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См. также в других словарях:

  • cab — n. 1) to call for; get; hail; hire; take a cab 2) to drive a cab (for a living) 3) a radio cab 4) by cab; in a cab (to go somewhere by cab) * * * [kæb] get hail hire take a cab in a cab …   Combinatory dictionary

  • radio — n. & v. n. (pl. os) 1 (often attrib.) a the transmission and reception of sound messages etc. by electromagnetic waves of radio frequency (cf. WIRELESS). b an apparatus for receiving, broadcasting, or transmitting radio signals. c a message sent… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cab signalling — is a railroad safety system that communicates track status information to the train cab (driving position), where the engineer or driver can see the information. The simplest systems display the trackside signal aspect (typically, green, yellow… …   Wikipedia

  • Radio Electronic Token Block — is a system of railway signalling used in the United Kingdom. It is a development of the physical token system for controlling traffic on single lines. How it works On arrival at a token exchange point , the driver reports his/her position to the …   Wikipedia

  • Cab Secure Radio — (CSR) is an in cab analogue radiotelephone system used on parts of the British railway network. Its main function is to provide a secure speech link between the train driver and the signaller which cannot be overheard by other train drivers. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Cab Calloway — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cab Calloway Cab Calloway, fotografía tomada por Carl Van Vechten, 1933. Información personal Nombre real …   Wikipedia Español

  • cab|i|net — «KAB uh niht, KAB niht», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a) a piece of furniture with shelves or drawers, used to hold articles, such as dishes, linens, jewels, papers, or specimens: »a medicine cabinet, a filing cabinet for letters. Mother keeps her… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cab Calloway — Infobox musical artist Name = Cab Calloway Img capt = Cab Calloway, photographed by Carl Van Vechten, 1933 Img size = Landscape = Background = solo singer Birth name = Cabell Calloway III Alias = Born = birth date|1907|12|25 in Rochester, New… …   Wikipedia

  • Cab rank — A cab rank or taxi rank is a primarily British English term for the United States English term taxi stand , that being a queueing area where taxicabs queue to await passengers. The phrase also has three other uses: * In Cockney rhyming slang, the …   Wikipedia

  • radio-activité — ⇒RADIOACTIVITÉ, RADIO ACTIVITÉ, subst. fém. PHYS. NUCL. A. Propriété que possèdent à des degrés divers, certains corps radioactifs; p. méton., manifestation de cette propriété. Contrôle, mesure de la radioactivité. Mais des substances dépourvues… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • The Mystery of a Hansom Cab —   …   Wikipedia

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