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См. также в других словарях:

  • Queen regent — Queen Queen, n. [OE. quen, quene, queen, quean, AS. cw[=e]n wife, queen, woman; akin to OS. qu[=a]n wife, woman, Icel. kv[=a]n wife, queen, Goth. q[=e]ns. [root]221. See {Quean}.] 1. The wife of a king. [1913 Webster] 2. A woman who is the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Queen regent — Regent Re gent (r? jent), a. [L. regens, entis, p. pr. of regere to rule: cf. F. r[ e]gent. See {Regiment}.] 1. Ruling; governing; regnant. Some other active regent principle . . . which we call the soul. Sir M. Hale. [1913 Webster] 2. Exercising …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • queen regent — n. 1. a queen reigning in behalf of another person 2. rare var. of QUEEN REGNANT …   English World dictionary

  • queen regent — noun a queen who serves as ruler when the king cannot • Hypernyms: ↑queen * * * noun (plural queens regent) : a queen ruling in behalf of another or in her own right * * * 1. a queen who reigns in behalf of another. 2. See queen regnant …   Useful english dictionary

  • queen regent — The queen regent, regnant, or sovereign, is she who holds the crown in her own right, with all the same powers, prerogatives, rights, duties, and dignities, as if she had been a king. See 1 Bl Comm 218 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • queen-regent — queen reˈgent noun A queen who reigns as regent • • • Main Entry: ↑queen …   Useful english dictionary

  • queen regent — queen′ re′gent n. 1) gov a queen who reigns in behalf of another 2) gov queen regnant • Etymology: 1755–65 …   From formal English to slang

  • queen regent — 1. a queen who reigns in behalf of another. 2. See queen regnant. [1755 65] * * * …   Universalium

  • queen regent — reigning queen, queen who is in power …   English contemporary dictionary

  • queen regent — /kwin ˈridʒənt/ (say kween reejuhnt) noun a queen who rules on behalf of another person …  

  • Regent — Re gent (r? jent), a. [L. regens, entis, p. pr. of regere to rule: cf. F. r[ e]gent. See {Regiment}.] 1. Ruling; governing; regnant. Some other active regent principle . . . which we call the soul. Sir M. Hale. [1913 Webster] 2. Exercising… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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