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  • 41 novel

    adj. yeni çıkmış, yeni, acayip
    n. roman
    * * *
    * * *
    I ['novəl] noun
    (a book telling a long story in prose: the novels of Charles Dickens.) roman
    II ['novəl] adjective
    (new and strange: a novel idea.) yeni ve farklı, alışılmamış

    English-Turkish dictionary > novel

  • 42 novelty

    n. yenilik, acayiplik, tuhaflık, yeni çıkmış şey
    * * *
    * * *
    plural - novelties; noun
    1) (newness and strangeness: It took her a long time to get used to the novelty of her surroundings.) yenilik
    2) (something new and strange: Snow is a novelty to people from hot countries.) alışılmamış şey, değişiklik
    3) (a small, cheap manufactured thing sold as a toy or souvenir: a stall selling novelties.) ucuz ve küçük hediyelik eşya

    English-Turkish dictionary > novelty

  • 43 occurrence

    n. oluş, olma, çıkma, olay
    * * *
    * * *
    noun a strange occurrence.) olay, hadise

    English-Turkish dictionary > occurrence

  • 44 odd

    adj. tek, küsur, artan, tek tük, teki olmayan, ara sıra olabilen, tuhaf, acayip, garip, sıradışı
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (unusual; strange: He's wearing very odd clothes; a very odd young man.) tuhaf
    2) ((of a number) that cannot be divided exactly by 2: 5 and 7 are odd (numbers).) ikiye bölünmez
    3) (not one of a pair, set etc: an odd shoe.) tek
    4) (occasional; free: at odd moments.) vakit buldukça, ara sıra olan
    - oddly
    - oddment
    - odds
    - odd jobs
    - odd job man
    - be at odds
    - make no odds
    - oddly enough
    - odd man out / odd one out
    - odds and ends
    - what's the odds?

    English-Turkish dictionary > odd

  • 45 oddity

    n. acayiplik, gariplik, tuhaf tip, antika kimse
    * * *
    * * *
    plural - oddities; noun (a strange person or thing: He's a bit of an oddity.) tuhaf kimse, antikanın teki

    English-Turkish dictionary > oddity

  • 46 oddly enough

    işin garibi, şans eseri olarak, işin tuhafı
    * * *
    şans eseri olarak
    * * *
    (it is strange or remarkable (that): I saw John this morning. Oddly enough, I was just thinking I hadn't seen him for a long time.) tuhaftır ki, işin garibi

    English-Turkish dictionary > oddly enough

  • 47 outlook

    n. görünüm, görünüş, görüntü, görüş, bakış açısı, hedefleme, tahmin, seyredilen yer
    * * *
    1. görünüm 2. görünüş
    * * *
    1) (a view: Their house has a wonderful outlook.) manzara
    2) (a person's view of life etc: He has a strange outlook (on life).) görüş, bakış açısı
    3) (what is likely to happen in the future: The weather outlook is bad.) tahmin

    English-Turkish dictionary > outlook

  • 48 peculiar

    adj. has, özgün, özel, acayip, tuhaf
    n. özel mülk, özel eşya, ayrıcalık, ayrıcalıklı kilise
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (strange; odd: peculiar behaviour.) tuhaf, acayip, garip
    2) (belonging to one person, place or thing in particular and to no other: customs peculiar to France.) özgü, has
    - peculiarly

    English-Turkish dictionary > peculiar

  • 49 prodigy

    n. olağanüstü şey, mucize, harika, dahi
    * * *
    * * *
    plural - prodigies; noun
    (something strange and wonderful: A very clever child is sometimes called a child prodigy; prodigies of nature.) dâhi

    English-Turkish dictionary > prodigy

  • 50 pull a face / faces (at)

    (to make strange expressions with the face eg to show disgust, or to amuse: The children were pulling faces at each other; He pulled a face when he smelt the fish.) suratını buruşturup alay etmek; yüzünü buruşturmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > pull a face / faces (at)

  • 51 pull a face / faces (at)

    (to make strange expressions with the face eg to show disgust, or to amuse: The children were pulling faces at each other; He pulled a face when he smelt the fish.) suratını buruşturup alay etmek; yüzünü buruşturmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > pull a face / faces (at)

  • 52 quaint

    adj. antika, acayip, ilginç, eski ve hoş
    * * *
    * * *
    (pleasantly odd or strange, especially because of being old-fashioned: quaint customs.) tuhaf ve hoş
    - quaintness

    English-Turkish dictionary > quaint

  • 53 queer

    adj. tuhaf, acayip, garip, antika, kaçık, çatlak, rahatsız, keyifsiz, sahte, kalp, homoseksüel, eşcinsel, midesi bozulmuş, sarhoş
    n. sahte para, kalp para, eşcinsel, nonoş
    v. bozmak, mahvetmek
    * * *
    * * *
    [kwiə] 1. adjective
    1) (odd, strange or unusual: queer behaviour; queer noises in the middle of the night.) tuhaf, acayip
    2) (sick; unwell: I do feel a bit queer - perhaps I ate too many oysters.) hasta
    3) ((slang) homosexual.) ibne
    2. noun
    (a homosexual.) ibne kişi
    - queerness

    English-Turkish dictionary > queer

  • 54 quirk

    n. espri, hazırcevap, kaçamak cevap, iğneleyici söz, acayip hareket, acayiplik, orijinallik, beklenmedik olay, yazı süsü
    * * *
    * * *
    (a strange or unusual feature of a person's behaviour etc.) tuhaflık, acayiplik

    English-Turkish dictionary > quirk

  • 55 rational

    adj. oranlı, rasyonel, akla yatkın, mantıklı, akılcı
    * * *
    1. mantıklı 2. oransal 3. rasyonel
    * * *
    1) (able to think, reason and judge etc: Man is a rational animal.) mantıklı, aklı başında
    2) (sensible; reasonable; logical; not (over-) influenced by emotions etc: There must be a rational explanation for those strange noises) akla yatkın
    - rationality

    English-Turkish dictionary > rational

  • 56 rig out

    donatmak, giydirmek
    * * *
    to dress: She was rigged out in rather odd clothes (noun rig-out: She was wearing a strange rig-out) giyinmek, giydirip kuşatmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > rig out

  • 57 strangely enough

    (it is strange (that): He lives next door, but strangely enough I rarely see him.) tuhaf ama

    English-Turkish dictionary > strangely enough

  • 58 twist

    n. büklüm, dönme, burkma, bükülme, burkulma, kıvırma, bükme, çarpıtma, kıvrım, düğüm, yeni çözüm, eğilim (kötü), sarma sigara, ibrişim, ip, girdap, viraj, dönemeç, tvist (dans)
    v. bükmek, dolamak, kıvırmak, bükülmek, sarmak, burmak, burkmak, çarpıtmak, dönmek, kıvrılmak, kıvranmak, burkulmak, kıvrılarak akmak
    * * *
    1. bük (v.) 2. bükme (n.)
    * * *
    [twist] 1. verb
    1) (to turn round (and round): He twisted the knob; The road twisted through the mountains.) bükmek, kıvırmak
    2) (to wind around or together: He twisted the piece of string (together) to make a rope.) burmak
    3) (to force out of the correct shape or position: The heat of the fire twisted the metal; He twisted her arm painfully.) burkmak, incitmek, çarpıtmak
    2. noun
    1) (the act of twisting.) bükme
    2) (a twisted piece of something: He added a twist of lemon to her drink.) bükülmüş parça
    3) (a turn, coil etc: There's a twist in the rope.) büklüm, kıvrım
    4) (a change in direction (of a story etc): The story had a strange twist at the end.) değişiklik
    - twister

    English-Turkish dictionary > twist

  • 59 uncanny

    adj. anlaşılmaz, tekin olmayan, acayip, esrarengiz
    * * *
    * * *
    (strange or mysterious: She looks so like her sister that it's quite uncanny.) acayip, tuhaf

    English-Turkish dictionary > uncanny

  • 60 under

    adj. alt, az, normalin altında
    adv. altına, altında, dibe, altta, aşağıda
    prep. altında, altı, altından, aşağısına, döneminde, emrinde, bağlı, etkisi altında, halinde
    * * *
    * * *
    1. preposition
    1) (in or to a position lower than, or covered by: Your pencil is under the chair; Strange plants grow under the sea.) altın(d)a
    2) (less than, or lower in rank than: Children under five should not cross the street alone; You can do the job in under an hour.) altında, aşağısında,...-den/dan küçük
    3) (subject to the authority of: As a foreman, he has about fifty workers under him.) yanında, emir komutası altında
    4) (used to express various states: The fort was under attack; The business improved under the new management; The matter is under consideration/discussion.) altında; bünyesinde; halinde
    2. adverb
    (in or to a lower position, rank etc: The swimmer surfaced and went under again; children aged seven and under.) altın(d)a

    English-Turkish dictionary > under

См. также в других словарях:

  • strânge — STRẤNGE, strâng, vb. III. I. 1. tranz. A trage tare de capetele unei sfori, ale unei curele etc. înnodate sau înfăşurate în jurul cuiva sau a ceva, spre a lega ori a închide, a fixa etc. (mai) bine; a face ca o legătură să fie mai strâmtă. ♢ expr …   Dicționar Român

  • Strange — Strange, a. [Compar. {Stranger}; superl. {Strangest}.] [OE. estrange, F. [ e]trange, fr. L. extraneus that is without, external, foreign, fr. extra on the outside. See {Extra}, and cf. {Estrange}, {Extraneous}.] 1. Belonging to another country;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Strange — may refer to:* Strange (surname), a family name * Strange, Ontario, Canada * Strange (TV series), a British programme * Strange quark, an elementary particleIn comics: * Strange (comic), a comic book limited series by Marvel Comics * Strange… …   Wikipedia

  • strange´ly — strange «straynj», adjective, strang|er, strang|est, adverb. –adj. 1. unusual; odd; queer; peculiar: »a strange accident. What a str …   Useful english dictionary

  • Strange — bezeichnet einen Quark Flavour, Quark (Physik)#Strange Quark Strange ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alf Strange (1900–1978), englischer Fußballspieler Allen Strange (1943–2008), US amerikanischer Komponist, Musiktheoretiker und Musiker… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Strange — Título Strange Ficha técnica Dirección Anton Corbijn Producción Richard Bell Datos y cifras …   Wikipedia Español

  • strange — strange, *singular, unique, peculiar, eccentric, erratic, odd, queer, quaint, outlandish, curious can mean varying from what is ordinary, usual, and to be expected. Strange, the most comprehensive of these terms, suggests unfamiliarity; it may… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • strange — [strānj] adj. stranger, strangest [ME < OFr estrange < L extraneus, EXTRANEOUS] 1. of another place or locality; foreign; alien 2. not previously known, seen, heard, or experienced; unfamiliar 3. quite unusual or uncommon; extraordinary 4.… …   English World dictionary

  • Strange — Strange, adv. Strangely. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Most strange, but yet most truly, will I speak. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • strange — strange·ly; strange; strange·ness; …   English syllables

  • strange — ► ADJECTIVE 1) unusual or surprising. 2) not previously visited, seen, or encountered. 3) (strange to/at/in) archaic unaccustomed to or unfamiliar with. 4) Physics denoting one of the six flavours of quark. DERIVATIVES strangely adverb …   English terms dictionary

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