1 Saturday
n. cumartesi* * *cumartesi* * *['sætədei](the seventh day of the week, the day following Friday: I'll see you on Saturday; ( also adjective) on Saturday morning.) Cumartesi (günü) -
2 Saturday
cumartesi -
3 saturday
cumartesi -
4 on saturday
adv. cumartesi günü* * *cumartesi günü -
5 i am leaving on saturday
cumartesi günü ayrılıyorum. -
6 today is saturday
bugün cumartesi. -
7 i am leaving on saturday
cumartesi günü ayrılıyorum. -
8 today is saturday
bugün cumartesi. -
9 on saturday
cumartesi günü -
10 week
n. hafta* * *hafta* * *[wi:k] 1. noun1) (any sequence of seven days, especially from Sunday to Saturday: It's three weeks since I saw her.) hafta2) (the five days from Monday to Friday inclusive: He can't go during the week, but he'll go on Saturday or Sunday.) hafta içi/arası3) (the amount of time spent working during a period of seven days: He works a forty-eight-hour week.) hafta•- weekly2. adverb(once a week: The newspaper is published weekly.) haftada bir3. noun(a publication coming out once a week: Is this newspaper a weekly or a daily?) haftalık dergi- weekday- weekend
- a week last Friday
- a week today, tomorrow, on/next Friday
- a week today, tomorrow, Friday -
11 available
adj. müsait, var, mevcut, eldeki, hazır, işe yarar, kullanışlı, geçerli* * *1. mevcut 2. uygun* * *[ə'veiləbl](able or ready to be used: The hall is available on Saturday night; All the available money has been used.) hazır, var, mevcut -
12 baby-sit
verb (to remain in a house to look after a child while its parents are out: She baby-sits for her friends every Saturday.) çocuğa bakmak, çocuk bakıcılığı yapmak -
13 beat hollow
(to beat thoroughly at a game etc: The local team were beaten hollow by eight goals to one on Saturday.) kolayca yenmek -
14 book
n. kitap, defter; liste; libretto, opera metni; senaryo————————v. kaydetmek, deftere işlemek; ayırmak, yer ayırmak; tutmak; rezervasyon yapmak, ayırtmak* * *1. rezerve et (v.) 2. kitap (n.)* * *[buk] 1. noun1) (a number of sheets of paper (especially printed) bound together: an exercise book.) defter2) (a piece of writing, bound and covered: I've written a book on Shakespeare.) kitap3) (a record of bets.) müşterek bahis kayıt defteri2. verb1) (to buy or reserve (a ticket, seat etc) for a play etc: I've booked four seats for Friday's concert.) ayırtmak2) (to hire in advance: We've booked the hall for Saturday.) tutmak•- bookable- booking
- booklet
- bookbinding
- bookbinder
- bookcase
- booking-office
- bookmaker
- bookmark
- bookseller
- bookshelf
- bookshop
- bookworm
- booked up
- book in
- by the book -
15 custom
adj. ısmarlama, sipariş üzerine yapılmış————————n. gelenek, görenek, adet, alışkanlık, töre, örf ve adetler hukuku; müşterisi olma; alışveriş* * *1. davranış biçimi 2. özel* * *1) (what a person etc is in the habit of doing or does regularly: It's my custom to go for a walk on Saturday mornings; religious customs.) gelenek, töre2) (the regular buying of goods at the same shop etc; trade or business: The new supermarkets take away custom from the small shops.) müşteri•- customarily
- customer
- customs -
16 dance
n. dans, oyun, dans müziği, danslı parti, balo————————v. dans etmek, oynamak, dans ettirmek, oynatmak* * *1. dans et (v.) 2. dans (n.)* * *1. verb1) (to move in time to music by ma-king a series of rhythmic steps: She began to dance; Can you dance the waltz?) dansetmek,...dansı yapmak2) (to move quickly up and down: The father was dancing the baby on his knee.) hoplatmak, zıplatmak2. noun1) (a series of fixed steps made in time to music: Have you done this dance before?; ( also adjective) dance music.) dans2) (a social gathering at which people dance: We're going to a dance next Saturday.) balo•- dancer- dancing -
17 do
n. dalavere, hile, dolandırıcılık (Argo); eğlenceli toplantı, parti, do [müz.]————————v. yapmak, etmek; tamamlamak, meydana getirmek; neden olmak; düzenlemek, temizlemek; rolünü üstlenmek; ilgilenmek; uymak; ayağını kaydırmak; dolandırmak (Argo)————————aynen, yukarıda denildiği gibi, keza* * *yap* * *[du:] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - does; verb1) (used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements: Do you smoke?) Not: olumsuz ve soruda 'do' mastarı eklenir.2) (used with a more important verb for emphasis; ; [ðo sit down]) Not: özel bir vurgulamada (sözü edilen iş konusunda bir şüphe varsa) 'do' mastarı eklenir.3) (used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before: I thought she wouldn't come, but she did.) Not: kendinden önceki sıradan bir fiilin yinelenmesini önlemek için 'do' kullanılır.4) (used with a more important verb after seldom, rarely and little: Little did he know what was in store for him.) Not: sıklık v.s. zarflarından sonar fiil ile birlikte 'do' kullanılır.5) (to carry out or perform: What shall I do?; That was a terrible thing to do.) Not: yerine getirme/yapma anlamında sıradan bir fiil olarak 'do' kullanılır.6) (to manage to finish or complete: When you've done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour.) Not: tamamlama anlamında sıradan bir fiil olarak 'do' kullanılır.7) (to perform an activity concerning something: to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows.) Not: bir görev yapıldığında sıradan bir fiil olarak 'do' kullanılır.8) (to be enough or suitable for a purpose: Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That'll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting?) Not: yeterlilik/uygunluk belirtildiğinde sıradan bir fiil olarak 'do' kullanılır.9) (to work at or study: She's doing sums; He's at university doing science.) Not: çalışma anlamında sıradan bir fiil olarak 'do' kullanılır.10) (to manage or prosper: How's your wife doing?; My son is doing well at school.) Not: başarılı olmak/başarmak/yapmak anlamında sıradan bir fiil olarak 'do' kullanılır.11) (to put in order or arrange: She's doing her hair.) Not: düzenleme anlamında sıradan bir fiil olarak 'do' kullanılır.12) (to act or behave: Why don't you do as we do?) Not: davranma anlamında sıradan bir fiil olarak 'do' kullanılır.13) (to give or show: The whole town gathered to do him honour.) Not: sunma/verme/takdim etme anlamında sıradan bir fiil olarak 'do' kullanılır.14) (to cause: What damage did the storm do?; It won't do him any harm.) Not: sebep verme anlamında sıradan bir fiil olarak 'do' kullanılır.15) (to see everything and visit everything in: They tried to do London in four days.) Not: tümünü görme/yapma anlamında sıradan bir fiil olarak 'do' kullanılır.2. noun(an affair or a festivity, especially a party: The school is having a do for Christmas.) parti, eğlence- doer- doings
- done
- do-it-yourself
- to-do
- I, he could be doing with / could do with
- do away with
- do for
- done for
- done in
- do out
- do out of
- do's and don'ts
- do without
- to do with
- what are you doing with -
18 fixture
n. sabit eşya, demirbaş, tesisat, bağlama, fikstür* * *1. demirbaş 2. fikstür* * *['fiks ə]1) (a fixed piece of furniture etc: We can't move the cupboard - it's a built-in fixture.) yerinden oynatılamıyan, sabit2) (an event, especially sporting, arranged for a certain time: The football team has a fixture on Saturday.) fikstür, müsabaka -
19 interfere
v. karışmak, girişmek, müdahale etmek, araya girmek, parazit yapmak* * *1. giriş 2. karış 3. müdahale et* * *[intə'fiə]1) ((often with in, with) to (try to) become involved in etc, when one's help etc is not wanted: I wish you would stop interfering (with my plans); Don't interfere in other people's business!) karışmak, burnunu sokmak2) ((with with) to prevent, stop or slow down the progress of: He doesn't let anything interfere with his game of golf on Saturday mornings.) engellemek•- interfering -
20 lie in
geç vakte kadar yatmak, loğusa olmak* * *(to stay in bed late in the morning: I like to lie in until nine on a Saturday.) yatak keyfi yapmak
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Saturday — O.E. Sæterdæg, Sæternesdæg, lit. day of the planet Saturn, from Sæternes (gen. of Sætern; see SATURN (Cf. Saturn)) + O.E. dæg day. Partial loan translation of L. Saturni dies Saturn s day (Cf. Du. zaterdag, O.Fris. saterdi, M.L.G … Etymology dictionary
Saturday — Sat ur*day (?; 48), n. [OE. Saterday, AS. S[ae]terd[ae]g, S[ae]ternd[ae]g, S[ae]ternesd[ae]g, literally, Saturn s day, fr. L. Saturnus Saturn + AS. d[ae]g day; cf. L. dies Saturni.] The seventh or last day of the week; the day following Friday… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saturday — (engl., spr. Sätterdeh), Sonnabend … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Saturday — (engl., spr. ßätterde), Sonnabend … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Saturday — see Friday … Modern English usage
Saturday — ► NOUN ▪ the day of the week before Sunday and following Friday. ORIGIN Old English, translation of Latin Saturni dies day of Saturn … English terms dictionary
Saturday — [sat′ər dā΄; ] occas. [, sat′ərdē΄] n. [ME Saterdai < OE Sæterdæg, akin to MDu Saterdagh < WGmc half transl. of L Saturni dies, Saturn s day, transl. of Gr Kronou hēmera, Cronus day] the seventh and last day of the week: abbrev. Sat, Sa, or … English World dictionary
Saturday — For other uses, see Saturday (disambiguation). Saturnus, Caravaggio, 16th c. Saturday ( … Wikipedia
Saturday — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le mot Saturday (samedi, en anglais) entre dans de nombreux titres : Sommaire 1 Cinéma 2 Jeu vidéo … Wikipédia en Français
Saturday — Sat|ur|day [ˈsætədi, deı US ər ] n [U and C] written abbreviation Sat. [Date: 800 900; Origin: Translation of Latin Saturni dies day of Saturn ] the day between Friday and Sunday on Saturday ▪ We went for a picnic on Saturday. ▪ The festivities… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Saturday — noun (C, U) the day between Friday and Sunday. In Britain, Saturday is considered the sixth day of the week, and in the US it is considered the seventh day of the week: on Saturday: We went for a picnic on Saturday. | Deats always goes home on… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English