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со всех языков на русский


  • 61 М-36

    подливать/подлить масла в ОГОНЬ coll VP subj: human or abstr the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO
    to intensify a feeling (often negative), a mood, s.o. 's interest in s.o. or sth. etc
    x подлил масла в огонь - x added fuel to the fire (the flames)
    x poured oil on the fire (the flames) x fanned the flames.
    Теперь все были против него (Василия). Теперь уж его никто не защищал, только подливали масла в огонь... (Аллилуева 1). Everyone...was against Vasily now. Not only did no one come forward in his defense, but everyone added fuel to the flames (1a).
    (Нина:) Давайте, давайте, оправдывайте его (Васеньку), защищайте. Если хотите, чтобы он совсем рехнулся... (Васенька:) Я с ума хочу сходить, понятно тебе? Сходить с ума и ни о чём не думать! И оставь меня в покое! (Уходит в другую комнату.) (Бусыгин (Нине):) Зачем же ты так? (Сарафанов:) Напрасно, Нина, честное слово. Ты подливаешь масло в огонь (Вампилов 4). (N.:) Go ahead, go ahead and agree with him (Vasenka), defend him. If you want him to go completely crazy... (V.:) I want to go nuts, understand? Go nuts and not think about anything! So leave me alone! (He goes into the other room.) (B. (to Nina):) Why do you do that? (S.:) It's pointless, Nina, really. You're pouring oil on the fire (4b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-36

  • 62 М-261

    МОСКВА ОТ КОПЕЕЧНОЙ СВЕЧКИ СГОРЕЛА (ЗАГОРЕЛАСЬ) (saying) great troubles can result from insignificant things: - all it takes is a match to set a forest afire a mighty fire begins with a straw a penny candle set Moscow on fire.
    «Как? Вы не шутя думаете сладить, сладить с целым народом?» - «От копеечной свечи, вы знаете, Москва сгорела», - ответил Базаров (Тургенев 2). "What? Do you seriously think you can take on the whole nation?" "A penny candle, you know, set Moscow on fire," Bazarov responded (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-261

  • 63 О-65

    ПРОЙТИ (СКВОЗЬ (ЧЕРЕЗ, И)) ОГОНЬ И ВОДУ (ОГНИ И ВОДЫ) (И МЕДНЫЕ ТРУБЫ) coll VP subj: human usu. past the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience
    occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much
    X прошёл огонь и воду (и медные трубы) - X has been (gone) through fire and water
    X has survived fire and water X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer) X has been there and back (in limited contexts) there's nothing X doesn't know.
    Осталась она (при немцах) потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадет (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
    Её (Одинцову) не любили в губернии... рассказывали про нее всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... «Прошла через огонь и воду», — говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She (Madame Odintsov) was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades... /There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > О-65

  • 64 подливать масла в огонь

    [VP; subj: human or abstr; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    to intensify a feeling (often negative), a mood, s.o.'s interest in s.o. or sth. etc:
    - X подлил масла в огонь X added fuel to the fire (the flames);
    - X fanned the flames.
         ♦ Теперь все были против него [Василия]. Теперь уж его никто не защищал, только подливали масла в огонь... (Аллилуева 1). Everyone...was against Vasily now. Not only did no one come forward in his defense, but everyone added fuel to the flames (1a).
         ♦ [Нина:] Давайте, давайте, оправдывайте его [Васеньку], защищайте. Если хотите, чтобы он совсем рехнулся... [Васенька:] Я с ума хочу сходить, понятно тебе? Сходить с ума и ни о чём не думать! И оставь меня в покое! (Уходит в другую комнату.) [Бусыгин (Нине):] Зачем же ты так? [Сарафанов:] Напрасно, Нина, честное слово. Ты подливаешь масло в огонь (Вампилов 4). [N.:] Go ahead, go ahead and agree with him [Vasenka], defend him. If you want him to go completely crazy.... [V.:] I want to go nuts, understand? Go nuts and not think about anything! So leave me alone! (He goes into the other room.) [B. (to Nina):] Why do you do that? [S.:] It's pointless, Nina, really. You're pouring oil on the fire (4b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > подливать масла в огонь

  • 65 подлить масла в огонь

    [VP; subj: human or abstr; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    to intensify a feeling (often negative), a mood, s.o.'s interest in s.o. or sth. etc:
    - X подлил масла в огонь X added fuel to the fire (the flames);
    - X fanned the flames.
         ♦ Теперь все были против него [Василия]. Теперь уж его никто не защищал, только подливали масла в огонь... (Аллилуева 1). Everyone...was against Vasily now. Not only did no one come forward in his defense, but everyone added fuel to the flames (1a).
         ♦ [Нина:] Давайте, давайте, оправдывайте его [Васеньку], защищайте. Если хотите, чтобы он совсем рехнулся... [Васенька:] Я с ума хочу сходить, понятно тебе? Сходить с ума и ни о чём не думать! И оставь меня в покое! (Уходит в другую комнату.) [Бусыгин (Нине):] Зачем же ты так? [Сарафанов:] Напрасно, Нина, честное слово. Ты подливаешь масло в огонь (Вампилов 4). [N.:] Go ahead, go ahead and agree with him [Vasenka], defend him. If you want him to go completely crazy.... [V.:] I want to go nuts, understand? Go nuts and not think about anything! So leave me alone! (He goes into the other room.) [B. (to Nina):] Why do you do that? [S.:] It's pointless, Nina, really. You're pouring oil on the fire (4b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > подлить масла в огонь

  • 66 Москва от копеечной свечки загорелась

    great troubles can result from insignificant things:
    - a penny candle set Moscow on fire.
         ♦ " Как? Вы не шутя думаете сладить, сладить с целым народом?" - "От копеечной свечи, вы знаете, Москва сгорела", - ответил Базаров (Тургенев 2). "What? Do you seriously think you can take on the whole nation?" "A penny candle, you know, set Moscow on fire," Bazarov responded (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Москва от копеечной свечки загорелась

  • 67 Москва от копеечной свечки сгорела

    great troubles can result from insignificant things:
    - a penny candle set Moscow on fire.
         ♦ " Как? Вы не шутя думаете сладить, сладить с целым народом?" - "От копеечной свечи, вы знаете, Москва сгорела", - ответил Базаров (Тургенев 2). "What? Do you seriously think you can take on the whole nation?" "A penny candle, you know, set Moscow on fire," Bazarov responded (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Москва от копеечной свечки сгорела

  • 68 пройти и огни и воды

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти и огни и воды

  • 69 пройти и огни и воды и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти и огни и воды и медные трубы

  • 70 пройти и огонь и воду

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти и огонь и воду

  • 71 пройти и огонь и воду и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти и огонь и воду и медные трубы

  • 72 пройти огни и воды

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти огни и воды

  • 73 пройти огни и воды и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти огни и воды и медные трубы

  • 74 пройти огонь и воду

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти огонь и воду

  • 75 пройти огонь и воду и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти огонь и воду и медные трубы

  • 76 пройти сквозь огни и воды

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь огни и воды

  • 77 пройти сквозь огни и воды и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь огни и воды и медные трубы

  • 78 пройти сквозь огонь и воду

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь огонь и воду

  • 79 пройти сквозь огонь и воду и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь огонь и воду и медные трубы

  • 80 пройти сквозь через огни и воды

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь через огни и воды

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