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  • 721 personal

    una opinión/pregunta personal a personal opinion/question
    personal e intransferible non-transferable
    personal foul.
    staff, personnel (trabajadores).
    personal docente teaching staff
    personal mínimo skeleton staff
    personal en plantilla in-house staff
    personal sanitario health workers
    personal de tierra ground crew
    * * *
    1 personal
    1 (de una empresa) personnel, staff
    2 familiar (gente) everyone, everybody
    1 DEPORTE (falta) personal foul
    personal docente teaching staff
    * * *
    1. adj. 2. noun m.
    staff, personnel
    * * *
    2. SM
    1) (=plantilla) staff, personnel; ( esp Mil) force; (Náut) crew, complement

    personal de tierra — (Aer) ground crew, ground staff

    2) * (=gente) people
    SF (Baloncesto) personal foul
    * * *
    adjetivo personal
    a) (de fábrica, empresa) personnel (pl), staff (sing or pl)
    b) (Esp fam & hum) ( gente) people
    * * *
    adjetivo personal
    a) (de fábrica, empresa) personnel (pl), staff (sing or pl)
    b) (Esp fam & hum) ( gente) people
    * * *
    1 = manpower, manpower force, personnel, staff, staffing, work-force [workforce], crew.

    Ex: The question has been raised as to the manpower required to produce the ever-increasing number of abstracts.

    Ex: This article focusses attention on formulating plans and policy for building up a manpower force for modernising library and information systems India within the next 5 years.
    Ex: Application areas include: personnel records, mailing lists, accident and incident records, clinical and health records, committee minutes and records, and so on.
    Ex: The current LC MARC data base contains both records created by the LC staff and those created by co-operating libraries and verified by the LC.
    Ex: During the discussions it became apparent that the most pressing issues of staffing, resources, procedural complexities and educational opportunities related to IT.
    Ex: Employers of library and information staff have to develop and maintain skills within the workforce.
    Ex: Phillips has 12 installations with a crew of 15-450 men.
    * actitud del personal = staff attitude.
    * administración de personal = personnel administration.
    * ahorro de personal = staff saving.
    * apoyo del personal = staff support.
    * asignar personal = commit + manpower.
    * bien dotado de personal = well-staffed.
    * costes de personal = staff costs.
    * dedicación del personal = staff hours.
    * desarrollo profesional del personal = staff development.
    * dotación de personal = staffing.
    * encargado de personal = personnel officer, welfare officer.
    * evaluación del personal = personnel evaluation.
    * exceso de personal administrativo = administrative bloat.
    * falta de personal = undermanning.
    * falto de personal = understaffed [under-staffed].
    * formación continua del personal = staff development.
    * formación del personal = staff training, professional development.
    * formar personal = produce + personnel.
    * funciones del personal = staff duties.
    * gastos en personal = staff costs.
    * gestión de personal = personnel management.
    * jefe de personal = personnel officer, welfare officer, staff manager.
    * jefe de personal de la biblioteca = library personnel officer.
    * miembro del personal = staff member, staffer.
    * movimiento de personal = staff turnover, turnover, labour turnover.
    * número y distribución de personal = staffing conditions.
    * personal administrativo = administrative staff.
    * personal administrativo de apoyo = clerical staff, clerical worker, clerical personnel.
    * personal auxiliar = clerical staff.
    * personal bibliotecario = library personnel, library staff, library worker.
    * personal civil = civilian staff.
    * personal cualificado = qualified staff, qualified personnel.
    * personal de ambulancia = ambulance crew.
    * personal de apoyo = paraprofessional staff, support staff.
    * personal de apoyo bibliotecario = library support staff.
    * personal de cabina = cabin crew.
    * personal de dirección = senior staff, senior management.
    * personal de la biblioteca = library staff, library worker.
    * personal del mostrador = counter staff.
    * personal del mostrador de préstamo = counter staff.
    * personal de mantenimiento = service worker.
    * personal de proceso de datos = operation staff.
    * personal de recepción = reception staff.
    * personal de referencia = reference staff, reference personnel.
    * personal de secretaría = secretarial staff.
    * personal de seguridad = security staff.
    * personal de servicios = service worker.
    * personal de un centro multimedia escolar = school media staff.
    * personal de vuelo = flight crew.
    * personal equivalente a tiempo completo = full-time equivalent staff (FTE staff).
    * personal joven = new blood.
    * personal más nuevo = junior staff.
    * personal militar = military personnel.
    * personal necesario = staffing levels.
    * personal paraprofesional = paraprofessional staff.
    * personal profesional = professional staff.
    * personal sanitario = clinical staff.
    * personal técnico = technical staff.
    * personal técnico de apoyo = support staff.
    * política de personal = personnel policy, staff policy.
    * puesta al día del personal = staff development.
    * que necesita bastante dedicación de personal = labour-intensive [labour intensive], staff-intensive [staff intensive].
    * razones del movimiento de personal = turnover behaviour.
    * recorte de personal = downsizing, staffing cut.
    * reducción de personal = staff cutbacks, downsizing.
    * registro de personal = personnel record.
    * renovación de personal = turnover, labour turnover.
    * responsable del personal de la biblioteca = library personnel officer.
    * reunión de personal = staff meeting.
    * ritmo de movimiento de personal = turnover rate.
    * sala de estar para el personal = coffee lounge.
    * sala de personal = staff lounge.
    * sección de personal = personnel department, personnel office.
    * selección de personal = personnel recruitment.
    * sólo para personal autorizado = restricted access.
    * tareas del personal = staff duties.
    * tasa de movimiento de personal = turnover rate, turnover rate.
    * turnos del personal = staffing rota.
    * vacante de personal = staff vacancy.

    = one-to-one, personal, private, intimate, one-on-one.

    Ex: A few large libraries contain an adult learning centre, which provides training courses for volunteer tutors, one-to-one tutoring or instruction in small groups.

    Ex: Cards will remain useful for small local and personal indexes but other options, in the form of microcomputers and their software are beginning to compete in this application.
    Ex: SWALCAP supports a network arrangement of remote terminals and minicomputers linked to the central computer via private lines.
    Ex: Until we feel as librarians that we are an intimate part of society, we will never begin to believe that we really function.
    Ex: The one-on-one training pattern predominates and is effective at this institution where education in the singular is stressed.
    * actitud personal = personal attitude.
    * a favor de la decisión personal sobre el aborto = pro-choice.
    * alarma personal = rape alarm, personal alarm.
    * anuncio personal = personal ad.
    * aprovechamiento personal = personal gain.
    * archivo personal = private archives, personal archive(s), personal records.
    * armadura personal = body armour.
    * artículo personal = personal item.
    * asunto personal = personal issue.
    * atención personal = personal attention.
    * atención personal al cliente = personal selling.
    * a título personal = in a personal capacity, in a private capacity.
    * atracción personal = personal attraction.
    * autoría personal = personal authorship.
    * autor personal = personal author.
    * autor personal único = single personal authorship.
    * beneficio personal = personal gain.
    * biblioteca personal = personal library.
    * bienes personales = personal property.
    * blindaje personal = body armour.
    * característica personal = personality trait, personality characteristic.
    * carta personal = personal letter.
    * cheque personal = personal cheque.
    * comentario personal = personal note.
    * comentario personal de una lectura = reading-reportage.
    * compromiso personal = personal engagement, personal investment.
    * contacto personal = personal contact, public contact.
    * contratación de personal cualificado de otras empresas = lateral hiring.
    * convicción personal = personal conviction.
    * cualidades personales = personal qualities.
    * cuestión personal = personal issue, life issue.
    * datos personales = personal details.
    * dinero para gastos personales = pocket change, pocket money.
    * documentos personales = personal papers.
    * economía personal = personal finance.
    * efectos personales = personal belongings.
    * ego personal = personal ego.
    * encabezamiento de nombre personal = personal name heading.
    * enriquecimiento personal = personal enrichment.
    * entrada de nombre personal = personal name entry.
    * entrevista personal = personal interview.
    * espacio personal = personal space, territorial space, personal space territory.
    * estilo personal = persona [personae, -pl.].
    * expediente personal = personal records.
    * experiencia personal = personal experience.
    * gestión de archivos personales = personal archives management, personal records management.
    * gusto personal = personal taste, personal preference.
    * hábito personal = personal habit.
    * hacer uso personal = make + personal use.
    * higiene personal = personal hygiene.
    * historia personal = personal history.
    * índice de rendimiento personal = individual performance index.
    * información personal = personal information.
    * interés personal = vested interest, personal interest.
    * interpersonal = person-to-person.
    * intimidad personal = personal privacy.
    * invasión del espacio personal = invasion of space.
    * libertad personal = personal freedom.
    * logro personal = a feather in + Posesivo + cap, personal achievement.
    * marca personal = personal record.
    * miembro personal = personal member.
    * nombre personal = personal name.
    * norma personal = personal norm.
    * opinión personal = personal opinion.
    * ordenador personal (PC) = personal computer (PC).
    * para uso personal = for personal use.
    * perder un objeto personal = lose + property.
    * personal investigador = research staff.
    * PIN (número de identificación personal) = PIN (personal identification number).
    * por razones personales = for personal reasons.
    * preferencia personal = personal preference.
    * problema personal = personal problem.
    * razones personales = personal reasons.
    * realización personal = personal fulfilment.
    * récord personal = personal record.
    * responsabilidad personal = personal responsibility.
    * satisfacción personal = personal satisfaction.
    * seguridad personal = personal safety.
    * sello personal = fingerprint [finger-print].
    * sicología personal = personal psychology.
    * sistema de valores personales = personal value system.
    * tecnología del ordenador personal = personal computer technology.
    * tener un interés muy personal en = hold + a stake in, have + a stake in.
    * territorio personal = personal space territory.
    * toque personal = personal touch.
    * triunfo personal = a feather in + Posesivo + cap.
    * uso personal = personal use.
    * vida personal = personal life.
    * voluntad personal = personal will.

    * * *
    ‹asunto/documento/pregunta› personal; ‹opinión/juicio› personal
    objetos de uso personal personal effects
    una alusión personal a personal remark
    está basado en su experiencia personal it is based on (his own) personal experience
    no tiene ningún interés personal en el asunto he has no personal interest in the matter
    1 (de una fábrica, empresa) personnel (pl), staff ( sing or pl)
    estamos escasos de personal we're short-staffed
    intentan aumentar la producción con el mismo personal they are trying to increase production with the same number of staff o with the same workforce
    2 ( Esp fam hum) (gente) people
    ¡cuánto personal hay en la calle! what a lot of people there are in the street!
    saca unas copas para el personal get some glasses out for everyone o for people
    cabin staff o crew
    ( Arg) staff ( of a building)
    ground crew o staff
    flight crew
    * * *


    personal adjetivo

    ■ sustantivo masculino (de fábrica, empresa) personnel (pl), staff ( sing or pl);
    estamos escasos de personal we're short-staffed
    I adjetivo personal
    una carta personal, a private letter
    II sustantivo masculino (trabajadores) staff, personnel

    ' personal' also found in these entries:
    - contingente
    - dato
    - efecto
    - escala
    - interés
    - jefa
    - jefe
    - lavandería
    - llave
    - objeto
    - particular
    - pasar
    - placa
    - plana
    - plano
    - presente
    - primar
    - privada
    - privado
    - abandonar
    - ampliación
    - ampliar
    - aseo
    - auxiliar
    - bien
    - citar
    - computadora
    - consultorio
    - coqueto
    - defensa
    - dejadez
    - dejado
    - despedir
    - diario
    - falta
    - historial
    - insuficiencia
    - intimidad
    - número
    - palacio
    - patrimonio
    - PC
    - planilla
    - plantilla
    - reducción
    - tarjeta
    - uno
    - achievement
    - agree
    - appreciate
    - averse
    - balloon
    - battle
    - cleanliness
    - computer
    - dear
    - decision
    - decision making
    - delay
    - despite
    - diary
    - dodge
    - employ
    - excuse
    - exploit
    - first-hand
    - gap
    - heart-to-heart
    - love
    - maintenance staff
    - mate
    - myself
    - neglect
    - office staff
    - PA
    - pc
    - personal
    - personal best
    - personal computer
    - personal pronoun
    - personally
    - personnel
    - personnel department
    - personnel management
    - private
    - private income
    - put off
    - referee
    - self-improvement
    - self-interest
    - short-staffed
    - staff
    - staff meeting
    - staff training
    - staffing
    - strength
    * * *
    [privado, íntimo] personal;
    una opinión/pregunta personal a personal opinion/question;
    mi teléfono personal es… my home o private number is…;
    para uso personal for personal use;
    personal e intransferible non-transferable
    1. [trabajadores] staff, personnel
    personal administrativo administrative staff;
    personal de cabina cabin staff o crew;
    personal docente teaching staff;
    personal de oficina office staff;
    personal de tierra ground staff o crew;
    personal de ventas sales force o team
    2. Esp Fam [gente] people;
    el personal quería ir al cine the gang wanted to go to the cinema
    [en baloncesto] personal foul
    * * *
    I adj personal
    II m
    1 personnel, staff;
    personal docente teaching staff
    2 en baloncesto personal foul
    * * *
    : personal
    : personnel, staff
    * * *
    personal1 adj personal / private
    personal2 n staff

    Spanish-English dictionary > personal

См. также в других словарях:

  • sing — W2S1 [sıŋ ] v past tense sang [sæŋ] past participle sung [sʌŋ] ↑microphone, ↑sheet music ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(with your voice)¦ 2¦(birds)¦ 3¦(high noise)¦ 4 sing somebody s praises 5 sing a different tune …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Sing — most often is used to describe the activity of singing a song.Sing may also refer to:In music:* Sing (The Carpenters song), a song written by Joe Raposo and performed on Sesame Street ; reprised by the Carpenters in 1973 * Sing (To Me) , a 1991… …   Wikipedia

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  • sing — [ sıŋ ] (past tense sang [ sæŋ ] ; past participle sung [ sʌŋ ] ) verb *** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to make music using your voice: Malcolm likes singing in the shower. sing a song: They sang several old familiar songs. sing about: He sang …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Sing — «Sing» Сингл My Chemical Romance …   Википедия

  • sing — vb Sing, troll, carol, descant, warble, trill, hymn, chant, intone all mean to produce musical tones by or as if by means of the voice. Sing is the general term used of human beings and of animals and things that produce musical or sustained… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • sing up — ˌsing ˈup [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they sing up he/she/it sings up present participle singing up past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sing — (s[i^]ng), v. t. 1. To utter with musical inflections or modulations of voice. [1913 Webster] And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb. Rev. xv. 3. [1913 Webster] And in the darkness sing your carol of high… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sing It! — Studioalbum von Marcia Ball, Irma Thomas, Tracy Nelson Veröffentlichung 13. Januar 1998 Aufnahme April bis September 1997 Label …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sing — (s[i^]ng), v. i. [imp. {Sung}or {Sang}; p. p. {Sung}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Singing}.] [AS. singan; akin to D. zingen, OS. & OHG. singan, G. singen, Icel. syngja, Sw. sjunga, Dan. synge, Goth. siggwan, and perhaps to E. say, v.t., or cf. Gr. ??? voice …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sing — sing1 [siŋ] vi. sang, sung, singing [ME singen < OE singan, akin to Ger singen < IE base * sengwh > Gr omphē, a voice, oracle] 1. a) to produce musical sounds or notes with the voice, esp. in a connected series, as in giving voice to a… …   English World dictionary

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