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  • 61 excellence

    بَرَاعَة \ cleverness: the quality of being clever. excellence: high quality. ingenuity: being ingenious: The prisoner’s ingenuity enabled him to make his escape. know-how: knowledge gained by experience. proficiency: being proficient. skill: the ability to do sth. well; a particular kind of ability: Skill can be gained by practice. An artist has natural skill. tact: skill in doing or saying the right thing at the right moment, so that one does not hurt other people’s feelings: When the doctor told him that his son was dead, she used a lot of tact. \ See Also إبداع (إِبْداع)، تفوق (تَفَوّق)، كفاءة (كَفاءة)، لباقة (لَبَاقة)، مهارة (مهارة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > excellence

  • 62 ingenuity

    بَرَاعَة \ cleverness: the quality of being clever. excellence: high quality. ingenuity: being ingenious: The prisoner’s ingenuity enabled him to make his escape. know-how: knowledge gained by experience. proficiency: being proficient. skill: the ability to do sth. well; a particular kind of ability: Skill can be gained by practice. An artist has natural skill. tact: skill in doing or saying the right thing at the right moment, so that one does not hurt other people’s feelings: When the doctor told him that his son was dead, she used a lot of tact. \ See Also إبداع (إِبْداع)، تفوق (تَفَوّق)، كفاءة (كَفاءة)، لباقة (لَبَاقة)، مهارة (مهارة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > ingenuity

  • 63 know-how

    بَرَاعَة \ cleverness: the quality of being clever. excellence: high quality. ingenuity: being ingenious: The prisoner’s ingenuity enabled him to make his escape. know-how: knowledge gained by experience. proficiency: being proficient. skill: the ability to do sth. well; a particular kind of ability: Skill can be gained by practice. An artist has natural skill. tact: skill in doing or saying the right thing at the right moment, so that one does not hurt other people’s feelings: When the doctor told him that his son was dead, she used a lot of tact. \ See Also إبداع (إِبْداع)، تفوق (تَفَوّق)، كفاءة (كَفاءة)، لباقة (لَبَاقة)، مهارة (مهارة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > know-how

  • 64 proficiency

    بَرَاعَة \ cleverness: the quality of being clever. excellence: high quality. ingenuity: being ingenious: The prisoner’s ingenuity enabled him to make his escape. know-how: knowledge gained by experience. proficiency: being proficient. skill: the ability to do sth. well; a particular kind of ability: Skill can be gained by practice. An artist has natural skill. tact: skill in doing or saying the right thing at the right moment, so that one does not hurt other people’s feelings: When the doctor told him that his son was dead, she used a lot of tact. \ See Also إبداع (إِبْداع)، تفوق (تَفَوّق)، كفاءة (كَفاءة)، لباقة (لَبَاقة)، مهارة (مهارة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > proficiency

  • 65 skill

    بَرَاعَة \ cleverness: the quality of being clever. excellence: high quality. ingenuity: being ingenious: The prisoner’s ingenuity enabled him to make his escape. know-how: knowledge gained by experience. proficiency: being proficient. skill: the ability to do sth. well; a particular kind of ability: Skill can be gained by practice. An artist has natural skill. tact: skill in doing or saying the right thing at the right moment, so that one does not hurt other people’s feelings: When the doctor told him that his son was dead, she used a lot of tact. \ See Also إبداع (إِبْداع)، تفوق (تَفَوّق)، كفاءة (كَفاءة)، لباقة (لَبَاقة)، مهارة (مهارة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > skill

  • 66 tact

    بَرَاعَة \ cleverness: the quality of being clever. excellence: high quality. ingenuity: being ingenious: The prisoner’s ingenuity enabled him to make his escape. know-how: knowledge gained by experience. proficiency: being proficient. skill: the ability to do sth. well; a particular kind of ability: Skill can be gained by practice. An artist has natural skill. tact: skill in doing or saying the right thing at the right moment, so that one does not hurt other people’s feelings: When the doctor told him that his son was dead, she used a lot of tact. \ See Also إبداع (إِبْداع)، تفوق (تَفَوّق)، كفاءة (كَفاءة)، لباقة (لَبَاقة)، مهارة (مهارة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > tact

  • 67 خط

    خَطّ \ band: a line of material that is different from the rest, esp. in colour: A red band was painted round the tin. line: a long thin mark: a pencil line; the white lines on a football field. streak: an irregular thin strip of colour: streaks of red cloud at sunset. stripe: a long narrow band of colour: a flag with green, yellow and blue stripes. trail: a track left by sb. or sth.: The storm left a trail of destruction. The police were on his trail (were following signs, in search of him). \ See Also شريط (شَرِيط)، أَثَر \ خَطّ \ graph: a line drawn on squared paper, to show the change in amount at different times or under different conditions: He drew a graph of the monthly rainfall. \ See Also رَسْم بَيَانِيّ \ خَطّ الاسْتِواء \ equator: an imaginary line around the earth, halfway between its most northern and southern points. \ خَطّ أنابِيب \ pipeline: a large pipe through which liquid or gas is carried for long distances (esp. oil from an oilfield to a port). \ خَطّ قَضيب سِكّة الحديد \ railway, railroad: a track along which trains run: The road crosses the railway (line) by a bridge. \ خَطّ كتَابة باليَد \ handwriting: sb.’s way of writing: I can’t read your handwriting. \ خَطّ مَجْرى التَّفْكير \ line: the course of an idea: a line of thought. \ خَطّ حَديدي جانِبِيّ \ siding: a short piece of railway track beside a main line (for loading goods, etc.). \ خَطّ السَّاحِل \ coastline: a line following the shape of the coast, esp. as seen from the sea. \ خَطّ سَفَر جَوِّي \ airline: air transport system for public use. \ خَطّ سِكَّة الحَديد \ line: a railway track: the main line to London; a branch line. \ خَطّ السَّمْت \ meridian: an imaginary line drawn from the top point of the earth to the bottom, used on maps to show position. \ خَطّ سَيْر \ line: a course; a direction: One road follows the line of the river; the other follows the coastline. path: the line along which sth. moves: the moon’s path round the earth. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. \ See Also طريق (طَرِيق)‏ \ خَطّ الطُّول \ longitude: one of a set of imaginary lines round the world that are drawn on maps to show how far east or west sth. is (see latitude). \ خَطّ العَرْض \ latitude: one of a set of imaginary lines round the world that are usual on maps to show how far north or south sth. is (see longitude): In northern latitudes, daylight lasts for 20 hours in the summer. parallel: an imaginary line on a map, for describing the position of anything (see latitude): The 49th parallel (of latitude) forms a border between Canada and the USA. \ خَطّ القِتال \ line: (in war) a row of defended positions: in the front line; behind the enemy lines. \ خَطّ قَصير (عَلامَة وَصْل) (شَرْطَة قصيرة)‏ \ hyphen: (-) that is used for joining two words, as in: blood-red. \ خَطّ قُطْري \ diagonal: (in the direction of) a straight line joining two opposite corners of a square; (of) any straight line which runs in a sloping direction: a cloth with a diagonal pattern. \ خَطّ اليَد \ script: handwriting, not printing. \ خَطّ الدَّرْز \ seam: the line where two edges of cloth or leather meet (and are sewn or stuck together): the seam of one’s trouser leg. \ خَطّ حُدود مَلْعَب (الكُرَة)‏ \ touchline: the line down each side of a football field. \ خُطوطٌ رئيسيَّة \ outline: a statement of the main facts: an outline of English history. \ خَطَأٌ \ amiss: wrong; out of order: There’s something amiss with this telephone. error: mistake. fault: sth. that is wrong; a weakness: The lights have gone out; there must be an electrical fault. mistake: an incorrect act or thought: It was a mistake to lend him money. Your English is full of mistakes. wrong: not right; unjust; against custom; against the law: It is wrong to tell lies or to steal, not correct; mistaken; unsuitable That’s the wrong answer, and the wrong way to do it. She came in the wrong clothes for riding, (a) wrong action, a crime; an injustice If you do no wrong, you will not be punished. \ أَخْطَاء (أَغلاطٌ كِتابيَّة أو مَطبعيَّة)‏ \ errata.

    Arabic-English dictionary > خط

  • 68 ذو

    ذُو \ with: having: Look at that man with the big feet!. of: used after a noun; forming an adjectival phrase: a man of wealth (a wealthy man). \ ذُو أَرْجُل \ - legged: used in compounds, showing the number or kind of legs: a four-legged animal. \ ذُو إِشْعاع (ذَرِّي)‏ \ radioactive: (applied to metals like Radium and Uranium that are used for scientific explosions, also to material that is touched by the effects of such an explosion) able to give off dangerous waves, which can harm living things: radioctive dust. \ ذُو ثِيَابٍ قذِرة وَرَثَّة \ scruffy: not at all neat or clean: a scruffily dressed little boy. \ ذُو حلاقَة نَظِيفة \ clean-shaven: (of a man) with all hair on the face shaved off. \ ذُو حُنْكَة \ statesmanlike: having the qualities of a statesman. \ See Also حَصَافَة سِيَاسِيَّة \ ذُو ذَوْقٍ رَفِيع \ refined: (of a person; his manners, speech, etc.) very polite; unnaturally polite. \ ذُو رائِحَةٍ عَطِرة \ scented: having a pleasant scent: a sweet-scented flower; scented soap. \ ذو رُوحٍ رياضيّة (شَخْص)‏ \ sportsman: a sporting person, who is equally generous whether he wins or loses. \ ذُو سُلوك \ - mannered: having certain (good or bad) manners: Your son is very well-mannered. \ ذُو شأنٍ \ important: of great interest; having a great effect; serious; powerful: an important event; an important official. \ ذُو شَأنٍ \ significant: having a serious meaning; important. \ See Also خطر (خَطِر)‏ \ ذُو شِفاه \ - lipped: (in compounds) describing sb.’s lips: thick-lipped. \ ذُو صَرِير \ squeaky: making squeaks: a squeaky voice; a squeaky door. \ ذُو طَبيعَةٍ مَرِحَة \ jovial: merry; very cheerful (esp. of sb. who is always so, by nature). \ ذُو طولٍ \ tall: (of people, trees, buildings, poles, etc., in other cases use high) of greater height than most others; of certain height: My wife is not tall. She is five feet tall. \ See Also ارتفاعٍ معيَّن \ ذُو عَزْم \ determined: having a firm purpose; having the will to succeed: We’re determined to fight. We shall make a determined attempt to reach the mountain top. \ ذُو عَقْل \ - minded: having a certain sort of mind: We’re determined to fight. We shall make a determined attempt to reach the mountain top. \ ذُو عَلاقَةٍ بالأحداث الجارِيَة \ topical: of general interest at the present moment. \ ذُو فَرْو \ furry: like or covered with fur. \ ذُو قِمَّةٍ عالِيَةٍ \ peaked: (of a mountain, etc.) having a sharp point. \ ذُو قِيمة \ worth: (with while) good enough to deserve the time or trouble or money that is spent on it: Our visit was worthwile. worthwhile: worth the time or trouble or money that is spent on it: It was a worthwhile visit. \ ذُو مَبْدَأ \ moral: naturally right in behaviour (compared with immoral): a very moral man. \ See Also مستقيم (مُسْتَقِيم)، خلوق (خَلُوق)‏ \ ذُو مِزاج مُعَيَّن \ - tempered: (in compounds) having a certain kind of temper: a bad-tempered dog. \ ذُو مَسَامّ \ porous: (of a substance) that allows liquids to pass slowly through it. \ ذُو مَعْنًى \ significant: having a serious meaning; important. \ See Also مَغْزًى أو دَلالَة \ ذُو مِهْنَة حُرَّة \ self-employed: working independently, not for an employer. \ ذُو نُدُوب \ scarred: having marks from old wounds: a scarred face. \ ذُو نُفوذ \ influential: having influence; powerful: He was an influential politician. He was influential in getting several new laws passed. \ See Also سلطة (سُلْطَة)‏ \ ذُو نَوْعِيَّة سَيِّئَة \ bad, worse, worst: not of good quality: He speaks very bad English.

    Arabic-English dictionary > ذو

  • 69 روح

    رُوح \ essence: the central or most important quality of sth., by which it can be recognized; the best part of a substance when taken out: The essence of his religious teaching is love for all men. That perfume is the essence of roses. \ بِلا رُوح \ lifeless: having no life; dull; without expression or interest: The bad actor gave a lifeless performance. \ رُوح \ ghost: a dead person’s spirit that appears to a living person. life: the signs of not being dead; activity; movement; expression: Put more life into your acting, sb.’s existence as a living person Many lives were lost in the war. soul: a person’s spirit, which is thought not to die with his body. spirit: a feeling that controls one’s behaviour: If you play a game in the right spirit, winning or losing does not really matter. \ See Also طيف (طَيْف)، شبح (شَبَح)، نشاط( نشاطحيوية (حيويّة)، نفس( نفس)‏ \ رُوحٌ رِيَاضِيَّة \ sportsmanship: sporting qualities; fairness; obeying the rules; generosity. \ الرُّوح القُدُس \ Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit: (among Christians) the spirit of God that is always present but never seen. ghost, the Holy Ghost: (among Christians) the spirit of God that is always present but never seen. \ الرُّوح المَعْنَوِيَّة \ morale: the state of mind that controls one’s supply of courage; spirits: After losing three matches, our team’s morale was low. \ رُوح المُغامَرَة \ enterprise: the qualities needed for such a plan; the bold use of good brains.

    Arabic-English dictionary > روح

  • 70 ظن

    ظَنَّ \ I dare say: I think it is possible: I dare say you’ve never seen a lion. fancy: to imagine; think without enough reason: He fancied that he heard a voice. imagine: to suppose; think: I imagine that you’re right. presume: to suppose that sth. is true, without complete proof: He is missing and is presumed (to be) dead. I presumed that you would want a ticket, so I bought you one. suppose: to imagine (sth.) to be true; think: She supposes that I am working; but she is wrong. I suppose you can’t lend me a pound?. surmise: to guess without much reason. take: to understand; believe: I took him to be your son. think (thought): to have an uncertain opinion: I think he’s still there (but I’m not sure). understand: to think; have received an idea: We understood him to be dead. \ See Also اعتقد (اعْتَقَدَ)‏ \ ظَنَّ أنّ \ regard: to consider; look at: They regard it as an honour to work for her. They regard her with great respect. \ ظَنِّيّ \ suppositional, hypothetical. \ See Also افتراضي (اِفتِراضيّ)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > ظن

  • 71 I dare say

    ظَنَّ \ I dare say: I think it is possible: I dare say you’ve never seen a lion. fancy: to imagine; think without enough reason: He fancied that he heard a voice. imagine: to suppose; think: I imagine that you’re right. presume: to suppose that sth. is true, without complete proof: He is missing and is presumed (to be) dead. I presumed that you would want a ticket, so I bought you one. suppose: to imagine (sth.) to be true; think: She supposes that I am working; but she is wrong. I suppose you can’t lend me a pound?. surmise: to guess without much reason. take: to understand; believe: I took him to be your son. think (thought): to have an uncertain opinion: I think he’s still there (but I’m not sure). understand: to think; have received an idea: We understood him to be dead. \ See Also اعتقد (اعْتَقَدَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > I dare say

  • 72 fancy

    ظَنَّ \ I dare say: I think it is possible: I dare say you’ve never seen a lion. fancy: to imagine; think without enough reason: He fancied that he heard a voice. imagine: to suppose; think: I imagine that you’re right. presume: to suppose that sth. is true, without complete proof: He is missing and is presumed (to be) dead. I presumed that you would want a ticket, so I bought you one. suppose: to imagine (sth.) to be true; think: She supposes that I am working; but she is wrong. I suppose you can’t lend me a pound?. surmise: to guess without much reason. take: to understand; believe: I took him to be your son. think (thought): to have an uncertain opinion: I think he’s still there (but I’m not sure). understand: to think; have received an idea: We understood him to be dead. \ See Also اعتقد (اعْتَقَدَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > fancy

  • 73 imagine

    ظَنَّ \ I dare say: I think it is possible: I dare say you’ve never seen a lion. fancy: to imagine; think without enough reason: He fancied that he heard a voice. imagine: to suppose; think: I imagine that you’re right. presume: to suppose that sth. is true, without complete proof: He is missing and is presumed (to be) dead. I presumed that you would want a ticket, so I bought you one. suppose: to imagine (sth.) to be true; think: She supposes that I am working; but she is wrong. I suppose you can’t lend me a pound?. surmise: to guess without much reason. take: to understand; believe: I took him to be your son. think (thought): to have an uncertain opinion: I think he’s still there (but I’m not sure). understand: to think; have received an idea: We understood him to be dead. \ See Also اعتقد (اعْتَقَدَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > imagine

  • 74 presume

    ظَنَّ \ I dare say: I think it is possible: I dare say you’ve never seen a lion. fancy: to imagine; think without enough reason: He fancied that he heard a voice. imagine: to suppose; think: I imagine that you’re right. presume: to suppose that sth. is true, without complete proof: He is missing and is presumed (to be) dead. I presumed that you would want a ticket, so I bought you one. suppose: to imagine (sth.) to be true; think: She supposes that I am working; but she is wrong. I suppose you can’t lend me a pound?. surmise: to guess without much reason. take: to understand; believe: I took him to be your son. think (thought): to have an uncertain opinion: I think he’s still there (but I’m not sure). understand: to think; have received an idea: We understood him to be dead. \ See Also اعتقد (اعْتَقَدَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > presume

  • 75 suppose

    ظَنَّ \ I dare say: I think it is possible: I dare say you’ve never seen a lion. fancy: to imagine; think without enough reason: He fancied that he heard a voice. imagine: to suppose; think: I imagine that you’re right. presume: to suppose that sth. is true, without complete proof: He is missing and is presumed (to be) dead. I presumed that you would want a ticket, so I bought you one. suppose: to imagine (sth.) to be true; think: She supposes that I am working; but she is wrong. I suppose you can’t lend me a pound?. surmise: to guess without much reason. take: to understand; believe: I took him to be your son. think (thought): to have an uncertain opinion: I think he’s still there (but I’m not sure). understand: to think; have received an idea: We understood him to be dead. \ See Also اعتقد (اعْتَقَدَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > suppose

  • 76 surmise

    ظَنَّ \ I dare say: I think it is possible: I dare say you’ve never seen a lion. fancy: to imagine; think without enough reason: He fancied that he heard a voice. imagine: to suppose; think: I imagine that you’re right. presume: to suppose that sth. is true, without complete proof: He is missing and is presumed (to be) dead. I presumed that you would want a ticket, so I bought you one. suppose: to imagine (sth.) to be true; think: She supposes that I am working; but she is wrong. I suppose you can’t lend me a pound?. surmise: to guess without much reason. take: to understand; believe: I took him to be your son. think (thought): to have an uncertain opinion: I think he’s still there (but I’m not sure). understand: to think; have received an idea: We understood him to be dead. \ See Also اعتقد (اعْتَقَدَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > surmise

  • 77 take

    ظَنَّ \ I dare say: I think it is possible: I dare say you’ve never seen a lion. fancy: to imagine; think without enough reason: He fancied that he heard a voice. imagine: to suppose; think: I imagine that you’re right. presume: to suppose that sth. is true, without complete proof: He is missing and is presumed (to be) dead. I presumed that you would want a ticket, so I bought you one. suppose: to imagine (sth.) to be true; think: She supposes that I am working; but she is wrong. I suppose you can’t lend me a pound?. surmise: to guess without much reason. take: to understand; believe: I took him to be your son. think (thought): to have an uncertain opinion: I think he’s still there (but I’m not sure). understand: to think; have received an idea: We understood him to be dead. \ See Also اعتقد (اعْتَقَدَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > take

  • 78 think (thought)

    ظَنَّ \ I dare say: I think it is possible: I dare say you’ve never seen a lion. fancy: to imagine; think without enough reason: He fancied that he heard a voice. imagine: to suppose; think: I imagine that you’re right. presume: to suppose that sth. is true, without complete proof: He is missing and is presumed (to be) dead. I presumed that you would want a ticket, so I bought you one. suppose: to imagine (sth.) to be true; think: She supposes that I am working; but she is wrong. I suppose you can’t lend me a pound?. surmise: to guess without much reason. take: to understand; believe: I took him to be your son. think (thought): to have an uncertain opinion: I think he’s still there (but I’m not sure). understand: to think; have received an idea: We understood him to be dead. \ See Also اعتقد (اعْتَقَدَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > think (thought)

  • 79 understand

    ظَنَّ \ I dare say: I think it is possible: I dare say you’ve never seen a lion. fancy: to imagine; think without enough reason: He fancied that he heard a voice. imagine: to suppose; think: I imagine that you’re right. presume: to suppose that sth. is true, without complete proof: He is missing and is presumed (to be) dead. I presumed that you would want a ticket, so I bought you one. suppose: to imagine (sth.) to be true; think: She supposes that I am working; but she is wrong. I suppose you can’t lend me a pound?. surmise: to guess without much reason. take: to understand; believe: I took him to be your son. think (thought): to have an uncertain opinion: I think he’s still there (but I’m not sure). understand: to think; have received an idea: We understood him to be dead. \ See Also اعتقد (اعْتَقَدَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > understand

  • 80 adjust

    ضَبَطَ \ hold: to control; keep still: He held his breath. Hold your tongue!. adjust: to change sth. so that it works better or is more suitable: If your watch is slow, you can adjust it. control: to direct; rule or guide (a person, machine, business, etc.). put: to cause to become (what is stated by the adj. or adv.): Put it right. Put that picture straight. regulate: to control: My watch needs regulating (ought to be put in order so that it shows the correct time). restrain: to hold back; control: Restrain your excited children. tune: to set the contols of a musical instrument (or of an engine) so that it will perform perfectly; to set the controls of a radio so that one hears a particular radio station: We tuned in to the BBC, to hear the news from London. \ See Also وجه (وَجَّهَ)، صحح (صَحَّحَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > adjust

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Right of Voluntary Association — • Any group of individuals freely united for the pursuit of a common end Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Right of Voluntary Association     Right of Voluntary Association …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • right — / rīt/ n [Old English riht, from riht righteous] 1 a: qualities (as adherence to duty or obedience to lawful authority) that together constitute the ideal of moral propriety or merit moral approval b: something that is morally just able to… …   Law dictionary

  • Right to counsel — is nowadays generally regarded as a constituent of the right to a fair trial, allowing for the defendant to be assisted by counsel (i.e. lawyers), and if he cannot afford his own lawyer, requiring that the government should appoint one for him,… …   Wikipedia

  • Right of abode (United Kingdom) — Right of abode is a status under United Kingdom immigration laws that gives an unrestricted right to live in the United Kingdom. It was introduced by the Immigration Act 1971.British citizensAll British citizens have the right of abode in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Right — Right, n. [AS. right. See {Right}, a.] 1. That which is right or correct. Specifically: (a) The straight course; adherence to duty; obedience to lawful authority, divine or human; freedom from guilt, the opposite of moral wrong. (b) A true… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • That Time — is a one act play by Samuel Beckett, written in English between 8 June 1974 and August 1975. It was specially written for actor Patrick Magee, who delivered its first performance, on the occasion of Beckett s seventieth birthday celebration, at… …   Wikipedia

  • right to privacy — right to privacy: right of privacy Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. right to privacy …   Law dictionary

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