1 резкий спад
1) General subject: a dramatic drop, sharp nosedive2) Advertising: slump3) Mass media: sharp slowdown, steep decline -
2 резкое падение
3 piquer
piquer [pike]➭ TABLE 11. transitive verba. [guêpe, ortie] to sting ; [moustique, serpent] to bite ; (avec une épingle, une pointe) to prick ; [barbe] to prickle ; (Medicine) to give an injection to• attention, ça pique [alcool sur une plaie] careful, it's going to stingd. [+ curiosité, intérêt] to arouse2. intransitive verba. [avion] to go into a dive ; [oiseau] to swoop down• piquer du nez [avion] to nosedive ; [fleurs] to droop ; [personne] to fall headfirst ; (de sommeil) to nod off (inf)3. reflexive verbb. [drogué] to shoot upc. ( = prétendre pouvoir) se piquer de faire qch to pride o.s. on one's ability to do sth* * *pike
1) ( blesser) [guêpe, ortie] to sting; [moustique, serpent] to bite; [chardon, rosier] to prick2) ( enfoncer une pointe) [personne] to prick [animal, fruit]3) Médecine to give [somebody] an injection4) Culinaire5) ( fixer) to stick [épingle]6) ( de trous) [insecte, ver] to make holes in [bois, meuble]7) ( irriter)8) (colloq) ( voler) to pinch (colloq) GB, to steal [livre, idée] (à from); ( emprunter) to pinch (colloq) GB, to borrow [crayon, pull]il pique (dans les magasins) — he's always pinching things (from shops GB ou stores US)
9) (colloq) ( arrêter) [police] to nab (colloq), to nick (colloq) GB [bandit]; ( surprendre) to get [personne]10) (colloq) ( attraper) to catch [virus]11) to stitch [tissu, vêtement]12) [propos] to needle [personne]; to sting [orgueil, fierté]13) ( éveiller) to arouse [curiosité, intérêt]14) (colloq) ( commencer)15) ( plonger)16) Musique
verbe intransitif1) ( irriter) [barbe] to be bristly; [vêtement, laine] to be scratchy; [gorge, yeux] to sting; [vent, froid] to be biting2) ( exciter les sens) [moutarde, sauce] to be hot; [vin, fromage] to be sharp; [boisson, soda] (colloq) to be fizzy (colloq) GB ou sparkling3) ( descendre) [oiseau] to swoop down; [avion] to divepiquer du nez — ( s'endormir) to nod off, to doze off; ( baisser la tête) to look down; ( chuter) [avion] to go into a nosedive; [marché, Bourse] to take a nosedive; [fleur] to droop
4) (colloq) ( prendre)5) (colloq) ( s'élancer)
se piquer verbe pronominal1) ( se blesser) to prick oneself2) ( se faire une piqûre) to inject oneself; ( se droguer) (colloq) to shoot up (colloq)3) ( se couvrir de taches) [miroir, linge, métal] to become spotted; [papier, livre] to become foxed4) ( par prétention) fml5) ( se vexer) to take offence [BrE] (de at)••quelle mouche t'a piqué? — (colloq) what's eating (colloq) you?
son article n'était pas piqué des vers (colloq) or hannetons — (colloq) his/her article didn't pull any punches
c'est une petite maison pas piquée des vers (colloq) or hannetons — (colloq) it's a really lovely little house
* * *pike1. vt1)piquer qch sur; piquer qch à [tableau d'affichage] — to pin sth onto
2) [abeille] to sting, [moustique] to biteNous avons été piqués par les moustiques. — We were bitten by mosquitoes.
3) [ortie] to stingpiquer les yeux [fumée] — to make one's eyes sting
4) [froid] to biteLa fumée me pique les yeux. — The smoke is making my eyes sting.
5) [sauce, poivre] to burnCette sauce me pique la langue. — This sauce is burning my tongue.
6) [patient] to give an injection to7) [chien, chat] to put to sleep8) COUTURE to machine (stitch)9) [intérêt, curiosité] to arouse10) * (= voler) to pinch *On m'a piqué mon porte-monnaie. — Somebody pinched my purse.
11) * (= arrêter) [voleur] to nab *2. vi1) [oiseau, avion] to go into a divepiquer sur [proie, cible] — to swoop down on
piquer du nez [avion] — to go into a nose-dive, fig, [personne] to doze off, [économie, chiffres] to nose-dive, to take a nose-dive
2) (= brûler) [plante, feuille] to sting, [froid] to bite, [sauce] to be hot* * *piquer verb table: aimerA vtr1 ( blesser) [guêpe, scorpion, méduse, ortie] to sting; [moustique, puce, araignée, serpent] to bite; [chardon, rosier] to prick; le scorpion l'a piqué au bras the scorpion stung his arm; il s'est fait piquer par une méduse he was ou got stung by a jellyfish;2 ( enfoncer une pointe) [personne, bec, aiguille] to prick [animal, fruit]; piquer qn avec une aiguille to prick sb with a needle; piquer son cheval to spur one's horse; piquer un rôti avec une fourchette to prick a roast with a fork; piquer un couteau dans le gâteau to prick the cake with a knife; piquer des petits pois avec sa fourchette to stab peas with one's fork; piquer (son cheval) des éperons to urge one's horse on with one's spurs;3 Méd to give [sb] an injection; piquer qn à l'épaule/au bras to give sb an injection in the shoulder/in the arm; je me suis fait piquer contre la grippe I've had a flu injection; faire piquer un animal to have an animal put down; on a dû faire piquer le chat we had to have the cat put down;4 Culin piquer un gigot d'ail to stud a leg of lamb with garlic; piquer un oignon de clous de girofle to stick an onion with cloves; un gigot d'agneau piqué d'ail a leg of lamb studded with garlic;5 ( fixer) to stick [épingle, peigne] (dans into); ( épingler) to pin [carte, badge] (à to; sur on); piquer des fleurs dans ses cheveux to stick flowers in one's hair; piquer une photo au mur/une médaille sur une veste to pin a photo to the wall/a medal on a jacket;6 ( parsemer) ( de trous) [insecte, ver] to make holes in [bois, meuble]; ( de taches) [moisissure, rouille] to spot [linge, miroir]; to fox [papier, livre];7 ( irriter) [vent, froid] to be biting; mon pull me pique la peau my sweater feels scratchy; le froid me pique le visage the cold is making my face tingle; la fumée me pique la gorge/les yeux the smoke is stinging my throat/eyes; sa gorge le pique his throat is prickling ou stinging; ses yeux la piquaient her eyes were stinging; ça me pique partout I'm itchy all over;8 ○( voler) to pinch○ GB, to steal [livre, idée] (à from); ( emprunter) to pinch○ GB, to borrow [crayon, pull]; ( choisir) to pick [nombre, personne]; il a piqué cette invention à son professeur he pinched the invention from his professor; il pique (dans les magasins) he's always pinching things (from shops GB ou stores US); il n'arrête pas de me piquer mes fringues○ he's always pinching my clothes; je me suis fait piquer mon sac à main I had my handbag pinched; piquer un numéro au hasard to pick a number at random;9 ○( arrêter) [police] to nab○, to nick○ GB [bandit, voleur]; ( surprendre) to get [personne]; il s'est fait piquer à la sortie du magasin he was nabbed ou nicked GB as he left the store; ils se sont fait piquer à tricher pendant l'examen they got caught cheating during the exam;10 ○( attraper) to catch [maladie, virus];11 Cout to stitch [tissu, vêtement]; piquer une robe à la machine to machine(-stitch) a dress; est- ce que tu sais piquer? do you know how to use a sewing-machine?;12 (toucher, affecter) [propos, attitude, personne] to needle [personne]; to sting [orgueil, fierté]; cette remarque m'a piquée this remark wounded me; piquer qn au vif to cut sb to the quick;13 ( éveiller) to arouse [curiosité, intérêt];14 ○( commencer) piquer un fou rire to have a fit of the giggles; piquer une crise de nerfs to throw a fit○; piquer un cent mètres to break into a run; piquer un galop to break into a gallop;15 ( plonger) piquer une tête (dans l'eau) to dive (into the water);16 Mus piquer une note to play a note staccato.B vi1 ( irriter) [barbe] to be bristly; [vêtement, laine] to be scratchy ; [gorge, yeux, nez] to sting; ça pique! [ortie, seringue] it stings!; [plante épineuse] it pricks!; [fumée] it stings!; [barbe] it's bristly!; j'ai la gorge qui pique my throat is stinging; tu piques ce matin you are all bristly this morning;2 ( exciter les sens) [moutarde, sauce] to be hot; [vin, fromage] to be sharp; [boisson, soda]○ to be fizzy○ GB ou sparkling; c'est de l'eau qui pique this is fizzy GB ou sparkling water;3 ( descendre) [oiseau] to swoop down; [avion] to dive; l'aigle piqua droit sur sa proie the eagle swooped on its prey; piquer du nez ( s 'endormir) to nod off, to doze off; ( baisser la tête) to look down; ( chuter) [avion] to go into a nosedive; [marché, Bourse, actions] to take a nosedive; [fleur] to droop;4 ( prendre) arrête de piquer dans le plat stop picking (things out of the serving dish); il y a plein de livres/vêtements dans le grenier, pique dans le tas si tu veux there are lots of books/clothes in the attic, help yourself from the pile;5 ○( s'élancer) le taureau piqua droit sur nous the bull came straight for us; il piqua à travers bois pour échapper à la police he cut across the woods to escape (from) the police.C se piquer vpr1 ( se blesser) to prick oneself; se piquer avec to prick oneself with [aiguille]; to prick oneself on [clou]; se piquer aux ronces to scratch oneself on the brambles; se piquer aux orties to get stung by nettles; ⇒ frotter;2 ( se faire une piqûre) to inject oneself; ( se droguer)○ to shoot up○, to inject oneself; il se pique he shoots up○; je n'ai pas besoin d'infirmière, je me pique moi-même I don't need a nurse, I do my own injections; il se pique à l'héroïne he injects himself ou shoots up○ with heroin;3 ( se couvrir de taches) [miroir] to go spotty GB, to become spotted; [papier, livre] to become foxed; [confiture] to go GB ou become mouldy GB ou moldy US; [linge] to become spotted; [métal] to become spotted (with rust); le papier mural de la salle de bains est en train de se piquer the bathroom wallpaper is becoming mildewed;4 fml ( par prétention) se piquer de philosophie to like to make out GB ou pretend one is a philosopher; se piquer de peindre/d'écrire to like to make out GB ou pretend that one is a painter/writer; se piquer de réussir seul to claim that one can manage on one's own;5 ( se vexer) to take offenceGB (de at); elle s'est piquée de ta plaisanterie she took offenceGB at your joke; il se pique facilement he takes offenceGB easily.quelle mouche t'a piqué○? what's eating○ you?; piquer des deux Équit to spur on one's horse; ( s'enfuir)○ to beat it○; son article n'était pas piqué des vers○ or hannetons○ his/her article didn't pull any punches; c'est une petite maison pas piquée des vers○ ou hannetons○ it's a really lovely little house; se piquer le nez○ or la truffe◑ to booze○, to knock it back○.[pike] verbe transitif1. MÉDECINE [avec une seringue]2. MÉDECINE VÉTÉRINAIRE [tuer]piquer un animal to put an animal down, to put an animal to sleep3. [avec une pointe] to prickpiquer un morceau de viande avec une fourchette/la pointe d'un couteau to stick a fork/the tip of a knife into a piece of meatêtre piqué ou se faire piquer par une abeille to get stung by a bee5. [enfoncer] to stickpiquer une fleur dans ses cheveux to put a flower in ou to stick a flower in one's hairpiquer une broche sur un chemisier to pin a brooch on ou onto a blouseça pique la gorge it gives you a tickle in your ou the throat7. [stimuler - curiosité, jalousie] to arouse, to awaken ; [ - amour-propre] to pique ; [ - intérêt] to stir (up)8. (familier) [faire de manière soudaine]piquer un cent mètres ou un sprintpiquer un fard to turn red ou crimsonpiquer une phrase dans un livre/à un auteur to lift a sentence from a book/an authora. [arrêter] to get nabbed ou nailed (US)b. [surprendre] to get caught11. MUSIQUEpiquer une note to dot a note, to play a note staccato[cuir] to stitch13. CUISINE————————[pike] verbe intransitifradis/moutarde qui pique hot radish/mustard2. [descendre - avion] to (go into a) dive ; [ - oiseau] to swoop down ; [ - personne] to head straight towards3. (locution)a. [avion] to go into a nosediveb. [bateau] to tilt forwardc. [fleur] to droopd. [personne] to (begin to) drop off————————se piquer verbe pronominal (emploi réfléchi)il se pique à l'héroïne he shoots ou does heroin————————se piquer verbe pronominal intransitif1. [par accident] to prick oneself2. [s'abîmer - papier, linge] to turn mildewy, to go mouldy ; [ - métal] to pit, to get pitted ; [ - vin] to turn sour3. (locution)————————se piquer verbe pronominal transitif————————se piquer de verbe pronominal plus préposition -
4 Baisse
Baisse f 1. BANK, BÖRSE, FIN falling prices, sharp drop, stock market slump, bear market, price nosedive, plummeting prices; 2. FIN downturn phase • auf Baisse spekulieren BÖRSE bear, speculate for a fall in prices* * *f 1. < Börse> falling prices, sharp drop, stock market slump, bear market, price nosedive, plummeting prices; 2. < Finanz> downturn phase ■ auf Baisse spekulieren < Börse> bear, speculate for a fall in prices* * *Baisse
decline [in prices], depression, fall, drop, slump, bear market, decline in quotation;
• konjunkturelle Baisse cyclical depression;
• plötzliche Baisse sudden decline;
• erwartete Baisse im Voraus berücksichtigen to undersell (Br.) (underdiscount, US) the market;
• sich in einer Baisse eindecken to raid the bears (Br.);
• während der Baisse kaufen to buy (purchase) for a fall;
• auf Baisse spekulieren to operate (gamble, speculate) for a fall, to [go a] bear (Br.), to sell a bear (Br.), to bear the stocks (Br.), to sell short (US);
• im Zeichen der Baisse stehen to be marked by a decline in prices;
• Baisse herbeizuführen trachten to bear the market (Br.);
• in der Baisse verkaufen to go bear (Br.) (short, US);
• Baisseangebot short offer (US);
• Baisseangriff bearish operation (demonstration, Br.), drive (US sl.);
• Baisseangriff führen to hammer the market (US);
• Baissebewegung bearish demonstration (Br.);
• Baisseclique operators for a fall;
• Baisseengagement bear account (Br.), short sale (account, position, engagement, interest [of the market]) (US), short stock (position) (US);
• Baissegerücht bear rumour (Br.);
• Baissegeschäft bear transaction (Br.);
• Baissehaltung bearish attitude (Br.);
• Baisseklausel slump clause;
• Baissemanöver bear raid, bearish operation;
• Baissemarkt bear[ish] (falling-off, depressed, short, US) market;
• Baissemoment bear point;
• Baissepartei bear, bearish clique, operators for a fall, short side (US), shorts (US);
• Baisseposition bear position (account) (Br.), short account (US);
• Baisseposition hereinnehmen (vortragen) to take in bear accounts (Br.);
• Baissespekulant speculator for a fall, bear [seller] (Br.), short (US);
• Baissespekulation bear[ish] speculation (Br.), bearish operation (Br.), bear transaction (Br.), operation (speculation, dealing) for a fall, selling a bear (Br.) (stocks short, US), going short (US), short sale (US);
• Baissestimmung bearish mood (market) (Br.), bearishness (Br.), depression of the market;
• Baisse strömung, Baissetendenz bearish tendency (tone) (Br.), bearishness (Br.), downward tendency. -
5 caída
f.1 fall, collapse, downfall, downturn.2 wipe-out.3 prolapse, ptosis, drooping, lapsus.past part.past participle of spanish verb: caer.* * *1 (acción de caer) fall, falling2 (pérdida) loss3 (de precios, temperatura) fall, drop4 (de un terreno) slope5 (del sol) setting6 (de tejidos) body, hang8 figurado downfall, fall\a la caída del sol at sunsetcaída de ojos demure lookcaída libre free fall* * *noun f.1) fall2) drop3) collapse4) loss* * *SF1) (=accidente) fall; [de caballo] fall, tumble•
sufrir una caída — to have a fall, take a tumbledurante un campeonato regional, sufrió una grave caída del caballo — during a regional championship, he had a bad fall o tumble off his horse
caída de cabeza, sufrir una caída de cabeza — to fall headfirst, take a header *
2) [de gobierno, imperio] fall, collapse; [de un gobernante] downfallla caída del Muro de Berlín — the collapse o fall of the Berlin Wall
3) (=pérdida) [de cabello, dientes] loss4) (Dep)caída al vacío, caída libre — free fall
5) (=descenso) [de precios, ventas] fall, drop; [de divisa] fallla espectacular caída de precios afectó con gran dureza a numerosas economías — many economies were hard hit by the dramatic fall o drop in prices
el gobierno está decidido a frenar la caída de la libra — the government is determined to curb the fall of the pound
caída de tensión — (Med) drop in blood pressure; (Elec) drop in voltage
el banco intervino para evitar la caída en picado del dólar — the bank intervened to stop the dollar taking a nose-dive o plummeting
6)7) (=desprendimiento) fallhabía una continua caída de piedras desde la cima de la montaña — rocks fell continuously from the top of the mountain
8) (=inclinación) [de terreno] slope; [brusco] drop9) [de tela, ropa] hangcaída de ojos, tenía una caída de ojos entre coqueta y malvada — the way she lowered her eyes was somewhere between coquettish and wicked
10) (Rel)11)12) pl caídasa) * (=golpes) witty remarks¡qué caídas tiene! — isn't he witty?
b) (=lana) low-grade wool sing* * *1) ( accidente) fallsufrir una caída — persona to have a fall
2) ( del cabello)3) (de tela, falda)4) (de gobierno, de ciudad) fallla caída del Imperio Romano — the fall o collapse of the Roman Empire
5) ( descenso) fall, drop6)a la caída del sol or de la tarde — at sunset, at dusk
7) (de terreno, de superficie) slope; ( más pronunciada) drop* * *= drop, spiral, downfall, slippage, downturn, droop, trough, downward spiral, fall, slump, downswing, descent, labefaction.Ex. Perfect recall can only be achieved by a drop in the proportion of relevant documents considered.Ex. The spiral begins its downward swirl very early in life when a child has difficulty learning to read.Ex. What this time will be the cause of his slapstick downfall?.Ex. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) also publishes FAO Books in Print on an intended annual cycle but the programme has been subject to slippage in recent years.Ex. Part of the trend towards declining conference attendance results from the downturn in the economy = Parte de la tendencia hacia el descenso de la asistencia a los congresos es consecuencia de la caída de la economía.Ex. This article describes a study undertaken in Brazil to investigate the phenomenon of the droop at the end of the graph demonstrating Bradford's law which corresponds to the journals of low productivity.Ex. Public libraries have continued to expand since the trough of the 1950s.Ex. The downward spiral of increasing serial prices and decreasing subscriptions is well documented.Ex. There has been a rapid increase in the number and costs of science, technology and medicine scholarly titles in recent years, and a fall in subscriptions.Ex. The author discusses the current upswing in paperback sales of children's books in the USA and the slump in hardback sales.Ex. A new solution to the problem of predicting cyclical highs and lows in the economy enables one to gauge whether an incipient economic downswing will turn out to be a slowdown in economic growth or a real recession.Ex. The street-smart kid's descent into crime and heroin addiction is now too familiar a story.Ex. The natural result of this labefaction is the Delaware neonate killing by a freshman couple.----* a la caída de la noche = at nightfall, at twilight.* a la caída de la tarde = at twilight.* amortiguar la caída = break + Posesivo + fall.* caída al vacío = fall into + (empty) space.* caída de la bolsa = market crash, stock market crash.* caída de la tarde = sundown.* caída del imperio romano, la = Fall of the Roman Empire, the.* caída de los precios = falling prices.* caída del sistema = system crash.* caída de pelo = hair loss.* caída en picado = plunge, nosedive, swoop.* caída libre = free fall.* en caída = flowing.* * *1) ( accidente) fallsufrir una caída — persona to have a fall
2) ( del cabello)3) (de tela, falda)4) (de gobierno, de ciudad) fallla caída del Imperio Romano — the fall o collapse of the Roman Empire
5) ( descenso) fall, drop6)a la caída del sol or de la tarde — at sunset, at dusk
7) (de terreno, de superficie) slope; ( más pronunciada) drop* * *= drop, spiral, downfall, slippage, downturn, droop, trough, downward spiral, fall, slump, downswing, descent, labefaction.Ex: Perfect recall can only be achieved by a drop in the proportion of relevant documents considered.
Ex: The spiral begins its downward swirl very early in life when a child has difficulty learning to read.Ex: What this time will be the cause of his slapstick downfall?.Ex: The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) also publishes FAO Books in Print on an intended annual cycle but the programme has been subject to slippage in recent years.Ex: Part of the trend towards declining conference attendance results from the downturn in the economy = Parte de la tendencia hacia el descenso de la asistencia a los congresos es consecuencia de la caída de la economía.Ex: This article describes a study undertaken in Brazil to investigate the phenomenon of the droop at the end of the graph demonstrating Bradford's law which corresponds to the journals of low productivity.Ex: Public libraries have continued to expand since the trough of the 1950s.Ex: The downward spiral of increasing serial prices and decreasing subscriptions is well documented.Ex: There has been a rapid increase in the number and costs of science, technology and medicine scholarly titles in recent years, and a fall in subscriptions.Ex: The author discusses the current upswing in paperback sales of children's books in the USA and the slump in hardback sales.Ex: A new solution to the problem of predicting cyclical highs and lows in the economy enables one to gauge whether an incipient economic downswing will turn out to be a slowdown in economic growth or a real recession.Ex: The street-smart kid's descent into crime and heroin addiction is now too familiar a story.Ex: The natural result of this labefaction is the Delaware neonate killing by a freshman couple.* a la caída de la noche = at nightfall, at twilight.* a la caída de la tarde = at twilight.* amortiguar la caída = break + Posesivo + fall.* caída al vacío = fall into + (empty) space.* caída de la bolsa = market crash, stock market crash.* caída de la tarde = sundown.* caída del imperio romano, la = Fall of the Roman Empire, the.* caída de los precios = falling prices.* caída del sistema = system crash.* caída de pelo = hair loss.* caída en picado = plunge, nosedive, swoop.* caída libre = free fall.* en caída = flowing.* * *A (accidente) fallsufrir una caída «persona» to have a fallha sufrido varias caídas y no se ha roto it's fallen on the floor/it's been dropped several times without breakingfue una mala caída it was a nasty fall, he took a nasty tumble ( colloq)Compuestos:hacerle una caída de ojos a algn to flutter one's eyelids at sbfree fallB(del cabello): un tratamiento contra la caída del cabello a treatment to prevent hair lossC(de una tela, falda): para esta falda se necesita una tela con más caída you need a heavier material for this skirttiene muy buena caída it hangs very wellD1 (de un gobierno) fall; (de una ciudad) fallla caída del Imperio Romano the fall o collapse of the Roman Empire2E (descenso) fall, dropla caída del dólar/del precio del petróleo the fall in the dollar/in the price of oilse ha producido una caída de las exportaciones/la demanda there has been a fall o drop in exports/demandla caída de la temperatura the drop in temperatureuna caída de voltaje or tensión a drop in voltageCompuesto:waterfallFa la caída del sol or de la tarde at sunset, at duskG1 (del terreno) slope; (más pronunciada) drop2 (de un techo) slope, pitch; (de una superficie) slope, dropH ( Náut) (de un palo, mástil) rake* * *
caída sustantivo femenino
1 ( en general) fall;
caída libre free fall;
la caída del gobierno the fall of the government;
la caída del cabello hair loss
2 (de tela, falda):
tiene buena caída it hangs well
3 ( descenso) caída de algo ‹del dólar/de los precios/de la demanda› fall in sth;
‹de temperatura/voltaje› drop in sth;
I adjetivo
1 fallen: había varios troncos caídos en la carretera, there were tree trunks on the road
2 (en defensa de una causa) los soldados caídos en el desembarco de Normandía, the soldiers who fell in during the Normandy landings
3 (parte del cuerpo) Pedro es caído de hombros, Pedro has drooping shoulders
II mpl Mil los caídos, the fallen
caída sustantivo femenino
1 fall
la caída del muro de Berlín, the fall of the Berlin wall
2 (del pelo, los dientes) loss
3 (de los precios) drop
4 (de un tejido) es una tela con poca caída, it's a fabric that hangs badly
5 Pol downfall, collapse
6 (salto de agua) waterfall, cascade
' caída' also found in these entries:
- convalecer
- escalabrarse
- patinazo
- precipitarse
- aparatoso
- malo
- pique
- revolcón
- collapse
- cushion
- downfall
- drape
- fall
- free fall
- inflamed
- rise
- sheer
- sky-dive
- sky-diver
- tumble
- descent
- dip
- doldrums
- down
- drop
- sky
- slump
- sun
- wind
* * *caída nf1. [de persona] fall;sufrir una caída to have a fall;se rompió la cadera por una mala caída he fell badly and broke his hip2. [de hojas, lluvia, nieve] fall;[de diente, pelo] loss;en la época de la caída de la hoja when the leaves fall off the trees;RP Famser la caída de la estantería to be out of this worldcaída de agua waterfall;caída libre free fall;caída de ojos: [m5] tiene una atractiva caída de ojos she has an attractive way of lowering her eyelashes;caída en picado [de avión] crash dive3. [de imperio, ciudad, dictador] fall;la caída del Imperio Romano the fall of the Roman Empire;la caída del muro (de Berlín) the fall of the Berlin Wall4. [de paro, precios] drop (de in);se espera una caída de las temperaturas temperatures are expected to drop;se ha registrado una caída del desempleo there has been a fall in unemployment, unemployment has gone downcaída en picado [de la economía] free fall; [de precios] nose-dive;caída de tensión voltage dropa la caída de la tarde at nightfall7. [de tela, vestido] drape10. [en golf] break* * *f fall;a la caída del sol at sunset;a la caída de la tarde at sunset;caída del gobierno fall of the government;caída del pelo hair loss* * *caída nf1) baja, descenso: fall, drop2) : collapse, downfall* * *caída n fall -
6 резкое падение
3) Construction: plummeting4) Economy: collapse, sharp fall, slump (цен, спроса), steep fall, tailspin7) Business: sharp decline, steep decline8) Drilling: fall off9) Marine science: sharp drop (напр, температуры) -
7 급강하
n. sudden drop; nosedive, sharp decline in price -
8 duikvlucht
n. nosedive, steep dive of an airplane; sharp decline in price
См. также в других словарях:
nosedive — /nohz duyv /, n., v., nosedived or nosedove, nosedived, nosediving. n. Also, nose dive. 1. a plunge of an aircraft with the forward part pointing downward. 2. a sudden sharp drop or rapid decline: a time when market values were in a nosedive. v.i … Universalium
nosedive — nose•dive [[t]ˈnoʊzˌdaɪv[/t]] n. v. dived dove, dived, div•ing 1) aer. a plunge of an aircraft with the forward part pointing downward 2) a sudden sharp drop or rapid decline 3) to go into a nosedive Also, nose′ dive . Also, nose′ dive .… … From formal English to slang
nosedive — n. steep dive of an airplane; sharp decline in price v. dive; fall; skydive; decrease drastically … English contemporary dictionary
Mighty Ducks (TV series) — Mighty Ducks Format Animated series Science fiction Action Created by Walt Disney Television Voices of … Wikipedia
dive — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. plunge, dip, swoop; nosedive, power dive; slang, honky tonk. See descent, drinking. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A sudden motion downward] Syn. plunge, leap, spring, nosedive, headlong leap, headlong jump,… … English dictionary for students
plunge — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. dip, submerge; dive; sink, fall, drop; douse, go or put under water; gamble, bet heavily, go off the deep end (inf.); fling, jump. n. dive, swim, dip; submersion; informal, venture. See water, haste.… … English dictionary for students
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
nose·dive — /ˈnoʊzˌdaıv/ noun, pl dives [count] 1 : a sudden sharp drop made by an airplane with its front end pointing toward the ground The plane went into a nosedive. 2 : a sudden sharp drop in price, value, condition, etc. The stock market took a… … Useful english dictionary
fall — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. i. plunge, drop, sink, tumble, topple; perish; be deposed, come to grief; happen, occur, take place; sin, misbehave, lapse. n. slope, declivity; downfall, defeat, comedown; drop, slump; plunge, tumble … English dictionary for students
tumble — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. fall, roll; leap, spring; throw, overturn, disarrange, dishevel, tousle; toss, pitch. See descent, agitation. II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. drop, plunge, descend; see fall 1 , topple , trip 1 . III (Roget s … English dictionary for students
List of Bakugan Battle Brawlers characters — This is a list of characters from the Japanese anime series Bakugan Battle Brawlers. Contents 1 Heroes 1.1 Battle Brawlers … Wikipedia