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  • 1 деталь вращения

    1) Engineering: rotary part (типа тела), rotational part (типа тела), turned part (типа тела)
    3) Automation: (типа тела) rotary component, (типа тела) rotary part, (типа тела) rotary workpiece, (типа тела) rotation workpiece, (типа тел) turned component, (типа тела) turned part, (типа тела) turned workpiece

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > деталь вращения

  • 2 деталь (типа тела) вращения

    Automation: rotary component, rotary part, rotary workpiece, rotation workpiece, turned part, turned workpiece

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > деталь (типа тела) вращения

  • 3 деталь вращения

    rotary [rotational] part, turned part

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > деталь вращения

  • 4 угол (геометрический)

    - (кабины, панели) — corner
    указатель установлен в верхнeм левом углу приборной доски. — the indicator is located on the upper left corner of the instrument panel.
    - (при определении географических и навигационных параметров) — angle, angular distance
    - (эл. сигнал, соответствующий угловой величине) — angular information the angular information is supplied to the stator windinq.
    - азимута (e)azimuth
    -, азимутальный (в полярных координатах) — azimuth angle
    угловая величина, отсчитываемая по часовой или против часовой стрелки от северного или южного направления от о град, до 90 или 180 град. — measured from 0о at the north or south reference direction clockwise or counterclockwise through 90о or 180о.
    -, азимутальный (курс) — azimuth
    - азимутальный (гироппатфор'мы), отсчитываемый от местного географического меридиана — stable platform azimuth angle measured from local geographic meridian
    - азимутальный, направленно' гo луча антенны — azimuth angle of antenna beams
    - атаки (а) — angle of attack (alpha, aat)
    угол, заключенный между линией отсчета, жестко связанной с планером (крылом) самолета и направлением движения ла. — the angle between a referелее line fixed with respect to an airframe and a lipe in the direction of the aircraft.
    лампа сигнализации выключенного обогрева автомата угпа атаки. (ауасп обогр. выкл.) — alpha off light
    - атаки (англ. термин) — angle of incidence (british usage)
    - атаки, индуктивный — induced angle of attack
    составная часть любого текущего угла атаки, превышающая эффективный угол атаки. — а part of any given angle of attack over and above the effective angle of attack.
    - атаки крыла (профиля)wing angle оf attack
    угол, заключенный между хордой профиля и направлением набегающего потока воздуха (рис.135). — the angle between the chord line of the wing (airfoil) and the relative airflow.
    - атаки, большой — high angle of attack
    - атаки, вызывающий срабатывание системы предотвращения сваливания (выхода на критический угол атаки) — stall barrier actuation angle of attack. the system suppresses the stall warning and barrier асtuation angles of attack to prevent stall overshoot.
    - атаки, докритический — pre-stall(ing) angle of attack
    - атаки, закритический — angle of attack beyond stall
    - атаки, критический, — angle of sfall, stalling angle, stall
    угол атаки, соответствующий максимальному значению коэффициента подъемной силы. — the angle of attack correspending to the maximum lift coefficient.
    - атаки, местный — local angle of attack
    - атаки нулевой подъемной силыzero lift angle of attack
    - атаки, отрицательный — negative angle of attack
    - атаки, положительный — positive angle of attack
    - атаки, средний — medium angle of attack
    - атаки, текущий (a тем) — present angle of attack
    - атаки, эффективный — effective angle of attack
    -, боевой магнитный путевой (бмпу) — run-in magnetic track angle /course/
    - бокового скольженияangle of sideslip
    - ветра (ув)wind angle (u)
    угол, заключенный между вектором путевой скорости и вектором ветра (рис. 124). — the angle between the true course and the direction from which the wind is blowing, measured from the true course toward the right or left, from 0 to 180°.
    - ветра, курсовой — wind angle
    - взмахаflapping angle
    острый угол, образованный продольной осью лопасти неcyщeгo винта вертолета и плоскостью вращения втулки винта при повороте лопасти относительно горизонтальногo шарнира. — the difference between the coning angle and the instantaneous angle of the span axis of a blade of a rotary wing system relative to the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
    - видимости аэронавигационного огня (ано) (рис. 97) — navigation light dihedral angle
    - видимости левого ано (угол "л") — navigation light dihedral angle l (left)
    - видимости правого ано (угол "п") — navigation light dihedral angle r (riqht)
    - видимости хвостового ано (угол "x") — navigation light dihedral angle a (aft)
    - визирования — sight angle, angle of sight
    - возвышения — angle of elevation, elevation
    угол в вертикальной плоскости между горизонталью и наклонной линией от наблюдателя до объекта (рис. 129). — the angle in a vertical plane between the local horizontal and ascending line, as from an observer to an object.
    - волнового конусаmach angle

    the angle between a mach line and the direction of movement of undisturbed flow.
    - вращенияangle of rotation
    - выставки телеблока — telescope /telescopic/ - sensor alignment angle
    - гироппатформы, азимутапьный (инерциальной системы) — stable platform azimuth
    - глиссадыglide slope angle
    угол в вертикальной плоскости между глиссадой и горизонталью (рис. 120). — angle in vertical plane between the glide slope and the horizontal.
    -, гринвичский часовой — greenwich hour angle (gha)
    угол к западу от астрономического гринвичского меридиана. — angular distance west of the greenwich celestial meridian.
    - датчика (угла) гироскопаgyro-pickoff angle
    -, двугранный (ано) — dihedral angle
    - действия (см. видимости) — navigation light dihedral angle
    -, заданный путевой (зпу) (рис. 124) — desired track angle (dsrtk) (dtk)
    - заклинения (установки несущей поверхности) — angle of setting, rigging angle of incidence
    фиксированный угол между плоскостью хорды крыла (стабилизатора) и продольной осью самолета (осью тяги) при горизонтальном положении самолета (рис. 135). — а fixed angle between the plane of the wing chord and the line of thrust or any other longitudinal line which is level when the fuselage is level longitudinally.
    - заклинения горизонтального оперенияangle of stabilizer setting
    острый угоп между продольной осью самолета и хордой (горизонтального) стабилизатора. угол является положительным при превышении передней кромки стабилизатора над задней. — the acute angle between the line of thrust of an airplane and the chord of the stabillzer. the angle is positive when the leading edge is higher than the trailing edge.
    - заклинения крылаangle of wing setting
    острый угол между плоскостью хорды крыла и продольной осью самолета. угол является положительным при превышении передней кромки крыла над задней. — the acute angle between the plane of the wing chord and the longitudinal axis of the airplane. the angle is positive when the leading edge is higher than the trailing edge.
    - заклинения крыла у корняangle of wing setting at root
    - заклинения крыльев (биплана)decalaqe
    разность между углами установки верхнего и нижнего крыльев. острый угол между линиями хорд крыльев в плоскости, параллельной плоскости симметрии самолета. — a difference in the angles of setting of the wings of a biplane. the decalage is measured by the acute angle between tfle chords in a plane parallel to the plane of symmetry.
    - застоя (картушки компаса)angular friction error (of compass card)
    - затенения (огня), телесный — solid angle of obstructed (light) visibility
    - зренияangle of view
    -, исходный путевой — initial departure track angle
    - кабиныcorner ot cabin
    - картыdrivation

    the angle between the grid datum and the magnetic meridian.
    - карты (в автоматическом навигационном планшете) — map /chart/ angle (ca)
    задатчик ук устанавливается на заданный пеленг в каждой точке разворота. если дм (магн, склонение) = +8о то ум = 352о, если дм = -5о, то ук = 5о ук = мпу главной ортодромии — the map or chart angle selector is set to the appropriate bearing at each turning point.
    - конусности (лопасти несущего винта)coning angle
    угол между продольной осью лопасти и плоскостью круга ометаемого законцовкой винта. — the angle between the longitudinal axis of а blade and the tip-path plane.
    - крена (у) — angle of roll, bank (angle)
    угол между поперечной осью самолета и горизонтальной плоскостью. угол считается положительным при правом крене (рис. 135). — the angle between the lateral axis and a horizontal plane. the angle of roll is considered positive if the roll is to starboard.
    - крена, командный — commanded bank angle
    - крена при (для) выходе (выхода) на заданный курсroll steering bank angle (for smooth roll out on the selected heading)
    - крена, текущий — present angle of roll, present bank
    - крыла, установочный (рис. 135). — angle of wing setting
    - курса (путевой угол)track angle
    - курса (самолета, ч) — heading (ч)
    - курса (инерциальной системы)azimuth
    - курсовой (кур)relative bearing (rb)
    автоматический радиокомnac определяет курсовой угол радиостанции, а в сочетанин с компасом или курсовой системой - пеленг радиостанции, как сумму курса и курсового угла (рис. 127). — angle measurement in navigation, measured from the heading of an aircraft, as relative bearing.
    -, курсовой (на экране рлс) — azimuth (relative to aircraft)

    the indicator display shows targets in terms of range and azimuth relative to aircraft.
    - лопасти (возд. винта) — blade angle
    угол между нижней поверхностью части лопасти винта и плоскостью вращения, — the angle between the lower surface of an element of a propeller and plane of rotation.
    - маневра (курс, крен, тангаж) — attitude change angle
    - махаmach angle
    -, местный часовой — local hour angle (lha)
    - набора высотыangle of climb
    угол между линией траектории полета набирающего высоту ла и горизонталью. — the angle between the flight path оf а climbing aircraft and local horizontal.
    - наведения антенны (радиоастрономическсго корректора)antenna pointing angle
    - наведения астрокорректораstar tracker pointing angle

    inertial navigation system provides an accurate azimuth and vertical reference for measurement of the star tracker pointing angles.
    - наведения астротелескопа (телеблока)star-telescope pointing angle
    - наклона (подвижных элементов. напр., автомата перекоса) — tilt angle
    - наклона скачка уплотненияshock wave angle
    - наклона траектории полетаflight path angle
    угол между горизонталью и касательной к данной точке траектории. — the angle between the horizontal and а tangent to the flightpath at a point.
    - "ножниц" (рассогласования) закрылков — flaps asymmetry /disagreement/ angle
    - "ножниц" (рассогласования) стабилизатора — 'stabilizer (halves) asymmetry /disagreement/ angle
    - образованный с... (между) — angle formed with... (between)
    - обратной стреловидности (крыла)sweepforward angle
    - опережения зажиганияignition advance angle
    - ортодромии, путевой (пуо) — great circle track angle
    - отворота, расчетный (при заходе на посадку) — estimated turn angle (eta)
    - отклонения (от направления)angle of deviation
    - отклонения (поверхности управления) — angle of deflection, (control surface) angle
    - отклонения закрылка (закрылков)flap setting
    - отклонения закрылков, взлетный — flap takeoff setting
    - отклонения закрылков для захода на посадкуflap approach setting
    - отклонения закрылков, посадочный — flap landing setting
    - отклонения поверхности управленияcontrol surface angle
    угол между хордой поверхности управления и хордой несущей (или стабилизирующей) поверхности (крыло, киль, стабилизатор). — control surface angle is an angle between the chord of control surface and the chord of the corresponding fixed surface.
    - отклонения руля высотыelevator angle
    - отклонения руля направленияrudder angle
    - отклонения ручки (управления) — control stick displacement /deflection/ angle
    - отклонения скачка уплотненияshock wave deflection angle
    - отклонения (переставного) стабилизатораhorizontal stabilizer (adjustable) setting
    - отклонения элеронаaileron angle
    - отрицательной стреловидностиsweepforward angle
    - отсекаcorner of compartment
    - отсчета радиокомпаса (орк) — indicated /observed/ bearing (of radio station)
    угол разворота рамочной антенны, отличающийся от курсового угла радиостанции (кур) в результате искажения общего электромагнитного поля металлическими частями самолета (т.е. наличием радиодевиации) (рис. 86). — bearing correction is true radio bearing minus indicated (or observed) radio bearing. plot bearing corrections against observed radio bearings.
    -, отсчитываемый от... — angle measured from...
    -, отсчитываемый (по часавой стрелке) от северного направления географическоro меридиана — angle measured (clockwise) from north reference direction of geographical meridian.
    - пересечения курса (луча на маяк) — (localizer) course /radial/ intersection angle
    - пикированияangle of dive
    - планированияgliding angle
    угол между горизонтом и глиссадой самолета (рис. 135). — the angle between the horizontal and the glide path of an aircraft.
    - (гиро) платформы, азимутальный — platform azimuth
    - поворота валаshaft angle
    - поворота переднего колеса (колес)nose wheel steering angle
    система управления передним колесом шасси обеспечивает угол поворота колec(a) ё45о. — the steering system gives the nose wheel steering angles up to plus or minus 45 deg.
    - поворота рамы (гироскопа)rotation angle (of gimbal)

    the rotation angle of the gimbal about the output axis.
    -, подаваемый на индикацию (прибор, счетчик) — angular information supplied to be displayed on (indicator, counter, etc.)
    - положенияposition angle
    - поперечного "v", отрицательный (рис. 136) — anhedral (angle)
    - поперечного "v" по линии носков, положительный (по передней кромке) — dihedral at leading edge (le)
    - поперечного "v", положительный — dihedral angle
    острый угол между перпендикуляром к плоскости симметрии самолета и продольной осью крыла в плоскости, перпендикулярной продольной оси самолета (рис. 136). — the acute angle between а line perpendicular to the plane of symmetry and the projection of the wing axis on а plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the airplane.
    - поправки на ветерwind correction angle (wca)

    the stronger the wind, the greater the wca.
    -, посадочный (самолета) — landing angle
    - прицеливания — sighting /aiming/ angle
    - проема (напр., аварийного выхода) — opening corner
    -, промежуточный (шага винта) — (normal) flight low pitch (angle)
    - пространственного положения (ла)attitude angle
    - путевой (пу) — track angle (тк), course angle) (crs)
    угол, заключенный между северным направлением меридиана и вектором путевой скорости (линии пути), т.е. направлением движения самолета относительно земной поверхности (рис.124). — а direction of intended movement given as an angle from some reference direction, ordinarily given as a measurement clockwise from the true north or the magnetic north in degrees.
    -, путевой, боевой (бпу) — run-in /attack/ track angle
    -, путевой, боевой, магнитный (бмпу) — magnetic run-in /attack/ track angle
    -, путевой, заданный (зпу) (рис.124) — desired track angle (dsrtk, dtk)
    -, путевой, заданный магнитный (змпу) — desired magnetic track angle (dsrmtk, dmtk)
    -, путевой истинный (рис.124). — true track angle, true track, true tk
    -, путевой, исходный — initial departure track angle
    -, путевой магнитный (мну) — magnetic track angle (mtk)
    -, путевой, ортодромии (пуо) — great circle track angle
    отсчитывается от сев. направления географического меридиана через точку мс до положения направления оси у по часовой стрелке.
    -, путевой, при безветрии (при нулевом ветре) — zero-wind track angle
    -, путевой, текущий (тпу) — present track angle
    -, путевой, условный (рис.124). — grid track angle, grid track, rid tk
    -, путевой, фактический — (actual) track angle (tk)
    -, путевой, фактический магнитный (фмпу) — actual magnetic track angle
    -, путевой, штилевой — zero wind track angle
    - радиостанции, курсовой (кур) — relative bearing of radio station (rb)
    угол между направлением продольной оси самолета и направлением на наземную радиостанцию, отсчитывается по часовой стрелке от о до 360 град (рис. 127). — the bearing of a radio station or object relative to the heading of an airplane.
    - разворотаangle of turn
    - разворота переднего колеса (колес)nose wheel steering angle
    - распыла (топлива в форсунке)(fuel) spray pattern
    - рассогласованияerror angle
    - рассогласования закрылков — flaps asymmetry /disagreement/ angle
    - рассогласования по крену (курсу, тангажу) (в сельсинной передаче) — bank (azimuth, pitch) synchro error angle
    - рассогласования предкрылков — (le) slats disagreement /asymmetry/ angle
    - рыскания (ч)angle of yaw
    угол между продольной осью самолета и заданным направлением полета. угол считается положительным, если передний конец продольной оси самолета отклоняется вправо (рис.135). — the angle, as seen from above, between the longitudinal axis of an aircraft and a chosen reference direction. this angle is positive when the forward part of the longitudinal axis is directed to starboard.
    - сближения (схождения) меридиановearth convergency angle
    - свеса (лопасти несущего винта)droop angle
    - скоса потока вверхangle of upwash
    - скоса потока внизangle of downwash
    - сниженияangle of descent
    угол между направлением траектории снижающегося самолета и горизонтом, — the angle between the flight path of a descending aircraft and the local horizontal.
    - сноса (ус)drift angle (da)
    угол, заключенный между вектором воздушной скорости и вектором путевой скорости. если впс располагается правее ввс, углу сноса приписывается (+), если левee, тo (-) (рис. 124). — the horizontal angle between the longitudinal axis of an aircraft and its path relative to the ground, i.e. any angular difference existing between the heading and course (or track).
    - сноса от измерителя дисс (доплеровского измерителя сноса и путевой скорости) — doppler drift angle (dad)
    - солнца, гринвичский часовой — greenwich hour angle of sun (sun gha)
    - срабатывания сигнализацииwarning aetuation angle
    - срабатывания сигнализации критического угла атакиwarning actuation angle of stall
    - срабатывания системы предупреждения выхода на критический угол атакиstall barrier actuation angle
    - срыва ламинарного потока — burble point /angle/

    а point reached in an increasing angle of attack at which burble begins.
    -, стояночный. угол наклона продольной оси самолета относительно плоскости касания колес основного шасси и переднего (хвостового) колеса. — static ground angle (in pitch and bank)
    - стреловидностиsweep angle
    угол в плоскости крыла между линией, проходящей по размаху крыла (по четвертям хорд, передней или задней кромке) и перпендикуляром к плоскости симметрии самолета (рис. 8). — sweep is an angle in plan between the specified spanwise line (quarter-chord, le, те) along the aerofoil and the normal to the plane of the aircraft symmetry.
    - стреловидности (отрицательный)sweepforward angle
    - стреловидности (прямой или положительный)sweepback angle
    - стреловидности по линии четвертей хорд — sweepback (angle) at quarterchord line /at 25 percent of chord/
    - стреловидности по передней кромке — sweepback (angle) at leading edge, sweepback at le
    - схождения меридианов угол между меридианом точки и вертикальной координатной линией. — earth /meridian/ convergence angle
    - тангажа (v)angle of pitch (v)
    угол в вертикальной плоскости между продольной осью самолета и горизонтальной плоскостью. угол считается положительным при наклоне передней части продольной оси вверх (рис.135). — the angle, as seen from the side, between the longitudinal axis of an aircraft and a chosen reference line or plane, usually the horizontal plane. this angle is positive when the forward part of the longitudinal axis is directed above the reference line.
    - тангажа на кабрированиеnose-up pitch angle
    - тангажа на пикированиеnose-down pitch angle
    - тангажа, текущий — present pitch angle, present angle of pitch
    -, текущий путевой (тпу) — present track angle
    - текущий путевой, запомненный (тзпу) — present stored track angle
    - точки весеннего равноденствия, часовой, западный (астр.) — sidereal hour angle (sha) angular distance west of the vernal equinox.
    -, тупой — obtuse angle
    угол более 90о и менее 180о. — an obtuse angle is more than 90о but less than 180о.
    - увлечения (картушки компаса)compass card drift ang
    - упреждения (для парирования сноса самолета при посадке)drift-correction angle
    - установки (см. угол заклинения аэродинамической поверхности) — setting angle
    - установки горизонтального оперенияangle of stabilizer setting
    - установки крыла (заклинение) — angle of wing setting, rigging angle of wing incidence
    угол между корневой хордой крыла и базовой линией фюзеляжа (рис.135). — angle between the wing chord line and aircraft longitudinal axis.
    - установки лопасти (винта)blade angle
    острый угол между хордой сечения лопасти возд.(или несущего, хвостового) винта и плоскостью перпендикулярной оси вращения (рис.58). — the acute angle between the chord of а section of a propeller, or of a rotary wing system, and a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
    - установки рычага управл. двигателем (руд) — throttle setting
    - установки стабилизатора (заклинение) — angle of stabilizer setting, rigging angle of horizontal stabilizer incidence
    угол между корневой хордой стабилизатора и базовой линией фюзеляжа (рис. 135). — angle between the stabilizer root chord line and aircraft longitudinal axis.
    - установки (переставного) стабилизатораstabilizer (incidence) setting
    - установки стабилизатора, взлетный — takeoff stabilizer setting
    - установки стабилизатора, посадочный — landing stabilizer setting
    -, установочный (крыла, стабилизатора) — (wing, stabilizer) setting angle
    -, фактический путевой (рис. 124) — (actual) track angle (tk)
    - цели, курсовой — (target) angle-off
    -, часовой — hour angle

    angular distance west of a celestial meridian or hour circle.
    - часовой, западный, точки весеннего равноденствия (астр.) — sidereal hour angle (sha)
    выход за критический у. атаки — stall (angle) overshoot
    выход на критический у. атаки — reaching of stall(ing) angle
    диапазон у. атаки — angle-of-attack range
    под углом к... — at angle to...

    enter downwind at 90 to reference line.
    полет на критическом у. атаки — stall flight
    поправка на у. сноса — crosswind correction
    расположение (нескольких элементов) под углом... град — spacing... deg. apart the propeller blades are spaced l20 apart.
    с автоматическим учетом у. сноса — with crosswind (drift) correction automatically computed
    выходить на закритический у. атаки — exceed the stalling angle
    выходить на критический у. атаки — reach the stalling angle
    задавать путевой у. — select (desired) track angle
    закруглять у. (детали) — round (off) the corner
    изменять у. атаки — change angle of attack
    образовывать у. с... — make angle with...

    the cable makes an angle of 10 degrees with the vertical line.
    отклонять на у. (-10 град.) — deflect /displace/ (approximately 10 deg.)
    отсчитывать у. — read the angle
    поворачиваться на у. — turn /rotate/ through аn angle
    подавать у. (т.е. эл. сигнал, соответствующий к-л. угловой величине) на (статор сельсина) — supply /transmit/ angular information to (synchro stator)
    располагаться под у. град. (вокруг оси) — be located /spaced/... degrees apart (about axis)
    устанавливать (закрылки) на желаемый у. — set (flaps) at desired angle

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > угол (геометрический)

  • 5 jyrsin

    yks.nom. jyrsin; yks.gen. jyrsimen; yks.part. jyrsintä; yks.ill. jyrsimeen; mon.gen. jyrsimien jyrsinten; mon.part. jyrsimiä; mon.ill. jyrsimiin
    cutter (noun)
    milling cutter (noun)
    rotary tiller (noun)
    rotovator (noun)
    * * *
    • cutter
    • fraise
    • milling cutter
    • milling machine
    • rotary tiller
    • rotovator

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > jyrsin

  • 6 kairaus

    yks.nom. kairaus; yks.gen. kairauksen; yks.part. kairausta; yks.ill. kairaukseen; mon.gen. kairausten kairauksien; mon.part. kairauksia; mon.ill. kairauksiin
    drilling (noun)
    rotary drilling (noun)
    * * *
    • boring
    • drilling
    • rotary drilling
    • sounding

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > kairaus

  • 7 pyörimisliike

    yks.nom. pyörimisliike; yks.gen. pyörimisliikkeen; yks.part. pyörimisliikettä; yks.ill. pyörimisliikkeeseen; mon.gen. pyörimisliikkeiden pyörimisliikkeitten; mon.part. pyörimisliikkeitä; mon.ill. pyörimisliikkeisiin pyörimisliikkeihin
    rotary movement (noun)
    rotation (noun)
    * * *
    • rotating movement
    • rotary movement
    • rotating motion
    • rotation
    • rotatory movement
    • rotational motion

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > pyörimisliike

  • 8 Focke, E.H.Heinrich

    SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace
    b. October 1890 Bremen, Germany
    d. February 1979 Bremen, Germany
    German aircraft designer who was responsible for the first practical helicopter, in 1936.
    Between 1911 and 1914 Heinrich Focke and Georg Wulf built a monoplane and some years later, in 1924, they founded the Focke-Wulf company. They designed and built a variety of civil and military aircraft including the F 19Ente, a tail-first design of 1927. This canard layout was thought to be safer than conventional designs but, unfortunately, it crashed, killing Wulf. Around 1930 Focke became interested in rotary-wing aircraft, and in 1931 he set up a company with Gerd Achgelis to conduct research in this field. The Focke-Wulf company took out a licence to build Cierva autogiros. Focke designed an improved autogiro, the Fw 186, which flew in 1938; it was entered for a military competition, but it was beaten by a fixed-wing aircraft, the Fieseler Storch. In May 1935 Focke resigned from Focke-Wulf to concentrate on helicopter development with the Focke-Achgelis company. His first design was the Fa 61 helicopter, which utilized the fuselage and engine of a conventional aeroplane but instead of wings had two out-riggers, each carrying a rotor. The engine drove these rotors in opposite directions to counteract the adverse torque effect (with a single rotor the fuselage tends to rotate in the opposite direction to the rotor). Following its first flight on 26 June 1936, the Fa 61 went on to break several world records. However, it attracted more public attention when it was flown inside the huge Deutschlandhalle in Berlin by the famous female test pilot Hanna Reitsch in February 1938. Focke continued to develop his helicopter projects for the Focke-Achgelis company and produced the Fa 223 Drache in 1940. This used twin contra-rotating rotors, like the Fa 61, but could carry six people. Its production was hampered by allied bombing of the factory. During the Second World War Focke- Achgelis also produced a rotor kite which could be towed behind a U-boat to provide a flying "crow's nest", as well as designs for an advanced convertiplane (part aeroplane, part helicopter). After the war, Focke worked in France, the Netherlands and Brazil, then in 1954 he became Professor of Aeroplane and Helicopter Design at the University of Stuttgart.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Wissenschaftliche, Gesellschaft für Luftfahrt Lilienthal Medal, Prandtl-Ring.
    1965, "German thinking on rotary-wing development", Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, (May).
    Further Reading
    W.Gunston and J.Batchelor, 1977, Helicopters 1900–1960, London.
    J.R.Smith, 1973, Focke-Wulf: An Aircraft Album, London (primarily a picture book). R.N.Liptrot, 1948, Rotating Wing Activities in Germany during the Period 1939–45, London.
    K.von Gersdorff and K.Knobling, 1982, Hubschrauber und Tragschrauber, Munich (a more recent publication, in German).

    Biographical history of technology > Focke, E.H.Heinrich

  • 9 составная часть

    1. component parts
    2. components
    3. element
    4. ingredient
    5. part and parcel
    6. component
    7. constituent

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > составная часть

  • 10 rotierend

    I Part. Präs. rotieren
    II Adj. rotating, revolving; rotierendes System POL., WIRTS. etwa rota (Am. rotation) system
    * * *
    * * *
    A. ppr rotieren
    B. adj rotating, revolving;
    rotierendes System POL, WIRTSCH etwa rota (US rotation) system
    * * *
    revolving adj.
    rotary adj.
    rotating adj.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > rotierend

  • 11 arqueado

    arched, bent, curved, bow-shaped.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: arquear.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo < espalda> curved
    * * *
    = curved, bowed.
    Ex. Flong moulds could be fitted into curved casting-boxes to make plates for rotary presses.
    Ex. She could cope with the disappointment of not passing, but what I am not sure of is how much the dance examiner will mark her down for having bowed legs.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo < espalda> curved
    * * *
    = curved, bowed.

    Ex: Flong moulds could be fitted into curved casting-boxes to make plates for rotary presses.

    Ex: She could cope with the disappointment of not passing, but what I am not sure of is how much the dance examiner will mark her down for having bowed legs.

    * * *
    ‹espalda› curved
    tiene las piernas arqueadas he's bowlegged o ( BrE) bandy-legged
    * * *
    adj curved;

    Spanish-English dictionary > arqueado

  • 12 curvado

    curved, bowed, arched.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: curvar.
    * * *
    = curved.
    Ex. Flong moulds could be fitted into curved casting-boxes to make plates for rotary presses.
    * cuchillo curvado = cutlass.
    * * *

    Ex: Flong moulds could be fitted into curved casting-boxes to make plates for rotary presses.

    * cuchillo curvado = cutlass.

    * * *
    curvado, -a adj
    [forma] curved; [espalda] bent

    Spanish-English dictionary > curvado

  • 13 encartonado

    bound in boards.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: encartonar.
    * * *
    1 cardboard binding
    * * *
    Nota: En encuadernación, colocación de las tapas sobre el libro.
    Ex. In 1895 a good London bindery would have the following machines: hand-fed folding machines, sewing machines, nipping machines (for pressing the sewn books before casing-in), cutting machines, rounding machines, backing machines, straight-knife trimming machines (guillotines), rotary board-cutting machines, power blocking presses, and hydraulic standing presses.
    * * *
    Nota: En encuadernación, colocación de las tapas sobre el libro.

    Ex: In 1895 a good London bindery would have the following machines: hand-fed folding machines, sewing machines, nipping machines (for pressing the sewn books before casing-in), cutting machines, rounding machines, backing machines, straight-knife trimming machines (guillotines), rotary board-cutting machines, power blocking presses, and hydraulic standing presses.

    Spanish-English dictionary > encartonado

  • 14 mecanizado

    mechanized, automatized, unmanned.
    mechanization, machining, tooling.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: mecanizar.
    * * *
    1 mechanized
    * * *
    * * *
    - da adjetivo mechanized
    * * *
    = machine + Nombre, mechanised [mechanized, -USA], power, machining.
    Ex. With machine indexing some irrelevant and redundant entries are inevitable.
    Ex. Mechanized systems offer a wide range of potential search strategies and searching aids.
    Ex. In 1895 a good London bindery would have the following machines: hand-fed folding machines, sewing machines, nipping machines (for pressing the sewn books before casing-in), cutting machines, rounding machines, backing machines, straight-knife trimming machines (guillotines), rotary board-cutting machines, power blocking presses, and hydraulic standing presses.
    Ex. Both are considered to be the cat's meow but in different fields of machining.
    * indización mecanizada = machine indexing.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo mechanized
    * * *
    = machine + Nombre, mechanised [mechanized, -USA], power, machining.

    Ex: With machine indexing some irrelevant and redundant entries are inevitable.

    Ex: Mechanized systems offer a wide range of potential search strategies and searching aids.
    Ex: In 1895 a good London bindery would have the following machines: hand-fed folding machines, sewing machines, nipping machines (for pressing the sewn books before casing-in), cutting machines, rounding machines, backing machines, straight-knife trimming machines (guillotines), rotary board-cutting machines, power blocking presses, and hydraulic standing presses.
    Ex: Both are considered to be the cat's meow but in different fields of machining.
    * indización mecanizada = machine indexing.

    * * *
    * * *

    Del verbo mecanizar: ( conjugate mecanizar)

    mecanizado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    mecanizar ( conjugate mecanizar) verbo transitivo
    to mechanize
    mecanizar verbo transitivo to mechanize

    * * *
    mecanizado, -a adj

    Spanish-English dictionary > mecanizado

  • 15 mecánico2

    2 = mechanical, mechanistic, rote, mindless, unthinking, power.
    Ex. With a fully faceted classification scheme (see 13.2.4) chain indexing is purely mechanical, and straightforward.
    Ex. Content analysts, doing their kind of mechanistic time-and-motion studies on 'Till death do us part', might well come up with the conclusion that the greater part of it is straight and explicit racialism.
    Ex. This article examines creative and rote modes of thinking as they relate to 'theory' and 'practice' in library education.
    Ex. This article argues that mindless adulation is no substitute for honest discussions of the bad as well as the good in young adult literature.
    Ex. The author outlines arguments against the unthinking application of new technologies.
    Ex. In 1895 a good London bindery would have the following machines: hand-fed folding machines, sewing machines, nipping machines (for pressing the sewn books before casing-in), cutting machines, rounding machines, backing machines, straight-knife trimming machines (guillotines), rotary board-cutting machines, power blocking presses, and hydraulic standing presses.
    * barredera mecánica = sweeper, mechanical sweeper, mechanised sweeper, road sweeper, street sweeper.
    * barredora mecánica = sweeper, mechanical sweeper, mechanised sweeper, road sweeper.
    * barredora mecánica = street sweeper.
    * componente mecánico = mechanical part.
    * de forma mecánica = mechanically.
    * desastre mecánico = mechanical disaster.
    * de un modo mecánico = mechanically.
    * escalera mecánica = escalator.
    * estropajo mecánico = mechanised scrubber.
    * excavadora mecánica = excavator.
    * herramienta mecánica = machine tool.
    * período de la prensa mecánica, el = machine-press period, the.
    * pieza mecánica = mechanical part.
    * propiedad mecánica = mechanical property.
    * rampa mecánica = moving ramp.
    * recambio mecánico = mechanical part.
    * rotura mecánica = mechanical breakdown.

    Spanish-English dictionary > mecánico2

  • 16 mecánico

    mechanical, power-driven, robotic.
    1 mechanic, greaser.
    2 grease monkey.
    * * *
    1 mechanical
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 mechanic
    mecánico dentista dental technician
    * * *
    1. (f. - mecánica)
    2. (f. - mecánica)
    * * *
    mecánico, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) [gen] mechanical; [con motor] power antes de s ; (=de máquinas) machine antes de s
    2) [gesto, trabajo] mechanical
    SM / F [de coches] mechanic, grease monkey (EEUU) *; (=operario) machinist; (=ajustador) fitter, repair man/woman; (Aer) rigger, fitter; (=conductor) driver, chauffeur

    mecánico/a de vuelo — flight engineer

    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    a) (Mec) mechanical
    b) <gesto/acto> mechanical
    - ca masculino, femenino ( de vehículos) mechanic; ( de maquinaria industrial) fitter; (de fotocopiadoras, lavadoras) (m) engineer, repairman; (f) engineer, repairwoman
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    a) (Mec) mechanical
    b) <gesto/acto> mechanical
    - ca masculino, femenino ( de vehículos) mechanic; ( de maquinaria industrial) fitter; (de fotocopiadoras, lavadoras) (m) engineer, repairman; (f) engineer, repairwoman
    * * *

    Ex: Some knowledge of mechanics will also make it easier to detect faults and to discuss them sensibly when a mechanic has to be called in = Además, cierto conocimiento de mecánica hará que sea más fácil detectar los fallos y discutirlos con sensatez cuando haya que llamar a un mecánico.

    * banco de mecánico = metal-shop bench.
    * garaje mecánico = mechanic garage, mechanic workshop, garage.
    * mecánico de coches = auto mechanic.
    * taller mecánico = mechanic workshop, mechanic garage, garage.

    2 = mechanical, mechanistic, rote, mindless, unthinking, power.

    Ex: With a fully faceted classification scheme (see 13.2.4) chain indexing is purely mechanical, and straightforward.

    Ex: Content analysts, doing their kind of mechanistic time-and-motion studies on 'Till death do us part', might well come up with the conclusion that the greater part of it is straight and explicit racialism.
    Ex: This article examines creative and rote modes of thinking as they relate to 'theory' and 'practice' in library education.
    Ex: This article argues that mindless adulation is no substitute for honest discussions of the bad as well as the good in young adult literature.
    Ex: The author outlines arguments against the unthinking application of new technologies.
    Ex: In 1895 a good London bindery would have the following machines: hand-fed folding machines, sewing machines, nipping machines (for pressing the sewn books before casing-in), cutting machines, rounding machines, backing machines, straight-knife trimming machines (guillotines), rotary board-cutting machines, power blocking presses, and hydraulic standing presses.
    * barredera mecánica = sweeper, mechanical sweeper, mechanised sweeper, road sweeper, street sweeper.
    * barredora mecánica = sweeper, mechanical sweeper, mechanised sweeper, road sweeper.
    * barredora mecánica = street sweeper.
    * componente mecánico = mechanical part.
    * de forma mecánica = mechanically.
    * desastre mecánico = mechanical disaster.
    * de un modo mecánico = mechanically.
    * escalera mecánica = escalator.
    * estropajo mecánico = mechanised scrubber.
    * excavadora mecánica = excavator.
    * herramienta mecánica = machine tool.
    * período de la prensa mecánica, el = machine-press period, the.
    * pieza mecánica = mechanical part.
    * propiedad mecánica = mechanical property.
    * rampa mecánica = moving ramp.
    * recambio mecánico = mechanical part.
    * rotura mecánica = mechanical breakdown.

    * * *
    mecánico1 -ca
    1 ( Mec) mechanical
    2 ‹gesto/acto› mechanical
    lo hacen de manera mecánica they do it mechanically
    mecánico2 -ca
    masculine, feminine
    1 (de vehículos) mechanic
    3 (de fotocopiadoras, lavadoras) ( masculine) technician, repairman, engineer ( BrE); ( feminine) technician, repairwoman, engineer ( BrE)
    mecánico dental, mecánica dental
    masculine, feminine dental technician
    mecánico dentista, mecánica dentista
    masculine, feminine dental technician
    mecánico de vuelo, mecánica de vuelo
    masculine, feminine flight engineer
    * * *


    ◊ -ca adjetivo

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino ( de vehículos) mechanic;

    ( de maquinaria industrial) fitter;
    (de fotocopiadoras, lavadoras) engineer
    I adjetivo mechanical
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino mechanic
    ' mecánico' also found in these entries:
    - mecánica
    - taller
    - aprendiz
    - empezar
    - mono
    - montallantas
    - taladro
    - fault
    - garage
    - grease
    - mechanic
    - mechanical
    - mindless
    - regurgitate
    - fitter
    - perfunctory
    - sweeper
    * * *
    mecánico, -a
    1. [de la mecánica] mechanical
    2. [automático] mechanical;
    un gesto mecánico a mechanical gesture;
    lo hace de forma mecánica he does it mechanically
    [persona] mechanic mecánico dentista dental technician;
    mecánico de vuelo flight engineer
    * * *
    I adj mechanical
    II m, mecánica f mechanic
    * * *
    mecánico, -ca adj
    : mechanical
    mecánico, -ca n
    1) : mechanic
    2) : technician
    mecánico dental: dental technician
    * * *
    mecánico1 adj mechanical
    mecánico2 n mechanic

    Spanish-English dictionary > mecánico

  • 17 Cierva, Juan de la

    SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace
    b. 21 September 1895 Murcia, Spain
    d. 9 December 1936 Croydon, England
    Spanish engineer who played a major part in developing the autogiro in the 1920s and 1930s.
    At the age of 17, Cierva and some of his friends built a successful two-seater biplane, the BCD-1 (C for Cierva). By 1919 he had designed a large three-engined biplane bomber, the C 3, which unfortunately crashed when its wing stalled (list its lift) during a slow-speed turn. Cierva turned all his energies to designing a flying machine which could not stall: his answer was the autogiro. Although an autogiro looks like a helicopter, its rotor blades are not driven by an engine, but free-wheel like a windmill. Forward speed is provided by a conventional engine and propeller, and even if this engine fails, the autogiro's rotors continue to free-wheel and it descends safely. Cierva patented his autogiro design in 1920, but it took him three years to put theory into practice. By 1925, after further improvements, he had produced a practical rotary-winged flying machine.
    He moved to England and in 1926 established the Cierva Autogiro Company Ltd. The Air Ministry showed great interest and a year later the British company Avro was commissioned to manufacture the C 6A Autogiro under licence. Probably the most significant of Cierva's autogiros was the C 30A, or Avro Rota, which served in the Royal Air Force from 1935 until 1945. Several other manufacturers in France, Germany, Japan and the USA built Cierva autogiros under licence, but only in small numbers and they never really rivalled fixed-wing aircraft. The death of Cierva in an airliner crash in 1936, together with the emergence of successful helicopters, all but extinguished interest in the autogiro.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Daniel Guggenheim Medal. Royal Aeronautical Society Silver Medal, Gold Medal (posthumously) 1937.
    1931, Wings of To-morrow: The Story of the Autogiro, New York (an early account of his work).
    He read a paper on his latest achievements at the Royal Aeronautical Society on 15 March 1935.
    Further Reading
    P.W.Brooks, 1988, Cierva Autogiros: The Development of Rotary Wing Flight, Washington, DC (contains a full account of Cierva's work).
    Jose Warleta. 1977, Autogiro: Juan de la Cierva y su obra, Madrid (a detailed account of his work in Spain).
    Oliver Stewart, 1966, Aviation: The Creative Ideas, London (contains a chapter on Cierva).

    Biographical history of technology > Cierva, Juan de la

  • 18 Lucas, Anthony Francis

    b. 9 September 1855 Spalato, Dalmatia, Austria-Hungary (now Split, Croatia)
    d. 2 September 1921 Washington, DC, USA
    Austrian (naturalized American) mining engineer who successfully applied rotary drilling to oil extraction.
    A former Second Lieutenant of the Austrian navy (hence his later nickname "Captain") and graduate of the Polytechnic Institute of Graz, Lucas decided to stay in Michigan when he visited his relatives in 1879. He changed his original name, Lucie, into the form his uncle had adopted and became a naturalized American citizen at the age of 30. He worked in the lumber industry for some years and then became a consulting mechanical and mining engineer in Washington, DC. He began working for a salt-mining company in Louisiana in 1893 and became interested in the geology of the Mexican Gulf region, with a view to prospecting for petroleum. In the course of this work he came to the conclusion that the hills in this elevated area, being geological structures distinct from the surrounding deposits, were natural reservoirs of petroleum. To prove his unusual theory he subsequently chose Spindle Top, near Beaumont, Texas, where in 1899 he began to bore a first oil-well. A second drill-hole, started in October 1900, was put through clay and quicksand. After many difficulties, a layer of rock containing marine shells was reached. When the "gusher" came out on 10 January 1901, it not only opened up a new era in the oil and gas business, but it also led to the future exploration of the terrestrial crust.
    Lucas's boring was a breakthrough for the rotary drilling system, which was still in its early days although its principles had been established by the English engineer Robert Beart in his patent of 1884. It proved to have advantages over the pile-driving of pipes. A pipe with a simple cutter at the lower end was driven with a constantly revolving motion, grinding down on the bottom of the well, thus gouging and chipping its way downward. To deal with the quicksand he adopted the use of large and heavy casings successively telescoped one into the other. According to Fauvelle's method, water was forced through the pipe by means of a pump, so the well was kept full of circulating liquid during drilling, flushing up the mud. When the salt-rock was reached, a diamond drill was used to test the depth and the character of the deposit.
    When the well blew out and flowed freely he developed a preventer in order to save the oil and, even more importantly at the time, to shut the well and to control the oil flow. This assembly, patented in 1903, consisted of a combined system of pipes, valves and casings diverting the stream into a horizontal direction.
    Lucas's fame spread around the world, but as he had to relinquish the larger part of his interest to the oil company supporting the exploration, his financial reward was poor. One year after his success at Spindle Top he started oil exploration in Mexico, where he stayed until 1905, when he resumed his consulting practice in Washington, DC.
    1899, "Rock-salt in Louisiana", Transactions of the American Institution of Mining Engineers 29:462–74.
    1902, "The great oil-well near Beaumont, Texas", Transactions of the American
    Institution of Mining Engineers 31:362–74.
    Further Reading
    R.S.McBeth, 1918, Pioneering the Gulf Coast, New York (a very detailed description of Lucas's important accomplishments in the development of the oil industry).
    R.T.Hill, 1903, "The Beaumont oil-field, with notes on other oil-fields of the Texas region", Transactions of the American Institution of Mining Engineers 33:363–405;
    Transactions of the American Institution of Mining Engineers 55:421–3 (contain shorter biographical notes).

    Biographical history of technology > Lucas, Anthony Francis

  • 19 Smith, J.

    SUBJECT AREA: Textiles
    fl. 1830s Scotland
    Scottish inventor of the first endless chain of flats for carding.
    Carding by hand required a pair of hand cards. The lump of tangled fibres was teased out by pulling one card across the other to even out the fibres and transfer them onto one of the cards from which they could be rolled up into a rollag or slubbing. When Arkwright began to use cylinder cards, the fibres were teased out as they passed from one cylinder to the next. In order to obtain a greater carding area, he soon introduced smaller cylinders and placed strips of flat card above the periphery of the main cylinder. These became clogged with short fibres and dirt, so they had to be lifted off and cleaned or "stripped" at intervals. The first to invent a self-stripping card was Archibald Buchanan, at the Catrine mills in Ayrshire, with his patent in 1823. In his arrangement each flat was turned upside down and stripped by a rotary brush. This was improved by Smith in 1834 and patented in the same year. Smith fixed the flats on an endless chain so that they travelled around the periphery of the top of the main cylinder. Just after the point where they left the cylinder, Smith placed a rotary brush and a comb to clear the brush. In this way each flat in turn was properly and regularly cleaned.
    Smith was an able mechanic and Managing Partner of the Deanston mills in Scotland. He visited Manchester, where he was warmly received on the introduction of his machine there at about the same time as he patented it in Scotland. The carding engine he designed was complex, for he arranged a double feed to obtain greater production. While this part of his patent was not developed, his chain or endless flats became the basis used in later cotton carding engines. He took out at least half a dozen other patents for textile machinery. These included two in 1834, the first for a self-acting mule and the second with J.C. Dyer for improvements to winding on to spools. There were further spinning patents in 1839 and 1844 and more for preparatory machinery including carding in 1841 and 1842. He was also interested in agriculture and invented a subsoil plough and other useful things.
    1834, British patent no. 6,560 (self-stripping card). 1834, British patent no. 656 (self-acting mule). 1839, British patent no. 8,054.
    1841, British patent no. 8,796 (carding machine). 1842, British patent no. 9,313 (carding machine).
    1844, British patent no. 10,080.
    Further Reading
    E.Leigh, 1875, The Science of Modern Cotton Spinning Manchester (provides a good account of Smith's carding engine).
    W.English, 1969, The Textile Industry, London (covers the development of the carding engine).

    Biographical history of technology > Smith, J.

  • 20 состоять из

    In each year, there are about 31,557,000 seconds.

    Pink ruby is comprised of A12O3 doped with 0.005% Cr2O3.

    The rest of the plant involves (or consists of) typical mass transfer equipment.

    Carbohydrate analysis involves separation of the carbohydrate mixture, identification of the individual carbohydrates, and estimation of their quantities.

    The measuring system is built up from a number of standard units.

    The element is composed (or is made up, or consists) of equal numbers of protons and neutrons.

    The rock is made up of the calcite shells of microorganisms.

    The machine is made up of two subassemblies - a drive unit and...

    This class is made up almost entirely of metals.

    The machine is comprised of three automatic drill units, two lead-screw tapping units, and a rotary-indexing turntable.

    The stress tensor comprises the mechanical part and the viscous part.

    The attachment incorporates a microscope and a protractor.

    The hologram comprises (or consists of) 16 subholograms.


    These graphs fall into two groups.

    The satellite's atmosphere is 90 percent methane.

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