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См. также в других словарях:

  • sacral — sacral, ale, aux [ sakral, o ] adj. • 1930; antérieur en angl. et all.; de 1. sacré ♦ Didact. Qui a revêtu un caractère sacré, qui a été sacralisé (opposé à profane). « Le moyen âge avait formé la nature humaine selon un type “sacral” de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Sacral — Sa cral, a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the sacrum; in the region of the sacrum. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sacral.... — Sacral.... (v. lat.), in Zusammensetzungen, auf das Kreuzbein (Sacrum os) sich beziehend, wie Sacralarterien, Kreuzbeinarterien (s.d.) etc …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Sacral — Sacral, lat. deutsch. was sich auf das os sacrum bezieht (s. Kreuzbein) …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • sacral — (adj.) 1767, in anatomy, from Mod.L. sacralis, from sacrum, the bone (see SACRUM (Cf. sacrum)). In anthropology, from 1882, from L. sacrum sacred thing, rite (see SACRED (Cf. sacred)). Related: sacralization …   Etymology dictionary

  • sacral — adj. 2 g. [Anatomia] O mesmo que sacro.   ‣ Etimologia: sacro + al …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • sacral — ► ADJECTIVE 1) Anatomy relating to the sacrum. 2) relating to sacred rites or symbols …   English terms dictionary

  • sacral — sacral1 [sā′krəl] adj. [< L sacrum, neut. of sacer, SACRED + AL] of or for religious rites or observances sacral2 [sā′krəl] adj. [ModL sacralis: see SACRUM & AL] of, or in the region of, the sacrum …   English World dictionary

  • sacral — SACRÁL1, Ă, sacrali, e, adj. (anat.) Care ţine de sacrum, privitor la sacrum; sacrat1. – Din germ. sakral. Trimis de LauraGellner, 17.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  SACRÁL2, Ă, sacrali, e, adj. (livr.) Sacru1. – Din fr. sacral …   Dicționar Român

  • sacral — cra·ni·o·sacral; lum·bo·sacral; pel·vi·sacral; pre·sacral; sacral; sacral·iza·tion; sacral·ize; uro·sacral; …   English syllables

  • sacral — Relating to or in the neighborhood of the sacrum. * * * sa·cral sak rəl, sā krəl adj of, relating to, or lying near the sacrum <the sacral region of the spinal cord> sacral n a sacral vertebra or sacral nerve …   Medical dictionary

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