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  • 1 station

    1. स्टेशन
    Ambala is the next station.
    2. केन्द्र
    NDTV is the best TV station as per my views.
    1. स्थित\stationहोना
    My brother's regiment is stationed at Manali.

    English-Hindi dictionary > station

  • 2 station

    स्थान, जगह, ठिकाना, पद, अधिकार, चौकी, छावनी; रेल के ठहरने की जगह, स्टेशन; अवस्था, दशा, स्तीथि
    v. tr.
    ठहराना, बिठाना, टिकाना, स्थित करना

    English-Hindi new dictionary > station

  • 3 station master

    1. स्टेशन मास्टर
    To get information about trains one should contact station master.

    English-Hindi dictionary > station master

  • 4 station of the cross


    English-Hindi dictionary > station of the cross

  • 5 fire station

    1. दमकल\fire stationरखने\fire stationकी\fire stationजगह
    Please call the fire station to send the fire brigade to this address where a large fire has been reported.

    English-Hindi dictionary > fire station

  • 6 gas station

    1. पैट्रोल\gas stationस्टेशन
    He owns a gas station.

    English-Hindi dictionary > gas station

  • 7 petrol station

    1. पेट्रोल\petrol stationपम्प
    We can find a petrol station after every mile.

    English-Hindi dictionary > petrol station

  • 8 power station

    1. विद्युत् उत्पादन गृह
    Indian scientists have made a great progress in generating electricity in nuclear power station.

    English-Hindi dictionary > power station

  • 9 weather station

    1. ऋतु\weather stationपरीक्षण\weather stationकेन्द्र
    Students went to the weather station on a study tour.

    English-Hindi dictionary > weather station

  • 10 where is the railway station?

    English-Hindi Amateurish dictionary > where is the railway station?

  • 11 filler station

    1. पेट्रोल\filler stationबेचने\filler stationकी\filler stationजगह

    English-Hindi dictionary > filler station

  • 12 police station

    English-Hindi Amateurish dictionary > police station

  • 13 explosive

    1. भक\explosiveसे\explosiveउड़\explosiveजाने\explosiveवाला
    The militants planted an explosive device near the railway station.
    1. उड़ाऊ
    The terrorists planted explosives at the railway station.

    English-Hindi dictionary > explosive

  • 14 accommodation

    1. आवास
    We found accomodation near the railway station itself.
    2. समायोजन
    Dinosaurs faced accomodation problem to the changing environment.

    English-Hindi dictionary > accommodation

  • 15 accompany

    1. साथ\accompanyहोना[जाना]
    I accompanied her to the station.
    2. संगत\accompanyकरना
    The singer was accompanied by his friend.

    English-Hindi dictionary > accompany

  • 16 around

    1. लगभग
    There are around 20,000 people in the stadium today.
    2. चारो\aroundओर
    The children were running around in the garden.
    3. घेरेवाला
    The town was 100 kilometers around.
    1. हर\aroundओर
    He looked around.
    Someone will show you around.
    2. इधर\aroundउधर
    There were insects scampering around.
    3. कुछ\aroundनहीं\aroundकरते\aroundहुए
    Several people were sitting around looking at the passers by.
    4. मौजूद\aroundहोना
    There were more fish around in the tzar's reign.
    5. आस\aroundपास
    There is no one around.
    6. पीछे\aroundकी\aroundओर
    He turned around and ran back to the station for his bag.
    1. इधर\aroundउधर
    A large number of people were running around the place.
    Books were lying around the room.
    2. चारों\aroundओर
    He had tied a cloth around his waist.
    3. आस\aroundपास
    I saw him around the garden in the afternoon.
    4. घूम\aroundकर
    The thief ran into a man as he turned around the corner.

    English-Hindi dictionary > around

  • 17 baggage-car

    1. सामान\baggage-carगाड़ी
    We need a baggage car to carry the luggage to the station.

    English-Hindi dictionary > baggage-car

  • 18 baggage-room

    1. सामान\baggage-roomकक्ष
    On arriving at the station we deposited the luggage in the baggage-room.

    English-Hindi dictionary > baggage-room

  • 19 cab

    1. टैक्सी
    We took a cab to the railway station.

    English-Hindi dictionary > cab

  • 20 chance

    1. संयोग
    I met him at the railway station by chance.
    2. मौका
    VVS Laxman got a chance to prove his batting skills in the triangular-series
    cricket matches.
    1. संयोगवश\chanceहो\chanceजाना
    I chanced to meet my old friend in the city.

    English-Hindi dictionary > chance

См. также в других словарях:

  • station — [ stasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • fin XIIe; lat. statio, de stare « se tenir debout, s arrêter » I ♦ 1 ♦ Fait de s arrêter au cours d un déplacement. ⇒ arrêt, halte, pause. Une brève station. « on fit station devant une armoire vitrée où s étalaient des bijoux …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Station — Sta tion (st[=a] sh[u^]n), n. [F., fr. L. statio, from stare, statum, to stand. See {Stand}.] 1. The act of standing; also, attitude or pose in standing; posture. [R.] [1913 Webster] A station like the herald, Mercury. Shak. [1913 Webster] Their… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • station — UK US /ˈsteɪʃən/ noun [C] ► WORKPLACE the place or desk where someone does their work: »The guard was away from his station when the alarm sounded. »You will usually find the receptionist at her station in the lobby. ► TRANSPORT a place where… …   Financial and business terms

  • Station 17 — ist eine Musikband aus Hamburg. Sie besteht aus behinderten und nicht behinderten Musikern und wurde 1988 von Bewohnern der Wohngruppe 17 der Evangelischen Stiftung Alsterdorf, professionellen Musikern und von Kai Boysen gegründet, um im Rahmen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • StAtion — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda stAtion Desarrolladora(s) Albarji Productions Distribuidora(s) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Station X — may refer to:* The code name for a covert radio transmission station co located with the Government Code Cypher School at Bletchley Park. *Station X (TV Series), the animated series about six young people produced by Teletoon *Station X is the… …   Wikipedia

  • station — [stā′shən] n. [ME stacioun < OFr station < L statio, a standing, post, station < status, pp. of stare, to STAND] 1. the place where a person or thing stands or is located, esp. an assigned post, position, or location; specif., a) the… …   English World dictionary

  • Station — Sf std. (15. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. statio ( ōnis), eigentlich Stehen, Stand , zu l. stāre stehen . In der Bedeutung Bahnhof ist das Wort übernommen aus dem Postwesen. Adjektiv: stationär; Verb: stationieren.    Ebenso nndl. station, ne …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • station — Station. s. f. Pause, demeure de peu de durée qu on fait en un lieu pour se reposer. Faisons là une station. Station, se dit aussi, Des Eglises, Chapelles, & Autels marquez, & ordonnez, pour y faire certaines prieres, pour y gagner les… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Station — Sta tion (st[=a] sh[u^]n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stationed} ( sh[u^]nd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Stationing}.] To place; to set; to appoint or assign to the occupation of a post, place, or office; as, to station troops on the right of an army; to station …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Station X — Titre original Station X Genre Série d animation Pays d’origine  Canada Chaîne d’origine Télétoon Nombre de saisons …   Wikipédia en Français

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