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  • 1 carat

    • karaatti
    * * *
    1) (a measure of weight for precious stones.) karaatti
    2) (a unit for stating the purity of gold: an eighteen-carat gold ring.) karaatti

    English-Finnish dictionary > carat

  • 2 chit

    (a brief note: You must hand in a chit stating your expenses before you receive any money.) tosite

    English-Finnish dictionary > chit

  • 3 death certificate

    • kuolintodistus
    * * *
    (an official piece of paper signed by a doctor stating the cause of someone's death.) kuolintodistus

    English-Finnish dictionary > death certificate

  • 4 explicit

    • nimenomainen
    • ilmeinen
    • havainnollinen
    • eksplisiittinen
    • erityinen
    • täsmällinen nimenomainen
    • täsmällinen
    • tietty
    • kategorinen
    • selvä
    • selvästi ilmaistu
    • selkeä
    • tarkka
    • ymmärrettävä
    * * *
    (stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?) selvä
    - explicitness

    English-Finnish dictionary > explicit

  • 5 hint

    • opastus
    • ohje
    • osviitta
    • neuvo
    • viittailla
    • vivahdus
    • vinkki
    • vihje
    • viitata
    • vihjaus
    • vihjata
    • vihjaista
    • vihjailla
    • viittaus
    • kehotus
    * * *
    hint 1. noun
    1) (a statement that passes on information without giving it openly or directly: He didn't actually say he wanted more money, but he dropped a hint.) vihje
    2) (a helpful suggestion: I can give you some useful gardening hints.) vinkki
    3) (a very small amount; a slight impression: There was a hint of fear in his voice.) aavistus
    2. verb
    (to (try to) pass on information without stating it openly or directly: He hinted that he would like more money; He hinted at possible changes.) vihjaista

    English-Finnish dictionary > hint

  • 6 imply

    • vihjata
    • vihjailla
    • edellyttää
    • sisältää
    • sisältää (merkitä)
    • antaa ymmärtää
    • merkitä
    • tarkoittaa
    * * *
    (to suggest or hint without actually stating: Are you implying that I am a liar?) vihjata

    English-Finnish dictionary > imply

  • 7 o'clock

    ə'klok 1. adverb
    (used, in stating the time, to refer to a particular hour: It's five o'clock.)
    2. adjective
    the three o'clock train.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > o'clock

  • 8 resignation

    • virkaero
    • eron pyyntö
    • ero
    • eroaminen
    • eroanomus
    • erohakemus
    • alistuminen
    • alistuneisuus
    • resignaatio
    • perääntyminen
    • luopuminen
    * * *
    1) (the act of resigning.) eroaminen
    2) (a letter etc stating that one is resigning: You will receive my resignation tomorrow.) eronpyyntö
    3) ((the state of having or showing) patient, calm acceptance (of a situation, fact etc): He accepted his fate with resignation.) alistuminen

    English-Finnish dictionary > resignation

  • 9 statement

    • toteamus
    • toteaminen
    • tiliote
    • ilmaisu
    • ilmoitus
    • julistus
    • julkilausuma
    • huomautus
    • esitys
    • aloite
    • arviointi
    • väitös
    • väittämä
    • väite
    • puheenvuoro
    • raportti
    • repliikki
    • tiedote
    • tiedonanto
    • kirjelmä
    • haastattelulausunto
    • määräys
    • selvitys
    • selonteko
    • selitys
    • suunvuoro
    • kuulutus
    • käsky
    • lause (tek.)
    • lauselma
    automatic data processing
    • lause (ATK)
    • lausunto
    • lausuma
    • lause
    • lause(tietotekn)
    • lause(tekniikka)
    * * *
    1) (the act of stating.) mainitseminen
    2) (something that is stated: The prime minister will make a statement tomorrow on the crisis.) lausunto
    3) (a written statement of how much money a person has, owes etc: I'll look at my bank statement to see how much money is in my account.) tiliote

    English-Finnish dictionary > statement

  • 10 ticket

    • nimilipulla
    • ilmoituskortti
    • hintalippu
    • varustaa hintalipulla
    • ehdokasluettelo
    • ehdokaslista
    • arpalippu
    • vaalilista
    • pääsylippu
    • lippu
    • lipuke
    • littera
    finance, business, economy
    • menolippu
    • sakkolappu
    • matkalippu
    • kuitti
    • lappu
    • piletti
    • lupalippu
    * * *
    1) (a piece of card or paper which gives the holder a certain right, eg of travel, entering a theatre etc: a bus-ticket; a cinema-ticket.) lippu
    2) (a notice advising of a minor motoring offence: a parking-ticket.) sakkolappu
    3) (a card or label stating the price etc of something.) lappu

    English-Finnish dictionary > ticket

См. также в других словарях:

  • Stating — Stat ing (st[=a]t [i^]ng), n. The act of one who states anything; statement; as, the statingof one s opinions. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stating — State State, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Stating}.] 1. To set; to settle; to establish. [R.] [1913 Webster] I myself, though meanest stated, And in court now almost hated. Wither. [1913 Webster] Who calls the council, states… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stating — noun statement …   Wiktionary

  • stating — steɪt n. condition; stage, phase; mood, emotional condition; splendor; overly excited or distressed; nation; internally autonomous territorial or political unit joined with others under a sovereign government v. say, speak; express verbally or… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • stating — tasting …   Anagrams dictionary

  • stating — present part of state …   Useful english dictionary

  • stating an account — Exhibiting, or listing in their order, the items which make up an account …   Black's law dictionary

  • stating part of a bill — That part of a bill in chancery in which the plaintiff states the facts of his case; it is distinguished from the charging part of the bill and from the prayer …   Black's law dictionary

  • stating part — The narrative part of a bill in equity, otherwise known as the premises, embracing the real substance of the suit. The state part must set out all the essential facts on which the plaintiff relies as a ground of relief. 27 Am J2d Equity § 181 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • tasting — stating …   Anagrams dictionary

  • purplier — Stating that something is more purple than something else.. Purpliest can be used as the superlative, for the most extreme amount of purple ever known to man. The outfit she is wearing is much purplier than the one she wore yesterday. My friend… …   Dictionary of american slang

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