Перевод: с английского на турецкий

с турецкого на английский


  • 1 conception

    n. kavrama, fikir, gebe kalma
    * * *
    1. anlayış 2. kavrayış
    * * *
    1) (the act of conceiving.) fikir oluşturma
    2) (an idea grasped or understood: We can have no conception of the size of the universe.) fikir, düşünce

    English-Turkish dictionary > conception

  • 2 contraception

    n. doğum kontrolü, gebelikten korunma
    * * *
    gebelikten korunma
    * * *
    (the prevention of conceiving children; birth-control.) doğum kontrolü

    English-Turkish dictionary > contraception

  • 3 deception

    n. kandırma, aldatma, dalavere, hile, aldanma; ayartma; kanma; utanç
    * * *
    * * *
    ((an act of) deceiving: Deception is difficult in these circumstances.) kandırma, hile
    - deceptively

    English-Turkish dictionary > deception

  • 4 inseparable

    adj. ayrılamaz, yakın, çok samimi, ayrılmaz
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    * * *
    (not to be separated or parted: inseparable companions.) ayrılmaz, içtikleri su ayrı gitmez

    English-Turkish dictionary > inseparable

  • 5 misconception

    n. yanlış kavrama, yanlış kanı
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    yanlış anlama
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    (a wrong idea or impression.) yanlış anlama

    English-Turkish dictionary > misconception

  • 6 perception

    n. algılama, idrak, algı, basiret, idrak yeteneği, sezgi, kavrama, seziş, sezme, tahsil (para)
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    1. algı 2. anlayış
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    (the ability to see, understand etc clearly: a man of great perception.) algılama gücü, anlayış, görüş
    - perceptively
    - perceptiveness

    English-Turkish dictionary > perception

  • 7 reception

    n. alma, alış, tepki, kabul, karşılama, resepsiyon
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    1) (the act of receiving or being received: His speech got a good reception.) kabul
    2) (a formal party or social gathering to welcome guests: a wedding reception.) resepsiyon kabul töreni
    3) (the quality of radio or television signals: Radio reception is poor in this area.) alış (kapasitesi)
    4) (the part of a hotel, hospital etc where visitors enter and are attended to.) resepsiyon

    English-Turkish dictionary > reception

  • 8 separate

    adj. ayrı, müstakil, bireysel, ferdi, ayrık, tek başına olan
    n. ayırma işareti
    v. ayırmak, bölmek, dağılmak, ayırt etmek, ayrıştırmak, kaymağını almak, ayrılmak, ayrı yaşamak, ayrışmak, kopmak, çıkmak
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    1. ayır (v.) 2. ayrı (adj.)
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    1. ['sepəreit] verb
    1) ((sometimes with into or from) to place, take, keep or force apart: He separated the money into two piles; A policeman tried to separate the men who were fighting.) ayırmak
    2) (to go in different directions: We all walked along together and separated at the cross-roads.) ayrılmak
    3) ((of a husband and wife) to start living apart from each other by choice.) ayrılmak
    2. [-rət] adjective
    1) (divided; not joined: He sawed the wood into four separate pieces; The garage is separate from the house.) ayrı
    2) (different or distinct: This happened on two separate occasions; I like to keep my job and my home life separate.) ayrı, değişik
    - separable
    - separately
    - separates
    - separation
    - separatist
    - separatism
    - separate off
    - separate out
    - separate up

    English-Turkish dictionary > separate

  • 9 sepulchre

    n. mezar, kabir, türbe, gömüt
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    (a tomb.) mezar, kabir

    English-Turkish dictionary > sepulchre

См. также в других словарях:

  • sep — sep …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • sep — sep·a·ra·bil·i·ty; sep·a·ra·ble; sep·a·ra·ble·ness; sep·a·ra·tee; sep·a·rate·ly; sep·a·rate·ness; sep·a·ra·tio; sep·a·ra·tion; sep·a·ra·tion·ist; sep·a·rat·ism; sep·a·ra·tive; sep·a·ra·tor; sep·a·ra·to·ry; sep·a·ra·trix; sep·a·ra·tum; sep·i·ment; …   English syllables

  • SEP — or, as an acronym, SEP, can mean:* September the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. * Safety and Emergency Procedures SEP is used in aviation industry by Flight Crew and Cabin Crew to define the procedures used in an emergency. *… …   Wikipedia

  • SEP — steht für: saure Erythrozyten Phosphatase, eine Phosphatase, siehe Saure Phosphatase Secretaría de Educación Pública, Verwaltungsbehörde für den Bereich Schule in Mexiko Single Engine Piston, einmotorige kolbenmotorgetriebene Leichtflugzeuge… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • SEP — n: simplified employee pension Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. SEP …   Law dictionary

  • SEP — /sep/, n. Simplified Employee Pension: a tax deferred pension plan for companies with 25 or fewer employees or for self employed persons, in which an IRA is funded by employer and employee contributions. Also called SEP IRA. * * * …   Universalium

  • sep — (sèp) s. m. 1°   En parlant de la charrue, le même que cep, c est à dire la partie du corps de la charrue à laquelle s emmanche ou s ajuste le soc, et sur laquelle reposent l étançon et l avant corps ; c est elle qui glisse au fond du sillon (voy …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Sep. — Sep. also Sep BrE a written abbreviation of September …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Sep. — Sep. is a written abbreviation for . The more usual abbreviation is Sept.. ...Friday Sep 21, 1990 …   English dictionary

  • sęp — I {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mż I, Mc. sęppie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} duży ptak o wielkich i szerokich skrzydłach, głowie i szyi nagiej, pokrytej bardzo rzadkim puchem, silnych nogach, drapieżny, żywiący się głównie padliną, żyjący w strefie gorącej i… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • sep|ti|ce|mi|a — or sep|ti|cae|mi|a «SEHP tuh SEE mee uh», noun. blood poisoning, especially in which microorganisms and their toxins enter the bloodstream. ╂[< New Latin septicemia < Greek sēptikós septic + haîma blood] …   Useful english dictionary

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