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  • 1 Boanerges (Sons of thunder, the name given by Jesus to James and John, his disciples. Mk:3:17)

    Религия: Воанергес

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Boanerges (Sons of thunder, the name given by Jesus to James and John, his disciples. Mk:3:17)

  • 2 Boanerges

    2) Религия: "сыны Громовы", Воанергес, "сыны громовы", Воанергес, "сыновья грома", свв. апостолы Иоанн и Иаков, ("Sons of thunder", the name given by Jesus to James and John, his disciples. Mk:3:17) Воанергес

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Boanerges

  • 3 Воанергес

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Воанергес

  • 4 Μαρία

    Μαρία, ας, ἡ (vase ins fr. Samaria-Sebaste: SEG VIII, 110 [I B.C./I A.D.]; two ostraca: PMeyer, nos. 33 and 56 [both II A.D.]; s. Dssm., LO 97f; 302; a third ostracon in Dssm., LO 260 [s. LAE2 121, n. 11; 122; 306, n. 6: the addition of the mother’s name is regular in magical texts]; Jos., Bell. 6, 201; Just., Mel.) and Μαριάμ indecl. (מִרְיָם, Miriam [prophet and sister of Moses Ex 15:20f; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 2, 3 Jac.; Ezech. Trag. 5, 18 and 23 in Clem. of Al., Strom. 1, 23, 155, 4; Philo; Just., D. 78, 3] 1 Cl 4:11) and Μαριάμμη (GMary 463, 3; GJs 16:3; 17:2f.—Joseph. writes the name Μαριά[μ]μη, ης [Ant. 3, 54].—On the name and its various forms s. B-D-F §53, 3; Mlt-H. 144f; OBardenhewer, Der Name Maria 1895; HvSoden, Die Schriften des NTs I 1906, 1373f; FZorell, ZKT 30, 1906, 356ff; EKönig, ZNW 17, 1916, 257–63; MNoth, D. isr. Personennamen 1929; WvonSoden, Bibel u. Alter Orient: ZAW Beih. 162, 129–33; MGörg, BZ ’79, 285–89) Mary.
    the mother of Jesus. The foll. forms of the name are attested in the var. cases: Μαρία as nom. Lk 2:19, otherw. only occasionally as v.l. (D Lk 1:30, 39, 56; cp. vss. 34, 38, 46). Gen. Μαρίας Mt 1:16, 18; 2:11; Mk 6:3; Lk 1:41; IEph 7:2; 18:2; 19:1; ITr 9:1; AcPlCor 1:14; 2:5. Acc. Μαρίαν Mt 1:20 (v.l.-άμ); AcPl Ha 8, 26; Μ. τὴν Γαλιλαίαν AcPlCor 2:14.—Μαριάμ as nom. Mt 1:16 v.l.; 13:55; Lk 1:27, 34, 38f, 46, 56; 2:19 (v.l.-ρία); as acc. Mt 1:20 v.l.; Lk 2:16; GJs 6:3 (not Bodmer); as voc. Lk 1:30; σὺν Μαριάμ Lk 2:5; Ac 1:14; πρὸς Μαριάμ Lk 2:34. Little is known about the life of this Mary; in the infancy narratives Mt 1f; Lk 1f and esp. in the apocryphal gospels (29 times GJs; s. AFuchs, Konkordanz) she plays a great role; s. WBauer, D. Leben Jesu im Zeitalter d. ntl. Apokryphen 1909; HUsener, ZNW 4, 1903, 1ff. In Mk 3:31f and parallels, where she and the brothers and sisters of Jesus are prominently mentioned, no indication of any interest in his movement is given. But Ac 1:14 mentions Mary and his brothers (brothers and sisters? s. ἀδελφός 1) among the members of the early church. The mother of Jesus is also mentioned in the Fourth Gospel, though not by name.—RSeeberg, Die Herkunft der Mutter Jesu: Bonwetsch Festschr. 1918, 13ff; JBlinzler, Jes. u. s. Mutter nach dem Zeugn. der Evv.: Klerusblatt 23, ’42; 24, ’43; UHolzmeister, De anno mortis Deip. Virg.: Marianum 4, ’42, 167–82; FWillam, D. Leb. Marias3 ’42; HRäisänen, D. Mutter Jesu im NT, ’69; JMcHugh, The Mother of Jesus in the NT ’75; RBrown, KDornfried et al., Mary in the NT ’78; RBrown, The Birth of the Messiah ’77.—ABD IV 586 (lit.). LexThK VII 25–28. TRE XXII 115–19. EDNT. II 386f.
    Mary Magdalene (s. Μαγδαληνή). Forms of her name: Μαρία Mt 27:56; 61 v.l.; 28:1 v.l.; Mk 15:40, 47; 16:1, 9 (Μαρίᾳ); Lk 8:2; 24:10; J 19:25; 20:1, 11, 16 v.l., 18 v.l. Μαριάμ Mt 27:56 v.l., 61; 28:1; Mk 15:40 v.l.; J 19:25 v.l.; 20:1 v.l., 11 v.l., 16 (voc.), 18; GPt 12:50. Acc. to the gospels this woman, one of Jesus’ most faithful followers, was cured by Jesus of possession by seven hostile spirits (Mk 16:9; Lk 8:2). She appears in the Passion Narrative w. women companions; also in the synoptic account of Easter morning. In J she is the only one mentioned at the grave, and sees the resurrected Lord (likew. in the long ending of Mk). Later ecclesiastical gossip identified her without warrant w. the sinful woman who anointed Jesus in the house of the Pharisee (Lk 7:37, 39). CLattey: Exp 7th ser., 8, 1909, 55–63; UHolzmeister, Die Magdalenenfrage in der kirchl. Überl.: ZKT 46, 1922, 402ff; JSickenberger, Ist die Magdalenenfrage wirklich unlösbar? BZ 17, 1926, 63ff; PKetter, D. Magdalenenfrage 1929; RBruckberger, M. Magdalena, ’54; MHengel, M. Magdalena u. d. Frauen als Zeugen: FMichel, ’63, 243–56; AMarjanen, The Woman Jesus Loved ’96 (Nag Hammadi); HMelzer-Keller, Geist und Leben 72, ’99, 97–111. LexThK VII 39f; BHHW II 1151. S. Simpson and Burkitt under 5 below.
    the ‘other’ Mary, mother of James (s. Ἰάκωβος 3) and Joses (s. Ἰωσῆς 2). Form of the name Μαρία Mt 27:56, 61 (ἡ ἄλλη Μαρία; cp. PPetr III, 59); 28:1 (ἡ ἄλλ. Μ.—JMackay, The Other M.: ET 40, 1929, 319–21); Mk 15:40, 47; 16:1; Lk 24:10. She was one of the followers of Jesus present as a spectator at the events on Golgotha. Hence she could be identical with
    Μαρία (v.l. Μαριάμ) ἡ τοῦ Κλωπᾶ Μ., the wife of Clopas J 19:25.
    Mary, acc. to Lk 10:39, 42 sister of Martha, acc. to J 11:1f, 19f, 28, 31f, 45; 12:3 also sister of Lazarus, resident in Bethany. Forms of the name: Μαρία Lk 10:39 v.l., 42 v.l.; J 11:2 v.l., 20 v.l., 32 v.l.; 12:3 v.l.; Μαρίας J 11:1; Μαρίαν J 11:19 v.l., 28 v.l., 31 v.l., 45 v.l. Μαριάμ Lk 10:39, 42; J 11:2, 20, 32; 12:3; as acc. J 11:19, 28, 31, 45.—ASimpson, M. of Bethany, M. of Magdala, and Anonyma: ET 20, 1909, 307–18; FBurkitt, M. Magd. and M., Sister of Martha: ET 42, ’31, 157–59.
    the mother of John Mark, owner of a house in Jerusalem (οἰκία τῆς Μαρίας), who placed it at the disposal of Christians for meetings Ac 12:12.
    an otherw. unknown Christian, probably of Jewish descent (yet Μαρία appears in CB I/2, 557f nos. 439 and 440 as the fem. form of the Roman name Marius), who is greeted Ro 16:6 (ἀσπάσασθε Μαρίαν; v.l. Μαριάμ [as early as P46]), w. the additional note that she rendered outstanding service to the receivers of the letter.—EDNT. M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > Μαρία

  • 5 Παῦλος

    Παῦλος, ου, ὁ Paul, a Roman surname (never a praenomen), found in lit. (e.g. Diod S 14, 44, 1; 15, 76, 1), ins, pap; Mel., HE 4, 26, 3)
    Sergius Paulus s. Σέργιος.
    Paul, the apostle of Jesus Christ; fr. the beginning he bore the Israelite name Saul as well as the Graeco-Roman Paul (difft. e.g. HDessau, Her 45, 1910, 347–68 and EMeyer III 197; s. GHarrer, HTR 33, ’40, 19–33.—Σαούλ 2 and Σαῦλος), prob. born in Tarsus (s. Ταρσός), and perh. brought up there (but s. WvUnnik, Tarsus or Jerusalem, ’62), born a Roman citizen. He was educated in Mosaic tradition, but was not untouched by the syncretistic thought-world in which he lived. At first he was a zealous Pharisee and as such a vehement foe of Christians, but his perspective was changed by a vision of Jesus Christ (OKietzig, D. Bekehrg. d. Pls ’32; EPfaff, Die Bekehrg. d. hl. Pls in d. Exegese des 20. Jahrh. ’42; CBurchard, Der Dreizehnte Zeuge, ’70, 126 n. 278 [lit. since ’54]). Most prominent of the apostles to the nations/gentiles. As such he worked in Nabataean Arabia, Syria, and Cilicia, traveled through Cyprus, Asia Minor, Macedonia, and Greece, and planned a missionary journey via Italy to Spain (s. Σπανία). He was prevented fr. carrying out this plan (at least at this time) by his subsequent arrest in Jerusalem and the lawsuit connected w. it (NVeldhoen, Het Proces van den Ap. Pls 1924; ESpringer, D. Proz. des Ap. Pls: PJ 218, 1929, 182–96; HCadbury, Roman Law and the Trial of Paul: Beginn. I/5, ’33, 297–338). He reached Rome only as a prisoner (on the journey FDavies, St. Paul’s Voyage to Rome ’31), and was prob. executed there: Ac 9 and 13–28; Ro 1:1; 1 Cor 1:1, 12f; 3:4f, 22; 16:21; 2 Cor 1:1; 10:1; Gal 1:1; 5:2; Eph 1:1; 3:1; Phil 1:1; Col 1:1, 23; 4:18; 1 Th 1:1; 2:18; 2 Th 1:1; 3:17; 1 Ti 1:1; 2 Ti 1:1; Tit 1:1; Phlm 1, 9, 19; 2 Pt 3:15; Pol 9:1; (11:2, 3). AcPl Ant 13, 9 recto and 15 verso (= Aa I 237, 1f) and 66 times AcPl Ha, including once ὁ μακάριος Π. AcPl Ha 3, 27; the same 4 times in AcPlCor. ὁ μακάριος Π. ὁ ἀπόστολος 1 Cl 47:1. Π. ὁ ἡγιασμένος, ὁ μεμαρτυρημένος, ἀξιομακάριστος IEph 12:2. ὁ μακάριος καὶ ἔνδοξος Π. Pol 3:2. Mentioned w. Peter 1 Cl 5:5; IRo 4:3.—S. also ApcEsdr 5:22 p. 30, 24 Tdf.; with John ApcEsdr 1:19 p. 25, 13 Tdf.—CClemen, Paulus 1904, where the older lit. is given. Other lit. in RBultmann, TRu n.s. 6, ’34, 229–46; 8, ’36, 1–22; WLyons and MParvis, NT Literature 1943–45, ’48, 225–39; GBornkamm, RGG3 V, ’61, 189f; ABD s.v.—ADeissmann, Pls2 1925 (Eng. tr. WWilson 1926); EvDobschütz, Der Ap. Pls I 1926; LMurillo, Paulus 1926; KPieper, Pls., Seine missionarische Persönlichkeit u. Wirksamkeit2,3 1929; EBaumann, Der hl. Pls 1927; PFeine, Der Ap. Pls 1927; RLiechtenhan, Pls 1928; HLietzmann, Gesch. d. Alten Kirche I ’32, 102–31; JStewart, A Man in Christ ’36; CScott, St. Paul, the Man and the Teacher ’36; ANock, St. Paul ’38; TGlover, Paul of Tarsus ’38; CYver, S. Paul ’39; VGrÿnbech, Paulus ’40; WvLoewenich, Pls ’40; DRiddle, Paul, Man of Conflict ’40; EBuonaiuti, San Paolo ’41; JBover, San Pablo ’41; EAllo, Paul ’42; JKlausner, Fr. Jesus to Paul ’43; EGoodspeed, Paul ’47; JKnox, Chapters in a Life of Paul ’50; MDibelius, Paulus ’51; 2’56, with WKümmel (Eng. tr. FClarke ’53); EFascher, Pauly-W. Suppl. VIII 431–66, ’57.—FPrat, La théologie de S. Paul 1924f (Eng. tr. JStoddard ’57); CScott, Christianity Acc. to St. Paul 1928; OMoe, Apostolen Pls’ Forkyndelse og Laere 1928; AKristoffersen, Åpenbaringstanke og misjonsforkynnelse hos Pls, diss. Upps. ’38; RGuardini, Jes. Chr. I (in Paul) ’40; ChGuignebert, Le Christ ’43, 3 (Paulinisme).—A Schweitzer, D. Mystik des Ap. Pls 1930 (Eng. tr. WMontgomery ’31); MGoguel, La Mystique Paulin.: RHPhr 11, ’31, 185–210; MDibelius, Pls u. d. Mystik ’41; AFaux, L’ Orphisme et St. Paul: RHE 27, ’31, 245–92; 751–91; HWindisch, Pls u. Christus, E. bibl.-rel. gesch. Vergleich ’34.—EEidem, Det kristna Livet enligt Pls I 1927; MEnslin, The Ethics of Paul 1930; LMarshall, The Challenge of NT Ethics ’46; DWhiteley, The Theol. of St. Paul, ’64.—APuukko, Pls u. d. Judentum: Studia Orientalia 2, 1928, 1–86; HWindisch, Pls u. d. Judentum ’35; NMansson, Paul and the Jews ’47; WKnox, St. Paul and the Church of the Gentiles ’39.—ASteinmann, Z. Werdegang des Pls. Die Jugendzeit in Tarsus 1928; EBarnikol, D. vorchristl. u. früchristl. Zeit des Pls 1929; AOepke, Probleme d. vorchristl. Zeit des Pls: StKr 105, ’33, 387–424; GBornkamm, D. Ende des Gesetzes, Paulusstudien ’52.—WKümmel, Jes. u. Pls: ThBl 19, ’40, 209–31; ASchlatter, Jes. u. Pls ’40; WDavies, Paul and Rabbinic Judaism 4’80.—GRicciotti, Paul the Apostle (Eng. tr. AlZizzamia) ’53; JSevenster, Paul and Seneca, ’61; H-JSchoeps, Paulus ’59 (Engl. tr. HKnight, ’61); BMetzger, Index to Periodical Lit. on Paul ’60; Wv Loewenich, Paul: His Life and Works (transl. GHarris), ’60; WSchmithals, Paul and James (transl. DBarton), ’65; EGüttgemanns, D. Leidende Apostel, ’66; HBraun, Qumran u. d. NT ’66, 165–80; SPorter, The Paul of Acts ’99; additional lit. HBetz, ABD V 199–201.—LGPN I. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > Παῦλος

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