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  • 1 dışarı oku

    read out

    Turkish-English dictionary > dışarı oku

  • 2 sökmek

    "1. /ı/ to pull up; to uproot; to pull out; to rip out; to take out; to take down. 2. /ı/ to dismantle, take apart; to rip, undo, unstitch; to unravel. 3. /ı/ to get through or over (a place difficult of passage). 4 /ı/ to read, decipher (handwriting); to understand, get the meaning of (an abstruse passage). 5. /ı/ to learn to read (an alphabet); to learn (to read). 6. /ı/ (for a drug) to cause (mucus, urine, feces) to be discharged. 7. (for mucus, urine, feces) to begin to be discharged. 8. to begin to come one after the other. 9. to appear suddenly. 10. /a/ slang to make a dent on (someone), affect (someone): Cakan bana sökmez! Your big talk doesn´t cut any ice with me!"

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > sökmek

  • 3 baba

    "1. father. 2. title applied to a holy man or to a respected elderly man: İsmet baba, Hakkı baba, Telli baba. 3. the leader of a group of dervishes; the head of a tekke (among the Bektashi dervishes). 4. bollard; bitt. 5. newel-post, newel (large post at the foot or landing of a stairway). 6. king post; crown post; queen post (in the truss of a roof). 7. head (of a walking stick). 8. colloq. mafia chief, mafia boss. 9. slang penis, *dick, *cock, *pecker. -m colloq. 1. a vocative expression used after an imperative when addressing an intimate friend: Anlat babam, ne oldu? Now tell me what happened man! 2. used before and after an imperative to emphasize that an action was prolonged: Oku babam oku! Read, read, read! - adam elderly man who is wise and kind. - bucağı family home, homeplace. -sının/-larının çiftliği a place which one can exploit at will, one´s private preserve: Orası babasının çiftliği mi? Is that a place which he can just exploit at will? - değil, tırabzan babası man who is a poor excuse for a father. - dostu an old friend of one´s father. - evi 1. home, the place on which one´s familial affections are centered. 2. family home, homeplace. -sının hayrına for the sheer love of it, without thinking of getting something out of it: Demirhan, o heyette babasının hayrına mı çalışıyor sanki? Mutlaka bir menfaat peşindedir! Do you think Demirhan´s serving on that committee for the sheer love of it? He´s most certainly hoping to reap some benefit for himself! Ona babasının hayrına iş vermezler elbet. You can be sure they aren´t going to give him a job just to show they´re nice guys. - hindi turkey-cock, gobbler. - hindi gibi kabarmak to become swelled up with self-importance, swell up with pride and arrogance, puff oneself up. -dan kalma inherited from one´s father: Babadan kalma bir evi var. He has a house which he inherited from his father. - ocağı see - evi. -dan oğula from father to son. -sının oğlu. colloq. Like father, like son. -na rahmet! colloq. You are very kind indeed! -sına rahmet okumak /ın/ (for someone) to be so wonderful he/she makes you want to bless the father that begot him/her. -sına rahmet okutmak /ın/ 1. (for someone, something) to be so bad that he/she/it makes one yearn for (someone or something else who/which is in himself/herself/itself undesirable): Fecri bir felaketti, fakat Feyman, Fecri´nin babasına rahmet okutuyor. Fecri was a disaster, but Feyman is so awful he makes us yearn to have Fecri back again. 2. (for someone) to be so wonderful he/she makes you want to bless the father that begot him/her. - tarafından paternally. - torik 1. bonito which has reached a large size. 2. slang penis, *dick, *cock, *pecker. -ları/-sı tutmak 1. to become enraged, have a conniption, have a conniption fit. 2. to shake or move about convulsively (as if one is having a fit). -ları üstünde olmak to be ready to explode (with rage). - yurdu see - evi."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > baba

  • 4 çözmek

    v. untie, detach, unravel, disentangle, undo, disengage, unbind, loosen, defrost, solve, figure out, resolve, puzzle out, work out, break, cipher out, compound, cut loose, decipher, ravel, read, reason, slack, slack up, unbrace, unbuckle, uncouple
    çözmek (kangal)
    v. uncoil
    çözmek (problem)
    v. work out
    * * *

    Turkish-English dictionary > çözmek

  • 5 çözmemek

    v. (neg. form of çözmek) untie, detach, unravel, disentangle, undo, disengage, unbind, loosen, defrost, solve, figure out, resolve, puzzle out, work out, break, cipher out, compound, cut loose, decipher, ravel, read, reason, slack, slack up, unbrace, unbuckle, uncouple

    Turkish-English dictionary > çözmemek

  • 6 sökmek

    v. rip, unstitch, ravel, ravel out, rip off, undo, tear down, unfix, detach, demount, dismount, cut loose, disassemble, disjoint, dismantle, knock down, read, slit, take down, unpick, unrig
    sökmek (şafak)
    v. spring
    sökmek (örgü)
    v. unravel

    Turkish-English dictionary > sökmek

  • 7 sökmemek

    v. (neg. form of sökmek) rip, unstitch, ravel, ravel out, rip off, undo, tear down, unfix, detach, demount, dismount, cut loose, disassemble, disjoint, dismantle, knock down, read, slit, take down, unpick, unrig

    Turkish-English dictionary > sökmemek

  • 8 sökmek

    "to pull out, to pull up, to uproot; to tear down; to unravel, to rip, to unstitch; to take sth apart, to take sth down, to dismantle, to disassemble; to extract; to to decipher; to be able to read; to break through;" "to break; to be effective, to work"

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > sökmek

  • 9 gelmek

    ",-ir 1. to come. 2. /a/ to come to. 3. /dan/ to come from. 4. /a/ to come into; to come in. 5. /la/ to come with, accompany. 6. /a/ to come back (to), return (to). 7. /a/ to come to visit. 8. /a/ to hit, come to. 9. /a/ to come to, reach, arrive at (a stage of activity). 10. /dan/ to survive from, come from; /a/ to last till. 11. /dan/ to come from, originate in, spring from. 12. /a/ (for time) to be about, get to be. 13. /a/ to come up to, come to, reach. 14. to weigh about, be about, come to. 15. /dan/ to come from, result from. 16. /dan/ to come out of, result from. 17. /dan/ to be derived from, come from. 18. /a/ to tolerate, put up with. 19. /a/ to acknowledge the truth of (something) at last. 20. /a/ to be (good, bad, etc.) for, affect (someone) (in a certain way). 21. /dan/ to receive from, get from, gain from. 22. /a/ to have, be afflicted with. 23. /a/ to be, lie (in a certain direction). 24. /a/ to appear to be, seem to be. 25. /a/ to be proper, be appropriate. 26. /a, la/ to come with, begin with, start with. 27. /a/ to cost (a certain amount). 28. (for time) to come. 29. auxiliary verb to feel like (doing something); to feel, get: uykusu gelmek to feel sleepy. 30. an auxiliary verb which denotes continuous action when suffixed to a gerund: alışageldiğimiz which we are accustomed to. yapılagelen which is always being done. 31. auxiliary verb to pretend not to: duymazlıktan gelmek to pretend not to hear. 32. to be unable to resist (doing something), not to be able to help (doing something): İçtikçe içeceğim geliyor. The more I drink, the more I want to drink. 33. to be, come in: birinci gelmek to be the first. Gel.... 1. Come now: Gel, bu işten vazgeçelim. Come now, let´s leave this. 2. (followed by a negative imperative) if you can help it: Gel, şimdi kızma! How can I help but be angry! Gelelim.... /a/ Let us turn to (another subject). gelince /a/ 1. as for...: Bana gelince, ben bugün kitap okumak istiyorum. As for me, I want to read a book today. 2. when it comes to...: Herkese karşı çok cömerttir ama karısına gelince on para vermez. He is very generous to everybody but when it comes to his wife he doesn´t give her a cent. gelsin... (gelsin..., gitsin....) (followed by a noun) describes lavishness or an easy, leisurely manner: Gelsin çaylar, (gitsin) kahveler, hiç çalıştığı yok. He kills time all day sipping tea and coffee and never working. gelip çatmak/dayanmak (for time) to come round at last, be finally at hand. gelip geçici transient, passing. gelip geçmek 1. to pass by. 2. to pass through, come and go. gelmiş geçmiş of all who have come and gone, of all those who have been; of all (the things) that have happened so far; of all times, of all periods. gelip gitmek /a/ to come and go, frequent. Gel keyfim gel. colloq. How sweet it is!/It´s great to be alive! Geleceği varsa, göreceği de var. colloq. He´ll regret it if he does! (said as a threat). gel zaman git zaman a long time afterwards."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > gelmek

  • 10 su

    ",-yu 1. water. 2. juice. 3. sap. 4. body of water; stream; river; lake; sea. 5. broth; gravy. 6. temper (of steel). 7. embroidery running pattern. (...) -larında about, around: saat altı sularında around six o´clock. elli sularında about fifty years old. - almak 1. to leak, admit water. 2. (for a boat) to leak, take in water. -yunu almak /ın/ to drain the water from (cooked vegetables). - arkı irrigation ditch. -da balık satmak to make an empty promise. - basmak /ı/ for water to flood (a place). - baskını flood. -yun başı 1. source, spring, fountain. 2. place from which one gains the greatest profits or benefits. 3. person who holds the greatest authority and bears the greatest responsibility. -yu baştan/başından kesmek to tackle a problem at its root. - birikintisi puddle. -da boğulmak to be drowned. -ya boğulmak to be flooded with water. - bölümü çizgisi geog. watershed, water parting. -yu bulandırmak to throw a monkey wrench into something that´s going well. - cenderesi hydraulic press. - çarpmak /a/ to give (one´s face) a quick, splashy wash. - çekmek 1. to draw water (from a well or cistern). 2. to absorb water. -yunu çekmek 1. for the liquid in (something being cooked) to boil away. 2. (for money) to be spent, run out. -yu çekilmiş değirmene dönmek 1. (for a place) to become as silent as a tomb, become like a morgue. 2. to become completely useless. -dan çıkmış balığa dönmek to be in a daze, not to know what to do or which way to turn. - değirmeni water mill. - dökmek to urinate, pass water, make water. - dökünmek to take a quick bath (by dousing oneself with water). -ya düşmek 1. to fail, come to nothing. 2. to fall into the water. - etmek/yapmak (for a ship) to leak, take in water. -dan geçirmek /ı/ 1. to wash (laundry) quickly and carelessly. 2. to rinse (laundry). - gibi 1. like water. 2. easily, smoothly. 3. fluently. - gibi akmak 1. (for time) to pass very quickly. 2. /a/ (for money) to be made by (a person or place) in great quantities. - gibi aziz ol! Thank you very much indeed (for bringing me water to drink)! - gibi bilmek /ı/ to know (something) perfectly, have (something) down pat. - gibi ezberlemek /ı/ to memorize (something) perfectly. - gibi gitmek (for money) to be spent like water. - gibi okumak /ı/ to read quickly and faultlessly. - gibi terlemek to sweat heavily. -yuna/-yunca gitmek /ın/ not to go counter to (someone); not to cross (someone), to comply with (someone´s) wishes. -yu görmeden paçaları sıvamak to count one´s chickens before they´re hatched. - (yüzü) görmemiş very dirty (face, hands). -ya göstermek /ı/ to give (something) a quick wash. - götürmez indisputable. - götürür yeri olmamak /ın/ for there to be nothing more to be said about (a matter). -ya götürür, susuz getirir. colloq. He´s a master hoodwinker. - içene yılan bile dokunmaz. proverb It´s wrong to attack a person while he´s drinking water, even if he is one´s enemy. - içinde easily, at least. - içinde kalmak to sweat heavily, sweat buckets. - içmek gibi very easy, as easy as taking candy from a baby. - kaçırmak 1. to leak. 2. slang to annoy, bother, give someone a headache. - kaldırmak (for something being cooked) to absorb water. - kapmak (for a wound) to get infected, fester. -lar kararmak to get dark (in the evening). - katılmamış real, in every sense of the word, through and through. -yu kesilmiş değirmene dönmek (for a place) to get quiet, for all noise (in a place) to cease. - kesimi naut. draft line; water line. -yu kesiyor. It´s so blunt it won´t cut anything (said of a knife). - kesmek to become very watery; to ooze a lot of water or juice. - kireci hydraulic lime. - korkusu hydrophobia, morbid dread of water. - koyuvermek 1. (for something) to ooze a lot of water (while being cooked). 2. slang to become impudent, overstep the mark, spoil the fun by going too far. - küçüğün, söz/sofra büyüğün. proverb At mealtime the children should be the ones who get water

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > su

См. также в других словарях:

  • read-out — ˈread out noun [countable] COMPUTING the information that is shown on a computer screen: • a read out of all the sales figures * * * read out UK US (also readout) noun [C] ► IT information that is shown in electronic form, for exampl …   Financial and business terms

  • read-out — n information that is produced by a computer and shown on a screen →↑printout ▪ a read out of all the sales figures …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • read-out — [ rid ,aut ] noun count a record of information produced by a computer or other piece of electronic equipment, shown on a screen or printed on paper …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • read|out — «REED owt», noun. 1. the display, usually in digits, of processed information by a computer: »This machine is a simple digital computer which allows the rating of up to 20 people…After all members have made their choices the machine gives a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • read out — transitive verb 1. : to read aloud 2. : to expel (as from a political party or other organization) by or as if by a public reading of notice of dismissal threatened to have him read out of the party * * * read out 1. To read aloud 2. To retrieve… …   Useful english dictionary

  • read out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms read out : present tense I/you/we/they read out he/she/it reads out present participle reading out past tense read out past participle read out to say the words that you are reading so that people can hear… …   English dictionary

  • read out — verb a) To read something and say the words to inform other people. The teacher read out the names of the students who had passed the exam. b) (of a device) To read some data and inform the person using the device. He read the names out to the… …   Wiktionary

  • read-out — UK [ˈriːd ˌaʊt] / US [ˈrɪd ˌaʊt] noun [countable] Word forms read out : singular read out plural read outs computing a record of information produced by a computer or other piece of electronic equipment, shown on a screen or printed on paper …   English dictionary

  • read out — PHRASAL VERB If you read out a piece of writing, you say it aloud. [V P n (not pron)] He s obliged to take his turn at reading out the announcements... [V n P] Shall I read them out? …   English dictionary

  • read-out — noun a) The information, usually a measurement, displayed on a graduated scale. The density is measured by the read out from a hydrometer b) the information output from a computer in a readable form …   Wiktionary

  • read out — phr verb Read out is used with these nouns as the object: ↑result, ↑verdict …   Collocations dictionary

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