütz, Der Geistbesitz des Christen im Urchristentum: Monatsschr. für Pastoral-theol. 20, 1924, 228ff; FBadcock, ‘The Spirit’ and Spirit in the NT: ET 45, ’34, 218–21; RBultmann, Theologie des NT ’48, 151–62 (Eng. tr. KGrobel, ’51, I 153–64); ESchweizer, Geist u. Gemeinde im NT ’52, Int 6, ’52, 259–78.—WTosetti, Der Hl. Geist als göttliche Pers. in den Evangelien 1918; HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion. Der Ursprung des Geistbegriffs der Syn. Ev. aus der griech. Mystik 1922; AFrövig, Das Sendungsbewusstsein Jesu u. der Geist 1924; HWindisch, Jes. u. d. Geist nach Syn. Überl.: Studies in Early Christianity, presented to FCPorter and BWBacon 1928, 209–36; FSynge, The Holy Spirit in the Gospels and Acts: CQR 120, ’35, 205–17; CBarrett, The Holy Spirit and the Gospel Trad. ’47.—ESokolowski, Die Begriffe Geist u. Leben bei Pls 1903; KDeissner, Auferstehungshoffnung u. Pneumagedanke bei Pls 1912; GVos, The Eschatological Aspect of the Pauline Conception of the Spirit: Bibl. and Theol. Studies by the Faculty of Princeton Theol. Sem. 1912, 209–59; HBertrams, Das Wesen des Geistes nach d. Anschauung des Ap. Pls 1913; WReinhard, Das Wirken des Hl. Geistes im Menschen nach den Briefen des Ap. Pls 1918; HHoyle, The Holy Spirit in St. Paul 1928; PGächter, Z. Pneumabegriff des hl. Pls: ZKT 53, 1929, 345–408; ASchweitzer, D. Mystik des Ap. Pls 1930, 159–74 al. [Mysticism of Paul the Apostle, tr. WMontgomery ’31, 160–76 al.]; E-BAllo, RB 43, ’34, 321–46 [1 Cor]; Ltzm., Hdb. exc. after Ro 8:11; Synge [s. above], CQR 119, ’35, 79–93 [Pauline epp.]; NWaaning, Onderzoek naar het gebruik van πνεῦμα bij Pls, diss. Amsterd. ’39; RJewett, Paul’s Anthropological Terms, ’71, 167–200.—HvBaer, Der Hl. Geist in den Lukasschriften 1926; MGoguel, La Notion joh. de l’Esprit 1902; JSimpson, The Holy Spirit in the Fourth Gospel: Exp., 9th ser., 4, 1925, 292–99; HWindisch, Jes. u. d. Geist im J.: Amicitiae Corolla (RHarris Festschr.) ’33, 303–18; WLofthouse, The Holy Spirit in Ac and J: ET 52, ’40/41, 334–36; CBarrett, The Holy Spirit in the Fourth Gospel: JTS 1 n.s., ’50, 1–15; FCrump, Pneuma in the Gospels, diss. Catholic Univ. of America, ’54; GLampe, Studies in the Gospels (RHLightfoot memorial vol.) ’55, 159–200; NHamilton, The Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul, ’57; WDavies, Paul and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Flesh and Spirit: The Scrolls and the NT, ed. KStendahl, ’57, 157–82.—GJohnston, ‘Spirit’ and ‘Holy Spirit’ in the Qumran Lit.: NT Sidelights (ACPurdy Festschr.) ’60, 27–42; JPryke, ‘Spirit’ and ‘Flesh’ in Qumran and NT, RevQ 5, ’65, 346–60; HBraun, Qumran und d. NT II, ’66, 150–64; DHill, Greek Words and Hebrew Meanings, ’67, 202–93; WBieder, Pneumatolog. Aspekte im Hb, OCullmann Festschr. ’72, 251–59; KEasley, The Pauline Usage of πνεύματι as a Reference to the Spirit of God: JETS 27, ’84, 299–313 (statistics).—B. 260; 1087. Pauly-W. XIV 387–412. BHHW I 534–37. Schmidt, Syn. II 218–50. New Docs 4, 38f. DELG s.v. πνέω. M-M. Dict. de la Bible XI 126–398. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πνεῦμα

  • 122 Himmel

    m; -s, - (Pl. selten, meist poet.)
    1. sky; MET. auch skies Pl.; lit. heavens Pl.; am Himmel in the sky; unter freiem Himmel in the open air; unter südlichem Himmel under southern skies; der Rauch steigt zum Himmel ( auf) the smoke is rising up into the sky; zwischen Himmel und Erde schweben float in midair; der Himmel lacht fig. (die Sonne scheint) the sun has got his hat on; stinken
    2. RELI. heaven; im Himmel in heaven; in den Himmel kommen go to heaven; zum oder in den Himmel auffahren oder gen Himmel fahren BIBL. ascend into heaven; im Himmel sein euph. be with the angels; Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen fig. move heaven and earth; Himmel und Hölle Hüpfspiel: hopscotch
    3. fig. heaven, paradise; der Himmel auf Erden geh. heaven on earth; den Himmel auf Erden haben geh. live in paradise; aus allen Himmeln fallen be crushed; aus heiterem Himmel umg. (completely) out of the blue; in den Himmel heben umg. praise to the skies; im sieb(en) ten Himmel sein oder sich [wie] im sieb[en]ten Himmel fühlen umg. be on cloud nine, be walking on air, be in the seventh heaven; ihm hängt der Himmel voller Geigen geh. he thinks life’s a bed of roses; das schreit oder umg. stinkt zum Himmel it’s a scandal; vom Himmel fallen appear from nowhere; ... fallen nicht ( einfach) vom Himmel... don’t grow on trees; Erfolge, Fortschritte etc.: don’t (just) happen by themselves; Wolken am politischen Himmel clouds on the political horizon; der Himmel würde einstürzen, wenn... umg. the world would end if...; es gibt mehr Dinge zwischen Himmel und Erde als man sich vorstellen kann there are more things between heaven and earth than is possible to imagine; Meister 2, Stern1 1
    4. in Ausrufen: dem Himmel sei Dank! thank heavens!; der Himmel ist oder sei mein Zeuge! altm. as God is my witness!; gütiger oder du lieber Himmel! umg. my goodness!, good Heavens!; um Himmels willen! for Heaven’s ( oder God’s) sake!; weiß der Himmel! umg. God knows; Himmel ( noch mal oder Herrgott, Sakrament)! umg. for heaven’s sake!; Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn oder Wolkenbruch Sl. bloody hell, Am. holy smoke
    5. vom Bett etc.: canopy; im Auto: roof; umg. (Gaumen) roof of one’s mouth
    * * *
    der Himmel
    (Himmelreich) heaven;
    * * *
    Hịm|mel ['hɪml]
    m -s,
    (poet) -
    1) sky

    am Himmelin the sky

    unter dem Himmel Spaniens, unter spanischem Himmel — under or beneath a Spanish sky

    in den Himmel ragento tower (up) into the sky

    jdn/etw in den Himmel (er)heben or loben or rühmen — to praise sb/sth to the skies

    jdm hängt der Himmel voller Geigen — everything in the garden is lovely for sb

    der Frieden fällt nicht einfach vom Himmel, sondern... — peace doesn't just fall out of the blue, but...

    eher stürzt der Himmel ein, als dass... (geh)the skies will fall before... (liter)

    2) (REL = Himmelreich) heaven

    den Blick gen Himmel richten (liter)to look heavenward(s), to raise one's eyes toward(s) heaven

    in den Himmel kommento go to heaven

    zum or in den Himmel auffahren, gen Himmel fahren — to ascend into heaven

    der Himmel ist or sei mein Zeuge (old)as Heaven or God is my witness

    (das) weiß der Himmel! (inf)God or Heaven (only) knows

    es stinkt zum Himmel (inf)it stinks to high heaven (inf)

    (ach) du lieber Himmel! (inf) — good Heavens!, good(ness) gracious!

    Himmel ( noch mal)! (inf) — good God!, hang it all! (inf)

    or Wolkenbruch (dated inf)bloody hell! (Brit inf), Christ Almighty! (inf)

    3) (= Betthimmel etc) canopy; (im Auto) roof
    * * *
    1) (in some religions, the place where God or the gods live, and where good people go when they die.) heaven
    2) (the sky: He raised his eyes to heaven / the heavens.) heaven
    3) ((something which brings) great happiness: `This is heaven', she said, lying on the beach in the sun.) heaven
    4) (the part of space above the earth, in which the sun, moon etc can be seen; the heavens: The sky was blue and cloudless; We had grey skies and rain throughout our holiday; The skies were grey all week.) sky
    * * *
    <-s, (poet) ->
    1. (Firmament) sky
    der \Himmel hellt [o klärt] sich auf the sky is brightening [or clearing] up
    der \Himmel bezieht sich the sky [or it] is clouding over
    zwischen \Himmel und Erde between the earth and sky
    unter freiem \Himmel under the open sky, outdoors, in the open air
    am \Himmel stehen to be [up] in the sky
    ist das der Polarstern, der da oben am \Himmel steht? is that the Pole Star up there [in the sky]?
    am \Himmel in the sky
    bei wolkenlosem/wolkenverhangenem \Himmel when the sky is clear/cloudy
    bei klarem/trübem/bedecktem \Himmel when the sky is clear/dull/overcast
    unter italienischem/südlichem \Himmel under Italian/southern skies liter
    die Sonne steht hoch am \Himmel the sun is high in the sky
    den Blick gen \Himmel richten (geh) to raise one's eyes towards the heavens
    der \Himmel lacht (geh) the sun is shining brightly
    der \Himmel öffnet seine Schleusen (geh) the heavens open
    2. (Himmelreich) heaven
    den \Himmel auf Erden haben (geh) to be heaven [or paradise] on earth for one
    der \Himmel ist [o sei] mein Zeuge (veraltend) as heaven is my witness old
    zum \Himmel auffahren [o in den \Himmel fahren] to ascend into heaven
    in den \Himmel kommen to go to heaven
    im \Himmel in heaven
    dem \Himmel sei Dank (veraltend) thank heaven[s]
    jdm hängt der \Himmel voller Geigen (geh) sb is in paradise [or is walking on air] [or is [walking] on cloud nine] [or is over the moon
    3. (Baldachin) canopy
    4. AUTO [interior] roof
    \Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn! (sl) bloody hell! BRIT sl, Christ almighty! vulg
    den \Himmel für eine Bassgeige [o einen Dudelsack] ansehen DIAL (fam: völlig betrunken sein) to be three sails [or sheets] to the wind
    \Himmel und Erde KOCHK NORDD north German dish of fried black pudding and liver sausage, puréed potato and apple
    nicht [einfach] vom \Himmel fallen to not fall out of the sky
    gerechter [o gütiger] \Himmel! good heavens!
    jdn/etw in den \Himmel heben (fam) to praise sb/sth [up] to the skies
    aus heiterem \Himmel (fam) out of the blue
    \Himmel und Hölle hopscotch
    \Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen (fam) to move heaven and earth
    [ach] du lieber \Himmel! (fam) [oh] heavens!
    \Himmel und Menschen DIAL hordes of people
    \Himmel noch mal! (fam) for heaven's [or goodness'] sake
    zum \Himmel schreien to be scandalous [or a scandal]
    es schreit zum \Himmel, wie... it's a scandal that...
    im sieb[en]ten \Himmel sein [o sich akk fühlen wie im siebenten \Himmel] (fam) to be in seventh heaven
    zum \Himmel stinken (fam) to stink to high heaven
    eher stürzt der \Himmel ein, als dass...... won't happen in a million years
    eher stürzt der \Himmel ein, als dass er das täte he wouldn't do that in a million years
    [das] weiß der \Himmel! (fam) heaven knows!
    um \Himmels willen (fam) for heaven's [or goodness'] sake
    * * *
    der; Himmels, Himmel
    1) sky

    unter freiem Himmel — in the open [air]; outdoors

    aus heiterem Himmel(ugs.) out of the blue

    2) (Aufenthalt Gottes) heaven

    im Himmel sein(verhüll.) be in heaven

    gen Himmel fahren(geh.) ascend into heaven

    Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen(ugs.) move heaven and earth

    im sieb[en]ten Himmel sein/sich [wie] im sieb[en]ten Himmel fühlen — (ugs.) be in the seventh heaven

    zum Himmel stinken(salopp) stink to high heaven

    3) (verhüll.): (Schicksal) Heaven

    gerechter/gütiger/[ach] du lieber Himmel! — good Heavens!; Heavens above!

    dem Himmel sei Dank — thank Heaven[s]

    weiß der Himmel!(ugs.) Heaven knows

    um [des] Himmels willen! — (Ausruf des Schreckens) good Heavens!; good God!; (inständige Bitte) for Heaven's sake

    Himmel noch [ein]mal! — for Heaven's or goodness' sake!

    Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn! — (derb) bloody hell! (Brit. sl.)

    4) (Baldachin) canopy
    5) (im Auto) roof lining
    * * *
    Himmel m; -s, - (pl selten, meist poet)
    1. sky; METEO auch skies pl; liter heavens pl;
    am Himmel in the sky;
    unter freiem Himmel in the open air;
    unter südlichem Himmel under southern skies;
    der Rauch steigt zum Himmel (auf) the smoke is rising up into the sky;
    der Himmel lacht fig (die Sonne scheint) the sun has got his hat on; stinken
    2. REL heaven;
    im Himmel in heaven;
    in den Himmel kommen go to heaven;
    gen Himmel fahren BIBEL ascend into heaven;
    im Himmel sein euph be with the angels;
    Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen fig move heaven and earth;
    3. fig heaven, paradise;
    der Himmel auf Erden geh heaven on earth;
    den Himmel auf Erden haben geh live in paradise;
    aus heiterem Himmel umg (completely) out of the blue;
    in den Himmel heben umg praise to the skies;
    im sieb(en)ten Himmel sein oder
    sich [wie] im sieb[en]ten Himmel fühlen umg be on cloud nine, be walking on air, be in the seventh heaven;
    ihm hängt der Himmel voller Geigen geh he thinks life’s a bed of roses;
    das schreit oder umg
    stinkt zum Himmel it’s a scandal;
    vom Himmel fallen appear from nowhere;
    fallen nicht (einfach) vom Himmel … don’t grow on trees; Erfolge, Fortschritte etc: don’t (just) happen by themselves;
    Wolken am politischen Himmel clouds on the political horizon;
    der Himmel würde einstürzen, wenn … umg the world would end if …;
    es gibt mehr Dinge zwischen Himmel und Erde als man sich vorstellen kann there are more things between heaven and earth than is possible to imagine; Meister 2, Stern1 1
    dem Himmel sei Dank! thank heavens!;
    sei mein Zeuge! obs as God is my witness!;
    du lieber Himmel! umg my goodness!, good Heavens!;
    um Himmels willen! for Heaven’s ( oder God’s) sake!;
    weiß der Himmel! umg God knows;
    Herrgott, Sakrament)
    ! umg for heaven’s sake!;
    Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn oder
    Wolkenbruch sl bloody hell, US holy smoke
    5. vom Bett etc: canopy; im Auto: roof; umg (Gaumen) roof of one’s mouth
    * * *
    der; Himmels, Himmel
    1) sky

    unter freiem Himmel — in the open [air]; outdoors

    aus heiterem Himmel(ugs.) out of the blue

    im Himmel sein(verhüll.) be in heaven

    gen Himmel fahren(geh.) ascend into heaven

    Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen(ugs.) move heaven and earth

    im sieb[en]ten Himmel sein/sich [wie] im sieb[en]ten Himmel fühlen — (ugs.) be in the seventh heaven

    zum Himmel stinken (salopp) stink to high heaven

    3) (verhüll.): (Schicksal) Heaven

    gerechter/gütiger/[ach] du lieber Himmel! — good Heavens!; Heavens above!

    dem Himmel sei Dank — thank Heaven[s]

    weiß der Himmel!(ugs.) Heaven knows

    um [des] Himmels willen! — (Ausruf des Schreckens) good Heavens!; good God!; (inständige Bitte) for Heaven's sake

    Himmel noch [ein]mal! — for Heaven's or goodness' sake!

    Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn! — (derb) bloody hell! (Brit. sl.)

    4) (Baldachin) canopy
    5) (im Auto) roof lining
    * * *
    - m.
    heaven n.
    sky n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Himmel

  • 123 contexto

    * * *
    1 context
    2 figurado environment
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=marco) context
    2) (Téc) web, tangle
    * * *
    masculino context
    * * *
    = context, Display, environment, scenario, setting, situation, milieu, sphere, set and setting, landscape, climate, environ.
    Ex. In this chapter a review of the development of cataloguing codes is given in order to explain and place in context the nature of modern cataloguing codes.
    Ex. This layout gives the lead term in the context of wider terms on the same line (the Qualifier) and narrower terms (the Display) on the second line.
    Ex. This document specifies methods of extending the 7-bit code, remaining in a 7-bit environment or increasing to an 8-bit environment.
    Ex. This article describes a scenario in which the training of junior staff on-the-job is discussed emphasising that the reality in New Zealand libraries falls far short of the ideal.
    Ex. Over 700 CRT terminals are online to Columbus and are used in a variety of ways to improve service in the local library settings.
    Ex. Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex. These are the kinds of problems that characteristically arise in the complex and continually changing milieu of libraries and media and information centers.
    Ex. I am not convinced that people become connoisseurs -- experts: educated and discriminating people in any sphere -- from limited knowledge and experience, no matter how rich in quality.
    Ex. For me a picture of myself in a dentist's waiting room is a perfect metaphor for set and setting very much in play against the easily obtained pleasures I usually get from reading.
    Ex. During the post-war period international organizations have become a prominent feature of the international landscape.
    Ex. The article 'Keeping your ear to the ground' discusses the skills and knowledge information professionals need to have in today's IT-rich climate.
    Ex. For example, the games themselves can act as a tool to educate social science students how to access and interact with unknown cultures within a safe environ.
    * ayuda sensible al contexto = context-sensitive help.
    * contexto actual, el = scheme of things, the.
    * contexto cultural = cultural context.
    * contexto económico = economic context.
    * contexto físico = atmospherics.
    * contexto histórico = historical context.
    * contexto político = political context.
    * contextos = sphere of activity, sphere of life.
    * contexto social = social context.
    * contexto sociocultural = sociocultural context.
    * contexto temático = subject context.
    * dependencia del contexto = situatedness.
    * dependiente del contexto = context-dependent.
    * desde el punto de vista del contexto = contextually.
    * encuadrar en un contexto = set in + context.
    * en el contexto de = in the realm of.
    * en este contexto = against this background.
    * en otros contextos = in other connections.
    * establecer el contexto = set + context.
    * índice KWIC (Palabra Clave en su Contexto) = KWIC (Keyword-in-Context).
    * índice KWOC (Palabra Clave fuera de su Contexto) = KWOC (Keyword-Out-of-Context).
    * limitado por el contexto = context-bound.
    * según el contexto = contextually.
    * ser una novedad en el contexto del que se está hablando = be a newcomer to the scene.
    * situar en contexto = place + in context.
    * situar en un contexto = bring into + context.
    * usar fuera de contexto = use + out of context.
    * * *
    masculino context
    * * *
    = context, Display, environment, scenario, setting, situation, milieu, sphere, set and setting, landscape, climate, environ.

    Ex: In this chapter a review of the development of cataloguing codes is given in order to explain and place in context the nature of modern cataloguing codes.

    Ex: This layout gives the lead term in the context of wider terms on the same line (the Qualifier) and narrower terms (the Display) on the second line.
    Ex: This document specifies methods of extending the 7-bit code, remaining in a 7-bit environment or increasing to an 8-bit environment.
    Ex: This article describes a scenario in which the training of junior staff on-the-job is discussed emphasising that the reality in New Zealand libraries falls far short of the ideal.
    Ex: Over 700 CRT terminals are online to Columbus and are used in a variety of ways to improve service in the local library settings.
    Ex: Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex: These are the kinds of problems that characteristically arise in the complex and continually changing milieu of libraries and media and information centers.
    Ex: I am not convinced that people become connoisseurs -- experts: educated and discriminating people in any sphere -- from limited knowledge and experience, no matter how rich in quality.
    Ex: For me a picture of myself in a dentist's waiting room is a perfect metaphor for set and setting very much in play against the easily obtained pleasures I usually get from reading.
    Ex: During the post-war period international organizations have become a prominent feature of the international landscape.
    Ex: The article 'Keeping your ear to the ground' discusses the skills and knowledge information professionals need to have in today's IT-rich climate.
    Ex: For example, the games themselves can act as a tool to educate social science students how to access and interact with unknown cultures within a safe environ.
    * ayuda sensible al contexto = context-sensitive help.
    * contexto actual, el = scheme of things, the.
    * contexto cultural = cultural context.
    * contexto económico = economic context.
    * contexto físico = atmospherics.
    * contexto histórico = historical context.
    * contexto político = political context.
    * contextos = sphere of activity, sphere of life.
    * contexto social = social context.
    * contexto sociocultural = sociocultural context.
    * contexto temático = subject context.
    * dependencia del contexto = situatedness.
    * dependiente del contexto = context-dependent.
    * desde el punto de vista del contexto = contextually.
    * encuadrar en un contexto = set in + context.
    * en el contexto de = in the realm of.
    * en este contexto = against this background.
    * en otros contextos = in other connections.
    * establecer el contexto = set + context.
    * índice KWIC (Palabra Clave en su Contexto) = KWIC (Keyword-in-Context).
    * índice KWOC (Palabra Clave fuera de su Contexto) = KWOC (Keyword-Out-of-Context).
    * limitado por el contexto = context-bound.
    * según el contexto = contextually.
    * ser una novedad en el contexto del que se está hablando = be a newcomer to the scene.
    * situar en contexto = place + in context.
    * situar en un contexto = bring into + context.
    * usar fuera de contexto = use + out of context.

    * * *
    1 (en un texto) context
    fuera de contexto out of context
    poner algo en contexto to put sth into context
    2 (marco, coyuntura) context
    * * *

    contexto sustantivo masculino
    contexto sustantivo masculino context
    contexto sustantivo masculino context
    ' contexto' also found in these entries:
    - mayoría
    - empezar
    - must
    - set-up
    * * *
    1. [de texto] context
    2. [circunstancias] context;
    en/fuera de contexto in/out of context
    * * *
    m context;
    fuera de contexto out of context;
    sacar de contexto take out of context
    * * *
    : context
    * * *
    contexto n context

    Spanish-English dictionary > contexto

  • 124 excusar

    1 to excuse (disculpar a).
    Ricardo desagravió su infidelidad Richard made up for his cheating.
    2 to avoid (evitar). (peninsular Spanish)
    excuso decir que… there's no need for me to say that…
    * * *
    1 (justificar) to excuse
    2 (disculpar) to pardon, forgive, excuse
    3 (evitar) to avoid, prevent; (ahorrar) to save, spare
    4 (eximir) to exempt (de, from)
    5 excusar + inf to have no need
    1 (justificarse) to excuse oneself; (disculparse) to apologize
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=disculpar) to excuse
    2) (=evitar) [+ disgustos] to avoid, prevent

    podemos excusar lo otro — we can forget about the rest of it, we don't have to bother with the rest

    excusamos decirle que... — we don't have to tell you that...

    3) (=eximir) to exempt (de from)
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( disculpar) to excuse
    b) ( eximir)

    excusar a alguien de algo/+ inf — to excuse somebody (from) something/-ing

    c) (Esp frml) (evitar, omitir)
    excusarse v pron (frml)
    a) ( pedir perdón) to apologize
    b) ( ofrecer excusas) to excuse oneself
    * * *
    = let + Nombre + off the hook, excuse, condone.
    Ex. This would imply not trying to duplicate the market reached, for example, by the paperback -- a policy which might, amongst other things, help let the library off the hook as far as the old problem of stocking lowgrade literature is concerned.
    Ex. Librarians could be excused for wondering if there is any role for them to play in the virtual library environment.
    Ex. Writers and publishers go to great lengths to avoid the appearance of supporting or condoning homosexuality.
    * excusándose = apologetically.
    * llamar al trabajo para excusarse por enfermedad = call in + sick.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( disculpar) to excuse
    b) ( eximir)

    excusar a alguien de algo/+ inf — to excuse somebody (from) something/-ing

    c) (Esp frml) (evitar, omitir)
    excusarse v pron (frml)
    a) ( pedir perdón) to apologize
    b) ( ofrecer excusas) to excuse oneself
    * * *
    = let + Nombre + off the hook, excuse, condone.

    Ex: This would imply not trying to duplicate the market reached, for example, by the paperback -- a policy which might, amongst other things, help let the library off the hook as far as the old problem of stocking lowgrade literature is concerned.

    Ex: Librarians could be excused for wondering if there is any role for them to play in the virtual library environment.
    Ex: Writers and publishers go to great lengths to avoid the appearance of supporting or condoning homosexuality.
    * excusándose = apologetically.
    * llamar al trabajo para excusarse por enfermedad = call in + sick.

    * * *
    excusar [A1 ]
    1 (disculpar) to excuse
    eso no excusa tu comportamiento that does not excuse o justify your behavior
    nos pidió que lo excusáramos por el retraso he asked us to excuse him for the delay, he apologized for the delay
    la excusó diciendo que … he made excuses for her saying that …
    2 (eximir) excusar a algn DE algo:
    los excusaron de asistir a la clase they were excused from attending the class
    lo excusaron del servicio activo he was exempted from active service
    ( Esp frml) (evitar, omitir): excuso decirle lo mal que me sentó aquel comentario I hardly need tell you how much that remark upset me
    se lo contó excusando los detalles más desagradables he told them but spared them the more unpleasant details, he told them, omitting the more unpleasant details
    to apologize
    se excusó por no haber venido antes he apologized for not arriving earlier
    se excusaron diciendo que estarían fuera they declined o made their excuses saying that they would be away
    * * *

    excusar ( conjugate excusar) verbo transitivo

    b) ( eximir) excusar a algn de algo/hacer algo to excuse sb (from) sth/doing sth

    excusarse verbo pronominal (frml)

    excusar verbo transitivo (disculpar) to excuse
    ' excusar' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    1. [disculpar] to excuse;
    [disculparse por] to apologize for;
    eso no excusa tu falta de puntualidad that is no excuse for your being late;
    les ruego excusen mi ignorancia, pero… forgive my ignorance, but…;
    no trates de excusarla don't make excuses for her
    2. [eximir]
    excusar a alguien de (hacer) algo to excuse sb from (doing) sth;
    quedas excusado de asistir you are excused from attendance
    3. Esp Formal [evitar] to avoid;
    excuso decir que todos están invitados there's no need for me to say that you're all invited
    * * *
    1 excuse;
    excusar a alguien de hacer algo excuse s.o. from doing sth
    excuso decirte … I need not remind you …
    * * *
    1) : to excuse
    2) : to exempt

    Spanish-English dictionary > excusar

  • 125 perdonar

    to forgive (ofensa, falta).
    perdonarle algo a alguien to forgive somebody for something
    perdone que le moleste sorry to bother you
    perdona la pregunta, ¿estás casada? forgive o pardon my asking, but are you married?
    perdone, ¿me deja salir? excuse me, can I get past?
    La evidencia disculpa al ladrón The evidence dispenses=exonerates the thief
    * * *
    1 (gen) to forgive; (acusado) to pardon
    2 (excusar) to excuse
    perdona que te interrumpa excuse me for interrupting, sorry to bother you
    'Perdonen las molestias' "We apologize for any inconvenience"
    3 (deuda) to write off
    4 familiar (prescindir de) to do without, go without
    no perdonar ni una familiar to be unrelenting, not let somebody get away with anything
    perdonarle la vida a alguien to spare somebody's life
    * * *
    1) to forgive, pardon
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=disculpar)
    a) [+ falta, pecado] to forgive

    perdona nuestras ofensas — (Rel) forgive us our trespasses


    ¿me perdonas? — do you forgive me?

    que Dios me perdone si me equivoco, pero... — may God forgive me if I'm wrong, but...

    2) (=excusar)
    a) [+ curiosidad, ignorancia] to pardon, excuse

    perdone mi ignorancia, pero... — pardon o excuse my ignorance, but...


    perdonar una obligación/una deuda a algn — to let sb off an obligation/a debt

    le han perdonado la penahe's been pardoned

    perdonar la vida a algn — to spare sb's life; (Dep) to let sb off the hook

    c) (Econ) [+ deuda] to write off
    3) (=perder) [+ detalle, ocasión] to miss
    VI (=disculpar)

    ¿perdona?, ¿perdone? — [cuando no se ha entendido algo] sorry?, pardon?, pardon me? (EEUU)

    ¡perdona!, ¡perdone! — (=disculpándose) (I'm) sorry!; (=llamando la atención) excuse me!, pardon me!

    ¡ay, perdona, no te había visto! — oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there!

    perdone, ¿me podría decir el precio de este traje? — excuse me, could you tell me how much this suit is?

    perdona, pero yo iba primero — excuse me, but I was first

    los años no perdonan — time shows no mercy

    perdonar por algo, perdona por la interrupción, pero necesito hablar contigo — I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need to talk to you

    perdona por haberte ofendido — please forgive me if I have offended you, I'm sorry to have offended you

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( disculpar) <persona/falta> to forgive
    b) (Der) to pardon
    c) < pecado> to forgive
    d) < deuda> to write off; <castigo/obligación>

    le perdonó el castigo/el dictado — she let him off the punishment/the dictation

    perdona mi curiosidad, pero... — forgive o pardon my asking but...

    perdone que lo moleste, pero... — sorry to bother you o (AmE) pardon me for bothering you, but...


    perdone ¿me puede decir dónde está la estación? — excuse me o (AmE) pardon me, can you tell me where the station is?

    perdone ¿cómo ha dicho? — sorry? what did you say?, excuse o pardon me? what did you say? (AmE)

    perdona ¿te he hecho daño? — (I'm) sorry, are you all right?, excuse me, are you all right? (AmE)

    perdona, pero yo no dije eso — I'm sorry but that's not what I said

    * * *
    = forgive, waive, let + Nombre + off the hook, excuse, condone, remit.
    Ex. He continued: 'please, forgive me Jeanne'.
    Ex. When only partial success in contracted terms is achieved, the repayment due may be reduced or waived.
    Ex. This would imply not trying to duplicate the market reached, for example, by the paperback -- a policy which might, amongst other things, help let the library off the hook as far as the old problem of stocking lowgrade literature is concerned.
    Ex. Librarians could be excused for wondering if there is any role for them to play in the virtual library environment.
    Ex. Writers and publishers go to great lengths to avoid the appearance of supporting or condoning homosexuality.
    Ex. The fine was remitted after he assured the council that he would 'in future conform to the rules of the house'.
    * perdonar la vida = spare + life.
    * perdonar una deuda = write-off + debt.
    * perdone(n) las molestias = sorry for the inconvenience.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( disculpar) <persona/falta> to forgive
    b) (Der) to pardon
    c) < pecado> to forgive
    d) < deuda> to write off; <castigo/obligación>

    le perdonó el castigo/el dictado — she let him off the punishment/the dictation

    perdona mi curiosidad, pero... — forgive o pardon my asking but...

    perdone que lo moleste, pero... — sorry to bother you o (AmE) pardon me for bothering you, but...


    perdone ¿me puede decir dónde está la estación? — excuse me o (AmE) pardon me, can you tell me where the station is?

    perdone ¿cómo ha dicho? — sorry? what did you say?, excuse o pardon me? what did you say? (AmE)

    perdona ¿te he hecho daño? — (I'm) sorry, are you all right?, excuse me, are you all right? (AmE)

    perdona, pero yo no dije eso — I'm sorry but that's not what I said

    * * *
    = forgive, waive, let + Nombre + off the hook, excuse, condone, remit.

    Ex: He continued: 'please, forgive me Jeanne'.

    Ex: When only partial success in contracted terms is achieved, the repayment due may be reduced or waived.
    Ex: This would imply not trying to duplicate the market reached, for example, by the paperback -- a policy which might, amongst other things, help let the library off the hook as far as the old problem of stocking lowgrade literature is concerned.
    Ex: Librarians could be excused for wondering if there is any role for them to play in the virtual library environment.
    Ex: Writers and publishers go to great lengths to avoid the appearance of supporting or condoning homosexuality.
    Ex: The fine was remitted after he assured the council that he would 'in future conform to the rules of the house'.
    * perdonar la vida = spare + life.
    * perdonar una deuda = write-off + debt.
    * perdone(n) las molestias = sorry for the inconvenience.

    * * *
    perdonar [A1 ]
    1 (disculpar) to forgive
    te perdono, pero que no se vuelva a repetir I forgive you, but don't let it happen again
    2 ( Der) to pardon
    3 ‹pecado› to forgive
    perdónanos nuestras deudas forgive us our trespasses
    Dios me perdone, pero creo que lo hizo a propósito may I be forgiven for saying this, but I think he did it on purpose
    4 ‹deuda› to write off
    me perdonó la deuda he wrote off my debt, he let me off the money I owed him
    no le perdona ni una she doesn't let him get away with anything, she pulls him up over every little thing ( BrE colloq)
    hoy te perdono el dictado I'll let you off o ( BrE) excuse you dictation today
    le perdonó el castigo she let him off the punishment
    (en fórmulas de cortesía): perdona mi curiosidad, pero necesito saberlo forgive o pardon my asking but I need to know
    perdonen las molestias que puedan causar las obras we apologize for any inconvenience the work may cause you
    perdone que lo moleste, pero ¿hay algún teléfono por aquí? sorry to bother you o ( AmE) pardon me for bothering you, but is there a telephone around here?
    ■ perdonar
    perdone ¿me puede decir dónde está la estación? excuse me o ( AmE) pardon me, can you tell me where the station is?
    perdone ¿cómo ha dicho? sorry? what did you say?, excuse me o pardon me? what did you say? ( AmE)
    perdona ¿te he hecho daño? (I'm) sorry, are you all right?, excuse me, are you all right? ( AmE)
    perdona, pero yo lo vi primero excuse me, but I saw it first
    perdona, pero yo no he dicho eso nunca I'm sorry but I never said that
    * * *


    perdonar ( conjugate perdonar) verbo transitivo
    a)persona/falta/pecado to forgive;

    perdona mi curiosidad, pero … forgive my asking but …;
    perdone que lo moleste, pero … sorry to bother you o (AmE) pardon me for bothering you, but …
    b) (Der) to pardon

    c) deuda to write off;

    verbo intransitivo:
    perdone ¿me puede decir la hora? excuse me o (AmE) pardon me, can you tell me the time?;

    perdone ¿cómo ha dicho? sorry? what did you say?, excuse o pardon me? what did you say? (AmE);
    perdona, pero yo no dije eso I'm sorry but that's not what I said
    perdonar verbo transitivo
    1 to forgive: perdonar algo a alguien, to forgive sb for sthg
    2 (un castigo, una deuda) perdonar una deuda, to write off a debt
    perdonar una deuda a alguien, to let sb off a debt
    3 (absolver de un delito) to pardon
    4 (una obligación) to exempt

    ' perdonar' also found in these entries:
    - indulgente
    - forgive
    - let off
    - overlook
    - pardon
    - spare
    - let
    - remit
    * * *
    1. [ofensa, falta] to forgive;
    perdonarle algo a alguien to forgive sb for sth;
    no le perdonó nunca que no la invitara a la boda she never forgave him for not inviting her to the wedding;
    su mujer no le perdona ni una his wife keeps him on a short leash;
    perdona que no te haya dirigido la palabra I'm sorry I've been ignoring you;
    perdonar los pecados to forgive sins;
    que Dios me perdone, pero su padre es un sinvergüenza God forgive me for saying so, but his father is a good-for-nothing
    2. [condena]
    perdonar algo a alguien to let sb off sth;
    perdonarle la vida a alguien to spare sb their life;
    Fam Pey
    va por ahí perdonándole la vida a todo el mundo she goes around patronizing everybody
    3. [deuda] to pardon;
    te perdono lo que me debes I'll let you off what you owe me;
    perdonar la deuda externa de un país to pardon a country's foreign debt
    4. [como fórmula de cortesía]
    perdone que le moleste sorry to bother you;
    perdona que no te haga caso, estoy muy cansada I'm sorry I'm not paying much attention to what you're saying, I'm very tired;
    perdona la pregunta, ¿estás casada? forgive o pardon my asking, but are you married?;
    perdona mi ignorancia, ¿qué es un atomizador? sorry to be so ignorant, but what's an atomizer?
    5. Fam [desperdiciar]
    no perdonar algo not to miss sth;
    no perdona su coñac y su puro después de la comida he never misses his brandy and cigar after dinner
    los años no perdonan the years take their toll;
    un delantero que no perdona a lethal forward;
    perdona, no lo hice a idea I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose;
    perdone, ¿me deja pasar? excuse me, can I get past?;
    perdone, ¿le he hecho mucho daño? I'm sorry, did I hurt you?;
    ya perdonarás, pero yo estaba primero I'm sorry o excuse me, but I was first;
    perdona, pero creo que te equivocas I'm sorry, but I think you're mistaken
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 forgive;
    perdonar algo a alguien forgive s.o. sth
    2 JUR pardon
    II v/i
    ¡perdone! sorry!;
    perdone, ¿tiene hora? excuse me, do you have the time?
    * * *
    1) disculpar: to forgive, to pardon
    2) : to exempt, to excuse
    * * *
    1. (en general) to forgive [pt. forgave; pp. forgiven]
    te perdono, pero no lo vuelvas a hacer I forgive you, but don't do it again
    2. (castigo, deuda, etc) to let off [pt. & pp. let]
    perdona / perdone (para disculparse) sorry / I'm sorry (para llamar la atención) excuse me

    Spanish-English dictionary > perdonar

  • 126 tradicional

    * * *
    1 traditional
    es lo tradicional it's the traditional thing to do
    * * *
    * * *
    * * *
    adjetivo traditional

    mañana, como es ya tradicional,... — tomorrow, as is customary...

    * * *
    adjetivo traditional

    mañana, como es ya tradicional,... — tomorrow, as is customary...

    * * *
    1 = time-honoured, traditional, established, old-fashioned, tradition-bound, ancestral, standard, conventional, folkloristic, folkloric, tweedy [tweedier -comp., tweediest -sup.], brick(s) and mortar, timeworn.

    Ex: The time-honoured training institution 'sitting with Nellie' is not much good if Nellie's competence is not up to scratch.

    Ex: It may well be that the computer-based environment of such systems may overcome many of the limitations of enumerative classification schemes in their traditional applications.
    Ex: These are trends designed to to break down boundaries of exclusivity erected by established professions to exploit their monopolistic advantages.
    Ex: One is tempted to say that the enthusiasts for postcoordinate systems, being forced to admit reluctantly that control was necessary, couldn't bear to use the old-fashioned term 'list of subject headings'.
    Ex: Tradition-bound acquisitions librarians may soon find themselves expendable -- acceptance of new technologies is essential for the survival of the acquisitions librarian.
    Ex: All the libraries reflect colonial influence but there is a strong movement towards the study of their ancestral heritage.
    Ex: Photographs are normally kept in drawers of standard filing cabinets, with folders or pockets, or both.
    Ex: The foregoing discussion concerning analytical entries assumes implicitly a conventional catalogue format, that is, card, microform or other printed catalogue.
    Ex: The cult of information forms the catalyst for a discussion of the ways in which information has acquired folkloristic status as the major way in which people look at the world.
    Ex: Such recordings often originate in field work and are ethnomusicological, ethnolinguistic or folkloric in content.
    Ex: No bright new digital firm can do without at least some of the supposedly decrepit bureaucracy it so abhors in the old tweedy institutions it wants to replace.
    Ex: Advocates of the virtual university assume that the Internet can be used to replace the bricks and mortar campus.
    Ex: But beyond the honeymoon hotels and resorts, Polynesian life goes on and timeworn traditions are preserved.
    * arte tradicional = folk art.
    * biblioteca tradicional = brick and mortar library.
    * biblioteca traditional = physical library.
    * costumbre tradicional = traditional custom.
    * cultura tradicional = traditional culture.
    * estilo tradicional = traditional style.
    * literatura tradicional = folk literature.
    * mercado tradicional = traditional market.
    * modo de vida tradicional = folklife.
    * museo tradicional = folk museum, folklore museum.
    * no tradicional = non-traditional [nontraditional].
    * ya tradicional = long-established.

    Nota: Nombre.

    Ex: The article has the title 'Things that go bump in the night: net newbies are maturing -- and making things scary for the traditionals'.

    * * *
    mañana, como es ya tradicional, se publicará el suplemento navideño tomorrow, as has become customary, we will publish our Christmas supplement
    * * *

    tradicional adjetivo
    tradicional adjetivo traditional
    ' tradicional' also found in these entries:
    - clásico
    - típica
    - típico
    - castizo
    - cuna
    - folk dance
    - folk music
    - old-fashioned
    - promenade concert
    - real
    - reel
    - traditional
    - wedding
    - customary
    - old
    * * *
    como es ya tradicional en cada partido de fútbol as has become traditional at every soccer game
    * * *
    adj traditional
    * * *
    : traditional
    * * *
    tradicional adj traditional

    Spanish-English dictionary > tradicional

  • 127 μακάριος

    μακάριος, ία, ιον (s. prec. and next entry; Pind., Pla., X.+)
    pert. to being fortunate or happy because of circumstances, fortunate, happy.
    of humans, with less focus on the transcendent dimension compared to usage in 2 below (Chrysippus in Diog. L. 7, 179 calls himself a μακάριος ἀνήρ; Epict. 2, 18, 15; Jos., Ant. 16, 108; 20, 27) ἥγημαι ἐμαυτὸν μακάριον Ac 26:2. Of the widow who remains unmarried μακαριωτέρα ἐστίν she is happier 1 Cor 7:40. μ. ἤμην εἰ τοιαύτην γυναῖκα εἶχον Hv 1, 1, 2 (Chariton 6, 2, 9 μ. ἦν εἰ). Cp. Lk 23:29.
    of transcendent beings, viewed as privileged, blessed (Aristot., EN 10, 8:1178b, 25f τοῖς θεοῖς ἅπας ὁ βίος μακάριος; Epicurus in Diog. L. 10, 123 τ. θεὸν ζῷον ἄφθαρτον κ. μακάριον νομίζων; Herm. Wr. 12, 13b; Sextus 560; Philo, Cher. 86, Deus Imm. 26 ὁ ἄφθαρτος κ. μακάριος, Leg. ad Gai. 5 [other pass. in MDibelius, Hdb./Hermeneia on 1 Ti 1:11]; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 190, cp. Ant. 10, 278; cp. Ἰησοῦς ὁ μ. Hippol., Ref. 5, 9, 21) 1 Ti 1:11; 6:15 (BEaston, Pastoral Epistles ’47, 179).
    pert. to being esp. favored, blessed, fortunate, happy, privileged, fr. a transcendent perspective, the more usual sense (the general Gr-Rom. perspective: one on whom fortune smiles)
    of humans privileged recipient of divine favor (Jos., Ant. 9, 264), of Biblical persons (Ἰωβ Did., Gen. 101, 14; cp. ἄγγελοι Orig., C. Cels. 8, 25, 12): Moses 1 Cl 43:1; Judith 55:4; prophets AcPlCor 2:36 (Just., D. 48, 4); Paul (Hippol., Ref. 8, 20, 3; ὁ μ. ἀπόστολος Iren. 5, 2, 3 [Harv. II 321, 4] of Paul; cp. Orig., C. Cels. 5, 65, 7) 1 Cl 47:1; Pol 3:2 (11:3); AcPl Ha 3, 27. Of other prominent Christians, esp. martyrs: Ignatius, Zosimus, Rufus Pol 9:1. Polycarp MPol 1:1; 19:1, 21; 22:1, 3. Of presbyters who have died 1 Cl 44:5. μ. εἶναι ἐν τῇ ποιήσει αὐτοῦ be blessed in what the person does Js 1:25.—In various sentence combinations, in which the copula belonging with μ. is often omitted (B-D-F §127, 4; Rob. 395; Maximus Tyr. 14, 6f; μ. [opp. δυστυχής] εὐσεβὴς φίλος θεοῦ; but Did., Gen. 103, 2: μ. γάρ ἐστιν ἡ ἐκκλησία, ὅτε): as the apodosis of a conditional sentence Lk 6:4 D (Unknown Sayings 49–54); 1 Pt 3:14; 4:14; Hm 8:9. The conditional sentence follows J 13:17; 1 Cl 50:5; Hs 6, 1, 1a. W. relative clause foll. Mt 11:6; Lk 7:23; 14:15 (μ. ὅστις Menand., Fgm. 101 Kö., Mon. 340 Mei. al.); Ro 4:7f; 1 Cl 50:6 (both Ps 31:1f); Js 1:12 (PsSol 6:1; 10:1; Sext. 40 μ. ἀνήρ w. rel.); 1 Cl 56:6 (Job 5:17); 10:10 (Ps 1:1.—Maximus Tyr. 33, 5e ὁ μ. ἀνήρ, ὅν); 11:8; Hv 2, 2, 7; Hs 9, 29, 3. μ. ἐν Ἰησοῦ Χριστῷ, ὅς IPhld 10:2. The relative clause precedes Hv 3, 8, 4; Hs 5, 3, 9b; 6, 1, 1b. As a predicate w. a subst. or subst. adj. or ptc. μ. ὁ blessed is the one who … (2 Ch 9:7; Da 12:12; PsSol 4:23; ApcEsdr 5:11) Mt 5:3ff (the transl. 0, the happiness of or hail to those, favored by some [Zahn, Wlh., EKlostermann, JWeiss; KBornhäuser, Die Bergpredigt 1923, 24 al.] appears to be exactly right for the Aramaic original [=Hebr. אַשְׁרֵי], but scholars have disputed whether it exhausts the content that μακάριος had in the mouths of Gk.-speaking Christians [s. e.g. Maximus Tyr. 14, 6f μακάριος εὐσεβὴς φίλος θεοῦ, δυστυχὴς δὲ ὁ δεισιδαίμων; Artem. 4, 72 the state of μ. εἶναι is brought about by ascension into heaven and the ὑπερβάλλουσα εὐδαιμονία enjoyed there; other reff. in Betz, SM 97–99].—CMcCown, The Beatitudes in the Light of Ancient Ideals: JBL 46, 1927, 50–61; JRezevskis [Resewski], D. Makarismen bei Mt u. Lk, ihr Verhältnis zu einander u. ihr histor. Hintergrund: StThR I [=IBenzinger Festschr.] ’35, 157–70; JDupont, Les Béatitudes ’54; GStrecker, Die Makarismen der Bergpredigt, NTS 17, ’70/71, 255–75; see lit. s.v. ὄρος); 24:46; Lk 1:45; 6:20ff; 11:28; 12:37; cp. vs. 38, 43; J 20:29; Ro 14:22; Rv 1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7, 14; 1 Cl 40:4; 48:4; 2 Cl 16:4; 19:3; D 1:5; Pol 2:3 (=Lk 6:20; Hv 2, 3, 3). W. ὅτι foll. (JosAs 16:7) Mt 16:17; Lk 14:14; Hs 2:10; 9, 30, 3. W. ὅταν Mt 5:11. Acc. to the reading of Michigan Pap. (ed. CBonner ’34, p. 46, 11f) and of a parchment leaf at Hamburg (SBBerlAk 1909, 1081) Hs 5, 1, 3 contains the words μακάριόν με ποιήσεις ἐάν (so Whittaker and Joly) you will make me happy, if. W. γίνεσθαι 9, 24, 2.
    of things or experiences blessed (Eur.+; Eccl 10:17)
    α. of parts of the body of persons who are the objects of special grace, which are themselves termed blessed: μ. οἱ ὀφθαλμοί Mt 13:16; Lk 10:23. μ. ἡ κοιλία 11:27 (Cleopatra ln. 168f; prob. Christian despite the ref. to Cleop. Of parallels in non-bibl. wr., the next closest is Musaeus, Hero 137 … γαστήρ, ἥ σʼ ἐλόχευσε μακαρτάτη).
    β. of things that stand in a very close relationship to the divinity: τὰ δῶρα τ. θεοῦ 1 Cl 35:1. Of the πνεύματα implanted in Christians 1:2 (cp. Maximus Tyr. 41, 51 the εὐδαίμων κ. μακαρία ψυχή). Of the age to come 2 Cl 19:4 (cp. OGI 519, 9 ἐν τοῖς μακαριοτάτοις ὑμῶν καιροῖς; 17).
    γ. of martyrdoms MPol 2:1. Of the object of the Christian hope προσδεχόμενοι τὴν μ. ἐλπίδα Tit 2:13 (cp. OGI 383, 108 μακαριστὰς ἐλπίδας). μακάριόν ἐστιν μᾶλλον διδόναι ἢ λαμβάνειν Ac 20:35 (cp. Pla., Rep. 496c ὡς μακάριον τὸ κτῆμα; 1 Cl 2:1; Beginn. IV 264; Unknown Sayings, 78–81; EHaenchen, Ac ad loc. On Thu. 2, 97, 4 λαμβάνειν μᾶλλον ἢ διδόναι s. JKilgallen, JBL 112, ’93, 312–14.).—HSanders, HTR 36, ’43, 165–67. S. the lit. s.v. ὄρος and cp. εὐδαιμονέω.—B. 1105. DELG s.v. μάκαρ. Schmidt, Syn. IV 402–6. M-M. EDNT. TW. Spicq. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > μακάριος

  • 128 Mind

       It becomes, therefore, no inconsiderable part of science... to know the different operations of the mind, to separate them from each other, to class them under their proper heads, and to correct all that seeming disorder in which they lie involved when made the object of reflection and inquiry.... It cannot be doubted that the mind is endowed with several powers and faculties, that these powers are distinct from one another, and that what is really distinct to the immediate perception may be distinguished by reflection and, consequently, that there is a truth and falsehood which lie not beyond the compass of human understanding. (Hume, 1955, p. 22)
       Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white Paper, void of all Characters, without any Ideas: How comes it to be furnished? Whence comes it by that vast store, which the busy and boundless Fancy of Man has painted on it, with an almost endless variety? Whence has it all the materials of Reason and Knowledge? To this I answer, in one word, from Experience. (Locke, quoted in Herrnstein & Boring, 1965, p. 584)
       The kind of logic in mythical thought is as rigorous as that of modern science, and... the difference lies, not in the quality of the intellectual process, but in the nature of things to which it is applied.... Man has always been thinking equally well; the improvement lies, not in an alleged progress of man's mind, but in the discovery of new areas to which it may apply its unchanged and unchanging powers. (Leґvi-Strauss, 1963, p. 230)
       MIND. A mysterious form of matter secreted by the brain. Its chief activity consists in the endeavor to ascertain its own nature, the futility of the attempt being due to the fact that it has nothing but itself to know itself with. (Bierce, quoted in Minsky, 1986, p. 55)
       [Philosophy] understands the foundations of knowledge and it finds these foundations in a study of man-as-knower, of the "mental processes" or the "activity of representation" which make knowledge possible. To know is to represent accurately what is outside the mind, so to understand the possibility and nature of knowledge is to understand the way in which the mind is able to construct such representation.... We owe the notion of a "theory of knowledge" based on an understanding of "mental processes" to the seventeenth century, and especially to Locke. We owe the notion of "the mind" as a separate entity in which "processes" occur to the same period, and especially to Descartes. We owe the notion of philosophy as a tribunal of pure reason, upholding or denying the claims of the rest of culture, to the eighteenth century and especially to Kant, but this Kantian notion presupposed general assent to Lockean notions of mental processes and Cartesian notions of mental substance. (Rorty, 1979, pp. 3-4)
       Under pressure from the computer, the question of mind in relation to machine is becoming a central cultural preoccupation. It is becoming for us what sex was to Victorians-threat, obsession, taboo, and fascination. (Turkle, 1984, p. 313)
       7) Understanding the Mind Remains as Resistant to Neurological as to Cognitive Analyses
       Recent years have been exciting for researchers in the brain and cognitive sciences. Both fields have flourished, each spurred on by methodological and conceptual developments, and although understanding the mechanisms of mind is an objective shared by many workers in these areas, their theories and approaches to the problem are vastly different....
       Early experimental psychologists, such as Wundt and James, were as interested in and knowledgeable about the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system as about the young science of the mind. However, the experimental study of mental processes was short-lived, being eclipsed by the rise of behaviorism early in this century. It was not until the late 1950s that the signs of a new mentalism first appeared in scattered writings of linguists, philosophers, computer enthusiasts, and psychologists.
       In this new incarnation, the science of mind had a specific mission: to challenge and replace behaviorism. In the meantime, brain science had in many ways become allied with a behaviorist approach.... While behaviorism sought to reduce the mind to statements about bodily action, brain science seeks to explain the mind in terms of physiochemical events occurring in the nervous system. These approaches contrast with contemporary cognitive science, which tries to understand the mind as it is, without any reduction, a view sometimes described as functionalism.
       The cognitive revolution is now in place. Cognition is the subject of contemporary psychology. This was achieved with little or no talk of neurons, action potentials, and neurotransmitters. Similarly, neuroscience has risen to an esteemed position among the biological sciences without much talk of cognitive processes. Do the fields need each other?... [Y]es because the problem of understanding the mind, unlike the wouldbe problem solvers, respects no disciplinary boundaries. It remains as resistant to neurological as to cognitive analyses. (LeDoux & Hirst, 1986, pp. 1-2)
       Since the Second World War scientists from different disciplines have turned to the study of the human mind. Computer scientists have tried to emulate its capacity for visual perception. Linguists have struggled with the puzzle of how children acquire language. Ethologists have sought the innate roots of social behaviour. Neurophysiologists have begun to relate the function of nerve cells to complex perceptual and motor processes. Neurologists and neuropsychologists have used the pattern of competence and incompetence of their brain-damaged patients to elucidate the normal workings of the brain. Anthropologists have examined the conceptual structure of cultural practices to advance hypotheses about the basic principles of the mind. These days one meets engineers who work on speech perception, biologists who investigate the mental representation of spatial relations, and physicists who want to understand consciousness. And, of course, psychologists continue to study perception, memory, thought and action.
    ... [W]orkers in many disciplines have converged on a number of central problems and explanatory ideas. They have realized that no single approach is likely to unravel the workings of the mind: it will not give up its secrets to psychology alone; nor is any other isolated discipline-artificial intelligence, linguistics, anthropology, neurophysiology, philosophy-going to have any greater success. (Johnson-Laird, 1988, p. 7)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Mind

См. также в других словарях:

  • Things Fall Apart (The West Wing) — Infobox Television episode Title = Things Fall Apart Series = The West Wing Caption = Season = 6 Episode = 131 Airdate = March 302005 Production = 2T5021 Writer = Peter Noah Director = Nelson McCormick Guests = Kristin Chenoweth Gary Cole Teri… …   Wikipedia

  • The Church —     The Church     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Church     The term church (Anglo Saxon, cirice, circe; Modern German, Kirche; Sw., Kyrka) is the name employed in the Teutonic languages to render the Greek ekklesia (ecclesia), the term by which… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Where the Wild Things Are (Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode) — Infobox Television episode Title=Where the Wild Things Are Series=Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season=4 Episode=18 Airdate=April 25, 2000 Production=4ABB18 Writer=Tracey Forbes Director=David Solomon Episode list=List of Buffy the Vampire Slayer… …   Wikipedia

  • The Haunting of Hill House — Infobox Book name = The Haunting of Hill House title orig = translator = image caption = author = Shirley Jackson illustrator = cover artist = country = United States language = English series = genre = Horror novel publisher = Viking Press… …   Wikipedia

  • The Blessed Trinity —     The Blessed Trinity     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Blessed Trinity     This article is divided as follows:          I. Dogma of the Trinity;     II. Proof of the Doctrine from Scripture;     III. Proof of the Doctrine from Tradition;… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Seven Liberal Arts —     The Seven Liberal Arts     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Seven Liberal Arts     The expression artes liberales, chiefly used during the Middle Ages, does not mean arts as we understand the word at this present day, but those branches of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Incarnation —     The Incarnation     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Incarnation     I. The Fact of the Incarnation     (1) The Divine Person of Jesus Christ     A. Old Testament Proofs     B. New Testament Proofs     C. Witness of Tradition     (2) The Human… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Young and the Restless minor characters — The following are characters from the American soap opera The Young and the Restless who are notable for their actions or relationships, but who do not warrant their own articles. Contents 1 Current Characters 1.1 Genevieve …   Wikipedia

  • The Cantos — by Ezra Pound is a long, incomplete poem in 120 sections, each of which is a canto . Most of it was written between 1915 and 1962, although much of the early work was abandoned and the early cantos, as finally published, date from 1922 onwards.… …   Wikipedia

  • The Rite of Constantinople (Byzantine Rite) —     The Rite of Constantinople     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Rite of Constantinople     (Also BYZANTINE RITE.)     The Liturgies, Divine Office, forms for the administration of sacraments and for various blessings, sacramentals, and exorcisms …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Sound of Music (film) — The Sound of Music Original poster by Howard Terpning Directed by Robert Wise Produced b …   Wikipedia

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