Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 41 politics

    (the science or business of, or ideas about, or affairs concerning, government.) política
    - politically - politically correct - politician - political asylum - political prisoner - political science

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > politics

  • 42 technology

    plural - technologies; noun
    ((the study of) science applied to practical, (especially industrial) purposes: a college of science and technology.) tecnologia
    - technologist

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > technology

  • 43 terminology

    plural - terminologies; noun
    (the special words or phrases used in a particular art, science etc: legal terminology; Every science has its own terminology.) terminologia

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > terminology

  • 44 academy

    [ə'kædəmi] 1. plural - academies; noun
    1) (a higher school for special study: Academy of Music.) academia
    2) (a society to encourage science, art etc: The Royal Academy.) academia
    3) (a type of senior school.) colégio
    2. noun
    (a university or college teacher.) professor
    - academically
    * * *
    [ək'ædəmi] n academia: 1 universidade, escola superior de artes ou ciências. 2 sociedade de cientistas, literatos ou artistas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > academy

  • 45 acoustics

    1) ( noun plural the characteristics (eg of a room or hall) which make hearing in it good or bad.) acústica
    2) ( noun singular the science of sound.) acústica
    * * *
    [ək'u:stiks] n acústica: 1 ciência dos fenômenos sonoros. 2 propagação do som num auditório.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > acoustics

  • 46 chemistry

    ['kemistri] 1. noun
    ((the science that deals with) the nature of substances and the ways in which they act on, or combine with, each other: Chemistry was his favourite subject; the chemistry of the blood.) química
    2. noun
    (a substance used in or obtained by a chemical process: Some chemicals give off harmful fumes.) produto químico
    * * *
    [k'emistri] n 1 química. 2 coll forma pela qual duas pessoas num relacionamento reagem uma à outra.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > chemistry

  • 47 ethics

    ['eƟiks] 1. noun singular
    (the study or the science of morals.) ética
    2. noun plural
    (rules or principles of behaviour.) ética
    - ethically
    * * *
    ['eθiks] n pl 1 ética, sistema moral. 2 princípios da ética.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ethics

  • 48 academy

    [ə'kædəmi] 1. plural - academies; noun
    1) (a higher school for special study: Academy of Music.) academia
    2) (a society to encourage science, art etc: The Royal Academy.) academia
    3) (a type of senior school.) colégio
    2. noun
    (a university or college teacher.) professor universitário
    - academically

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > academy

  • 49 acoustics

    1) ( noun plural the characteristics (eg of a room or hall) which make hearing in it good or bad.)
    2) ( noun singular the science of sound.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > acoustics

  • 50 chemistry

    ['kemistri] 1. noun
    ((the science that deals with) the nature of substances and the ways in which they act on, or combine with, each other: Chemistry was his favourite subject; the chemistry of the blood.) química
    2. noun
    (a substance used in or obtained by a chemical process: Some chemicals give off harmful fumes.) produto químico

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > chemistry

  • 51 ethics

    ['eƟiks] 1. noun singular
    (the study or the science of morals.) ética
    2. noun plural
    (rules or principles of behaviour.) ética
    - ethically

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > ethics

  • 52 ABC

    1) (the alphabet: The child has not learnt his ABC.) abc
    2) (the simplest and most basic knowledge: the ABC of engineering.) rudimentos
    * * *
    [ei bi: s'i:] n 1 abecedário, alfabeto. 2 fig princípios, rudimentos. ABC of science / rudimentos de ciências naturais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ABC

  • 53 anatomy

    (the science of the structure of the (usually human) body, especially the study of the body by cutting up dead animal and human bodies.) anatomia
    - anatomically
    - anatomist
    * * *
    [ən'ætəmi] n 1 anatomia: a) estrutura anatômica. b) ciência da estrutura e constituição dos seres. c) dissecação de qualquer parte. d) análise, exame cuidadoso de partes elementares. 2 esqueleto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > anatomy

  • 54 aviation

    1) ((the science or practice of) flying in aircraft.) aviação
    2) (the industry concerned with aircraft manufacture, design etc.) aviação
    * * *
    [eivi'eiʃən] n aviação, aeronáutica, sistema de navegação aérea.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > aviation

  • 55 bachelor

    ['bæ ələ]
    (an unmarried man: He's a confirmed bachelor (= he has no intention of ever marrying); ( also adjective) a bachelor flat (= a flat suitable for one person).) solteiro
    - Bachelor of Education
    - Bachelor of Engineering
    - Bachelor of Fine Arts
    - Bachelor of Science
    * * *
    [b'ætʃələ] n 1 solteiro. 2 bacharel. 3 cavaleiro que servia sob a bandeira de outrem. 4 espécie de perca. knight bachelor cavaleiro de cargo inferior.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bachelor

  • 56 conscience

    ((that part of one's mind which holds one's) knowledge or sense of right and wrong: The injured man was on her conscience because she was responsible for the accident; She had a guilty conscience about the injured man; He had no conscience about dismissing the men.) consciência
    * * *
    [k'ɔnʃəns] n consciência, escrúpulo, senso moral. for conscience’s sake por desencargo de consciência. freedom of conscience liberdade de escolha (de religião ou de outras crenças). in all conscience em sã consciência. matter of conscience questão de consciência. to be on one’s conscience pesar na consciência. upon my conscience! palavra!, realmente!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > conscience

  • 57 do

    [du:] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - does; verb
    1) (used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements: Do you smoke?)
    2) (used with a more important verb for emphasis; ; [ðo sit down])
    3) (used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before: I thought she wouldn't come, but she did.)
    4) (used with a more important verb after seldom, rarely and little: Little did he know what was in store for him.)
    5) (to carry out or perform: What shall I do?; That was a terrible thing to do.) fazer
    6) (to manage to finish or complete: When you've done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour.) fazer
    7) (to perform an activity concerning something: to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows.) fazer
    8) (to be enough or suitable for a purpose: Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That'll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting?) servir
    9) (to work at or study: She's doing sums; He's at university doing science.) estudar
    10) (to manage or prosper: How's your wife doing?; My son is doing well at school.) ir
    11) (to put in order or arrange: She's doing her hair.) arranjar
    12) (to act or behave: Why don't you do as we do?) fazer
    13) (to give or show: The whole town gathered to do him honour.) fazer
    14) (to cause: What damage did the storm do?; It won't do him any harm.) causar
    15) (to see everything and visit everything in: They tried to do London in four days.) visitar
    2. noun
    (an affair or a festivity, especially a party: The school is having a do for Christmas.) festa
    - doings
    - done
    - do-it-yourself
    - to-do
    - I
    - he could be doing with / could do with
    - do away with
    - do for
    - done for
    - done in
    - do out
    - do out of
    - do's and don'ts
    - do without
    - to do with
    - what are you doing with
    * * *
    do1, doh
    [dou] n Mus dó. up to high doh coll grande agitação.
    [du:] n 1 logro, velhacaria, peça. 2 sarau, reunião festiva, festança.
    [du:] vt+vi (ps did, pp done, pres p doing) 1 fazer, executar, agir, atuar, efetuar, trabalhar. I did my duty, why didn’t you do yours? / fiz meu dever, por que não fez o seu? 2 acabar, pôr fim a, concluir, completar. 3 preparar, arranjar. 4 interpretar, representar, desempenhar o papel de. 5 criar, produzir. 6 causar, levar a efeito ou a termo. 7 render, prestar. 8 haver-se, portar-se, atuar, proceder. 9 estar ou passar bem ou mal de saúde. 10 tratar com, ocupar-se de, acabar com. 11 servir, bastar, ser suficiente ou satisfatório, convir. 12 cozer, assar. 13 percorrer, cobrir. 14 enganar, lograr, trapacear. 15 matar, liquidar, arruinar. 16 coll acolher, entreter, sustentar. 17 visitar lugares interessantes. 18 cumprir. 19 esgotar-se, gastar-se. 20 esforçar-se. 21 traduzir, reter em, modificar. 22 sl consumir drogas. anything doing? há alguma novidade? há qualquer coisa? did you see the garden? você viu o jardim? do as you like faça como quiser. do as you would be done by não faças aos outros o que não queres que te façam. do or die! ou uma ou outra. dos and don’ts o que se pode e não se pode fazer. do you know the author of this piece? você conhece o autor desta peça? do you speak English? você fala inglês? how are you doing? Amer como vai você? I do hate him odeio-o (enfaticamente). I do not (don’t) know him não o conheço. I have done with him não tenho mais nada que fazer com ele. I have nothing to do with it nada tenho a ver com isso. it will do isto me bastará. nothing doing 1 Com não é negócio. 2 nada feito. 3 não há oferta. over done cozido demais, recozido. that will do está bom, isto chega, basta. that won’t do isto não serve, não está bom. that won’t do with me eu não posso admitir ou permitir isso. this has nothing to do with it isso não vem ao caso. to be done Amer coll 1 estar liberado, dispensado. 2 completar uma tarefa. to do a business fazer um negócio. to do a favour fazer um favor. to do a job fazer um trabalho. to do a kindness fazer um favor. to do a message dar um recado. to do a part desempenhar um papel. to do a picture pintar, fazer uma pintura. to do again refazer, fazer outra vez. to do as one is bid obedecer, fazer o que lhe mandam. to do away with 1 pôr de lado. 2 abolir, suprimir. 3 matar, liquidar. to do badly fazer maus negócios. to do better sair-se melhor. to do business with negociar com. to do for 1 convir, ser suficiente, bastante ou satisfatório. 2 pôr fim a. 3 arruinar, liquidar, matar. 4 tomar conta (da casa, da cozinha), fazer limpeza para alguém. 5 done for coll cansado, exausto. to do good well fazer bem, ter sucesso, progredir. to do harm, ill causar dano, prejuízo, fazer mal. to do in 1 lograr, trapacear. 2 matar. to do into traduzir, modificar. to do it sl praticar o ato sexual. to do it up sl fazer bem e decididamente. to do justice fazer justiça. to do like for like tratar do mesmo modo, pagar na mesma moeda. to do mischief causar dano. to do nicely prometer, ir bem, dar esperanças. to do off tirar, despir. to do one’s best esforçar-se, fazer o possível. to do one’s bit cumprir seu dever, fazer serviço militar. to do one’s hair arranjar o cabelo. to do one’s head Mil perder a cabeça. to do on top of someone’s head fazer nas coxas. to do out 1 limpar, arrumar. 2 decorar, embelezar. to do over 1 refazer, repetir, executar, interpretar outra vez. 2 dar uma segunda mão de tinta, emboçar, untar. to do someone. 1 cansar, extenuar alguém. 2 lograr. to do someone an ill turn pregar uma peça a. to do someone down desacreditar, desmoralizar com críticas. to do someone out of privar alguém de, burlar. to do someone over coll ferir, bater. to do the dishes lavar a louça. to do the garden cuidar do jardim. to do the museum visitar o museu. to do the washing lavar a roupa. to do time cumprir uma sentença de prisão. to do to tratar a alguém, agir, comportar-se com. to do to death matar, mandar matar, causar sua sentença de morte. to do up 1 embrulhar, empacotar, dobrar. 2 reparar, acondicionar, pôr em condições. 3 pentear, compor ou alisar os cabelos. 4 esgotar-se, gastar-se. 5 arruinar. to do well by tratar bem alguma pessoa. to do with 1 ter negócio ou relações com, tratar, ter de fazer com alguém ou com alguma coisa, começar. 2 encontrar um meio de, dar um jeito. 3 contentar-se com, passar com. (do you see it?) Yes, I do: No, I don’t sim, eu vejo, não, eu não vejo. to do without dispensar, passar sem. to have to do with ter negócio com, ter a ver com. under done mal cozido, cru, mal passado. we must do or die! temos de lutar ou perecer. well done bem-feito, muito bem, bem cozido, bem passado. well to do próspero, abastado. you do wisely (in doing) você faz bem (em fazer).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > do

  • 58 electronics

    noun singular (the branch of science that deals with the study of the movement and effects of electrons and with their application to machines etc.) electrónica
    * * *
    [ilektr'6niks] n pl eletrônica.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > electronics

  • 59 embryology

    noun (the science of the formation and development of the embryo.) embriologia
    * * *
    [embri'6l2d9i] n embriologia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > embryology

  • 60 faculty

    plural - faculties; noun
    1) (a power of the mind: the faculty of reason.) faculdade
    2) (a natural power of the body: the faculty of hearing.) faculdade
    3) (ability or skill: She has a faculty for saying the right thing.) habilidade/condão
    4) ((often with capital) a section of a university: the Faculty of Arts/Science.) faculdade
    * * *
    [f'ækəlti] n 1 faculdade: a) poder de fazer. b) direito. c) capacidade, habilidade. d) potência moral. e) talento, aptidão. f) qualidade natural, disposição. g) permissão. h) liberdade, privilégio ( for para, de), Amer competência. 2 faculdade de uma universidade. faculty of Law / faculdade de direito. 3 membros de um departamento de uma universidade. 4 Amer corpo docente, todos os professores de uma universidade. faculty members corpo docente e técnicos de um departamento acadêmico. the Four Faculties as quatro faculdades (teologia, direito, medicina, humanidades).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > faculty

См. также в других словарях:

  • science — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ modern ▪ bad, junk (informal) ▪ This rule is based on bad science. ▪ good, hard, real …   Collocations dictionary

  • science park — noun A centre for industrial research, etc attached to a university, set up for the purpose of co operation between the academic and the commercial world • • • Main Entry: ↑science * * * noun, pl ⋯ parks [count] chiefly Brit : ↑research park * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • science — ► NOUN 1) the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. 2) a systematically organized body of knowledge on any… …   English terms dictionary

  • science fair — science fair, a group of exhibits, each demonstrating a scientific principle, process, etc. * * * noun, pl ⋯ fairs [count] : an event at which science projects created by students are shown and often judged for prizes She won first place at the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • science — noun 1 (U) knowledge about the world, especially based on examination and testing, and on facts that can be proved: Science has taught us how atoms are made up. | The computer is one of the marvels of modern science. | developments in science and …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • science — UK US /saɪəns/ noun ► [U] the careful study of the structure and behaviour of the world, especially by doing experiments: »pure/applied science »Space travel is one of the wonders of modern science. »Advances in science and technology are opening …   Financial and business terms

  • science — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin scientia, from scient , sciens having knowledge, from present participle of scire to know; perhaps akin to Sanskrit chyati he cuts off, Latin scindere to split more at shed Date: 14th… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • science fiction — noun a) Fiction in which advanced technology and/or science is a key element. Some people consider motion pictures such as the Star Wars movies more as fantasies than science fiction. b) Technology which, while theoretically possible, is not yet… …   Wiktionary

  • science — I (study) noun body of fact, branch of knowledge, data, discipline, facts, information, knowledge, learning, organized knowledge, scientia, system of knowledge II (technique) noun ability, adroitness, aptitude, aptness, capacity, competence,… …   Law dictionary

  • science fiction — noun Date: 1851 fiction dealing principally with the impact of actual or imagined science on society or individuals or having a scientific factor as an essential orienting component • science fictional adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • science — noun /ˈsaɪəns,ˈsaɪɛns/ a) A particular discipline or branch of learning, especially one dealing with measurable or systematic principles rather than intuition or natural ability. Of course in my opinion Social Studies is more of a science than an …   Wiktionary

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