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  • 1 rod

    (a long thin stick or piece of wood, metal etc: an iron rod; a fishing-rod; a measuring-rod.) prut, drát, pryč
    * * *
    • tyč
    • prut
    • táhlo

    English-Czech dictionary > rod

  • 2 fishing-rod

    noun (a long thin flexible rod used with a fishing-line and hooks etc for catching fish.) rybářský prut

    English-Czech dictionary > fishing-rod

  • 3 angler

    noun (a person who fishes with a rod and line.) rybář (lovící na udici)
    * * *
    • rybář

    English-Czech dictionary > angler

  • 4 knitting-needle

    noun (a thin rod of steel or plastic etc, used in knitting.) pletací jehlice
    * * *
    • jehlice

    English-Czech dictionary > knitting-needle

  • 5 poker

    noun (a (usually metal) rod for stirring up a fire.) pohrabáč
    * * *
    • poker

    English-Czech dictionary > poker

  • 6 sundial

    noun (a device, usually in a garden, for telling time from the shadow of a rod or plate on its surface cast by the sun.) sluneční hodiny
    * * *
    • sluneční hodiny

    English-Czech dictionary > sundial

  • 7 tribe

    1) (a race of people, or a family, who are all descended from the same ancestor: the tribes of Israel.) kmen
    2) (a group of families, especially of a primitive or wandering people, ruled by a chief: the desert tribes of Africa.) kmen
    - tribesman
    * * *
    • plemeno
    • rod
    • kmen
    • klan

    English-Czech dictionary > tribe

  • 8 divining

    noun (discovering the presence of underground water, metal etc by holding a divining-rod which moves when held directly above the water etc: water-divining.) hledání pomocí proutku

    English-Czech dictionary > divining

  • 9 fishing-line

    noun (a fine strong thread, now usually made of nylon, used with a rod, hooks etc for catching fish.) rybářský vlasec

    English-Czech dictionary > fishing-line

  • 10 bow

    I 1. verb
    1) (to bend (the head and often also the upper part of the body) forwards in greeting a person etc: He bowed to the ladies; They bowed their heads in prayer.) poklonit se, sklánět (se)
    2) ((with to) to accept: I bow to your superior knowledge.) sklánět se (před)
    2. noun
    (a bowing movement: He made a bow to the ladies.) úklona, poklona
    II 1. [bəu] noun
    1) (a springy curved rod bent by a string, by which arrows are shot.) luk
    2) (a rod with horsehair stretched along it, by which the strings of a violin etc are sounded.) smyčec
    3) (a looped knot of material: Her dress is decorated with bows.) mašle
    2. noun
    ((often in plural) the front of a ship or boat: The waves broke over the bows.) příď
    * * *
    • uklonit se
    • úklona
    • poklona
    • poklonit se
    • sklánět
    • sehnout
    • sklonit
    • smyčec
    • smeknout
    • oblouk
    • ohýbat
    • naklonit
    • luk

    English-Czech dictionary > bow

  • 11 clan

    (a tribe or group of families (especially Scottish) under a single chief, usually all having one surname.) klan, rod
    * * *
    • rod
    • klan

    English-Czech dictionary > clan

  • 12 gender

    (any of a number of classes into which nouns and pronouns can be divided (eg masculine, feminine, neuter).) rod
    * * *
    • rod

    English-Czech dictionary > gender

  • 13 mace

    I [meis] noun
    1) (a metal or metal-headed war club, often with spikes.) palcát
    2) (an ornamental rod used as a mark of authority on ceremonial occasions.) žezlo
    II [meis] noun
    (a type of spice obtained from the same fruit as nutmeg.) muškátový květ
    * * *
    • palice
    • palcát

    English-Czech dictionary > mace

  • 14 aerial

    ['eəriəl] 1. noun
    ((American antenna) a wire or rod (or a set of these) able to send or receive radio waves etc: a television aerial.) anténa
    2. adjective
    (in or from the air: aerial photography.) vzdušný, letecký
    * * *
    • vzdušný
    • vzduchový
    • letecký
    • anténa

    English-Czech dictionary > aerial

  • 15 ancestry

    plural - ancestries; noun (a line of ancestors coming down to one's parents: He is of noble ancestry.) původ, rod
    * * *
    • původ

    English-Czech dictionary > ancestry

  • 16 angle

    I ['æŋɡl] noun
    1) (the (amount of) space between two straight lines or surfaces that meet: an angle of 90°.) úhel
    2) (a point of view: from a journalist's angle.) hledisko
    3) (a corner.) roh, kout
    - angularity II ['æŋɡl] verb
    (to use a rod and line to try to catch fish: angling for trout.) chytat na udici
    - angling
    * * *
    • udice
    • úhel
    • rybařit
    • roh
    • stanovisko
    • hledisko

    English-Czech dictionary > angle

  • 17 axle

    (the rod on which a wheel turns: the back axle of the car.) náprava, osa
    * * *
    • náprava

    English-Czech dictionary > axle

  • 18 Bar

    1. noun
    1) (a rod or oblong piece (especially of a solid substance): a gold bar; a bar of chocolate; iron bars on the windows.) tyč(ka), tabulka, mříž, kus
    2) (a broad line or band: The blue material had bars of red running through it.) pruh, páska
    3) (a bolt: a bar on the door.) závora
    4) (a counter at which or across which articles of a particular kind are sold: a snack bar; Your whisky is on the bar.) bar, pult
    5) (a public house.) bar
    6) (a measured division in music: Sing the first ten bars.) takt
    7) (something which prevents (something): His carelessness is a bar to his promotion.) překážka
    8) (the rail at which the prisoner stands in court: The prisoner at the bar collapsed when he was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.) přepážka
    2. verb
    1) (to fasten with a bar: Bar the door.) zavřít na závoru
    2) (to prevent from entering: He's been barred from the club.) nepustit (do); vyloučit (z)
    3) (to prevent (from doing something): My lack of money bars me from going on holiday.) znemožnit, (za)bránit
    3. preposition
    (except: All bar one of the family had measles.) kromě
    - barman
    - bar code
    * * *
    • sbor soudních obhájců
    • advokacie
    • Bar

    English-Czech dictionary > Bar

  • 19 bar

    1. noun
    1) (a rod or oblong piece (especially of a solid substance): a gold bar; a bar of chocolate; iron bars on the windows.) tyč(ka), tabulka, mříž, kus
    2) (a broad line or band: The blue material had bars of red running through it.) pruh, páska
    3) (a bolt: a bar on the door.) závora
    4) (a counter at which or across which articles of a particular kind are sold: a snack bar; Your whisky is on the bar.) bar, pult
    5) (a public house.) bar
    6) (a measured division in music: Sing the first ten bars.) takt
    7) (something which prevents (something): His carelessness is a bar to his promotion.) překážka
    8) (the rail at which the prisoner stands in court: The prisoner at the bar collapsed when he was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.) přepážka
    2. verb
    1) (to fasten with a bar: Bar the door.) zavřít na závoru
    2) (to prevent from entering: He's been barred from the club.) nepustit (do); vyloučit (z)
    3) (to prevent (from doing something): My lack of money bars me from going on holiday.) znemožnit, (za)bránit
    3. preposition
    (except: All bar one of the family had measles.) kromě
    - barman
    - bar code
    * * *
    • tyč
    • prut
    • mříž

    English-Czech dictionary > bar

  • 20 breed

    [bri:d] 1. past tense, past participle - bred; verb
    1) (to produce young: Rabbits breed often.) rodit, mít mladé
    2) (to keep animals for the purpose of breeding young: I breed dogs and sell them as pets.) chovat
    2. noun
    (a type, variety or species (of animal): a breed of dog.) rasa
    - breeding
    * * *
    • pěstovat
    • plemeno
    • plodit
    • rasa
    • rod
    • rodit
    • breed/bred/bred
    • druh

    English-Czech dictionary > breed

См. также в других словарях:

  • rod — ► NOUN 1) a thin straight bar, especially of wood or metal. 2) a fishing rod. 3) a slender straight stick or shoot growing on or cut from a tree or bush. 4) (the rod) the use of a stick for caning or flogging. 5) Anatomy one of two types of light …   English terms dictionary

  • rod — /rɒd / (say rod) noun 1. a stick, wand, staff, shaft, or the like, of wood, metal, or other material. 2. a straight, slender shoot or stem of any woody plant, whether growing upon or cut from the plant. 3. a pole used in angling or fishing. 4. a… …  

  • rod — noun 1》 a thin straight bar, especially of wood or metal. 2》 a fishing rod. 3》 a slender straight stick or shoot growing on or cut from a tree or bush.     ↘(the rod) the use of a stick for caning or flogging. 4》 historical, chiefly Brit. another …   English new terms dictionary

  • Rod Smith (poet) — Rod Smith, who was born in Gallipolis, Ohio in 1962, is an American poet, editor and publisher. He grew up in Northern Virginia and moved to Washington, DC in 1987. Smith has authored several collections of poetry, including In Memory of My… …   Wikipedia

  • rod — noun (C) 1 a long thin pole or bar: The walls are reinforced with steel rods. 2 a long thin pole used with a line and hook for catching fish: a fishing rod 3 make a rod for your own back to do something that will cause trouble for you in the… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • rod — noun 1) an iron rod Syn: bar, stick, pole, baton, staff; shaft, strut, rail, spoke 2) the ceremonial rod Syn: staff, mace, scepter 3) …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • rod cell — noun a visual receptor cell that is sensitive to dim light • Syn: ↑rod, ↑retinal rod • Hypernyms: ↑visual cell • Part Holonyms: ↑retina • Part Meronyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • rod — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English rodd; akin to Old Norse rudda club Date: before 12th century 1. a. (1) a straight slender stick growing on or cut from a tree or bush (2) osier (3) a stick or bundle of twigs used to punish; also… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • rod — noun a) A straight, round stick, shaft, bar, cane, or staff. The circus strong man proved his strength by bending an iron rod, and then straightening it. b) A long slender usually tapering pole used for angling; …   Wiktionary

  • rod — [ rad ] noun count ** a long thin bar or stick made of metal, plastic, or wood: a curtain rod a. a FISHING ROD => RULE 2 …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rod puppet — noun A glove puppet held on one hand, its arms being manipulated by rods held in the other hand • • • Main Entry: ↑rod * * * rod puppet, a puppet moved by rods inserted into its trunk and limbs …   Useful english dictionary

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