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  • 1 quinquenalmente

    * * *
    Ex. The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.
    * * *

    Ex: The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.

    * * *
    every five years, quinquennially ( frml)
    revisar/renovar algo quinquenalmente to revise/renew sth on a five-yearly basis

    Spanish-English dictionary > quinquenalmente

  • 2 Catálogo Colectivo Nacional

    (n.) = National Union Catalog, NUC
    Ex. The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.
    Ex. Cataloguers use the NUC and other LC catalogues to verify authors and titles and as sources of authoritative catalogue records.
    * * *
    (n.) = National Union Catalog, NUC

    Ex: The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.

    Ex: Cataloguers use the NUC and other LC catalogues to verify authors and titles and as sources of authoritative catalogue records.

    Spanish-English dictionary > Catálogo Colectivo Nacional

  • 3 actualización

    bringing up to date, updating, modernization, update.
    * * *
    1 (puesta al día) updating, bringing up to date
    2 (en filosofía) actualization
    * * *
    SF (=acto) updating; (Inform) update, updating; (Contabilidad) discounting
    * * *
    femenino updating
    * * *
    = up-to-dateness, update [up-date], updating [up-dating], upgrading, updatability, upgrade.
    Ex. Up-to-dateness is particularly vital since recent and current information is in heaviest usage.
    Ex. The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.
    Ex. Libraries and information units can use word processing software in the preparation and updating of manuals, library guides, and so on.
    Ex. There is no perfect library computer system and upgrading is a necessary continuous process.
    Ex. This article presents a request for new facilities which make use of the most outstanding capabilities of computerised information retrieval: selectivity, computing power and immediate updatability of information.
    Ex. The review led to an upgrade of one third of support staff positions and has led to a flatter hierarchical structure in the library.
    * actualización de programa informático = maintenance release.
    * actualización trimestral = quarterly update.
    * código de actualización = update code.
    * frecuencia de actualización = frequency of updating.
    * servicio de actualización permanente = current awareness, current-awareness service.
    * * *
    femenino updating
    * * *
    = up-to-dateness, update [up-date], updating [up-dating], upgrading, updatability, upgrade.

    Ex: Up-to-dateness is particularly vital since recent and current information is in heaviest usage.

    Ex: The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.
    Ex: Libraries and information units can use word processing software in the preparation and updating of manuals, library guides, and so on.
    Ex: There is no perfect library computer system and upgrading is a necessary continuous process.
    Ex: This article presents a request for new facilities which make use of the most outstanding capabilities of computerised information retrieval: selectivity, computing power and immediate updatability of information.
    Ex: The review led to an upgrade of one third of support staff positions and has led to a flatter hierarchical structure in the library.
    * actualización de programa informático = maintenance release.
    * actualización trimestral = quarterly update.
    * código de actualización = update code.
    * frecuencia de actualización = frequency of updating.
    * servicio de actualización permanente = current awareness, current-awareness service.

    * * *
    1 (puesta al día) updating
    2 ( Inf) upgrade
    * * *


    actualización sustantivo femenino update: la última actualización de este diccionario es magnífica, the latest update to this dictionary is magnificent
    ' actualización' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    1. [de información, datos] updating
    2. [de tecnología, industria] modernization
    3. Informát [de software, hardware] upgrade
    4. Ling actualization
    * * *
    f updating
    * * *
    actualización nf, pl - ciones : updating, modernization

    Spanish-English dictionary > actualización

  • 4 anualmente

    annually, yearly.
    * * *
    1 annually, yearly
    * * *
    annually, yearly
    * * *
    ADV annually, yearly
    * * *
    = annually, yearly, on a yearly basis, year-on-year.
    Ex. The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.
    Ex. I suggest that somewhere between 10 to 25 years' worth of material be stored online and that the catalog be weeded or purged yearly.
    Ex. This service will be produced on a yearly basis.
    Ex. This corresponds to a year-on-year increase of 28%.
    * * *
    = annually, yearly, on a yearly basis, year-on-year.

    Ex: The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.

    Ex: I suggest that somewhere between 10 to 25 years' worth of material be stored online and that the catalog be weeded or purged yearly.
    Ex: This service will be produced on a yearly basis.
    Ex: This corresponds to a year-on-year increase of 28%.

    * * *
    se publica anualmente it is published annually o once a year o yearly
    recibirán dicha cantidad anualmente they will receive the said amount annually o per year
    * * *

    anualmente adverbio yearly, once a year: la feria se celebra anualmente, the festival is held annually
    ' anualmente' also found in these entries:
    - yearly
    * * *
    annually, yearly;
    la final se celebra anualmente en la capital the final is held in the capital every year
    * * *
    adv yearly
    * * *
    anualmente adj yearly

    Spanish-English dictionary > anualmente

  • 5 cada año

    1 every year, once a year, annually, each year.
    2 year over year.
    every year, each year.
    * * *
    = annually, on a yearly basis, year-on-year, yearly
    Ex. The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.
    Ex. This service will be produced on a yearly basis.
    Ex. This corresponds to a year-on-year increase of 28%.
    Ex. I suggest that somewhere between 10 to 25 years' worth of material be stored online and that the catalog be weeded or purged yearly.
    * * *
    = annually, on a yearly basis, year-on-year, yearly

    Ex: The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.

    Ex: This service will be produced on a yearly basis.
    Ex: This corresponds to a year-on-year increase of 28%.
    Ex: I suggest that somewhere between 10 to 25 years' worth of material be stored online and that the catalog be weeded or purged yearly.

    Spanish-English dictionary > cada año

  • 6 puesta al corriente

    (n.) = update [up-date]
    Ex. The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.
    * * *
    (n.) = update [up-date]

    Ex: The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.

    Spanish-English dictionary > puesta al corriente

  • 7 puesta al día

    * * *
    (n.) = catch-up [catchup], updatability, update [up-date]
    Ex. Today's online information industry is playing a game of catch-up, and must out-think current market leaders in order to find profitable new markets.
    Ex. This article presents a request for new facilities which make use of the most outstanding capabilities of computerised information retrieval: selectivity, computing power and immediate updatability of information.
    Ex. The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.
    * * *
    (n.) = catch-up [catchup], updatability, update [up-date]

    Ex: Today's online information industry is playing a game of catch-up, and must out-think current market leaders in order to find profitable new markets.

    Ex: This article presents a request for new facilities which make use of the most outstanding capabilities of computerised information retrieval: selectivity, computing power and immediate updatability of information.
    Ex: The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.

    Spanish-English dictionary > puesta al día

  • 8 una vez al año

    = annually, once a year
    Ex. The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.
    Ex. Annual reports have the disadvantage, of course, of appearing only once a year.
    * * *
    = annually, once a year

    Ex: The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.

    Ex: Annual reports have the disadvantage, of course, of appearing only once a year.

    Spanish-English dictionary > una vez al año

См. также в других словарях:

  • quinquennially — quinquennial ► ADJECTIVE ▪ lasting for or recurring every five years. DERIVATIVES quinquennially adverb. ORIGIN from Latin quinque five + annus year …   English terms dictionary

  • quinquennially — adverb see quinquennial …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • quinquennially — See quinquennial. * * * …   Universalium

  • quinquennially — quin·quen·nial·ly …   English syllables

  • quinquennially — əlē, əli adverb : every five years * * * quinquennˈially adverb • • • Main Entry: ↑quinqu …   Useful english dictionary

  • quinquennial — quinquennially, adv. /kwin kwen ee euhl, kwing /, adj. 1. of or lasting for five years. 2. occurring every five years. n. 3. something that occurs every five years. 4. a fifth anniversary. 5. a five year term in office. 6. a quinquennium. [1425… …   Universalium

  • quinquennial — adjective Date: 15th century 1. consisting of or lasting for five years 2. occurring or being done every five years • quinquennial noun • quinquennially adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Roman Curia — This article is part of a series on the Roman Curia Dicastery Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus Secretariat of State …   Wikipedia

  • General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists — Infobox Company company name = General Conference of Seventh day Adventists company company slogan = vector company type = Religious/Non Profit genre = foundation = 1863 founder = location = Silver Spring, Maryland, USA origins = key people = Jan …   Wikipedia

  • Congregation for Bishops — This article is part of a series on the Roman Curia Dicastery Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus Secretariat of State …   Wikipedia

  • Enid Starkie — Enid Mary Starkie (born Killiney, Co Dublin, 1897 1970), was an Irish literary critic, known for her biographical works on French poets. She was a Lecturer and then Reader at Somerville College, Oxford.She studied at Dublin, Oxford, and the… …   Wikipedia

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