Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 the Ten Commandments

    the Ten Commandments
    os Dez Mandamentos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the Ten Commandments

  • 2 ten

    [ten] 1. noun
    1) (the number or figure 10.) dez
    2) (the age of 10.) dez anos
    2. adjective
    1) (10 in number.) dez
    2) (aged 10.) de dez anos
    - tenth
    - ten-pin bowling
    - ten-year-old
    3. adjective
    ((of a person, animal or thing) that is ten years old.) de dez anos
    * * *
    [ten] n 1 dez. 2 nota de dez dólares. • num dez. nine out of ten nove em dez, a maioria. one out of ten um em dez, pouquíssimos. ten times dez vezes. tens of thousands dezenas de milhares. ten to one dez para um, com toda a certeza. the upper ten a elite, a alta sociedade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ten

  • 3 Ten

    [ten] 1. noun
    1) (the number or figure 10.) dez
    2) (the age of 10.) dez anos
    2. adjective
    1) (10 in number.) dez
    2) (aged 10.) de dez anos
    - tenth
    - ten-pin bowling
    - ten-year-old
    3. adjective
    ((of a person, animal or thing) that is ten years old.) de dez anos
    * * *

    English-Portuguese dictionary > Ten

  • 4 the upper ten

    the upper ten
    a elite, a alta sociedade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the upper ten

  • 5 ten

    [ten] 1. noun
    1) (the number or figure 10.) dez
    2) (the age of 10.) idade de dez anos
    2. adjective
    1) (10 in number.) dez
    2) (aged 10.) de dez anos
    - tenth - ten-pin bowling - ten-year-old 3. adjective
    ((of a person, animal or thing) that is ten years old.) de dez anos

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > ten

  • 6 the metric system

    (a system of weights and measures based on multiples of ten (eg 1 metre = 100 centimetres, 1 centimetre = 10 millimetres etc).) sistema métrico

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the metric system

  • 7 the metric system

    (a system of weights and measures based on multiples of ten (eg 1 metre = 100 centimetres, 1 centimetre = 10 millimetres etc).) sistema métrico

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > the metric system

  • 8 at the top of page ten

    at the top of page ten
    no alto da página dez.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > at the top of page ten

  • 9 out for the count

    1) ((of a boxer) still not standing after the count of ten.) vencido
    2) (exhausted; asleep: He was out for the count for several hours after his long walk.) apagado

    English-Portuguese dictionary > out for the count

  • 10 out for the count

    1) ((of a boxer) still not standing after the count of ten.) nocauteado
    2) (exhausted; asleep: He was out for the count for several hours after his long walk.) exaurido

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > out for the count

  • 11 commandment

    noun (a command given by God, especially one of the ten given to Moses.) mandamento
    * * *
    [kəm'a:ndmənt] n 1 ordem, direção, comando. 2 mandamento, lei, preceito. the Ten Commandments os Dez Mandamentos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > commandment

  • 12 Jack

    1) (an instrument for lifting up a motor car or other heavy weight: You should always keep a jack in the car in case you need to change a wheel.) macaco
    2) (the playing-card between the ten and queen, sometimes called the knave: The jack, queen and king are the three face cards.) valete
    * * *
    [dʒæk] n apelido derivado do nome John: Joãozinho. before you could say Jack Robinson num abrir e fechar de olhos, num upa. Jack Frost fig geada (General Inverno). Jack Ketch carrasco, verdugo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > Jack

  • 13 jack

    1) (an instrument for lifting up a motor car or other heavy weight: You should always keep a jack in the car in case you need to change a wheel.) macaco
    2) (the playing-card between the ten and queen, sometimes called the knave: The jack, queen and king are the three face cards.) valete
    * * *
    [dʒæk] n 1 homem do povo, camarada, operário braçal para serviços avulsos. 2 marujo. 3 Tech macaco, guindaste, guincho. 4 Tech alavanca e várias outras peças de máquinas. 5 valete: carta de baralho. 6 pedrinha usada em jogo infantil. 7 Naut bandeira de cruzeiro. 8 Naut barra de ferro horizontal no topo do mastro principal dos veleiros. 9 Amer jumento, burro. 10 Amer coelho macho. 11 Electr tomada. 12 dispositivo para virar o espeto. 13 Ichth lúcio novo e pequeno: peixe esocídeo de água doce. 14 cavalete para serrador. 15 sl dinheiro, arame, gaita. 16. Hist cota de armas de couro. 17 Brit sl policial. • vt 1 içar, guindar, levantar. 2 coll majorar, aumentar (preços). • adj 1 macho (de alguns animais). 2 cansado, exausto. every man jack coll todos sem exceção, em geral. to jack in Brit coll interromper, abandonar. to jack off sl masturbar-se, Braz vulg bater punheta. to jack up coll a) aumentar (preços, salários, etc.). b) levantar, guindar. c) sl injetar drogas, narcóticos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > jack

  • 14 king

    1) (a male ruler of a nation, who inherits his position by right of birth: He became king when his father died; King Charles III.) rei
    2) (the playing-card with the picture of a king: I have two cards - the ten of spades and the king of diamonds.) rei
    3) (the most important piece in chess.) rei
    - kingly
    - kingliness
    - kingfisher
    - king-sized
    - king-size
    * * *
    [kiŋ] n 1 rei, soberano, monarca. 2 Amer coll líder. 3 Game rei: a) peça principal do xadrez. b) carta do baralho. 4 jogo de dama ( draughts). • vi 1 coroar um rei. 2 governar como soberano, chefiar, desempenhar o papel do rei. • adj 1 principal. 2 sl excelente. he kinged it ele bancou o rei. King James Version versão autorizada (tradução inglesa da Bíblia feita em 1611). king of beasts Zool rei dos animais (leão). king of birds a águia. King of kings 1 Rei dos reis: Cristo. 2 título de vários monarcas orientais. king of metals ouro. king’s bench tribunal superior. king’s evil Med escrófula (doença supostamente curável pelo toque de um rei). king’s highway estrada real, estrada pública. the king is dead, long live the king rei morto, rei posto. to turn king’s evidence depor contra o cúmplice.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > king

  • 15 jack

    1) (an instrument for lifting up a motor car or other heavy weight: You should always keep a jack in the car in case you need to change a wheel.) macaco
    2) (the playing-card between the ten and queen, sometimes called the knave: The jack, queen and king are the three face cards.) valete

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > jack

  • 16 king

    1) (a male ruler of a nation, who inherits his position by right of birth: He became king when his father died; King Charles III.) rei
    2) (the playing-card with the picture of a king: I have two cards - the ten of spades and the king of diamonds.) rei
    3) (the most important piece in chess.) rei
    - kingly - kingliness - kingfisher - king-sized - king-size

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > king

  • 17 spades

    noun plural ((sometimes treated as noun singular) one of the four card suits: the ten of spades.)
    * * *
    [speidz] n Cards espadas, seguida de espadas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > spades

  • 18 spades

    noun plural ((sometimes treated as noun singular) one of the four card suits: the ten of spades.) espadas

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > spades

  • 19 commandment

    noun (a command given by God, especially one of the ten given to Moses.) mandamento

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > commandment

  • 20 attention

    1) (notice: He tried to attract my attention; Pay attention to your teacher!) atenção
    2) (care: That broken leg needs urgent attention.) cuidado
    3) (concentration of the mind: His attention wanders.) atenção
    4) ((in the army etc) a position in which one stands very straight with hands by the sides and feet together: He stood to attention.) sentido
    - attentively
    - attentiveness
    * * *
    [ət'enʃən] n 1 atenção. his book attracted attention / seu livro atraiu atenção. 2 aplicação, diligência, observação. 3 ponderação, apreciação, contemplação. 4 cuidado, desvelo, preocupação, dedicação. 5 cortesia, fineza, consideração, obséquio. I thank you for your delicate attention / agradeço a sua delicadeza, grato pela sua atenção. 6 attentions fineza amorosa, devoção, corte, galanteio. 7 Psych concentração em determinado objeto ou pensamento, estado de tal concentração. 8 Mil sentido, posição de sentido. • interj sentido! for the attention of Mr. Smith (na correspondência) à atenção do Sr. Smith. pay attention! preste atenção! to come to attention tomar a posição de sentido. to draw someone’s attention to chamar a atenção de alguém para. to receive immediate attention Com ser executado imediatamente. to stand at attention ficar de pé em posição de sentido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > attention

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Ten — (engl.: Die Zehn) bezeichnet die Kurzform der 1898 in New York gegründeten Künstlergruppe Ten American Painters eine unabhängige Gruppe von Künstlern, die im Herbst 1935 in New York gegründet wurde, siehe The Ten (Künstlergruppe). eine US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The Ten — est un film américain réalisé par David Wain en 2007. Synopsis Dix histoires courtes librement inspirées des Dix Commandements. Distribution Paul Rudd : Jeff Reigert Adam Brody : Stephen Montgomery Jon Hamm : Chris Knarl Winona… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The Ten — Infobox Film name = The Ten caption = Promotional movie poster for the film director = David Wain producer = Jonathan Stern writer = Ken Marino David Wain starring = Jessica Alba Winona Ryder Paul Rudd Famke Janssen Adam Brody Gretchen Mol music …   Wikipedia

  • The Ten-Seconders — is a story in 2000 AD written by Rob Williams and drawn by Mark Harrison. The second instalment Make. Believe. is drawn by Dom Reardon.It is about a group of survivors fighting against Gods that have taken over the planet. Plot In the near future …   Wikipedia

  • The Ten Tenors — (also known as TTT) are an Australian musical ensemble, with a strong live touring profile in Europe, Canada and the United States and a burgeoning recording career. The group performs a diverse repertoire in concert and on their albums;… …   Wikipedia

  • The Ten Masked Men Strike Back EP — Ten Masked Men Strike Back EP Álbum de covers de Ten Masked Men Publicación 1999 Género(s) Death metal Cronología de Ten Masked Men …   Wikipedia Español

  • The Ten Lies of Macedonism — (Bulgarian: Десетте лъжи на македонизма , or Desette lazhi na makedonizma ; Macedonian: Десетте лаги на македонизмот or Desette lagi na makedonizmot ) is a book authored by Bulgarian historian and director of the Bulgarian National Historical… …   Wikipedia

  • The Treasure of the Ten Avatars — is a 1996 Donald Duck story by Don Rosa.PlotScrooge McDuck has bought land in Kolkata, India, and arrives on the scene together with Donald and his nephews to inspect what he has bought. He meets with the local maharaj to seek his help in… …   Wikipedia

  • The ten families — refers to the families or tribes that have ruled the Persian Gulf, with the exception of Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The standard Arabic reference to a tribe is bani fulan , literally translated as the sons of so and so . A majority of the families in …   Wikipedia

  • The Ten Tenors — est un groupe australien, créé en 1995 par les élèves universitaires à Brisbane, Australie. Avec les origines dans le genre d’opéra, le groupe avait fait ses premiers spectacles en 1998, mais seulement en Australie. Cependant, en 2002, pendant… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The ten principal disciples — were the main disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha. Depending on the scripture, the disciples included in this group vary. Vimalakirti Sutra includes;#Śāriputra #:Sariputra (Sanskrit), or Sāriputta (Pāli), is a top master of Wisdom. In Heart Sutra,… …   Wikipedia

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