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См. также в других словарях:

  • Rope-Skipping — Rope Skip|ping, Rope|skip|ping [ roʊp…], das; s [engl. rope skipping, aus: rope = Seil u. skipping = das Springen, zu to skip = hüpfen, springen]: als Sportart od. Fitnesstraining mit speziellen Springseilen zu Musik betriebenes Seilspringen …   Universal-Lexikon

  • rope — I n. 1) to jump, skip rope 2) to ease up on; tighten a rope 3) a loose, slack; tight rope 4) a length; piece of rope 5) by a rope (to lower smt. by a rope) 6) (misc.) (boxing and fig.) on the ropes ( in a weak, vulnerable position ) II v. (colloq …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Rope-Skipping — D✓Rope Skip|ping, Rope|skip|ping [ ro:p...], das; s <englisch> (als Sport betriebenes Seilspringen) …   Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

  • Skip — Skip, v. t. 1. To leap lightly over; as, to skip the rope. [1913 Webster] 2. To pass over or by without notice; to omit; to miss; as, to skip a line in reading; to skip a lesson. [1913 Webster] They who have a mind to see the issue may skip these …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • skip|ping rope — «SKIHP ihng», a length of rope, often with a handle at each end, for jumping or skipping over …   Useful english dictionary

  • skip — (v.) c.1300, to spring lightly, also to jump over, probably from O.N. skopa to skip, run, from P.Gmc. *skupanan (Cf. M.Swed. skuppa, dialectal Swed. skopa to skip, leap ). Meaning omit intervening parts first recorded late 14c. Meaning fail to… …   Etymology dictionary

  • skip — Ⅰ. skip [1] ► VERB (skipped, skipping) 1) move along lightly, stepping from one foot to the other with a hop or bounce. 2) jump repeatedly over a rope which is held at both ends and turned over the head and under the feet. 3) jump lightly over.… …   English terms dictionary

  • skip — skip1 [skıp] v past tense and past participle skipped present participle skipping ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not do something)¦ 2¦(not deal with something)¦ 3¦(change subjects)¦ 4¦(movement)¦ 5¦(jump over a rope)¦ 6 skip town/skip the country 7 skip it! 8 ski …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • skip — [[t]skɪ̱p[/t]] skips, skipping, skipped 1) VERB If you skip along, you move almost as if you are dancing, with a series of little jumps from one foot to the other. [V adv/prep] They saw the man with a little girl skipping along behind him... [V… …   English dictionary

  • Skip — The word skip has several meanings:* Skip (container), a type of large open topped container * Skip (music), a type of interval in music * Skip (music composer), a composer of electronic music from Gent, Belgium. Using influences from musical… …   Wikipedia

  • skip — 1. v. & n. v. (skipped, skipping) 1 intr. a move along lightly, esp. by taking two steps with each foot in turn. b jump lightly from the ground, esp. so as to clear a skipping rope. c jump about, gambol, caper, frisk. 2 intr. (often foll. by from …   Useful english dictionary

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