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  • 21 निवृत्तिः _nivṛttiḥ

    निवृत्तिः f.
    1 Returning or coming back, return; दुर्गमेकमपुनर्निवृत्तये यं विशन्ति वशिनं मुमुक्षवः Śi.14.64; R.4. 87.
    -2 Disappearance, cessation, termination, suspen- sion; शापनिवृत्तौ Ś.7; R.8.82.
    -3 Abstaining from work, inactivity (opp. प्रवृत्ति); प्रवृत्तिं च निवृत्तिं च जना न विदुरासुराः Bg.16.7.
    -4 Abstaining from, aversion; प्राणाघाता- न्निवृत्तिः Bh.3.63.
    -5 Leaving off, desisting from.
    -6 Resignation, discontinuance of worldly acts or emotions, quietism, separation from the world.
    -7 Repose, rest.
    -8 Felicity, beatitude.
    -9 Denial, refusal.
    -1 Aboli- tion, prevention.
    -11 Ceasing to be valid or binding (as a rule.).
    -12 Completion.
    -13 (In drama.) Cita- tion of an example.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > निवृत्तिः _nivṛttiḥ

  • 22 शान्तिः _śāntiḥ

    शान्तिः f. [शम्-क्तिन्]
    1 Pacification, allayment, alle- viation, removal; अध्वरविघातशान्तये R.11.1,62.
    -2 Calmness, tranquillity, quiet, ease, rest, repose; स्मर संस्मृत्य न शान्तिरस्ति मे Ku.4.17; शान्तिः कुतस्तस्य भुजङ्गशत्रोः Māl.6.1; यत् किंचिद् वस्तु संप्राप्य स्वल्पं वा यदि वा वहु । या तुष्टि- र्जायते चित्ते सा शान्तिः कथ्यते बुधैः ॥ Padma P.
    -3 Cessation of hostility; सर्पस्य शान्तिः कुटिलस्य मैत्री विधातृसृष्टौ न हि दृष्टपूर्वा Bv.1.125.
    -4 Cessation, stop.
    -5 Absence of passion, quietism, complete indifference to all worldly enjoyments; तदुपहितकुटुम्बः शांन्तिमार्गोत्सुको$भूत् R.7.71.
    -6 Consolation, solace.
    -7 Settlement of differences, reconciliation.
    -8 Satisfaction of hunger.
    -9 An expiatory rite, a propitiatory rite for averting evil; शान्तयश्चापि वर्धन्तां यथाकल्पं यथाविधि Rām.1.8.16.
    -1 Good fortune, felicity, auspiciousness.
    -11 Exculpa- tion or absolution from blame.
    -12 Preservation.
    -13 N. of Durgā.
    -14 Destruction, end, death.
    -Comp. -उदम्, -उदकम्, -जलम् soothing or propitiatory water; अहमपि वैतानिकं शान्त्युदकमस्यै गौतमीहस्ते विसर्जयिष्यामि Ś.3.
    -कर, -कारिन् a. soothing, pacifying.
    -कर्मन् any action of averting evil.
    -गृहम् a room for rest or retirement.
    -मार्गः the life peaceful and leading to मोक्ष; तदुपहितकुटुम्बः शान्तिमार्गोत्सुको$भूत् R.7.71.
    -वाचनम् reciting of a text for averting evil.
    -सलिलम् propitiatory water.
    -होमः a sacrifice or burnt offering to avert or remove an evil; सावित्राञ्छान्तिहोमांश्च कुर्यात् पर्वसु नित्यशः Ms. 4.15.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > शान्तिः _śāntiḥ

  • 23 квиетизм


    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > квиетизм

  • 24 квієтизм

    ч філос.

    Українсько-англійський словник > квієтизм

  • 25 dingincilik

    n. quietism

    Turkish-English dictionary > dingincilik

  • 26 sakincilik

    n. quietism

    Turkish-English dictionary > sakincilik

  • 27 pengendalian nafsu

    * * *

    Indonesia-Inggris kamus > pengendalian nafsu

  • 28 생활의 평화

    n. quietism

    Korean-English dictionary > 생활의 평화

  • 29 정신의 평화

    n. quietism

    Korean-English dictionary > 정신의 평화

  • 30 정적주의

    n. quietism

    Korean-English dictionary > 정적주의

  • 31 평화

    n. peace, quietism, pax

    Korean-English dictionary > 평화

  • 32 उपरति

    f. cessation, stopping MārkP. Suṡr. ;

    death Kād. ;
    desisting from sensual enjoyment orᅠ any worldly action, quietism, Vedāntas.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > उपरति

  • 33 उपशमक्षय

    m. (with Jainas) the destruction (of activity etc.) through quietism Sarvad.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > उपशमक्षय

  • 34 शमकृत्

    mfn. devoted to quietism L.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > शमकृत्

  • 35 शमस्थ

    mfn. engaged in quietism MW.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > शमस्थ

  • 36 शमान्वित

    mfn. devoted to quietism MuṇḍUp.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > शमान्वित

  • 37 शान्तरस

    m. the sentiment of quietism orᅠ tranquillity MW. ;

    - nāṭaka n. N. of a drama

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > शान्तरस

  • 38 सिद्धान्ताचार

    m. (with Tāntrikas) a perfect rule of action MW. ;

    one who practises this rule (said to consist in purity, quietism, andᅠ mental absorption in Durgā) ib.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > सिद्धान्ताचार

  • 39 स्थायिभाव

    m. lasting orᅠ durable state of mind orᅠ feeling (said to be 8, viz. rati, hāsa, ṡoka, krodha, utsāha, bhaya, jugupsā, vismaya <qq.vv.>, to which is sometimes added ṡama, « quietism» ;

    they are opp. to the vyabhicāri-bhāvas orᅠ « transitory feelings») Bhar. Daṡar. Sāh. etc..

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > स्थायिभाव

  • 40 ser incompatible

    ser incompatible (con)

    Ex: The necessary opposition between the two provokes the desperate quietism that sees good and the means of good as being irreconcilable.

    Spanish-English dictionary > ser incompatible

См. также в других словарях:

  • Quietism — • Doctrine which declares that man s highest perfection consists in a sort of psychical self annihilation and a consequent absorption of the soul into the Divine Essence even during the present life Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Quietism — Qui et*ism, n. [Cf. F. qui[ e]tisme.] 1. Peace or tranquillity of mind; calmness; indifference; apathy; dispassion; indisturbance; inaction. [1913 Webster] 2. (Eccl. Hist.) The system of the Quietists, who maintained that religion consists in the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • quietism — QUIETÍSM s.n. v. chietism. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN …   Dicționar Român

  • quietism — (n.) 1680s, from QUIET (Cf. quiet) (adj.) on model of mysticism; originally in reference to the mysticism of Miguel Molinos (1640 1697), Spanish priest in Rome, whose Guida spirituale was published 1675 and condemned by the Inquisition in 1685 …   Etymology dictionary

  • quietism — ► NOUN 1) (in the Christian faith) devotional contemplation and abandonment of the will as a form of religious mysticism. 2) calm acceptance of things as they are. DERIVATIVES quietist noun & adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • quietism — [kwī′ə tiz΄əm] n. [It quietismo < L quietus: see QUIET & ISM] 1. a mysticism based on spiritual passivity; specif., a mysticism so minimizing or so completely rejecting human volition and effort as, often, to produce indifference to one s lot… …   English World dictionary

  • quietism — quietist, n., adj. quietistic, adj. /kwuy i tiz euhm/, n. 1. a form of religious mysticism taught by Molinos, a Spanish priest, in the latter part of the 17th century, requiring extinction of the will, withdrawal from worldly interests, and… …   Universalium

  • QUIETISM —    the name given to a mystical religious turn of mind which seeks to attain spiritual illumination and perfection by maintaining a purely passive and susceptive attitude to Divine communication and revelation, shutting out all consciousness of… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • quietism —    This word (from the Latin quies, meaning rest ), in general, refers to any spirituality that claims that the idealhuman relationship with God should be one of complete passivity. The form of Quietism advocated by Miguel Molinos (1628 1696) was …   Glossary of theological terms

  • Quietism (Christian philosophy) — Quietism is a Christian philosophy that swept through France, Italy and Spain during the 17th century, but it had much earlier origins. The mystics known as Quietists insist with more or less emphasis on intellectual stillness and interior… …   Wikipedia

  • Quietism (philosophy) — Quietism in philosophy is an approach to the subject that sees the role of philosophy as broadly therapeutic or remedial. Quietist philosophers believe that philosophy has no positive theses to contribute, but rather that its value is in defusing …   Wikipedia

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