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См. также в других словарях:

  • radio emission — noun an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength between 0.5 cm to 30,000 m (Freq. 16) • Syn: ↑radio wave, ↑radio radiation • Hypernyms: ↑electromagnetic radiation, ↑electromagnetic wave, ↑nonparticulate radiation …   Useful english dictionary

  • émission — [ emisjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1390; lat. emissio 1 ♦ Physiol. Action de projeter (un liquide) hors de l organisme; écoulement sous pression. Émission d urine (⇒ miction) ; de sperme (⇒ éjaculation) . 2 ♦ (XVIe) Production (de sons vocaux). Émission d un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Radio galaxy — Radio galaxies and their relatives, radio loud quasars and blazars, are types of active galaxy that are very luminous at radio wavelengths (up to 1038 W between 10 MHz and 100 GHz). The radio emission is due to the synchrotron process. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Radio astronomy — is a subfield of astronomy that studies celestial objects at radio frequencies. The field originated from the discovery that many astronomical objects emit radiation in the radio wavelengths as well as optical ones. The great advances in radio… …   Wikipedia

  • Radio Saint-Affrique — est une radio associative qui, avec trois émetteurs, couvre le Sud Aveyron, elle peut s écouter en podcast à partir de leur site. Le ton éditorial est proche de celui de l Eko des garrigues. Les fréquences d émission sont : 96,7 MHz pour… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Radio halo — Radio halos are large scale areas of radio emission found in clusters of galaxies. They do not have an obvious galaxy counterpart, as opposed, for example, to radio galaxies which have AGN counterparts. Their cause is still debated, but they may… …   Wikipedia

  • Radio relics — are diffuse synchrotron radio emission found in the peripheral regions of galaxy clusters. Similar to the case of radio halos, they do not have any obvious galaxy counterpart, but their shapes are much more elongated and irregular compared to… …   Wikipedia

  • radio — 1. radio [ radjo ] n. m. • 1907; abrév. de radiogramme, radiotélégraphiste 1 ♦ Vx Radiogramme. 2 ♦ (1917) Radiotélégraphiste. ⇒ sans filiste. Le radio de bord d un avion. ⇒ radionavigant. « Le radio, de ses doigts, lâchait les derniers… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Radio libre (Skyrock) —  Ne doit pas être confondu avec Radio libre. Radio libre (Skyrock) Présentateur(s) Difool Pays France Langue …   Wikipédia en Français

  • radio and radar astronomy — Study of celestial bodies by measuring the energy they emit or reflect at radio wavelengths. It began in 1931 with Karl Jansky s discovery of radio waves from an extraterrestrial source. After 1945, huge dish antennas, improved receivers and data …   Universalium

  • radio spectrum — noun the entire spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies used for communications; includes frequencies used for radio and radar and television (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑radio frequency spectrum • Hypernyms: ↑spectrum • Part Holonyms: ↑electromagnetic… …   Useful english dictionary

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