1 resistor
- resistor
- nрезистор
- thermal resistor
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 resistor
resistor [rɪˊzɪstə] nэл. рези́стор; кату́шка сопротивле́ния -
3 resistor
4 resistor
1) резистор•-
absorbing resistor
adjustable resistor
- audio-fidelity control resistor -
auxiliary resistor
ballasting resistor
ballast resistor
biasing resistor
bias resistor
bleeder resistor
brake resistor
braking resistor
bulk resistor
bypass resistor
calibration resistor
carbon black resistor
carbon composition resistor
carbon resistor
carbon-film resistor
carbon-resin film resistor
carbon-resin lacquer resistor
cermet resistor
charging resistor
chip resistor
circuit-breaker making resistor
circuit-breaker opening resistor
compensated-impurity resistor
composite-film resistor
composition-type resistor
constant torque resistor
continuously adjustable resistor
control resistor
current-limiting resistor
damping resistor
decoupling resistor
deposited-carbon resistor
diffused-layer resistor
diffused resistor
discharge resistor
double-wiper resistor
dual-unit single-shaft variable resistor
dumping resistor
earthing resistor
evaporated-film resistor
evaporated resistor
field-regulating resistor
filamentary resistor
film resistor
fixed-value resistor
fixed resistor
fusible resistor
ganged variable resistor
half-finished resistor
headless resistor
heat-variable resistor
helical-track resistor
hermetically sealed resistor
high-precision variable resistor
high-value resistor
ignition resistor
instrument series resistor
instrument shunt resistor
insulated resistor
integrated-circuit resistor
integrated resistor
junction-type resistor
junction resistor
lamp resistor
leaded resistor
lead resistor
light-dependent resistor
limiting resistor
linear resistor
line-dropping resistor
liquid resistor
loading resistor
load resistor
load-limiting resistor
low-ohmic resistor
low-profile resistor
low-value resistor
matching resistor
memory resistor
metal-film resistor
metal-glaze resistor
metallic resistor
metallized resistor
metal-oxide resistor
metal-oxide-semiconductor resistor
microchip resistor
molded track resistor
multiplier resistor
multiturn variable resistor
negative temperature-coefficient resistor
neutral grounding resistor
noninductive resistor
noninsulated resistor
nonlinear resistor
panel control resistor
parallel resistor
pigtail resistor
planar resistor
positive temperature-coefficient resistor
pot resistor
preset resistor
printed resistor
protective resistor
pull-down resistor
pull-up resistor
quenching resistor
rectilinear resistor
reference resistor
regulating resistor
rod resistor
scale resistor
semiconductor resistor
semifixed resistor
series resistor
shunting resistor
shunt resistor
single-unit single-shaft variable resistor
single-wound resistor
slide variable resistor
smoothing resistor
spark resistor
speedup resistor
standard resistor
starting resistor
swamping resistor
swamp resistor
tapped resistor
temperature-sensitive resistor
terminating resistor
thermally sensitive resistor
thermal resistor
track resistor
transition resistor
trimmed resistor
trimmer resistor
variable resistor
voltage-controlled resistor
voltage-dropping resistor
voltage-sensitive resistor
wire-wound-type resistor
wire-wound resistor -
5 resistor
- adjustable resistor
- annular resistor
- axial-lead resistor
- ballast resistor
- ballasting resistor
- base-bias resistor
- bias resistor
- biasing resistor
- bifilar resistor
- bleeder resistor
- boron-carbon resistor
- bulk resistor
- bulk-collector resistor
- carbon resistor
- carbon-film resistor
- cathode resistor
- center-tapped resistor
- cermet resistor
- Chaperon resistor
- charging resistor
- chip resistor
- chromium resistor
- coated resistor
- compensated-impurity resistor
- composite-film resistor
- composition resistor
- composition-type resistor
- continuously adjustable resistor
- current-limiting resistor
- current-sensing resistor
- Curtis-winding resistor
- damping resistor
- debiasing resistor
- decoupling resistor
- deposited resistor
- diffused resistor
- diffused-base resistor
- diffused-emitter resistor
- difflised-layer resistor
- disk resistor
- double-diffused integrated resistor
- dropping resistor
- dumping resistor
- electronically variable resistor
- encapsulated resistor
- epitaxial resistor
- etched resistor
- evaporated resistor
- evaporated-film resistor
- feedback resistor
- ferrule resistor
- FET resistor
- film resistor
- fixed resistor
- fixed-value resistor
- flexible resistor
- four-terminal resistor
- fuse resistor
- fusible resistor
- glass resistor
- glaze resistor
- grid resistor
- grid-suppressor resistor
- hairpin-type winding resistor
- heat-variable resistor
- implanted resistor
- instrument series resistor
- instrument shunt resistor
- insulated resistor
- integrated resistor
- integrated-circuit resistor
- junction resistor
- junction-type resistor
- layered-substrate resistor
- light-dependent resistor
- light-emitting resistor
- linear resistor
- line-cord resistor
- memory resistor
- metal-film resistor
- metal-glaze resistor
- metallized resistor
- metal-oxide resistor
- metal-oxide-semiconductor resistor
- microchip resistor
- microplanar resistor
- MOS resistor
- MOX resistor
- multiplier resistor
- negative resistor
- negative temperature-coefficient resistor
- noninductive resistor
- nonlinear resistor
- parallel resistor
- photocopied resistor
- pigtail resistor
- pinch resistor
- planar resistor
- positive temperature-coefficient resistor
- pressure-sensitive resistor
- printed resistor
- pull-up resistor
- radial-lead resistor
- resistance thermometer resistor
- rod resistor
- scale resistor
- section-type noninductive winding resistor
- self-isolated resistor
- semiconductor resistor
- series resistor
- shunt resistor
- single-wound resistor
- speedup resistor
- spiral-groove resistor
- stabilizing resistor
- stair-step resistor
- standard resistor
- swamping resistor
- tail resistor
- tantalum resistor
- tapped resistor
- terminating resistor
- termination resistor
- thermal resistor
- thermally sensitive resistor
- thick-film resistor
- thin-film resistor
- Thomas resistor
- time-varying resistor
- titanium resistor
- trimmer resistor
- tunnel resistor
- variable resistor
- vitrified resistor
- voltage-controlled resistor
- voltage-dependent resistor
- voltage dropping resistor
- voltage-sensitive resistor
- voltage-variable resistor
- Wenner-winding resistor
- wire-wound resistor
- wire-wound-type resistor
- WW resistor -
6 resistor
- adjustable resistor
- annular resistor
- axial-lead resistor
- ballast resistor
- ballasting resistor
- base-bias resistor
- bias resistor
- biasing resistor
- bifilar resistor
- bleeder resistor
- boron-carbon resistor
- bulk resistor
- bulk-collector resistor
- carbon resistor
- carbon-film resistor
- cathode resistor
- center-tapped resistor
- cermet resistor
- Chaperon resistor
- charging resistor
- chip resistor
- chromium resistor
- coated resistor
- compensated-impurity resistor
- composite-film resistor
- composition resistor
- composition-type resistor
- continuously adjustable resistor
- current-limiting resistor
- current-sensing resistor
- Curtis-winding resistor
- damping resistor
- debiasing resistor
- decoupling resistor
- deposited resistor
- difflised-layer resistor
- diffused resistor
- diffused-base resistor
- diffused-emitter resistor
- disk resistor
- double-diffused integrated resistor
- dropping resistor
- dumping resistor
- electronically variable resistor
- encapsulated resistor
- epitaxial resistor
- etched resistor
- evaporated resistor
- evaporated-film resistor
- feedback resistor
- ferrule resistor
- FET resistor
- film resistor
- fixed resistor
- fixed-value resistor
- flexible resistor
- four-terminal resistor
- fuse resistor
- fusible resistor
- glass resistor
- glaze resistor
- grid resistor
- grid-suppressor resistor
- hairpin-type winding resistor
- heat-variable resistor
- implanted resistor
- instrument series resistor
- instrument shunt resistor
- insulated resistor
- integrated resistor
- integrated-circuit resistor
- junction resistor
- junction-type resistor
- layered-substrate resistor
- light-dependent resistor
- light-emitting resistor
- linear resistor
- line-cord resistor
- memory resistor
- metal-film resistor
- metal-glaze resistor
- metallized resistor
- metal-oxide resistor
- metal-oxide-semiconductor resistor
- microchip resistor
- microplanar resistor
- MOS resistor
- MOX resistor
- multiplier resistor
- negative resistor
- negative temperature-coefficient resistor
- noninductive resistor
- nonlinear resistor
- parallel resistor
- photocopied resistor
- pigtail resistor
- pinch resistor
- planar resistor
- positive temperature-coefficient resistor
- pressure-sensitive resistor
- printed resistor
- pull-up resistor
- radial-lead resistor
- resistance thermometer resistor
- rod resistor
- scale resistor
- section-type noninductive winding resistor
- self-isolated resistor
- semiconductor resistor
- series resistor
- shunt resistor
- single-wound resistor
- speedup resistor
- spiral-groove resistor
- stabilizing resistor
- stair-step resistor
- standard resistor
- swamping resistor
- tail resistor
- tantalum resistor
- tapped resistor
- terminating resistor
- termination resistor
- thermal resistor
- thermally sensitive resistor
- thick-film resistor
- thin-film resistor
- Thomas resistor
- time-varying resistor
- titanium resistor
- trimmer resistor
- tunnel resistor
- variable resistor
- vitrified resistor
- voltage dropping resistor
- voltage-controlled resistor
- voltage-dependent resistor
- voltage-sensitive resistor
- voltage-variable resistor
- Wenner-winding resistor
- wire-wound resistor
- wire-wound-type resistor
- WW resistorThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > resistor
7 resistor
1) резистор
2) секционированный
3) <electr.> сопротивление
4) катушка сопротивления
– adjustable resistor
– ballast resistor
– bias resistor
– bobbin-type resistor
– by-pass resistor
– carbon resistor
– charging resistor
– composite resistor
– composition resistor
– decoupling resistor
– drainage resistor
– fixed resistor
– fuse resistor
– instrument resistor
– load resistor
– metallized resistor
– microplanar resistor
– padding resistor
– precision resistor
– pull-down resistor
– pull-up resistor
– resistor core
– resistor wire
– standardizing resistor
– starting resistor
– tape-wound resistor
– tapped resistor
– track resistor
– trim a resistor
– variable resistor
– voltage-dependent resistor
– wire-wound resistor
voltage dropping resistor — <electr.> сопротивление гасящее
8 resistor
9 resistor
резистор, сопротивление- base resistor
- base-to-base resistor
- coupling resistor
- damping resistor
- discrete resistor
- emitter resistor
- fixed resistor
- integrated resistor
- laser-trimmed resistor
- light resistor
- linear resistor
- load resistor
- memory resistor
- nonlinear resistor
- precision resistor
- pull-down resistor
- pull-up resistor
- terminating resistor
- termination resistor
- trimming resistor
- variable resistorEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > resistor
10 resistor
резистор, катушка сопротивления- biasing resistor
- calibration resistor
- continuously variable resistor
- control resistor
- end-of-line resistor
- fusible resistor
- high-frequency resistor
- instrument resistor
- light resistor
- pot resistor
- preset resistor
- programmable decade resistor
- regulating resistor
- semifixed resistor
- time-varying resistor
- trimmer resistor
- variable resistorEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > resistor
11 resistor
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > resistor
12 resistor
13 resistor
резистор, уст. сопротивлениебазовый электронный компонент, используемый в качестве элемента электронной схемы с заданным постоянным (fixed resistor) или переменным (fixed resistor, hydristor, photoresistor, potentiometer, precision resistor, thermistor, trimmer resistor, variable resistor) сопротивлением электрическому току, т. е. его назначение - уменьшить протекающий по цепи ток.Syn:см. тж. resistanceАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > resistor
14 resistor
n эл. резистор, катушка сопротивления -
15 resistor
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > resistor
16 resistor
17 resistor
катушка сопротивления; резистор; электрический термометр -
18 resistor
pull-down resistor — согласующий резистор; резистор утечки
etched resistor — резистор, полученный методом травления
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > resistor
19 resistor
катушка сопротивления
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Элемент электрической цепи, предназначенный для использования его электрического сопротивления.
[ ГОСТ Р 52002-2003]
омическое сопротивление
[IEV number 151-13-19]EN
two-terminal device characterized essentially by its resistance
NOTE – In French, the term "résistance" also denotes the characteristic quantity of a resistor, in English "resistance".
Source: see IEC 60050-131
[IEV number 151-13-19]FR
résistance, f
bipôle caractérisé essentiellement par la grandeur résistance
NOTE – En français, le terme "résistance" désigne aussi la grandeur caractéristique du dispositif, en anglais "resistance".
Source: voir la CEI 60050-131
[IEV number 151-13-19]Недопустимые, нерекомендуемые
1. Резистор
D. Widerstand
E. Resistor
F. Résistance
Источник: ГОСТ 21414-75: Резисторы. Термины и определения оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > resistor
20 resistor
См. также в других словарях:
Resistor — A typical axial lead resistor Type Passive Working principle Electrical resistance Invented Ge … Wikipedia
résistor — ● résistor nom masculin (anglais resistor) Synonyme de résistance. Résistance électrique servant au chauffage par effet Joule. ● résistor (synonymes) nom masculin (anglais resistor) Synonymes : résistance résistor … Encyclopédie Universelle
resistor — (Del ingl. resistor, de to resist, resistir). m. Elemento que interviene únicamente por su resistencia en un circuito eléctrico … Diccionario de la lengua española
resistor — 1905, in electricity, agent noun in Latin form from RESIST (Cf. resist). Resister was used in this sense from 1759 … Etymology dictionary
resistor — ► NOUN Physics ▪ a device having resistance to the passage of an electric current … English terms dictionary
resistor — [ri zis′tər] n. Elec. a component with a specific resistance, used to control the current in a circuit … English World dictionary
Resistor — Para el fenómeno físico, véase Resistencia eléctrica. Resistor Tipo Termoeléctrico Pasivo Principio de … Wikipedia Español
resistor — [1] A device placed in a circuit to lower the voltage. It will also decrease the flow of current. [2] Electrical device that is a poor conductor of electricity and produces a given amount of resistance to current flow. See ballast resistor coil… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Resistor — Résistance (électricité) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Résistance . En électricité, le terme résistance désigne plusieurs choses différentes mais liées : une propriété physique : l aptitude d un matériau conducteur à s opposer au… … Wikipédia en Français
Résistor — Résistance (composant) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Résistance. Différentes variétés de résistances. Une résistance est un composant … Wikipédia en Français
Resistor — ► sustantivo masculino ELECTRICIDAD Elemento de un circuito eléctrico que sólo interviene en él por su capacidad de resistencia. * * * resistor. (Del ingl. resistor, de to resist, resistir). m. Elemento que interviene únicamente por su… … Enciclopedia Universal