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См. также в других словарях:

  • Tabernacles — noun a major Jewish festival beginning on the eve of the 15th of Tishri and commemorating the shelter of the Israelites during their 40 years in the wilderness • Syn: ↑Succoth, ↑Sukkoth, ↑Succos, ↑Feast of Booths, ↑Feast of Tabernacles • Topics:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tabernacles, Feast of — • One of the three great feasts of the Hebrew liturgical calendar Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Tabernacles, Feast of —    The third of the great annual festivals of the Jews (Lev. 23:33 43). It is also called the feast of ingathering (Ex. 23:16; Deut. 16:13). It was celebrated immediately after the harvest, in the month Tisri, and the celebration lasted for eight …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • Tabernacles, feast of — An autumn festival of ingathering lasting eight days; people were instructed to ‘dwell in succoth’ (Lev. 23:42; ‘booths’ is an alternative name for the feast) as a memorial and thanksgiving [[➝ thanksgiving sacrifice]] for the safety of the… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • Tabernacles — noun a) A particular Jewish holiday, coming each autumn. b) A particular Christian holiday based on the Jewish one …   Wiktionary

  • tabernacles — tab·er·nac·le || tæbÉ™(r)nækl n. large place of worship; portable sanctuary carried by the Jews during the Exodus; box containing the consecrated wine and host for the Eucharist …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Tabernacles — /ˈtæbənækəlz/ (say tabuhnakuhlz) noun Feast of → Sukkoth …  

  • Tabernacles, Feast of —  Кущей праздник …   Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов

  • Feast of Tabernacles (Christian holiday) — The Feast of Tabernacles is an eight day Biblical pilgrimage festival, also known as the Feast of Booths, the Festival of Tabernacles, or Tabernacles. it is celebrated by a small number of Christians who have revived some Old Testament festivals …   Wikipedia

  • Feast of Tabernacles —     The Feast of Tabernacles     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Feast of Tabernacles     One of the three great feasts of the Hebrew liturgical calendar, even the greatest, according to Philo (heorton megiste) and Josephus (heste hagiotate kai… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Fête des Tabernacles — Souccot Cet article traite du festival juif où l on construit des cabanes temporaires; celles ci font l objet d une entrée détaillée; pour le traité talmudique traitant de ce festival, voir Soukka (Talmud); pour le lieu dit Soukkot, voir Soukkot… …   Wikipédia en Français

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