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  • spinal anaesthesia — noun anesthesia of the lower half of the body; caused by injury to the spinal cord or by injecting an anesthetic beneath the arachnoid membrane that surrounds the spinal cord • Syn: ↑spinal anesthesia, ↑spinal • Hypernyms: ↑regional anesthesia,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • spinal anaesthesia — 1. suppression of sensation, usually in the lower part of the body, by the injection of a local anaesthetic into the subarachnoid space. A very fine needle is used to reduce the amount of cerebrospinal fluid that escapes as the needle penetrates… …   Medical dictionary

  • spinal anaesthesia — 1) suppression of sensation, usually in the lower part of the body, by the injection of a local anaesthetic into the subarachnoid space. A very fine needle is used to reduce the amount of cerebrospinal fluid that escapes as the needle penetrates… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Spinal anaesthesia — Spinal analgesia, (or commonly called spinal anesthesia or sub arachnoid block (S.A.B.)) is a form of regional anaesthesia involving injection of a local anaesthetic into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), generally through a fine needle, usually 3.5 …   Wikipedia

  • spinal anesthesia — noun anesthesia of the lower half of the body; caused by injury to the spinal cord or by injecting an anesthetic beneath the arachnoid membrane that surrounds the spinal cord • Syn: ↑spinal anaesthesia, ↑spinal • Hypernyms: ↑regional anesthesia,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • anaesthesia — n. loss of feeling or sensation in a part or all of the body. Anaesthesia of a part of the body may occur as a result of injury to or disease of a nerve; for example in leprosy. The term is usually applied, however, to the technique of reducing… …   Medical dictionary

  • anaesthesia — n. loss of feeling or sensation in a part or all of the body. Anaesthesia of a part of the body may occur as a result of injury to or disease of a nerve; for example in leprosy. The term is usually applied, however, to the technique of reducing… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Anaesthesia —     Anæsthesia     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Anæsthesia     (From Greek a, privative, and aisthesis, feeling).     A term in medicine, and the allied sciences, signifying a state of insensibility to external impressions, consequent upon disease,… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Анестезия Спинномозговая (Spinal Anaesthesia) — 1. Обезболивание (обычно нижней части тела) с помощью инъекции местного анестетика в пространство, окружающее спинной мозг. Существуют два вида спинномозговой анестезии, применяемых в хирургии: это подпаутинная (субарахноидальная (subarachnoid))… …   Медицинские термины

  • Combined spinal and epidural anaesthesia — (CSE) is a regional anaesthetic technique, which combines the benefits of both spinal anaesthesia and epidural anaesthesia and analgesia. The spinal component gives a rapid onset of a predictable block. The indwelling epidural catheter gives the… …   Wikipedia

  • Regional anaesthesia — Regional anaesthesia, is anesthesia affecting only a large part of the body, such as a limb. Regional anaesthetic techniques can be divided into central and peripheral techniques. The central techniques include so called neuroaxial blocks… …   Wikipedia

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