1 registratie
регистрация, регистрирование, запись; регистрационное бюро, бюро регистрации регистратура* * *v* * *сущ.общ. внесение в реестр, внесение в список, регистрация -
2 внесение в реестр
ngener. registratie -
3 внесение в список
ngener. registratie -
4 регистрация
ngener. registratie
См. также в других словарях:
registraţie — REGISTRÁŢIE s.f. Arta de a folosi posibilităţile timbrale ale orgii sau ale clavecinului, indicată în compoziţiile moderne. – Din fr. registration. Trimis de LauraGellner, 07.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 registráţie s. f., art. registráţia, g. d. art … Dicționar Român
List of Jacques Brel cover versions — The following artists all have covered songs of Jacques Brel. Songs written by Brel but not recorded by Brel himself are shown in bold. NOTOC 0 93 J s:* Liefde van later (Single, 2007)4 Walls:* Ces gens là (Van de CD Which side are you on , 2004) … Wikipedia
Doctor of Psychology — The Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) degree is a professional doctorate earned through one of two established training models for clinical psychology[1]. An individual who earns a doctorate in clinical psychology, educational psychology or… … Wikipedia
Medical abortion — A medical abortion is a type of non surgical abortion in which abortifacient pharmaceutical drugs are used to induce abortion. An oral preparation for medical abortion is commonly referred to as an abortion pill. Medical abortion became an… … Wikipedia
List of groups referred to as cults in government documents — This list includes groups that have been referred to as cults in government documents. Government reports have listed such groups in Austria, Belgium, Canada, France (in 1995), Germany, and the United States.Groups appear listed alphabetically by … Wikipedia
.nl — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Nl (значения). .nl … Википедия
Эйнтховен, Виллем — Виллем Эйнтховен нидерл. Willem Einthoven … Википедия
Эйнтховен — Эйнтховен, Виллем Виллем Эйнтховен нидерл. Willem Einthoven Дата рождения … Википедия
IRD — Inland Revenue Department (Business » International Business) * Integrated Receiver Decoder (Academic & Science » Electronics) * Internet Registratie Dienst (Internet) * International Radiation Detectors (Academic & Science » Ocean Science) *… … Abbreviations dictionary
mixtură — MIXTÚRĂ, mixturi, s.f. 1. (livr., depr.) Amestec de elemente eterogene; amestecătură. 2. Substanţă, material, amestec etc. preparate prin amestecarea mai multor substanţe, materiale etc., de obicei lichide sau granulare. 3. (muz.) Sunet deosebit… … Dicționar Român