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См. также в других словарях:

  • sit-in — [ sitin ] n. m. inv. • 1967; mot angl. , de to sit in « prendre place, s installer » ♦ Anglic. Forme de contestation non violente consistant à s asseoir par terre en groupes pour occuper des lieux publics. Les étudiants ont organisé des sit in. ● …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • sit-in — /sit in /, n. 1. an organized passive protest, esp. against racial segregation, in which the demonstrators occupy seats prohibited to them, as in restaurants and other public places. 2. any organized protest in which a group of people peacefully… …   Universalium

  • PUBLIC AUTHORITY — PUBLIC AUTHORITY, in the context of this article, a term referring to an authoritative body composed of representatives of the public – whether appointed or elected by the latter – and entrusted with the duty and power to arrange various matters… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • sit-down — sit down1 adj 1.) a sit down meal or restaurant is one in which you sit at a table and eat a formal meal ▪ a sit down meal for 20 people 2.) sit down strike/protest a protest in which people sit down, especially to block a road or other public… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sit-down — ˈsit down adjective sit down protest/​strike a protest in which people sit down, especially to block a road or other public place, until their demands are listened to: • Workers at the country s second largest steel factory began a sit down… …   Financial and business terms

  • sit-down — /sit down /, adj. 1. done or accomplished while sitting down: sit down meetings between the two party leaders. 2. (of a meal or food) served to or intended for persons seated at a table: a sit down dinner. n. 3. Informal. a period or instance of… …   Universalium

  • Sit and Be Fit — is an award winning exercise program for senior citizens and individuals with limited physical motion, that is available on video tapes and is broadcast on the public television network PBS. [ [http://www.sitandbefit.org/index.php Sit and Be Fit… …   Wikipedia

  • Sit-in — …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sit-in — sit′ in n. 1) gov an organized passive protest against racial segregation in which the demonstrators occupy seats prohibited to them in public places 2) cvb any organized protest in which the demonstrators occupy and refuse to leave a public… …   From formal English to slang

  • Sit-ins — Sit in Le sit in est une méthode d intervention directe qui consiste à s asseoir sur la voie publique, dans un édifice public ou un établissement privé et à rester le plus longtemps possible sur les lieux. Il peut s agir d une manifestation… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sit in — Le sit in est une méthode d intervention directe qui consiste à s asseoir sur la voie publique, dans un édifice public ou un établissement privé et à rester le plus longtemps possible sur les lieux. Il peut s agir d une manifestation assise ayant …   Wikipédia en Français

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