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  • 21 BUKL

    * * *
    n. [mid. Lat. bucula], the boss of a shield, Al. 40, (a for. word.)

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > BUKL

  • 22 buklari

    m. buckler, shield.
    * * *
    a, m. [Fr. bouclier], a buckler, shield, Sks. 374, Eg. 202, Fms. viii. 170, 317, ix. 533, Fas. i. 179, Sturl. ii. 44, 221, etc.
    COMPDS: buklarabóla, buklarafetill.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > buklari

  • 23 fetill

    (dat. fetli; pl. fetlar), m. strap (of a shield or sword).
    * * *
    m., dat. fetli, pl. fetlar; an older dat. form fatli (cp. katli) seems to be left in the phrase, bera hönd í fatla (qs. fatli), to carry the arm in a sling: [Germ. fessel]:—the strap by which a bag is hung on the shoulder, N. G. L. i. 349: the strap or belt of a shield or sword (skjaldar-fetill, sverds-f., Gr. τελαμών), umgörð ok fetlar, Fas. i. 414, El. 22, 33, Edda 123, N. G. L. ii. 422; hence the sword is in poetry called fetil-stingi, a, m. a ‘belt-pin,’ etc. fetla-byrðr, f. a burthen carried by straps, N. G. L. i. 143.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > fetill

  • 24 flaki

    m. wicker-work shield (for defence in battle).
    * * *
    and fleki, a, m. a ‘flake,’ esp. a hurdle or shield wicker-work, used for defence in battle, Fms. ix. 30 (v. l.), 421, Hkr. ii. 11, Sks. 416 B.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > flaki

  • 25 gjallr

    a. ringng, resounding.
    * * *
    adj., also spelt gallr, ringing, poët. epithet of gold, a shield, weapon, horn, Fs. 111 (in a verse), Vsp. 42, Haustl. 1, Fm. 9, 20; gallir geirar, Ó. H. 23: of a person weeping, Skv. 3. 33: as the word is rare and obsolete, esp. in the form gallr, transcribers and editors have in some passages wrongly put the well-known gamlir ( old) where that word yields no sense, as in Vsp. l. c., Ó. H. l. c.
    2. as subst., the sea, a sword, shield are called gjallr, the resounding, Edda (Gl.)

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > gjallr

  • 26 hlíf

    (pl. -ar), f. cover, shelter, protection, esp. shield.
    * * *
    f., pl. hlífar, a cover, shelter, protection (esp. of a shield, armour), Ld. 244, Eg. 507, Bxarð. 165, Hm. 81, passim: esp. in pl. hlífar, Nj. 262, Fms. ii. 319, Eb. 230, Rm. 39. hlífar-lauss ( hlífa-lauss), adj. ‘coverless,’ uncovered, Fms. ii. 205, vi. 70, vii. 192, Ísl. ii. 226.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hlíf

  • 27 HVÁLF

    1) vault;
    2) concavity (of a shield).
    * * *
    n., mod. form hólf, [A. S. hwealf], a vault, Bs. i. 177, Sks. 633, Al. 89; gufu-hvolf, or dampa-h., ‘ steam-vault,’ the atmosphere, (mod.): of the concavity of a shield, Boll. 340; vera á hválfi, keel uppermost, of a boat or vessel; see hólf.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HVÁLF

  • 28 HÖGGVA

    * * *
    (høgg; hjó, hjoggum or hjuggum; höggvinn and högginn), v.
    1) to strike, smite (with a sharp weapon);
    høggr sá, er hlífa skyldi, he strikes who ought to shield;
    höggva sverði (or með sverði), to strike with a sword;
    höggva e-n bana-högg, to give one his deathblow;
    2) to cut down, destroy (þeir hjoggu drekann mjök);
    3) to put to death, behead (suma lét hann hengja eða höggva);
    to kill, slaughter (höggva hest, búfé, kýr, naut);
    4) to fell trees (hann hefir höggvit í skógi mínum);
    5) to strike, bite (of a snake, boar);
    ormrinn hjó hann til bana, the snake struck him dead;
    6) with preps.:
    höggva e-t af, to hew or cut off (höggva af kampa ok skegg);
    höggva e-t af sér, to ward of;
    höggva eptir e-m, to cut at one, = höggva til e-s (hjá eptir honum með sverði);
    höggva í höfuð e-m, to give one a blow on the head;
    höggva e-t niðr, to cut down (var merki hans niðr höggvit);
    to kill, butcher (I. hefir áðr niðr höggvit brœðr sína tvá);
    höggva e-t ór, to cut out;
    fig. to make even, smooth (láta konung ok erkibisup ór höggva slíkar greinir);
    höggva e-t í sundr, to hew asunder;
    höggva til e-s, to strike (cut) at one, = höggva eptir e-m;
    höggva upp tré, to cut down a tree;
    höggva upp skip, to break a ship up;
    7) refl. to be cut, hacked (hjást skjöldr Helga);
    þótti honum nú taka mjök um at höggvast, things looked hard;
    recipr., to exchange blows, fight (þeir hjuggust nökkura stund).
    * * *
    also spelt heyggva, Sæm. (Kb.); pres. höggr, mod. also heggr; pl. höggum, mod. höggvum; pret. hjó, hjótt, hjó, mod. hjó, hjóst, hjó; pl. hjoggum and hjuggum, mod. only the latter form; a Norse pret. hjoggi = hjó, D. N. ii. 331; pret. subj. hjöggi and heyggi, mod. hjyggi; part. högginn, mod. but less correct, höggvinn, which also is freq. in the Editions; but in the MSS. usually abbreviated, högḡ, höggͭ, = högginn, höggit: [not recorded in Ulf.; A. S. heawan; Engl. hew, hack; Hel. hauwan; O. H. G. houwan; Germ. hauen; Dan. hugge; Swed. hugga]:—höggva denotes to strike with an edged tool, slá and drepa with a blunt one:
    1. to strike, smite with a sharp weapon; höggr sá er hlífa skyldi, he strikes who ought to shield, a saying: to deal blows with a weapon, hann görði ymist hjó eða lagði, Nj. 8; hann hjó títt ok hart, passim; höggva báðum höndum, 29; h. sverði, öxi, strike with, i. e. to brandish, a sword, axe, Fms. v. 168, Gs. 6; h. til e-s, to deal a blow to one, smite, Grág. ii. 7, Al. 78; h. e-n bana-högg, to smite with a deathblow, Eg. 220: to cut down, destroy, þeir hjuggu drekann mjök, Fms. vii. 249: to maim, ef maðr höggr hund eða björn til háðungar manni, Grág. ii. 121; h. rauf á hjálmi, Al. 78: the phrases, h. sik í lends manns rétt, Fms. ix. 399: spec. phrases, höggðú allra manna armastr, nú hjóttu Noreg ór hendi mér! Ek þóttumk nú Noreg í hönd þér höggva, Ó. H. 184.
    2. to put to death, behead, Fms. vii. 250, 251, xi. 148–152: to kill, högg þú hestinn, Nj. 92: to kill cattle, slaughter, h. bú, búfé, kýr, geitr, naut, Landn. 293, Eg. 532, Fms. vi. 95, xi. 123, Fb. i. 186: höggva strandhögg, Eg. 81.
    3. to fell trees; höggva skög, Grág. ii. 294; h. keyrivönd, id.: absol., hann hefir höggit í skógi mínum, Nj. 98, passim: to cut grass (rarely), ef maðr höggr hey á hlut annars manns, N. G. L. ii. 112; upp höggvit gras, cut grass, Dipl. iv. 9, Jm. 7, (else always slá of mowing.)
    4. to bite, of snakes (högg-ormr); Miðgarðsormr hjó hann til bana, Edda 155; naðran hjó fyrir flagbrjóskat, 76: of a wound from a boar’s tusk, ef svín höggr mann, Gþl. 190: the phrase, h. hest sporum, to prick a horse with the spur, Mag. 9.
    II. with prepp.; höggva af, to hew or cut off; h. af kampa ok skegg, to cut off the beard, K. Þ. K.; h. af lim, Sks. 555; to kill, slaughter, h. af fé, Ld. 64; höggva af sér, to parry off, Fms. v. 13:—h. niðr, to cut down, i. 38; to kill, butcher, vii. 261, Orkn. 120; hjuggu þeir niðr mungát sitt (by cutting casks to pieces), Fms. vii. 249:—h. upp, to cut down a tree, Greg. 48, Matth. iii. 10; h. upp skip, to break a ship up, Fms. iii. 228, ix. 381; h. upp hús, to break a house up, viii. 166:—h. ór, to cut out, metaph. to make even; vóru margar greinir þær er ór þurfti at h. milli biskups ok leikmanna, Bs. i. 751; láta konung ok erkibiskup ór h. ( smooth) sagðar greinir, 773.
    III. reflex. to be cut, hacked; hjósk skjöldr Helga, Dropl. 24.
    2. recipr. to exchange blows, fight; þeir hjuggusk nokkura stund, Háv. 56; þeir h. til í ákafa, Bret. 74.
    3. metaph., höggvask í mitt mál, to begin abruptly, in the middle of a sentence; taka heldr at upphafi til, en höggvask í mitt mál, Landn. 275, v. l.; ef enn höggsk nokkurr í ok mælir svá, cuts in, objects, Skálda 168: þótti honum nú taka mjök um at höggvask, things looked hard, Grett. 142; þótti honum hart um höggvask, Bs. i. 423.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HÖGGVA

  • 29 LJÚGA

    * * *
    (lýg; laug or ló, lugum; loginn), v.
    1) to lie, tell a lie (lýgr þú nú, Atli!); mannfýla sú, er þetta hefir logit, the rascal who has told this lie; l. e-n e-u, to charge one falsely with a thing (ef hann er loginn þessu máli); l. e-u at e-m, to tell a lie to one (eigi er logit at þér); l. á e-n, to tell lies about one, belie; l. til e-s, to tell a lie about (l. til faðernis);
    2) to treat falsely; Brandr mun eigi ljúga stefnuna, B. will not fail to come; lýgr skjöldrinn nú at mér, now the shield proves false to me, fails me;
    3) refl., ljúgast, to fail, prove false or untrue (hefir yðr þat sjaldan logizt, er ek sagða).
    * * *
    pres. lýg, pl. ljúga; pret. laug, 2nd pers. laugt, mod. laugst, pl. lugu; subj. lygi; part. loginn; a pret. ló (qs. lóg) also occurs, Ver. 16, Nj. 270, Lex. Poët.; pret. pl. lógo, Post. 231; later lugu: [Ulf. luigan = ψεύδεσθαι; A. S. leôgan; Engl. lie; O. H. G. liugan; Germ. lügen; Swed. ljuga; Dan. lyve]:—to lie, tell a lie, þetta hefir hann logit, Nj. 80; fyrir logna sök, Al. 26; þóat hann lygi, Finnb. 346; þú gerðir at ek laug, Hom. 154; drjúgr var Loptr at ljúga, Þd. 1; lýgr þú nú, Am. 100.
    2. with prep.; ljúga at e-m, to tell lies to one; þá máttu nú finna skjótt hér sönn dæmi, at eigi er logit at þér, Edda 19, Karl. 180, 399; hví viltú svíkja mik, at þú lýgr æ at mér, Stj. 416, Fms. vi. 257 (in a verse): ljúga á e-n, to lie about a person, slander; ok er hón fékk þat ekki þá ló hón á hann, Ver. 16: ljúga frá, to tell lies; en um allir sagnir hallaði hann mjök til, en ló víða frá, Nj. 270; ok sízt sé logit frá honum, and that what is told of him is true enough, 32.
    II. to break an engagement, belie one’s word, fail, absol.; svá segir mér hugr um sem Brandr mun eigi ljúga stefnuna, B. will not fail to come, Finnb. 348; þess er mér ván at þeir ljúgi hólmstefnu, Fas. ii. 477; sá er vetki laug, who never failed, proved faithful, Ad. 11; mundu víst vita at vetki lýgr, it will not fail, Skv. 1. 25; sjaldan lýgr en langa kör, Skáld H. 7. 35; lýgr skjöldrinn nú, now the shield proves false, Fms. vii. 323, v. l.; þá var friðr loginn, then was peace broken, Höfuðl.; lugu þá lindiskildirnir at þeim ok dugðu eigi fyrir kesjum Birkibeina, Fms. viii. 413, v. l.; ljúgandi högg, sham blows, taking no effect, Sks. 382; telja á sik ljúganda lof, to give lying praise to oneself, false boasting, Art.; ljúga höggin þín, langi Loptr! thy blows are a make-believe, Safn i. 55.
    2. with acc. to belie, break, fail in; hel ló sumum frelsi (acc.), death cheated (bereft) some of their freedom, Fagrsk. (in a verse); Sigurðr hefir logna ( has broken) alla eiða, Bkv. 2.
    III. reflex. to fail, miss; þvíat eigi mun yðr eptirförin ljúgask, Ísl. ii. 347; eigi mun við ljúgask at hann Barði er kominn, 356; hefir yðr þat sjaldan logizt ( it has seldom proved false) er ek sagði þá er várir fundir hafa at borit, Fms. viii. 134; en ef þú leitar eptir vexti solar, þá fær þat varla svá glöggt sagt, at þat ljúgisk hvergi, Sks. 57:—with prepp., eigi má ek þat vita, at né eitt siun hafi jafnmjök logizk í um fylgdina mína, I know not that my help has ever before proved such a failure, Fms. vi. 248.
    2. part. loginn; at vér félagar sém þessu máli lognir, that we are falsely charged with this case, Fms. iv. 310.
    3. recipr., ljúgask á, to belie oneself; en ef maðr lýgsk sári á, if a man pretends falsely to be wounded; fyrir því at hann lósk (locsc MS.) öllum goðdóms krapti á, Hom. (St.)

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > LJÚGA

  • 30 randar-

    see rönd; from rönd, a shield, whence also are formed the poët. compds, rand-álfr, -berendr, -ullr, -viðr, = a warrior; rand-él, -fár, -óp, = battle; rand-áll, -gálkn, -hængr, -laukr, -linnr, -ormr, = a sword; rand-garðr, -hvel, -láð, -völlr, = a shield.
    2. pr. names of men, Rand-verr; of women, Rand-eiðr, Fms.; Rand-gríð, one of the Valkyriur, Gm.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > randar-

  • 31 renna

    * * *
    (renn; rann, runnum; runninn), v.
    1) to run (rakkar þar renna);
    renna í köpp við e-n, to run a race with;
    hón á þann hest, er rennr lopt ok lög, that runs through the air and over the sea;
    renna e-m hvarf, to run out of one’s sight;
    2) to run away, flee (rennr þú nú Úlfr hinn ragi);
    renna undan e-m, to run away from one (ek get þess, at þú vilir eigi renna undan þeim);
    3) to run, flow (rennr þaðan lítill lœkr);
    4) to melt, dissolve (ok hafði runnit málmrinn í eldsganginum);
    reiði rennr e-m, anger leaves one;
    5) to arise (= renna upp);
    sól rennr, the sun rises;
    dagr rennr, it dawns;
    6) with preps.:
    renna af e-m, to leave one, pass away from one (reiði rann af honum);
    renna á e-n, to come over one;
    svefn, svefnhöfgi rennr á e-n, one falls asleep;
    reiði rennr á e-n, one gets angry;
    þá rann á byrr, then a fair wind arose;
    renna eptir e-m, to run after one (þá var runnit eptir þeim, er flóttann ráku);
    renna frá e-m, to run away from, leave one;
    renna í e-t, to run into;
    e-m rennr í skap, one is much (deeply) affected (er eigi trútt, at mér hafi eigi í skap runnit sonardauðinn);
    renna saman, to heal up (þá var saman runninn leggrinn);
    renna undir, to assist, give support (margar stoðir runnu undir, bæði frændr ok vinir);
    renna upp, to originate (var þess ván, at illr ávöxtr mundi upp renna af illri rót);
    of the sun or daylight, to rise;
    sól (dagr) rennr upp (cf. 5);
    7) recipr., rennast at (á), to attack one another, begin a fight.
    (-da, -dr), v.
    1) to make (let) run, with dat. (keyrði hann hestinn sporum ok renndi honum at);
    2) to put to flight (þeir renndu þeim tíu, er undan kómust);
    3) to prevent, thwart (eigi má sköpunum renna);
    er rennt þeim ráðahag, that match is thwarted;
    4) to slip, let loose;
    renna veiðarfœri, to let the fishing-line run out;
    Tjörvi renndi fyrir hann törgu, T. flung a target in his way;
    impers., atgeirinum renndi gegnum skjöldinn, the halberd was run through the shield;
    renna e-u niðr, to swallow;
    renna grunum á e-t, to suspect;
    5) renna augum, to direct the eyes, to look (renna ástaraugum til e-s);
    6) to pour (var gulli rennt í skurðina);
    7) with acc., renna mjólk, to run millk, by pouring out the thin milk;
    8) with acc. to turn (renna tré, spánu);
    9) absol. to move quickly, slide, glide (konungsskipin renndu at þeim);
    þá renndi hringrinn af hendi mér, the ring slipped off my hand;
    10) refl., rennast augum til, to look to one another;
    þá renndust skipin hjá, the ships passed by one another.
    f. run, course;
    ok nú er skírðr allr Danaherr í þessi rennu, in one run, at one sweep.
    * * *
    d, a causal to the preceding word, [Ulf. rannjan, Matth. v. 25]:—to make run, let run; keyrði hann hestinn ok renndi honum at, put him into a gallop, Fms. ix. 56; renna hundum at dýrum, to run the hounds after game, let slip, Gþl. 448; konungr renndi eptir honum hestinum, Fms. viii. 353; renna sér, to slide:—to put to flight, þeir renndu þeim tíu er undan kómusk, Nj. 254; hverjum hesti renndi hann sem við hann átti, Vígl. 20:—to prevent, thwart, eigi má sköpunum renna, Ísl. ii. 106; þat hygg ek at rennt hafa ek nú þeim sköpunum, at hann verði mér at bana, Fas. ii. 169, 558; r. e-u ráði, to thwart it, Bret., Grág. i. 307; ok er nú rennt þeim ráða-hag, Valla L. 204; ek skal því renna, Jv. 49:—r. færi, neti, togum, öngli, to let the line, net … run out, Gþl. 426: Tjörvi renndi fyrir hann tjörgu, T. flung a targe in his way, Nj. 144: impers. of a weapon, atgeirinum renndi gögnum skjöldinn, the halberd was run through the shield, 116:—of the eyes, mind, renna augum, to turn, move the eyes, look, Ísl. ii. 251; r. ástar-augum til e-s, 199; r. girndar-augum, 623. 23; renna hug sínum, to wander in mind, consider, O. H. L. 84, Rb. 380, Hom. 39 (hug-renning); renna grunum, to suspect, Gísl. 25, Fms. x. 335:—of a melted substance, to pour, var gulli rennt í skurðina, Vígl. 15, Fb. i. 144, Fas. iii. 273; renndr skjöldr, Nj. 96, v. l.:—renna mjólk, to run milk, by pouring out the thin milk (undan-renning), Fas. iii. 373; renna úr trogunum, renna ór tunnu, Ó. H. 148; renna niðr, to let run down, swallow, Fms. v. 40; renna berjum í lófa, to run the berries out into the hollow hand, Fb. ii. 374:—a turner’s term, to turn, with acc., flest tré vóru þar koppara-járnum rennd, Fms. v. 339; hann hélt á tannara ok renndi þar af spánu, Ó. H. 197; tréstikur renndar, Vm. 110.
    II. absol. (qs. renna sér), to slide, glide, of swift movement; flotinn renndi at þeim, Fms. viii. 222, 288: skip Kormaks renndi við, the ship veered round, Korm. 230; síðan renna fram skipin, Nj. 8; skipin renndu fyrir straum, Fms. vii. 260; þá renndi járnit neðan, sem fiskr at öngli, Greg. 62; þá renndi hringrinn ( slipped) af hendi mér ok á vatnid, Ld. 126; þá renndu sverð ór slíðrum, Nj. 272; hann (the salmon) rennir upp í forsinn. Edda 40; þá renndi hann (the hawk) fram ok drap þrjá orra, Ó. H. 78; lagit renndi upp í kviðinn, 219; hann renndi þegar frá óðfluga, Nj. 144; hann rennir at fram fótskriðu (acc.), id.
    III. reflex., recipr., rennask augum, to look to one another, Ísl. ii. 251, v. l.; þá renndusk skipin hjá, passed by one another, Eg. 361; skipin renndusk á, Fms. ix. 50, v. l.
    u, f. a run, course; ok nú er skírðr allr Dana-herr í þessi rennu, in one run, in one sweep, Fms. xi. 39; í þeirri rennu, O. H. L. 7, 55.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > renna

  • 32 SKAUNN

    m., poët. a shield, Edda (Gl.); prop. a ‘protector,’ akin to Germ. schonen; skaunar seil, the shield strap, Þd. 9. The word also occurs in þing-skaun, the ‘þing-sanctuary’, asylum, within the holy bounds vé-bönd (= þing-helgi?), Fms. ix. 419.
    II. Skaun is a freq. local name in Norway, always of fertile meadow-land; [Ulf. skauns = ὡραιος; Germ. schön, whence mod. Dan. skjön is borrowed. This ancient Teut. root word is otherwise quite extinct in the old Scandin. languages, see Munch’s Norg. Beskr. pref. xvi.]

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > SKAUNN

  • 33 skjaldar-sporðr

    m. the ‘shield-tail,’ the lower part of an oblong shield, Ld. 78, Glúm. 333, Fas. i. 515.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > skjaldar-sporðr

  • 34 skjald-sveinn

    m. a ‘shield-boy,’ shield-bearer, Sks. 705, Korm. 118, Stj. 631.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > skjald-sveinn

  • 35 Skjöldungar

    m. pl. the famous lineage of the kings of Denmark, from Skjöld, the son of Odin, Edda, Yngl. S. The Danish legend derives the name from his being found in infancy in a bed of reeds to which he had floated on a shield; but in fact the name is derived from the ancient Teutonic custom of electing the king by lifting him on a shield in the assembly. Skjöldunga-ætt, f. the kin of the S., Fas. ii. 10.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > Skjöldungar

  • 36 VANGR

    m. field (cf. himinvangr); frá mínum véum ok vöngum, from my hearth and home.
    * * *
    m. [Ulf. waggs = παράδεισος; A. S. wang; Hel. wang; early Dan. vang, as in the ballad, Danmark deiligst ‘vang’ og ‘vænge’ lukt með bölgen blaa]:—a garden, green home-field, Edda (Gl.): in the allit. vé ok vangr, house and home; frá mínum vénm ok vöngum, from my hearth and home, Ls. 52; þar var arnar-flaug of vangi, Edda (in a verse); hún-vangr, ‘ship-field,’ i. e. the sea, Eb. (in a verse).
    II. in prose this word is obsolete except in compds, in which (as in vegr) the v is often dropped (-angr); ái-vangr, vet-vangr, kaup-angr, qq. v.: in a great number of local names, þrúð-vangr, Aur-vangr, Ævangr: in names of fiords in Norway, Staf-angr, Harð-angr, Kaup-angr. In several mod. Scandin. local names ‘vangr’ remains in the inflexion -ing, -inge; it is often impossible to say whether the termination is from engi or vangr. In poët. compds, himin-vangr, sól-vangr, hlæ-v., the heaven: the sea is called svan-vangr, the swan-field; ál-v., fley-v., the ship-field, etc. = the sea; all-vangr, the ‘all-men’s field,’ a place of assembly (= almanna-vangr), Ísl. ii. (in a verse); geð-vangr, ‘mind’s-field,’ the mind’s abode, i. e. the breast; baug-v., fólk-v., hjör-v., geir-v., the shield-field, sword-field, i. e. the shield; orm-v., ‘snake-field,’ i. e. gold, Lex. Poët.; Þrúð-vangr, the abode of Thor, Gm., Edda.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > VANGR

  • 37 friðskjöldr

    m. truce-shield; bregða upp friðskildi, to lift the shield of truce.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > friðskjöldr

  • 38 aftaks-skjöldr

    m. a huge shield, Fas. i. 415.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > aftaks-skjöldr

  • 39 ann-fetlar

    m. pl. a sword belt or shield belt, = handfetlar, Lex. Poët.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ann-fetlar

  • 40 barði

    I) m. a sort of ship, ‘ram’.
    II) from berja.
    * * *
    a, m. a ship, a sort of ram, v. above, Fms. ii. 310, Edda (Gl.)
    β. a sort of fish (Germ. bartfisch), Edda (Gl.)
    γ. a shield, Edda (Gl.)

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > barði

См. также в других словарях:

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  • SHIELD — Personnage de fiction Activité(s) Agence gouvernementale Adresse Héliporteur (Helicarrier) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • shield´like´ — shield «sheeld», noun, verb. –n. 1. a piece of armor carried on the arm or in the hand to protect the body in battle, used in ancient and medieval warfare. 2. anything used to protect: »He turned up his collar as a shield against the cold wind. A …   Useful english dictionary

  • shield´er — shield «sheeld», noun, verb. –n. 1. a piece of armor carried on the arm or in the hand to protect the body in battle, used in ancient and medieval warfare. 2. anything used to protect: »He turned up his collar as a shield against the cold wind. A …   Useful english dictionary

  • Shield — Shield, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shielded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shielding}.] [AS. scidan, scyldan. See {Shield}, n.] 1. To cover with, or as with, a shield; to cover from danger; to defend; to protect from assault or injury. [1913 Webster] Shouts of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shield — Shield, n. [OE. sheld, scheld, AS. scield, scild, sceld, scyld; akin to OS. scild, OFries. skeld, D. & G. schild, OHG. scilt, Icel. skj[ o]ldr, Sw. sk[ o]ld, Dan. skiold, Goth. skildus; of uncertain origin. Cf. {Sheldrake}.] 1. A broad piece of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shield fern — Shield Shield, n. [OE. sheld, scheld, AS. scield, scild, sceld, scyld; akin to OS. scild, OFries. skeld, D. & G. schild, OHG. scilt, Icel. skj[ o]ldr, Sw. sk[ o]ld, Dan. skiold, Goth. skildus; of uncertain origin. Cf. {Sheldrake}.] 1. A broad… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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