1 taxable
taxable ['tæksəbəl](income, land) imposable; (goods) taxable►► taxable base base f d'imposition;taxable income revenu m imposable, assiette f fiscale ou de l'impôt;taxable profit bénéfice m fiscal ou imposable;taxable transaction opération f imposable -
2 taxable
taxable [ˊtæksəbl] aоблага́емый нало́гом; подлежа́щий обложе́нию нало́гом -
3 taxable
taxable adj steuerbar, der Besteuerung unterliegend, steuerpflichtig -
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taxable, imposable (BD) -
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оподаткований, який оподаткується; який підлягає оподаткуванню; який підлягає таксації ( про судові видатки)- taxable capacity
- taxable capital gain
- taxable entity
- taxable estate
- taxable event
- taxable gain
- taxable income
- taxable income assessment
- taxable person
- taxable rate
- taxable value
- taxable value
- taxablees and dues -
10 taxable
прил.гос. фин. облагаемый налогом, налогооблагаемый; подлежащий обложению налогом (о товарах, объектах недвижимости, доходах и т. п.; также о лицах, обязанных уплачивать налоги)taxable estate — налогооблагаемое имущество, облагаемое (налогом) имущество
How are taxable securities transactions valued for the purpose of levy of STT?
See:taxable income, taxable bond fund, taxable capacity, taxable event, taxable municipal bond, dutiable, tax-exempt* * ** * *. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
11 taxable
adjective* * ** * *tax·able[ˈtæksəbl̩]adj inv steuerpflichtig, abgabenpflichtig, Steuer-\taxable article/entity Steuerobjekt/-subjekt nt fachspr\taxable capacity Steuerkraft f, steuerliche Belastungsgrenze\taxable dividend zu versteuernde Dividende\taxable income steuerpflichtiges [o zu versteuerndes] Einkommen\taxable profit zu versteuernder Gewinn* * *['tksəbl]adjperson steuerpflichtig; income also (be)steuerbar (form); goods besteuert, abgabenpflichtig* * *A adj (adv taxably)1. besteuerungsfähig2. steuerpflichtig (Einkommen etc)3. Steuer…:taxable capacity Steuerkraft f;4. JUR gebührenpflichtigB s US1. Steuerpflichtige(r) m/f(m)2. steuerpflichtiges Einkommen* * *adjective* * *adj.steuerpflicht adj. -
12 taxable
adjective (liable to be taxed: taxable income/goods.) imponible, gravabletr['tæksəbəl]1 imponible, gravable\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLtaxable income renta imponibletaxable ['tæksəbəl] adj: sujeto a un impuestoadj.• imponible adj.• sujeto a impuesto adj.• sujeto a impuestos adj.• tributable adj.'tæksəbəl['tæksǝbl]taxable income — ingresos mpl gravables, ≈base f imponible
1.ADJ gravable, imponible2.CPDtaxable income N — renta f gravable, renta f imponible
* * *['tæksəbəl]taxable income — ingresos mpl gravables, ≈base f imponible
13 taxable
['tæksəbl]aggettivo [earnings, profit] imponibile, tassabile* * *adjective (liable to be taxed: taxable income/goods.) tassabile* * *taxable /ˈtæksəbl/ (fisc.)A a.imponibile; soggetto a imposta; tassabile; soggetto a tassazione: taxable income, reddito imponibile; taxable value, (valore) imponibileB n.● taxable capacity (o ability), capacità contributiva □ taxable goods, beni soggetti a imposta □ taxable year, anno fiscaletaxabilityn. [u]imponibilità; tassabilità.* * *['tæksəbl]aggettivo [earnings, profit] imponibile, tassabile -
14 taxable
1. a подлежащий обложению налогом2. a налоговый3. a юр. подлежащий уплате4. a обыкн. l5. a налогоплательщики6. a товар, подлежащий обложениюgoods taxable — товары, облагаемые пошлиной
Синонимический ряд:chargeable (adj.) chargeable; impeachable; indictable; weighable -
15 taxable
облагаемый налогом или пошлиной, подлежащий обложению налогом или пошлиной• -
16 taxable
[ˈtæksəbl]taxable надлежащий обложению налогом taxable облагаемый налогом; подлежащий обложению налогом taxable облагаемый налогом taxable подлежащий налогообложению taxable подлежащий таксации (о судебных издержках) -
17 taxable
a подлежащ на облагане с данък* * *{'taksъbl} а подлежащ на облагане с данък.* * *облагаем;* * *a подлежащ на облагане с данък* * * -
18 taxable
steuerpflichtig, abgabenpflichtig, Steuer-;\taxable income zu versteuerndes Einkommen;\taxable profit zu versteuernder Gewinn -
19 taxable
imposabletaxable base base f d'imposition;taxable income revenu m imposable, assiette f fiscale ou de l'impôt;taxable profit bénéfice m fiscal ou imposable;taxable transaction opération f imposable -
20 taxable
См. также в других словарях:
taxable — tax‧a‧ble [ˈtæksəbl] adjective TAX if something is taxable, you must pay tax on it: • Money in the account is taxable. • investors who buy taxable bond funds * * * taxable UK US /ˈtæksəbl/ adjective FINANCE, TAX ► taxable earnin … Financial and business terms
taxable — tax·able / tak sə bəl/ adj 1: subject to being taxed: making one liable to taxation a taxable amount a taxable event 2: that may be properly charged by the court against the plaintiff or defendant in a suit taxable costs 3: used as … Law dictionary
taxable — [ taksabl ] adj. • 1788; de taxer ♦ Qui peut être taxé, soumis à une taxe (3o). ⇒ imposable. Gains taxables. ● taxable adjectif Qui peut être taxé. ● taxable (synonymes) adjectif Qui peut être taxé. Synonymes … Encyclopédie Universelle
Taxable — Tax a*ble, a. 1. Capable of being taxed; liable by law to the assessment of taxes; as, taxable estate; taxable commodities. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) That may be legally charged by a court against the plaintiff of defendant in a suit; as, taxable… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
taxable — subject to taxation, late 15c., from Anglo Latin taxabilis; see TAX (Cf. tax) (v.) + ABLE (Cf. able) … Etymology dictionary
taxable — Subject to taxation; liable to be assessed, along with others, for a share in a Something of value, subject to assessment, and to be levied upon and sold for taxes. Williams v. School Dist. No. 32 in County of Fremont, 56 Wyo. 1, 102 P.2d 48, 52 … Black's law dictionary
taxable — tax|a|ble [ tæksəbl ] adjective something that is taxable is something you have to pay tax on: All income over a certain amount is taxable. taxable profits … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
taxable — UK [ˈtæksəb(ə)l] / US adjective taxable money that you earn or receive is money that you have to pay tax on All income over £4,500 is taxable. taxable profits … English dictionary
taxable — adj. VERBS ▪ be ▪ become ▪ remain ▪ make sth ADVERB ▪ fully … Collocations dictionary
taxable — tax|a|ble [ˈtæksəbəl] adj if money that you receive is taxable, you have to pay tax on it taxable income/profits/earnings etc … Dictionary of contemporary English
taxable — taxability, taxableness, n. taxably, adv. /tak seuh beuhl/, adj. 1. capable of being taxed; subject to tax: a taxable gain. n. 2. Usually, taxables. persons, items of property, etc., that are subject to tax. [1425 75; late ME; see TAX, ABLE] * *… … Universalium