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См. также в других словарях:

  • Clipping — may refer to: Contents 1 Words 2 Science and technology 3 Animals 4 Sports 5 See also …   Wikipedia

  • Clipping (ice hockey) — Clipping is a penalty in the sport of ice hockey. It is generally recognized as hitting an opposing player at or below the other player s knees. Clipping should not be confused with hip checking, where one player hits an opponent with his hips,… …   Wikipedia

  • Clipping the church — at Church of St Lawrence, Rode. Painting by W. W. Wheatley in 1848 Clipping the church is an ancient custom that is traditionally held on Easter Monday or Shrove Tuesday in the United Kingdom. The word clipping is Anglo Saxon in origin, and is… …   Wikipedia

  • Clipping — Clip ping, n. 1. The act of embracing. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] 2. The act of cutting off, curtailing, or diminishing; the practice of clipping the edges of coins. Note: This practise was common when precious metals such as silver or gold were used… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Clipping (medicine) — Clipping is a surgical procedure performed to treat an aneurysm. In this operation a craniotomy is performed, and afterwards an Elgiloy (Phynox) or titanium Sugita clip is affixed around the aneurysm s neck. Surgical clipping was introduced by… …   Wikipedia

  • Clipping — (englisch to clip = abschneiden, kappen) bezeichnet: Clipping (Computergrafik), das Abschneiden von Grundobjekten am Rand eines gewünschten Bildschirmausschnittes Übersteuern (Signalverarbeitung) in der digitalen Signalverarbeitung in der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Clipping (linguistics) — Clipping may refer to:*Clipping (phonetics) the process of shortening the articulation of a phonetic segment *Clipping (morphology) the word formation process in which a portion of a longer word is used to produce a clipped word …   Wikipedia

  • clipping — (izg. klìpīng) m DEFINICIJA tehn. ograničavanje amplitude signala, rezanje SINTAGMA press clipping (izg. près clipping) publ. isječci iz novina, ob. sortirani prema određenoj temi ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • clipping — index excerpt Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Clipping —   [dt. Abschneiden], eine Methode bei der Erstellung von 3D Grafiken, die es ermöglicht, verdeckte, also nicht sichtbare Bereiche auszuschneiden, beispielsweise beim Betrachten einer Landschaft durch ein Fenster alle Bereiche, die nicht innerhalb …   Universal-Lexikon

  • clipping — early 13c., clasping, embracing, from CLIP (Cf. clip) (2). Meaning an article cut from a newspaper is from 1857, from CLIP (Cf. clip) (1). Sense of a small piece cut off is from late 15c …   Etymology dictionary

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