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  • 1 management

    management ['mænɪdʒmənt]
    (a) (control → of firm, finances, property) gestion f, direction f; (of economy, money, resources) gestion;
    the management of the country's economy la gestion de l'économie du pays;
    all their problems are due to bad management tous leurs problèmes sont dus à une mauvaise gestion;
    under Gordon's management sales have increased significantly depuis que c'est Gordon qui s'en occupe, les ventes ont considérablement augmenté;
    who looks after the management of the farm? qui s'occupe de l'exploitation de la ferme?;
    management by exception direction f par exceptions;
    management by objectives gestion f par objectifs
    (b) (handling → of crisis, illness etc) gestion f;
    she was praised for her management of the situation on a applaudi la façon dont elle s'est comportée dans cette situation
    (c) (of shop, hotel etc) direction f;
    the management cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage (sign) la direction décline toute responsabilité en cas de perte ou de dommage;
    under new management (sign) changement de direction ou de propriétaire;
    they're on the management ils font partie de la direction
    (d) Industry (managers, employers) administration f, direction f;
    negotiations between management and unions have broken down les négociations entre le patronat et les syndicats ont échoué
    ►► management accountant contrôleur(euse) m,f de gestion;
    management accounting comptabilité f de gestion;
    management accounts comptes mpl de gestion;
    management audit contrôle m de gestion;
    Finance management buy-in apport m de gestion;
    British management buy-out rachat m d'une société par la direction;
    management committee comité m de direction;
    management consultancy (activity) conseil m en gestion (d'entreprise); (firm) cabinet m (de) conseil;
    management consultant conseiller(ère) m,f en ou de gestion (d'entreprise);
    management contract contrat m de gestion;
    management expenses frais mpl de gestion;
    management fee honoraires mpl d'un consultant;
    management function fonction f d'encadrement;
    management information system système m intégré de gestion;
    management operating system système m intégré de gestion;
    management report rapport m de gestion; (accounts statistics) tableau m de bord;
    management skills qualités fpl de gestionnaire;
    management studies (UNCOUNT) études fpl de gestion;
    management style mode m de gestion;
    management summary résumé m managérial;
    management team équipe f dirigeante;
    management technique méthode f de gestion;
    management theory théorie f de la gestion de l'entreprise;
    management tool outil m de gestion;
    management training formation f des cadres

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > management

  • 2 management

    •• manage, management

    •• Manage 1. to have under effective control. 2. to be the manager (of a business, etc.) 3. to succeed in doing or producing something, to be able to cope. 4. to contrive to persuade (a person) to do what one wants (Oxford American Dictionary).
    •• Один из «вечных спутников» англо-русского переводчика – слово, казалось бы, понятное, но доставляющее массу хлопот. Хотя и у глагола, и у существительного есть несколько простых, сразу приходящих в голову русских переводов – управлять, руководить, справляться, соответственно – управление, руководство, дирекция и т.п., можно привести множество примеров, когда эти русские слова не способны выручить переводчика. Вот несколько предложений из текущей периодики:
    •• 1. [British companies] undertook to phase out the use and sale of wood and wood products that did not come from well-managed forests (International Herald Tribune);
    •• 2. They may provide a model for better management of many other commercially exploited wild species, such as fish;
    •• 3. The political process for managing more dispersed power is very ad hoc [ in China] (World Link);
    •• 4. It was a sign of maturity and skillful diplomatic management of nationalism that both Japan and China kept the lid on the process (World Link);
    •• 5. China’s behavior regarding Hong Kong... is a guide to how China will manage domestic change (World Link).
    •• Примеров, когда слова manage, management не так просто перевести «с ходу», очень много. Иногда, «чтобы не мучиться», договариваются об условном переводе, который превращается в термин (а термин – всегда своего рода условное обозначение, понимание которого зависит от полноты знания предмета). Так появилось управление рыбными запасами ( management of fish stocks). Приходилось встречать и такой перевод словосочетания crisis management управление кризисом (иногда регулирование кризиса). И все же пока многие такие переводы не приобрели терминологического характера, а если это и произойдет, то понимание их будет доступно главным образом специалистам. Не слишком большую помощь оказывают и двуязычные словари. Как часто бывает, предлагаемые переводы неплохи в конкретном случае, но мало что дают в других контекстах, а их у таких «многовалентных» слов может быть несчетное количество.
    •• Рекомендую заглянуть в словари синонимов английского языка. Их полезно иметь под рукой не только переводчику на английский, пытающемуся поймать ускользающее слово, но и при переводе с английского, когда другие средства (включая крепкие, например, кофе) не помогают. Неплохой советчик – словарь Родейла (The Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale). На слово manage он дает пять значений и в общей сложности 61 синоним! Не буду лишать читателя удовольствия самому достать этот словарь (это может оказаться нелегко) и прочитать эту словарную статью. (Кстати, не менее интересна и статья management.) Приведу лишь некоторые синонимы, помогающие «ощутить» значение этого слова и найти удачный перевод: arrange; direct, order; regulate, administer, control; influence; mastermind; operate, handle, manipulate; cope, function; conduct. Последние синонимы особенно интересны. Действительно, слова manage, management часто подразумевают определенные действия или поведение в каких-то конкретных условиях: crisis management действия в условиях кризиса. Нередко в переводе на русский выручают такие слова, как регулирование (но не урегулирование!), контроль, система мер (the management of contagious disease – система мер по борьбе с инфекционными заболеваниями; managed health care (амер.) – регулирование в области здравоохранения или «организованная медицина»). В этом же диапазоне значений находится слово manageable, перевод которого не так труден: The situation is manageable. – Ситуация под контролем, т.е. относительно нормальная, с ситуацией можно справиться.
    •• Теперь вернемся к нашим примерам, для экономии места предлагая только перевод интересующего нас фрагмента текста: 1. ...рационально используемые леса. 2. ...более разумная коммерческая эксплуатация (вариант: более умелое регулирование коммерческой эксплуатации) других видов флоры и фауны... 3. Политическая система не отражает в полной мере децентрализацию власти. 4. ...умелая дипломатическая реакция на проблемы, которые ставит национализм. 5. ...даст представление о том, как Китай будет вести себя в условиях перемен внутри страны.
    •• Еще два интересных примера (из статьи бывшего посла Великобритании в СССР Р.Брейтвейта в журнале Profile): Until [Kozyrev] was replaced by Primakov, there was little serious attempt to manage the disagreement between Russia and [NATO]. В переводе можно было бы прибегнуть к словам регулировать или отрегулировать, но, на мой взгляд, они будут не совсем точны. Пожалуй, лучше здесь конкретизация: ...не было сделано попытки вступить в серьезный диалог по разногласиям между Россией и НАТО. [This] is an odd way to manage the choices that Europe faces. – Это странный подход к альтернативам, с которыми сталкивается Европа.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > management

  • 3 management

    см. тж manage
    управление, руководство, дирекция; регулирование, контроль, система мер (впрочем, часто перевод зависит от контекста)

    1. They may provide a model for better management of many other commercially exploited wild species, such as fish. —...более разумная коммерческая эксплуатация (более умелое регулирование коммерческой эксплуатации) других видов флоры и фауны...

    2. It was a sign of maturity and skillful diplomatic management of nationalism that both Japan and China kept the lid on the process (World Link). —...умелая дипломатическая реакция на проблемы, которые ставит национализм

    3. crisis management — действия в условиях кризиса

    4. the management ofcontageous disease — система мер по борьбе с инфекционными заболеваниями

    5. managed health care (амер.) — регулирование в области здравоохранения, «организованная медицина»

    The English annotation is below. (English-Russian) > management

  • 4 management development

    the process of creating and enhancing the competences of managers and potential managers. Management development is usually thought of as a planned process, focusing on a long-term development program to increase managerial effectiveness, but it also incorporates informal and unplanned elements such as learning from day-to-day experience. Management development programs within an organization work to identify and recruit potential managers, and develop their knowledge and skills to meet organizational needs. They also equip managers for more senior posts. Management development activities include short courses, management education programs, management training, coaching, and mentoring.

    The ultimate business dictionary > management development

  • 5 management standards

    Gen Mgt
    published guidelines to best practice, outlining the knowledge, understanding, and personal competences that managers need to develop and demonstrate if they are to be effective

    The ultimate business dictionary > management standards

  • 6 disaster management

    Gen Mgt
    the actions taken by an organization in response to unexpected events that are adversely affecting people or resources and threatening the continued operation of the organization. Disaster management includes the development of disaster recovery plans, for minimizing the risk of disasters and for handling them when they do occur, and the implementation of such plans. Disaster management usually refers to the management of natural catastrophes such as fire, flooding, or earthquakes. Related techniques include crisis management, contingency management, and risk management.

    The ultimate business dictionary > disaster management

  • 7 key account management

    the management of the customer relationships that are most important to a company. Key accounts are those held by customers who produce most profit for a company or have the potential to do so, or those who are of strategic importance. Development of these customer relations and customer retention is important to business success. Particular emphasis is placed on analyzing which accounts are key to a company at any one time, determining the needs of these particular customers, and implementing procedures to ensure that they receive premium customer service and to increase customer satisfaction.

    The ultimate business dictionary > key account management

  • 8 put the heat on someone

    expr AmE sl

    They put the heat on him to make him come across — Они начали ему угрожать, чтобы заставить его выполнить их просьбу

    You think he won't holler if they put the heat on him? — Ты думаешь, если они его прижмут, он не расколется?


    The management was already putting the heat on the workers trying to push them into a cheap settlement — Администрация уже оказывает давление на рабочих, пытаясь заставить их пойти на уступки

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > put the heat on someone

  • 9 Team Management Wheel™

    Gen Mgt
    a visual aid for the efficient coordination of teamwork, which can be used to analyze how teams work together, assist in team building, and aid self-development and training. The Team Management Wheel outlines eight main team roles. Team members can determine the main functions of their jobs (what they have to do), by using the “Types of Work Index,” and can determine their own work preferences (what they want to do), using the “Team Management Index.” They are then assigned one major role and two minor roles on the Team Management Wheel. At the center of the Wheel are the linking skills common to all team members. The Team Management Wheel was developed by Charles Margerison and Dick McCann in 1984.

    The ultimate business dictionary > Team Management Wheel™

  • 10 customer relationship management

    the cultivation of meaningful relationships with actual or potential purchasers of goods or services. Customer relationship management aims to increase an organization’s sales by promoting customer satisfaction, and can be achieved using tools such as relationship marketing.
         CRM is particularly important in the sphere of e-commerce, as there is no personal interaction between the vendor and the customer. A Web site therefore has to work hard to develop the relationship with customers and demonstrate that their business is valued. A CRM system generally includes some or all of the following components: customer information systems, personalization systems, content management systems, call center automation, data warehousing, data mining, sales force automation, and campaign management systems. All these elements combine to provide the essentials of CRM: understanding customer needs; anticipating their information requirements; answering their questions promptly and comprehensively; delivering exactly what they order; making deliveries on time; and suggesting new products that they will be genuinely interested in.
    Abbr. CRM

    The ultimate business dictionary > customer relationship management

  • 11 content management

    the means and methods of managing the textual and graphical content of a Web site. For large sites with thousands of pages and many interchangeable words and images, it pays to invest in a content management application system that facilitates the creation and organization of Web content. Some content management systems also offer caching (where a server stores frequently requested information) and analysis of site traffic.
         Recent years have seen a vast growth in the quantity of content produced by organizations, particularly in digital form. In 2001, it was estimated that there were over 550 billion documents on Internet, intranet, and extranet websites—making professional content management vital. Without it, it becomes almost impossible for a user to find the information they are looking for.
         However, excellent content management is expensive, and organizations need to establish a solid business case in order to justify it. The initial point for consideration is that content is not a low-level commodity that merely needs to be stored—it is a critical resource, and its value lies in it being read. So an understanding of who will read it is essential. Decisions need to be taken over what languages the material needs to be published in, and in what media (Web or e-mail, for example). The form of the content—text, audio, video—is also important, as is the sensitivity of the material and the consequent security required.
         Simply storing content is data management, but content management should have publication as its main focus, with the intention of informing or entertaining readers. There is a big difference in approach between the two.

    The ultimate business dictionary > content management

  • 12 Japanese management

    Gen Mgt, HR
    a management style with particular emphasis on employees and manufacturing techniques, to which the Japanese economic miracle that began in the 1960s is attributed. Japanese management practices have been studied in the rest of the world in the hope that the economic success they brought to Japan can be recreated elsewhere. These practices emphasize forming collaborations, particularly in times of uncertainty, human resources, closer superior-subordinate relationships, and consensus as a means of facilitating implementation. Richard Pascale and Anthony Athos suggested that the Japanese competitive advantage stemmed from skills, staff, and superordinate goals, the softer features identified by the McKinsey 7-S framework. Other dominant characteristics include people-centered management, loyalty to employees, just-in-time, kaizen, continuous improvement, quality control, total quality management, and the ideas of W. Edwards Deming. William Ouchi expounded Theory J and Theory Z, which demonstrated the differences between U.S. and Japanese styles of management. With the downturn in the Japanese economy in the 1990s, management practices were reappraised, and there emerged a focus on radical change as opposed to incremental improvement. Customers were offered less variety, there was a shift toward simplicity, and an alternative to consensus-based decision making was adopted, with individuals making decisions based on high-tech information systems.

    The ultimate business dictionary > Japanese management

  • 13 interim management

    (U.K.) Gen Mgt
    the temporary employment of an experienced manager by an organization seeking to fill a temporary vacancy or coordinate a particular project. Interim managers are generally used to bring in skills not already present in an organization. Sometimes they are employed when an organization is facing business failure, but increasingly they are used as a strategic resource as and when required. Interim managers work on a freelance or portfolio working basis. Interim managers differ from both temporary staff and consultants. In general, they are considerably senior to most other temporary workers, and fulfill assignments—often long term—that drive the future of the employing company. They also provide hands-on, day-to-day expertise, in contrast to the prescriptive, advisory support that management consultants deliver.

    The ultimate business dictionary > interim management

  • 14 service portfolio management

    1. управление портфелем услуг


    управление портфелем услуг

    (ITIL Service Strategy)
    Процесс, отвечающий за управление портфелем услуг. Управление портфелем услуг обеспечивает наличие у поставщика услуг набора ИТ-услуг, отвечающего требованиям бизнеса при оптимальном объёме инвестиций. Управление портфелем услуг рассматривает Услуги в терминах предоставляемой ценности для бизнеса.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    service portfolio management

    (ITIL Service Strategy)
    The process responsible for managing the service portfolio. Service portfolio management ensures that the service provider has the right mix of services to meet required business outcomes at an appropriate level of investment. Service portfolio management considers services in terms of the business value that they provide.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]




    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > service portfolio management

  • 15 line management

    (U.K.) Gen Mgt, HR
    a hierarchical chain of command from executive to front-line level. Line management is the oldest and least complex management structure, in which top management have total and direct authority and employees report to only one supervisor. Managers in this type of organization structure have direct responsibility for giving orders to their subordinates. Line management structures are usually organized along functional lines, although they increasingly undertake a variety of cross-functional duties such as employee development or strategic direction. The lowest managerial level in an organization following a line management structure is supervisory management.

    The ultimate business dictionary > line management

  • 16 crisis management (CM)

    1. управление кризисами


    управление кризисами
    Один из трех подходов методики комплексного управления рисками МОК. Это ряд общих принципов, порядков, процессов и инструментов, применяемых на протяжении всего жизненного цикла проекта по подготовке и проведению Игр, но с основным упором на период Олимпийских игр. Данный подход позволяет МОК управлять кризисными ситуациями при их возникновении.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    crisis management (CM)
    One of the three approaches of the IOC integrated risk management methodology. This is a set of policies, procedures, processes and tools that are applicable during the whole Games project lifecycle but with the main emphasis on the Olympic Games period, which enables the IOC to manage crisis situations when they arise.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > crisis management (CM)

  • 17 customer value management

    сокр. CVM
    1) марк. управление потребительской ценностью* (использование анализа воспринимаемой ценности для разработки маркетинговой и общей стратегии компании)

    The goal of customer value management ( CVM) is to deliver optimal value to customers — to align business metrics, improvement programs, capabilities, processes, organization and infrastructure with customer-defined value. In other words, to create the kind of business that can deliver to customers exactly what they want.

    2) марк. управление ценностью клиентов* (оценка полной прибыльности отдельных клиентов и выстраивание политики работы с клиентами с учетом этой информации)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > customer value management

  • 18 Paralympic Games management

    1. управление Паралимпийскими играми


    управление Паралимпийскими играми
    Все действия ключевых Паралимпийских организаций, принимающих решения до начала Игр, а также все технические вопросы, касающиеся Паралимпийских игр, согласуются через подразделение МПК по координации Паралимпийских игр, которое напрямую работает с главным исполнительным директором МПК по всем ключевым проблемам. Все функциональные подразделения МПК отвечают за соответствующие области, связанные с Играми. Обычно они напрямую взаимодействуют с ОКОИ. Все вопросы, касающиеся работы различных служб, и общее планирование согласовывается через подразделение МПК по координации Паралимпийских игр.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    Paralympic Games management
    All operations from the key pre-Games Paralympic decision-making entities as well as any technical matters pertaining to the Paralympic Games are coordinated through the IPC Paralympic Games Coordination Department, which works directly with the IPC CEO on all key issues. All IPC Departments are responsible for their respective areas related to the Games. Usually they deal directly with the OCOG. Any cross-functional issues and the general planning are coordinated through the IPC Paralympic Games Coordination Department.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > Paralympic Games management

  • 19 Information Rights Management

    A policy tool that gives authors control over how recipients use the documents and e-mails they send.

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > Information Rights Management

  • 20 appeal

    appeal [ə'pi:l]
    1 noun
    (a) (request) appel m;
    she made an appeal on behalf of the victims elle a lancé un appel au profit des victimes;
    we made an appeal for money to help the refugees nous avons fait un appel de fonds pour aider les réfugiés;
    an appeal for help un appel au secours;
    Commerce & Finance an appeal for funds un appel de fonds
    (b) Law appel m, pourvoi m;
    to enter or to lodge an appeal interjeter appel, se pourvoir en appel;
    on appeal en seconde instance;
    notice of appeal infirmation f;
    right of appeal droit m d'appel;
    with no right of appeal sans appel;
    Court of Appeal cour f d'appel
    (c) (attraction) attrait m, charme m;
    to have great appeal (thing) être très attrayant; (person) avoir beaucoup de charme;
    travelling has lost its appeal for me je n'aime plus voyager, les voyages ne m'intéressent plus;
    the idea does have a certain appeal l'idée est bien séduisante;
    their music has a wide appeal leur musique plaît à toutes sortes de gens
    (a) (make request) faire un appel; (publicly) lancer un appel; (plead) supplier, implorer;
    she appealed to me to be patient elle m'a prié d'être patient;
    they're appealing for help for the victims ils lancent un appel au profit des victimes;
    Commerce & Finance to appeal for funds faire un appel de fonds
    (b) to appeal to sth (invoke) faire appel à qch;
    she appealed to his sense of justice elle a fait appel à son sens de la justice
    (c) (apply) faire appel;
    he appealed to them for help il leur a demandé du secours;
    they appealed to the management for better working conditions ils ont fait appel à la direction pour obtenir de meilleures conditions de travail;
    he appealed against the decision il a fait appel contre cette décision
    (d) Law interjeter appel, se pourvoir en appel;
    to appeal against a sentence appeler d'un jugement, faire appel d'un jugement;
    to appeal against a decision réclamer contre une décision; faire opposition à une décision; Law faire appel d'une décision
    (e) (please) plaire;
    the programmes appeal most to children ces émissions plaisent particulièrement aux enfants;
    the book appeals to the reader's imagination ce livre parle à l'imagination du lecteur;
    the idea appealed to me l'idée m'a séduit;
    it doesn't really appeal to me ça ne m'attire pas vraiment, ça ne me dit pas grand-chose
    ►► Law appeal court cour f d'appel

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > appeal

См. также в других словарях:

  • Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences — The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) is an international society for practitioners in the fields of operations research (OR) and management science. It was established in 1995 with the merger of the… …   Wikipedia

  • The Illuminatus! Trilogy — Illuminatus redirects here. For other uses, see Illuminati (disambiguation). The Illuminatus! Trilogy …   Wikipedia

  • Management — in all business and organizational activities is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or… …   Wikipedia

  • Management development — is best described as the process from which managers learn and improve their skills not only to benefit themselves but also their employing organizations.[1] In organisational development (OD), the effectiveness of management is recognised as one …   Wikipedia

  • The Masters Apprentices — Origin Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Genres R B, pop/rock, psychedelic/progressive Years active 1965–1972, 1987–1991, 1994–1995, 1997, 2001–2002 …   Wikipedia

  • Management consulting — indicates both the industry and practice of helping organizations improve their performance primarily through the analysis of existing organizational problems and development of plans for improvement. Organizations hire the services of management …   Wikipedia

  • The Moody Blues — in concert at the Chumash Casino Resort in Santa Ynez, California in 2005. L R: Justin Hayward, Graeme Edge and John Lodge. Background information Origin …   Wikipedia

  • Management Development Institute — Motto Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam (Sanskrit) from the Gita 2:50 Motto in English Pefection in action is Yoga An act becomes perfect when you do it with all joy and without expecting anything in return …   Wikipedia

  • The Principles of Scientific Management — is a monograph published by Frederick Winslow Taylor in 1911. This influential monograph is the basis of modern organization and decision theory and has motivated administrators and students of managerial technique. Taylor was an American… …   Wikipedia

  • The Office (UK TV series) — The Office Genre Sitcom Mockumentary Created by Ricky Gervais Stephen Merchant Writt …   Wikipedia

  • The Vatican —     The Vatican     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Vatican     This subject will be treated under the following heads:     I. Introduction; II. Architectural History of the Vatican Palace; III. Description of the Palace; IV. Description of the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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