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См. также в других словарях:

  • sex role socialization — полоролевая социализация …   Термины гендерных исследований

  • sex roles — Until the 1970s this was the main way that sociology conceptualized the differences and relations between women and men, seeing them as a product of socialization rather than biology. It has been subjected to the same criticisms as role theory in …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Sex and intelligence — research investigates differences in the distributions of cognitive skills between men and women. This research employs experimental tests of cognitive ability, which take a variety of forms. Research focuses on differences in individual skills… …   Wikipedia

  • Sex and psychology — This article is about psychology and the male and female biological sexes. For information about human sexual perceptions, see Human sexuality. Research on sex and psychology investigates cognitive and behavioral differences between men and women …   Wikipedia

  • Socialization — The term socialization is used by sociologists, social psychologists and educationalists to refer to the process of learning one’s culture and how to live within it. For the individual it provides the skills and habits necessary for acting and… …   Wikipedia

  • Sex and emotion — Popular media is filled with stereotypical representations of the differences in emotional expression between men and women. Recent research examines the possible neurological bases for such differences using brain imaging and other techniques.… …   Wikipedia

  • Gender role — During World War II, women performed roles some of which would otherwise have been considered male jobs …   Wikipedia

  • Brain Sex — Infobox Book | name = Brain Sex title orig = translator = image caption = author = Anne Moir and David Jessel cover artist = country = United Kingdom language = English series = genre = Social Science publisher = Michael Joseph (Penguin) release… …   Wikipedia

  • One sex two sex theory — The one sex and two sex theory are two models of human anatomy or fetal development discussed in Thomas Laqueur s book Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. He theorizes that a fundamental change in attitudes toward human sexual… …   Wikipedia

  • Single-sex education — (SSE) is the practice of conducting education where male and female students attend separate classes or in separate buildings or schools. The practice was predominant before the mid twentieth century, particularly in secondary education and… …   Wikipedia

  • Полоролевая социализация — (гендерная социализация) процесс усвоения индивидом культурной системы гендера того общества, в котором он живет, своеобразное общественное конструирование различий между полами. Социальные психологи также используют термин дифференцированная… …   Термины гендерных исследований

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