Перевод: с баскского на английский

с английского на баскский


  • 1 berezi

    special, particular

    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > berezi

  • 2 egunekoa

    special of the day

    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > egunekoa

  • 3 aparteko

    1. separate; \aparteko argitaldi separate edition
    2. ( bikaina) wonderful, excellent, extraordinary; ez dugu arrakasta \apartekorik espero we don' t expect a rousing success; ez dugu eskultura horretan \apartekorik ezer ikusten we see nothing special about that sculpture; ez genuen ezer \apartekorik ikusi we didn' t see anything {special || out of the ordinary}
    3. ( berezia) special; \aparteko ordainketa special payment

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aparteko

  • 4 berezi

    1. special; bere izate \bereziagatik on account of his special character; horrelako deliktu larriak zigor \berezi berezia eskatzen du such a serious crime calls for a special punishment
    2. (bitxia) special, peculiar; mintzaira zahar eta \berezi baten jabe zen he was the speaker of an old and peculiar language

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > berezi

  • 5 berariazko

    1. own, own special; euskarak \berariazko sintaxia du Basque has its own special syntax
    a. purpously made; \berariazko gauza bat a thing done on purpose
    b. lan {hori || horren} egiteko behar da \berariazko tresna bat to do that job you need a piece of equipment purpously made for it
    3. (bereziki) especially; esana dago, \berariazko esan ez bada ere, gauzak aldatu beharko direla it has been said, though not expressly, that things will have to change

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > berariazko

  • 6 eskaintza

    1. offer, offering
    2. ( merkealdia) special; "\eskaintza" "special"
    3. Fin. ( eskea) supply; \eskaintza-eskarien legea law of supply and demand
    4. Leg. offer
    5. (erl.) offering

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > eskaintza

  • 7 ardo

    iz. [from *ardano, cf. B "ardao", L "arno"]
    a. wine; \ardo apardun sparkling wine; \ardo arin light wine; \ardo beltz red wine; \ardo bizi strong wine; \ardo gorri ros— wine; \ardo gozo sweet wine; \ardo handi Kristau. consecration wine; \ardo latz sharp wine; \ardo lehen grape juice (obtained by letting grapes exude the juice); \ardo\\\ardolehor dry wine; \ardo oparo strong old wine; \ardo urtatu aged wine (used to strengthen new vintage); \ardo zuri white wine; \ardoa ondu to age wine; erreserbako \ardo reserve wine; eskailerapeko \ardo special reserve wine | specially bottled wine; mahaiko \ardo table wine; mezako \ardo Kristau. consegration wine
    b. (esa.) \ardoa bataiatu to water down wine; ez ur eta ez \ardo neither fish nor fowl; \ardoa Nafarroako bikarioa (atsot.) wine is the vicar of Navarre; \ardoak igaro to hit the wine bottle | to get drunk from wine; orain arte ez dugu aita inoiz ardoak igarota.
    2. Zah. ( -ardo b.b.) alcoholic beverage; sagardo cider; garagardo beer

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ardo

  • 8 berebiziko

    1. (berezia) special, specific; batzuei guztietatikoak irakasten dizkiet eta beste batzuei \berebizikoak to some I teach general things and to others specific things
    a. exceptional, extraordinary, great; \berebiziko lana egin zuen he did exceptional work; \berebizikoa da zure semea your son is most exceptional | your son is a gem; \berebiziko hitzaldia egin zuen he gave a masterful speech; horretarako \berebizikoa da he's is great at that; \berebiziko partidua izan da it was a great match; \berebiziko ondoen better than ever; harroa zen baina \berebiziko ondoen apaldu zuten she was arrogant but she was taken down a notch or two
    b. (egoki-egoki) \berebiziko dator zure iritzia your opinion is right on; hori izan zen zuretzat \berebizikoa that was just what you needed; \berebizikoa da lan horretarako he's the very man for that job
    3. (izugarria, ederra) (z.tx.) \berebiziko masailekoa eman zion she slapped him silly; \berebiziko atsekabeak great sorrows; emazteari \berebizikoak eman zizkion he beat his wife horribly; i-i \berebizikoak bota to give sb a piece of his mind

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > berebiziko

  • 9 berezitasun

    iz. uniqueness, singularity, special nature, peculiarity

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > berezitasun

  • 10 dena

    1. everything, all; \dena dakit I know everything; den-dena egin dut I have done absolutely everything; bagoaz \dena begi, \dena belarri we're all eyes and ears
    2. all, everybody; \denak etorri dira all have come; denen artean among all of them; denei bina eman zizkien he gave all of them two apiece
    3. (esa.) \dena beharrean so so; etxe berria al duzu? — ba, \dena beharrean well, it's nothing special | well, it's nothing out of this world; \dena ere (I) nevertheless
    4. dena dela, dena den, denera; denetik; denen
    Jakingarria: Kontuz: everyone eta everybody hitzek aditzera singularra baina their izenorde plurala hartzen dute, adib. Denek al dute beren liburua? Has everybody got their book?

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > dena

  • 11 distira

    a. ( diamanteari d.) sparkle, scintillation
    b. ( metalari d.) glint, gleam; urrearen \distira the {glint || gleam} of gold
    c. ( larrua, gainalde bustia, e.a.) gloss, shine, sheen, lustre (GB), luster (USA) ; arranoaren lumen \distirak liluratzen nau the sheen on the eagle's feathers fascinates me
    d. ( elur, ur-eremua) glisten, sheen, glitter
    e. ( begia) gleam, twinkle; haren begien \distira leuna the soft gleam in her eyes; halako \distira batekin begietan, honela galdetu zigun: nola egingo zenuke zuk? with a twinkle in her eyes, she asked, "How would you do it?
    f. ( izarra) twinkle, twinkling; izarren \distira the twinkling of the stars
    2. ray, sunbeam
    b. shine, glow, brightness; eguzkiaren \distirak itsutu zuen the brightness of the sun blinded him
    3. (irud.)
    a. shine, light; jende eskolatua gizartean \distira berezi batez nabarmentzen da educated people in society stand out {in a special light (of their own) || above the rest}
    b. ( sentimenduei d.) glow; irribarreak halako distira bat jartzen digu aurpegian, eta distira hori besteengana hedatzen da smiling brings a glow to our countenances that radiates to others; dohain horien jabeek "aurpegi alaia" dute, eta "pozezko eta sinpatiazko \distira goxo bat darie persons enjoying these gifts have "light of their countenances," and their presence is "a warm glow of pure gladness and sympathy"

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > distira

  • 12 dohain

    [from Rom. *done] iz.
    1. ( Jainkoagandik, izaditik hartzen dena) gift, grace; Espiritu Santuaren \dohaina gift of the Holy {Ghost || Spirit}; naturak \dohain guztiez hornitua endowed with every gift from nature
    2. ( nolakotasun ona) gift; hizkuntza askotan hitz egiteko \dohaina du he has the gift of speaking many languages; \dohain berezia du asmatzeko she has a special gift for guessing adb. gratuitously, free

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > dohain

  • 13 espezial

    1. ( zoragarri) great, fabulous; zer moduz afaria? — \espezial! how was the dinner? — fabulous!
    2. special

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > espezial

  • 14 gainerako

    1. rest, remainder; \gainerakoak bihar etorriko dira the {rest || others} will come tomorrow; \gainerakoa geuk egingo dugu we'll do the rest; poz handia har daiteke behartsuei, eriei, zaharrei eta premia bereziak dituzten \gainerakoei lagunduz great satisfaction can come in helping the poor, the sick, the elderly, or others who have special needs
    2. ( dirua) surplus money
    3. \gainerakoak
    a. remains
    b. ( jakia) leftovers il.
    1. \gainerako mutilak bihar etorriko dira the rest of the boys will come tomorrow
    2. secondary, accessory

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gainerako

  • 15 heziketa

    iz. education; \heziketa berezi special education; \heziketa fisiko, gorputz \heziketa physical educaiton

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > heziketa

  • 16 hezkuntza

    1. education; \hezkuntza berezi special education; \hezkuntzarako eskubidea the right to an education; \hezkuntza, unibertsitate, eta ikerketa saila department of education, universities and research
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] education, educational; \hezkuntza sistema education system
    2. ( entrenatzea) training
    3. ( domatzea) taming

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > hezkuntza

  • 17 horratik

    adb. however, nevertheless; e z da hemen sortua, badu \horratik zer ikusi berezirik euskaldunekin he wasn't born but nevertheless he has a special link to the Basques

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > horratik

  • 18 horretaratu

    du/ad. to draw... to that one; nire premia da horretaratzen zaituena my urgent need is what's drawing you there da/ad.
    1. to get there; ondu nahi zenuke eta ez zara horretaratzen you want to become good and you don't (quite) make it; foruak galdu eta utzi du euskara, akabo euskalduna horretaratzen bada he's lost the special charter laws and forsaken the Basque language, the Basque has had it if he goes down that road
    2. putzu izugarri horretaratzen direnak those who go into that terrible pool

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > horretaratu

  • 19 jakingarri

    iz. point, piece of information, interesting fact to know; horri buruz, bi \jakingarri erakutsi nahi nizkizuke regarding that, I'd like to show you two things you should know about it; zoritxarren, \jakingarri anitz betiereko galdu dugu unfortunately, a lot of information has been lost to us forever; badute horiek beren esparru berezia, eta \jakingarririk asko eman diezaiokete filosofoari they have their own special field and may give the philosopher a lot of information io. ( interesgarria) interesting, worth knowing; haren bizitza \jakingarria his interesting life

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > jakingarri

  • 20 lege

    [from Lat. lege (law)] iz.
    a. ( oro.) law; oinarrizko \legea basic law; hizkuntza-\lege berriak new language laws; \lege berezi special law; \lege berri bat atera to come out with a new law; \lege nagusi main law; \lege saliko Salic law; \lege zuzen just law; \legea {bete || gorde} to comply with a law | to abide by a law | to obey a law; \legea hautsi to break the law; \legea {indargabetu || kendu || ezeztatu} to abolish a law | to abrogate a law; \legea zapaldu to break the law; \legeak {atera || egin} to legislate; \legeak bildu to codify laws; \legeak {ezarri || jarri} to law down the law | to impose laws; \legeak hala agintzen \\ debekatzen du the law so demands \\ prohibits it; indarrean dauden \legeak the laws in force; \legetik riten to break the law | to infringe upon the law
    b. ( legegaia) act; \lege bat onartu to pass a law
    c. [ izenen aurrean ] law-, legal; \lege-babes legal protection; \lege-balio legal value; \lege-indarra dauka it has the force of law; \lege-jakitunen iritzian in the opinion of legal experts; \lege-nortasun legal identity; \lege testu legal text
    a. ( legetza) law; \lege zahar i. charter law ii. pre-Revolutionary law; Ingalaterrako \legea eta Italiakoa bestelakoak dira English and Italian law are different | English law differs from Italian law; \legearen arabera in accordance with the law | by law; \legearen ordezkari officer of the law; \legera jo to take legal recourse; i-r \legetik askatu to exempt sb from the law; \legera jo to take legal recourse; \legez kanpo i. outside the law | illegal ii. illegally; \legez kanpo dago he's outside the law
    b. (esa.) \lege zaharreko gizona da he's an old stick-in-the-mud | he's an old-fashioned man
    a. rule, law; joko-\legeak rules of the game
    b. ( merkataritzari, trafikoari, lehiaketari d.) rule, regulation; bideetako \legeak road regulations
    c. ( gizarteari d.) custom, rule, practice; ohitura \lege bihurtzen denean when practice becomes custom
    d. (irud.) ezinak ez du \legerik nothing is impossible
    4. ( egunerokoari d.) routine; bazkari-\legea egin dugu we've had our lunch; zozoak goizero bere saio-\legea du the thrush puts on its usual performance every morning
    5. ( egitateei d.)
    a. Fis. law; fisikaren \legeak the laws of physics; Newton-en \legeak Newton's laws; \lege bat aurkitu zen a law was discovered
    b. law; \lege moral moral law; etika \lege law of ethics
    c. Kristau. Jainkoaren \lege santua God's holy law; Jaunak Hamar Aginteen \legea eman zuenean when the Lord give the law of the Ten Commandments; Moisesen \legeea the law of Moses
    6. Kristau. L\lege Zaharra the Old Testament
    7. ( maitasarrea) affection; \lege handia hartu diot I've grown rather fond of him | I've taken rather a liking to him
    8. ( mota) kind; hiru \lege sagar three kinds of apples
    9. ( metaleei d.) purity, legal standard of fineness; \lege oneko urre standard gold; \lege txarreko urre base gold | substandard gold; \lege urruko disreputable

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > lege

См. также в других словарях:

  • spécial — spécial, iale, iaux [ spesjal, jo ] adj. • 1190; especiel v. 1130; lat. specialis « relatif à l espèce » 1 ♦ Qui concerne une espèce, une sorte de choses (opposé à général). Domaine spécial. ⇒ spécialité. Des connaissances spéciales. Dictionnaire …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Special — Spe cial, a. [L. specialis, fr. species a particular sort, kind, or quality: cf. F. sp[ e]cial. See {Species}, and cf. {Especial}.] 1. Of or pertaining to a species; constituting a species or sort. [1913 Webster] A special is called by the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Special D. — Special D. in seinem Studio Chartplatzierungen Erklärung der Daten Singles Come With Me DE: 13 – 07.04 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • special — SPECIÁL, Ă, speciali, e, adj. Care se deosebeşte de alte lucruri asemănătoare prin trăsături care îi sunt proprii; care se află numai la un lucru sau la o anumită categorie de lucruri; (adesea adverbial) care este făcut, destinat, rezervat pentru …   Dicționar Român

  • special — spe·cial adj 1: distinguished by some unusual quality special circumstances justifying an award of attorney s fees 2: relating to a single thing or class of things: having an individual character or trait owed them a special duty not owed to the… …   Law dictionary

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  • special — adj Special, especial, specific, particular, individual are closely related terms because all carry the meaning relating to or belonging to one thing or one class especially as distinguished from all the others. Both special and especial imply… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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  • Special K — is a lightly toasted breakfast cereal manufactured by the Kellogg Company. The cereal was introduced to the United States in 1956. It is made primarily from rice and wheat. The name was created by taking the K for Kellogg s and adding the word… …   Wikipedia

  • special — [spesh′əl] adj. [ME < OFr especial < L specialis < species, kind, sort: see SPECIES] 1. of a kind different from others; distinctive, peculiar, or unique 2. exceptional; extraordinary [a special treat] 3. highly regarded or valued [a… …   English World dictionary

  • Special A — Originaltitel スペシャル・エー Genre Comedy …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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