Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 we might just as well have stayed home

    we might just as well have stayed home
    daria na mesma se tivéssemos ficado em casa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > we might just as well have stayed home

  • 2 behind

    1. preposition
    1) (at or towards the back of: behind the door.) atrás de
    2) (remaining after: The tourists left their litter behind them.) atrás de
    3) (in support: We're right behind him on this point.) por trás de
    2. adverb
    1) (at the back: following behind.) atrás
    2) ((also behindhand [-hænd]) not up to date: behind with his work.) atrasado
    3) (remaining: He left his book behind; We stayed behind after the party.) para trás
    3. noun
    (the buttocks: a smack on the behind.) traseiro
    * * *
    [bih'aind] prep 1 atrás de. he looked behind him / ele olhou atrás de si. she hid behind the door / ela escondeu-se atrás da porta. 2 do lado afastado ou oposto de. 3 escondido, oculto sob. he did it behind my back / fig ele o fez sem eu saber. 4 inferior a, atrasado em comparação com. he is behind the times / ele é antiquado, atrasado. 5 mais tarde que, após, depois de. he is behind time / ele está atrasado, ele chega atrasado. he is behind schedule with his work / ele está atrasado com seu trabalho. 6 que remanesce. 7 em apoio de. • adv 1 atrás, detrás. he fell behind / ele ficou para trás. he leaves three children behind / ele deixa três crianças. 2 anteriormente. 3 de reserva, por vir. 4 atrasado. 5 n sl nádegas, traseiro. behind the front na retaguarda. behind the scenes a) Theat atrás dos bastidores. b) fig por baixo do pano, em segredo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > behind

  • 3 cling

    past tense, past participle - clung; verb
    ((usually with to) to stick (to); to grip tightly: The mud clung to her shoes; She clung to her husband as he said goodbye; He clings to an impossible hope; The boat clung to (= stayed close to) the coastline.) agarrar-se
    * * *
    [kliŋ] n agarração, ato de pegar. • vi (ps and pp clung) 1 agarrar, pregar, segurar, grudar. 2 apegar-se, ser fiel, aferrar-se a. they cling together / eles são muito ligados, são amigos, são unidos. 3 abraçar. of a clinging disposition ligado, fiel, apegado. of the clinging sort fig sem iniciativa própria, dependente de outrem. she clings to her girl-friends ela gosta das suas amigas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cling

  • 4 consideration

    1) ((the act of) thinking about something, especially the needs or feelings of other people: He stayed at home out of consideration for his mother.) consideração
    2) (a fact to be taken into account in making a decision etc: The cost of the journey is our main consideration.) preocupação
    * * *
    [kənsidər'eiʃən] n 1 consideração, exame, deliberação. the matter is under consideration / o assunto está em estudos. 2 razão, fato a ser levado em conta, consideração. time is no consideration / o tempo não importa. we must take into consideration / temos de levar em consideração. 3 pagamento, recompensa, compensação, remuneração. 4 respeito, estima, consideração. 5 importância. 6 reflexão, ponderação. I shall give your proposal my careful consideration / estudarei sua proposta com carinho. in consideration of em retribuição ou pagamento por. on further consideration pensando bem. on no consideration de forma alguma. out of consideration for em consideração a.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > consideration

  • 5 disfavour

    1) (the state of being out of favour: He was in disfavour because he had stayed out late.) desgraça
    2) (displeasure or disapproval.) desaprovação
    * * *
    [disf'eivə] n 1 desfavor, desgosto, desestima, desagrado, desaprovação, desdém, malquerença, ódio. 2 desvantagem. • vt desfavorecer, desestimar, desaprovar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > disfavour

  • 6 freeze

    [fri:z] 1. past tense - froze; verb
    1) (to make into or become ice: It's so cold that the river has frozen over.) congelar
    2) ((of weather) to be at or below freezing-point: If it freezes again tonight all my plants will die.) gelar
    3) (to make or be very cold: If you had stayed out all night in the snow you might have frozen to death (= died of exposure to cold).) gelar
    4) (to make (food) very cold in order to preserve it: You can freeze the rest of that food and eat it later.) congelar
    5) (to make or become stiff, still or unable to move (with fear etc): She froze when she heard the strange noise.) gelar
    6) (to fix prices, wages etc at a certain level: If the situation does not improve, wages will be frozen again.) congelar
    2. noun
    (a period of very cold weather when temperatures are below freezing-point: How long do you think the freeze will last?) gelo
    - freezing
    - frozen
    - freezing-point
    - freeze up
    * * *
    [fri:z] n 1 congelação. 2 geada, baixa temperatura, frio intenso. • vt+vi (ps froze, pp frozen) 1 gelar: refrigerar, resfriar, congelar(-se), regelar
    (-se), enregelar-se, tornar(-se) gelo. 2 solidificar pela ação do frio. 3 frigorificar. 4 tornar(-se), fazer ou sentir muito frio. 5 matar, destruir, danificar, queimar, crestar por efeito do frio. 6 estar gelado, estar morto de frio, estar queimado por efeito da geada, morrer de frio. 7 cobrir(-se) de gelo. 8 aderir, grudar-se a alguma coisa por efeito do frio. 9 fig esfriar, mostrar-se reservado, indiferente. 10 espantar(-se), assombrar(-se), paralisar de assombro ou susto, imobilizar-se. 11 congelar-se (a voz), embargar-se, tolher, paralisar, emudecer. 12 Com congelar. 13 congelar, fixar a imagem. it freezes está geando. to freeze in ficar preso no gelo. to freeze one’s blood gelar o sangue. to freeze out sl eliminar, boicotar. to freeze over cobrir de gelo. to freeze the wages and the prices congelar os salários e os preços. to freeze to death morrer de frio. to freeze up ficar paralisado de medo ou nervosismo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > freeze

  • 7 harbour

    1. noun
    (a place of shelter for ships: All the ships stayed in (the) harbour during the storm.) porto
    2. verb
    1) (to give shelter or refuge to (a person): It is against the law to harbour criminals.) acolher
    2) (to have (usually bad) thoughts in one's head: He harbours a grudge against me.) alimentar
    * * *
    [h'a:bə] n Brit 1 porto, enseada, ancoradouro. 2 abrigo, refúgio. • vt 1 abrigar, proteger, acolher. 2 nutrir, fomentar. 3 ancorar (no porto).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > harbour

  • 8 on account of

    (because of: She stayed indoors on account of the bad weather.) devido a
    * * *
    on account of
    por causa de, a bem de, no interesse de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > on account of

  • 9 outside

    1. noun
    (the outer surface: The outside of the house was painted white.) exterior
    2. adjective
    1) (of, on, or near the outer part of anything: the outside door.) exterior
    2) (not part of (a group, one's work etc): We shall need outside help; She has a lot of outside interests.) de fora
    3) ((of a chance etc) very small.) pequeníssimo
    3. adverb
    1) (out of, not in a building etc: He went outside; He stayed outside.) lá fora
    2) (on the outside: The house looked beautiful outside.) do lado de fora
    4. preposition
    (on the outer part or side of; not inside or within: He stood outside the house; He did that outside working hours.) fora
    - at the outside
    - outside in
    * * *
    [auts'aid] n 1 exterior. 2 aparência. to judge by the outside / julgar pela aparência. 3 extremo, limite máximo. 4 coll pingente. • adj 1 externo, exterior. 2 aparente, superficial. 3 extremo, máximo, remoto. • adv 1 para fora. 2 fora. 3 do lado de fora. • prep 1 fora, de fora, para fora. 2 sem. 3 além. from the outside do lado de fora.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > outside

  • 10 spell

    I [spel] past tense, past participle - spelt; verb
    1) (to name or give in order the letters of (a word): I asked him to spell his name for me.) soletrar
    2) ((of letters) to form (a word): C-a-t spells `cat'.) ler-se
    3) (to (be able to) spell words correctly: I can't spell!) grafar correctamente
    4) (to mean or amount to: This spells disaster.) significar
    - spelling II [spel] noun
    1) (a set or words which, when spoken, is supposed to have magical power: The witch recited a spell and turned herself into a swan.) feitiço
    2) (a strong influence: He was completely under her spell.) encanto
    III [spel] noun
    1) (a turn (at work): Shortly afterwards I did another spell at the machine.) temporada
    2) (a period of time during which something lasts: a spell of bad health.) temporada
    3) (a short time: We stayed in the country for a spell and then came home.) temporada
    * * *
    [spel] n 1 palavra ou palavras que têm força mágica. 2 encanto, fascinação, feitiço. she has cast a spell over me / ela me deixou encantado. they are under his spell / elas estão sob o fascínio dele. 3 período de trabalho, turno, vigia. 4 coll período de tempo. 5 Amer coll indisposição, doença. 6 período climático. 7 rendição, substituição. • vt+vi (ps+pp Amer spelled, Brit spelt) 1 soletrar. 2 falar ou escrever corretamente. he spells his name with an E / ele escreve seu nome com E. how do you spell this? / como você escreve isto? 3 formar (palavras). 4 significar, dizer. 5 coll substituir, render, trabalhar (temporariamente) em lugar de outro. 6 dar descanso, dar um intervalo. 7 descansar durante um intervalo. 8 enfeitiçar. a spell of bad weather um período de mau tempo. by spells de vez em quando. to spell out a) soletrar, ler ou escrever letra a letra com dificuldade. I can’t spell it out / não consigo decifrá-lo. b) sl explicar nos mínimos detalhes.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > spell

  • 11 start

    I 1. verb
    1) (to leave or begin a journey: We shall have to start at 5.30 a.m. in order to get to the boat in time.) partir
    2) (to begin: He starts working at six o'clock every morning; She started to cry; She starts her new job next week; Haven't you started (on) your meal yet?; What time does the play start?) começar
    3) (to (cause an engine etc to) begin to work: I can't start the car; The car won't start; The clock stopped but I started it again.) (pôr a) andar
    4) (to cause something to begin or begin happening etc: One of the students decided to start a college magazine.) lançar
    2. noun
    1) (the beginning of an activity, journey, race etc: I told him at the start that his idea would not succeed; The runners lined up at the start; He stayed in the lead after a good start; I shall have to make a start on that work.) começo
    2) (in a race etc, the advantage of beginning before or further forward than others, or the amount of time, distance etc gained through this: The youngest child in the race got a start of five metres; The driver of the stolen car already had twenty minutes' start before the police began the pursuit.) avanço
    - starting-point
    - for a start
    - get off to a good
    - bad start
    - start off
    - start out
    - start up
    - to start with
    II 1. verb
    (to jump or jerk suddenly because of fright, surprise etc: The sudden noise made me start.) sobressaltar-se
    2. noun
    1) (a sudden movement of the body: He gave a start of surprise.) sobressalto
    2) (a shock: What a start the news gave me!) susto
    * * *
    [sta:t] n 1 partida, começo (de um movimento, de viagem, de corrida, etc.). 2 começo, início, princípio. 3 arranco, impulso, ímpeto. 4 sobressalto, susto. 5 vantagem, dianteira. 6 lugar de partida. 7 arranque (motor). • vt+vi 1 partir, pôr-se em movimento, levantar vôo, zarpar, embarcar, sair de viagem. 2 começar, iniciar. 3 dar partida (de motor), fazer começar. 4 encaminhar, auxiliar no início. 5 sobressaltar-se, espantar-se, assustar-se, fazer um movimento brusco, estancar. 6 vir, sair, brotar repentinamente, pegar. 7 levantar, assustar (caça). 8 soltar, ceder. 9 provocar, originar. 10 fundar (negócio). by fits and starts aos poucos, aos trancos. for a start primeiro, em primeiro lugar. from start to finish do princípio ao fim. to get off to a good/ a bad start começar bem. to get ou have the start of someone tomar a dianteira de alguém. to give someone a start a) dar vantagens para alguém no começo de um negócio, de uma competição, etc. b) surpreender ou assustar alguém. c) dar um emprego a alguém. he gave me a start / ele me assustou. to have a false start ter um mau começo. to make a new start começar de novo. to start a family ter o primeiro filho. to start after sair à procura de. to start back assustar-se, retroceder bruscamente. to start doing começar a fazer (alguma coisa). to start forward pular para a frente. to start from scratch começar do nada, começar do zero. to start in business começar um negócio. to start out (ou off) partir, levantar-se, pôr-se em marcha. to start over Amer começar de novo. to start up a) levantar-se bruscamente. b) dar partida (motor). c) fundar, abrir (um negócio). to start with para começar, primeiro, em primeiro lugar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > start

  • 12 stay

    [stei] 1. verb
    1) (to remain (in a place) for a time, eg while travelling, or as a guest etc: We stayed three nights at that hotel / with a friend / in Paris; Aunt Mary is coming to stay (for a fortnight); Would you like to stay for supper?; Stay and watch that television programme.) ficar
    2) (to remain (in a particular position, place, state or condition): The doctor told her to stay in bed; He never stays long in any job; Stay away from the office till your cold is better; Why won't these socks stay up?; Stay where you are - don't move!; In 1900, people didn't realize that motor cars were here to stay.) ficar
    2. noun
    (a period of staying (in a place etc): We had an overnight stay / a two days' stay in London.) estadia
    - stay in
    - stay out
    - stay put
    - stay up
    * * *
    [stei] n 1 permanência, estada, parada, tempo, temporada. 2 paralisação, impedimento, estorvo, restrição. 3 suspensão (de um processo). 4 coll resistência, tolerância. • vt+vi 1 ficar, permanecer. will he stay with you? / ele ficará com você. 2 morar, passar certo tempo ou uma temporada, residir, acomodar-se. she is staying with her sister / ela mora com sua irmã. 3 parar. 4 pausar, esperar. 5 ficar para. 6 parar, suspender, pôr fim a. 7 Amer coll satisfazer (fome ou apetite). 8 protelar, retardar, adiar, transferir. 9 reter, suspender, obstar, impedir. 10 agüentar, tolerar. 11 Amer coll satisfazer a fome ou o apetite. 12 vulg manter a ereção, Brit ficar de pau duro. don’t stay me up Amer coll não me deixe na mão. to be here (have come) to stay vir para ficar. mini-skirts are here to stay / minissaias vieram para ficar, minissaias tornaram-se geralmente aceitas. to stay away ficar afastado, ficar ausente. to stay behind ficar para trás. to stay for someone esperar por alguém. to stay for tea coll ficar para o chá. to stay home ficar em casa. to stay in ficar em casa. to stay loose ficar relaxado, Brit ficar numa boa. to stay on perdurar, ficar. to stay out ficar fora, demorar. to stay over Amer passar a noite fora. to stay put Amer estabelecer-se, ficar firme, não arredar pé. to stay single ficar solteiro. to stay the course competir até agüentar. to stay up ficar acordado.
    [stei] n 1 suporte, braço, esteio. 2 espartilho. 3 Naut tirante, estai. 4 apoio, arrimo, escora. 5 barbatana (de colarinho, de maiô, etc.). • vt+vi suportar, sustentar, manter. 2 colocar tirante, suportar com estai. 3 Naut virar de bordo. in stays Naut ao virar. stays, a pair of stays espartilho.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stay

  • 13 subside

    1) ((of land, streets, buildings etc) to sink lower: When a building starts to subside, cracks usually appear in the walls.) ceder
    2) ((of floods) to become lower and withdraw: Gradually the water subsided.) baixar
    3) ((of a storm, noise or other disturbance) to become quieter: They stayed anchored in harbour till the wind subsided.) abrandar
    * * *
    [səbs'aid] vi 1 baixar. 2 diminuir, acalmar-se, cessar, apaziguar-se. 3 depositar, decantar, precipitar. 4 ceder, afundar. 5 deixar-se cair, atirar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > subside

  • 14 though

    [ðəu] 1. conjunction
    ((rare abbreviation tho') despite the fact that; although: He went out, (even) though it was raining.) embora
    2. adverb
    (however: I wish I hadn't done it, though.) contudo
    * * *
    [ðou] conj ainda que, posto que, embora, não obstante, entretanto, ainda quando, apesar de (também tho, tho’). though he saw the danger, he stayed / apesar de ver o perigo, ele ficou. it is worth attempting though we fail / vale a pena tentar, ainda que falhemos. it looks as though it would rain / parece que está querendo chover. it was quite certain though / aliás, estava bem certo. I hoped you had told him though / esperava, entretanto, que você lhe tivesse dito.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > though

  • 15 well

    (to have a good, or bad, opinion of: She thought highly of him and his poetry.) ter boa (má) opinião de
    * * *
    [wel] n 1 poço (água, petróleo, gás). 2 fonte, nascente. 3 reservatório de tinta em tinteiro. 4 Naut arca da bomba. 5 poço de escada ou de elevador. 6 buraco vertical profundo. 7 Jur lugar reservado ao solicitador. 8 Naut tanque de um barco de pesca onde se conservam vivos os peixes. • vt+vi manar, nascer, jorrar, verter, brotar ( out/up/ forth de). tears welled up to her eyes / lágrimas brotaram de seus oIhos. to well over (with) transbordar de.
    [wel] adj 1 bom, certo, satisfatório. all will be well / tudo ficará bom. 2 favorável, apropriado. 3 desejável, aconselhável. it would be well for him to come / seria aconselhável que ele viesse. 4 saudável, curado. • adv 1 bem, satisfatoriamente, favoravelmente, apropriadamente. I am quite well here / eu me sinto bem satisfeito aqui. 2 perfeitamente, excelentemente. 3 completamente, cabalmente. 4 bastante, suficientemente. 5 detalhadamente, profundamente, intimamente. 6 propriamente, razoavelmente. 7 adequadamente. • interj bem! bom! incrível. all is well that ends well tudo está bem quando acaba bem. all very well tudo muito bem (frase irônica para introduzir uma objeção ao que foi dito antes). and well it might be e poderia bem ser. as well também, em adição, igualmente. as well as assim como, tanto... como. in London as well as in New York / tanto em Londres como em Nova York. a well man um homem sadio. before I was well out of the kitchen antes que eu conseguisse estar bem fora da cozinha. he is well on sl ele está bem animado, ele bebeu. it is well on the way está bem encaminhado, bastante progredido. it may well be that é bem possível que. just as well por sorte, sortudo. pretty well quase. they played well into the evening eles jogaram até alta noite. they stand well/ not very well with him eles estão bem/não muito bem com ele. to come off well acabar bem. to do well a) prosperar. he is doing well / ele vai indo bem, está fazendo bons progressos. b) ser sábio, esperto. they did well to go / fizeram bem em ir embora. to leave well alone deixar como está. to mean well ter boas intenções. to wish someone well desejar sorte, sucesso, para alguém, desejar que nada de mal aconteça para alguém. I wish you well! / eu lhe desejo todo o sucesso! very well muito bem. well and good está tudo muito bem. well and truly completamente. well, and what of all this? bem, e então? e daí? well away a) progredindo rapidamente. b) bem longe, distante. c) muito bêbado, bastante embriagado. well done! bem feito! muito bem! bravo! well enough aceitável, passável, aproveitável. well met! você vem no momento oportuno. well now, well then a) então. b) bem. c) e agora. d) pois bem. e) por mim. f) de acordo. well off a) em circunstâncias satisfatórias. b) bem de vida, abastado. they are well off / eles estão bem de vida. c) felizardo, sortudo. well on in years de idade avançada. well, well! bem, bem! calma, devagar! we might just as well have stayed home daria na mesma se tivéssemos ficado em casa. you may well say pode-se dizer (ou afirmar) seguramente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > well

  • 16 stay behind

    (to remain in a place after others have left it: They all left the office at five o'clock, but he stayed behind to finish some work.) demorar-se

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stay behind

  • 17 behind

    1. preposition
    1) (at or towards the back of: behind the door.) atrás de
    2) (remaining after: The tourists left their litter behind them.) para trás
    3) (in support: We're right behind him on this point.) com
    2. adverb
    1) (at the back: following behind.) atrás
    2) ((also behindhand [-hænd]) not up to date: behind with his work.) atrasado
    3) (remaining: He left his book behind; We stayed behind after the party.) para trás
    3. noun
    (the buttocks: a smack on the behind.) traseiro

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > behind

  • 18 cling

    past tense, past participle - clung; verb
    ((usually with to) to stick (to); to grip tightly: The mud clung to her shoes; She clung to her husband as he said goodbye; He clings to an impossible hope; The boat clung to (= stayed close to) the coastline.) agarrar(-se)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > cling

  • 19 consideration

    1) ((the act of) thinking about something, especially the needs or feelings of other people: He stayed at home out of consideration for his mother.) consideração, atenção
    2) (a fact to be taken into account in making a decision etc: The cost of the journey is our main consideration.) preocupação

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > consideration

  • 20 disfavour

    1) (the state of being out of favour: He was in disfavour because he had stayed out late.) desgraça, desagrado
    2) (displeasure or disapproval.) desaprovação

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > disfavour

См. также в других словарях:

  • Stayed — (st[=a]d), a. Staid; fixed; settled; sober; now written staid. See {Staid}. Bacon. Pope. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stayed — stayed; un·stayed; …   English syllables

  • stayed — index arrested (checked) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Stayed — Stay Stay (st[=a]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stayed} (st[=a]d) or {Staid} (st[=a]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Staying}.] [OF. estayer, F. [ e]tayer to prop, fr. OF. estai, F. [ e]tai, a prop, probably fr. OD. stade, staeye, a prop, akin to E. stead; or cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stayed awake — stayed up late at night without sleeping …   English contemporary dictionary

  • stayed — staid …   American English homophones

  • stayed — steɪ n. act of halting; visit, temporary residence; suspension of a legal proceeding; brace; small piece of bone or plastic used to stiffen part of a garment; heavy rope (Nautical) v. visit, spend time in a place; remain temporarily; lodge;… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • stayed — steady …   Anagrams dictionary

  • STAYED — …   Useful english dictionary

  • stayed home — remained at home, did not go out …   English contemporary dictionary

  • stayed indoors — remained inside the house …   English contemporary dictionary

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