1 radar guidance system
n радіолокаційна система наведенняEnglish-Ukrainian military dictionary > radar guidance system
2 radar guidance system
English-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > radar guidance system
3 command radar guidance system
n командна радіолокаційна система наведенняEnglish-Ukrainian military dictionary > command radar guidance system
4 system
n1) система; комплекс2) установка; пристрій•- acceleration warning system - accessory power system - active beacon collision avoidance system - aerodynamic roll system - airborne collision avoidance system - airborne early warning system - airborne lightweight optical tracking system - airborne prospecting system - airborne television system - airborne warning and control system - aircraft electrical system - aircraft integrated data system - aircraft intercommunication system - aircraft system - airdrop system - air-ground data link system - airlocking system - air transport system - airway system - alarm signal system - alarm system - alarm warning system - altitude alerting system - anti-icing system - antiskid system - approach lighting system - area forecast system - associated aircraft system - automated data interchange system - automatic direction finder system - automatic flight control system - autonomous life support system - autopilot system - aviation safety reporting system - avionics system - backpack life support system - balloon-tracking system - canard foil system - co-axial rotor system - collision avoidance system - communication system - computerized system - conical coordinate system - control system - countermeasures system - digital avionic systems - dimmer system - docking guidance system - dual-channel system - dual flight control system - early warning system - economical space transportation system - electric flight control signalling system - electronic attack system - electronic support system - elevator control system - enhanced ground proximity warning system - enroute navigation systems - Entry Sensor System - exhaust system - exit sensor system - explosives detection system - extraterrestrial transportation system - facility performance category I instrument landing system - facility performance category II instrument landing system - facility performance category III instrument landing system - fail safe system - fail tolerant system - FBW system - flight control system - flight management system - FLIR system - fly-by-wire system - forward-looking infra-red system - fuel system - general purpose system - global positioning system - ground proximity warning system - guidance system - high lift control system - inertial navigation system - infrared search and tracking system - instrument landing system - integrated electronic warfare system - inorbit-on-demand space transportation system - jet engine starter system - landing navigation system - landing system - LEO-to-GEO transportation system - long-range position finding system - lubricating system - lubrication system - microwave landing system - multifunctional system - narrow gauge lighting system - navigation system - offensive fire-control system - oil system - orbital coordinate system - orbital transportation system - orbiting multibody system - oxygen system - pilot-controller system - planar coordinate system - point-defence weapon systems - position indicating system - power-operated control system - power-supply system - power system - precision approach category I lighting system - precision approach category II lighting system - precombustion chamber fuel system - pressure air system - pressure fueling system - pressure system - primary system - propeller deicing system - propulsion system - Q-feci system - Q-feel system - queueing system - radar airborne weather system - radar guidance system - radar identification system - radiation alarm system - radio command system - radio guidance system - radio navigation system - rapid response space transportation system TKJI - reporting system - safety management system - satellite communications system - satellite navigation system - satellite system - scanning beam system - SELCAL system - selective calling system - simple approach lighting system - solar system - space-based observing system - space-based transportation system - space environmental quality control system - space laser power system - space nuclear power system - space observing system - space transportation system - SPADE system - take-off monitoring system - thermal protection system - trainable system - training system - two-frequency glide path system - two-frequency localizer system - visual approach slope indicator system - visual docking guidance system - wing antiicing system - wing flap control system - wing slat system - wing spoiler system - world area forecast system -
5 equipment
n1) обладнання, оснащення, апаратура2) арматура3) техніка4) часто мн.; військ. матеріальна частина; бойова техніка◊•- aerial equipment - aeronautical equipment - aeroplane equipment - aerospace ground equipment - airborne equipment - airborne direction finding equipment - airborne electronics equipment - airborne identification equipment - airborne radar equipment - airborne search equipment - airborne weather equipment - air-conditioning equipment - aircraft equipment - aircraft communication equipment - aircraft fixed equipment - aircraft navigation equipment - aircraft parking equipment - aircraft portable equipment - aircraft recorder equipment - aircraft servicing equipment - airslide equipment - angle measurement equipment - area navigation equipment - autoflare equipment - automated equipment - automatic equipment - automatic data transfer equipment - automatic direction-finding equipment - automatic flight control equipment - automatic stabilization equipment - automatic test equipment - avionics equipment - backup equipment - bathroom-and-lavatory equipment - blind flight equipment - built-in test equipment - carburetor heat equipment - cargo handling equipment - cargo loading equipment - catering equipment - ceiling measurement equipment - change-over equipment - cockpit equipment - collision warning equipment - communication equipment - computer equipment - data circuit-terminating equipment - data terminal equipment - distance measuring equipment - ditching equipment - domestic equipment - dusting equipment - electrical equipment - emergency escape equipment - emergency equipment - environmental control system equipment - enhanced X-ray equipment - fire-fighting equipment - first aid equipment - fixed equipment - flight crew equipment - flight pick-up equipment - fueling equipment - glide-path equipment - glider launch equipment - glider tow equipment - ground equipment - ground service equipment - guidance equipment - hand safety equipment - high-altitude equipment - ILS equipment - inertial navigational equipment - intercommunication equipment - jamming equipment - life-saving equipment - life support equipment - lifting and transporting equipment - loading equipment - loose equipment - measuring equipment - metering equipment - military equipment - modern equipment - navigation equipment - night-flying equipment - oxygen dispensing equipment - passenger handling equipment - pneumatic equipment - power equipment - primary and secondary beacon radar equipment - radar equipment - radio equipment - radio communication equipment - recording equipment - recovery equipment - reliable equipment - remote control equipment - reproducing equipment - rescue equipment - restraint equipment - rigging equipment - safety equipment - security equipment - sensing equipment - sign towing equipment - snow clearing equipment - snow removal equipment - spray equipment - standby equipment - survival equipment - survival radio equipment - suspended equipment - TACAN equipment - tactical air navigation equipment - test equipment - transmit/receive equipment - turbulence detection equipment - VOR equipment - waste equipment
См. также в других словарях:
Guidance system — A guidance system is a device or group of devices used to navigate a ship, aircraft, missile, rocket, satellite, or other craft. Typically, this refers to a system that navigates without direct or continuous human control. Systems that are… … Wikipedia
Abort Guidance System — (AGS) was a backup computer system in Apollo Lunar Module. It was completely different computer system than Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) because it was designed by TRW independently from the AGC development. This computer system was intended to … Wikipedia
Radar — For other uses, see Radar (disambiguation). A long range radar antenna, known as ALTAIR, used to detect and track space objects in conjunction with ABM testing at the Ronald Reagan Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll … Wikipedia
radar — /ray dahr/, n. 1. Electronics. a device for determining the presence and location of an object by measuring the time for the echo of a radio wave to return from it and the direction from which it returns. 2. a means or sense of awareness or… … Universalium
Precision approach radar — (PAR) is a type of radar guidance system designed to provide lateral and vertical guidance to an aircraft pilot for landing, until the missed approach point is reached. Controllers monitoring the PAR displays observe each aircraft s position and… … Wikipedia
rocket and missile system — ▪ weapons system Introduction any of a variety of weapons systems that deliver explosive warheads to their targets by means of rocket propulsion. Rocket is a general term used broadly to describe a variety of jet propelled missiles… … Universalium
Missile guidance — A guided bomb strikes a practice target Missile guidance refers to a variety of methods of guiding a missile or a guided bomb to its intended target. The missile s target accuracy is a critical factor for its effectiveness. Guidance systems… … Wikipedia
Semi-active radar homing — Semi active radar homing, or SARH, is a common type of missile guidance system, perhaps the most common type for longer range air to air and surface to air missile systems. The name refers to the fact that the missile itself is only a passive… … Wikipedia
Tor missile system — Infobox Weapon name= 9K330 Tor NATO reporting name: SA 15 Gauntlet caption= 9K330 TLAR origin= flagcountry|Soviet Union type= Tracked SAM system is ranged= is bladed= is explosive= is artillery= is vehicle=yes is missile= is UK=yes service=… … Wikipedia
Apollo Guidance Computer — and DSKY Invented by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory Manufacturer Raytheon Introduced August 1966 … Wikipedia
tactical weapons system — ▪ military technology Introduction system integrating tactical weapons with electronic equipment for target acquisition, aiming, or fire control or a combination of such purposes. Tactical weapons are designed for offensive or defensive use … Universalium