Перевод: с английского на румынский

с румынского на английский


  • 1 fine

    I 1. adjective
    1) ((usually of art etc) very good; of excellent quality: fine paintings; a fine performance.) bun
    2) ((of weather) bright; not raining: a fine day.) frumos
    3) (well; healthy: I was ill yesterday but I am feeling fine today!) bine
    4) (thin or delicate: a fine material.) fin
    5) (careful; detailed: Fine workmanship is required for such delicate embroidery.) de fineţe
    6) (made of small pieces, grains etc: fine sand; fine rain.) fin
    7) (slight; delicate: a fine balance; a fine distinction.) subtil
    8) (perfectly satisfactory: There's nothing wrong with your work - it's fine.) foarte bine
    2. adverb
    (satisfactorily: This arrangement suits me fine.) de minune
    3. interjection
    (good; well done etc: You've finished already - fine!) bine!; bravo!
    - finery
    - fine art
    II 1. noun
    (money which must be paid as a punishment: I had to pay a fine.) amendă
    2. verb
    (to make (someone) pay a fine: She was fined $10.) a amenda

    English-Romanian dictionary > fine

  • 2 standard

    ['stændəd] 1. noun
    1) (something used as a basis of measurement: The kilogram is the international standard of weight.) unitate
    2) (a basis for judging quality, or a level of excellence aimed at, required or achieved: You can't judge an amateur artist's work by the same standards as you would judge that of a trained artist; high standards of behaviour; His performance did not reach the required standard.) criteriu
    3) (a flag or carved figure etc fixed to a pole and carried eg at the front of an army going into battle.) pavilion; stindard
    2. adjective
    ((accepted as) normal or usual; The Post Office likes the public to use a standard size of envelope.) standard, normal
    - standardise
    - standardization
    - standardisation
    - standard-bearer
    - be up to / below standard
    - standard of living

    English-Romanian dictionary > standard

  • 3 third-rate

    adjective (of very bad quality: a third-rate performance.) de proastă calitate

    English-Romanian dictionary > third-rate

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Quality management — is a method for ensuring that all the activities necessary to design, develop and implement a product or service are effective and efficient with respect to the system and its performance. Quality management can be considered to have three main… …   Wikipedia

  • Quality of experience — (QoE), some times also known as Quality of User Experience, is a subjective measure of a customer s experiences with a vendor. It looks at a vendor s or purveyor s offering from the standpoint of the customer or end user, and asks, What mix of… …   Wikipedia

  • Quality of service experience — (QoSE), used mainly in the field of telecommunications, is the actual measure of user’s experience with an operator in terms of delivered quality with or without reference to what is being promised. This is measured technically and not subjective …   Wikipedia

  • Quality assurance — Quality assurance, or QA for short, refers to planned and systematic production processes that provide confidence in a product s suitability for its intended purpose. It is a set of activities intended to ensure that products (goods and/or… …   Wikipedia

  • Quality of results — (QoR) is a term used in evaluating technological processes. It is generally represented as a vector of components, with the special case of uni dimensional value as a synthetic measure.HistoryThe term was coined by the Electronic Design… …   Wikipedia

  • Quality improvement organizations — (QIOs) monitor the appropriateness, effectiveness, and quality of care provided to Medicare beneficiaries. They are private contractor extensions of the federal government that work under the auspices of the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid …   Wikipedia

  • performance — per·for·mance n 1: work done in employment unsatisfactory performance 2 a: what is required to be performed in fulfillment of a contract, promise, or obligation substituted a new performance in novation of the contract b: the fulfillment of a… …   Law dictionary

  • Performance improvement — is the concept of measuring the output of a particular process or procedure, then modifying the process or procedure in order to increase the output, increase efficiency, or increase the effectiveness of the process or procedure. The concept of… …   Wikipedia

  • Performance audit — refers to an examination of a program, function, operation or the management systems and procedures of a governmental or non profit entity to assess whether the entity is achieving economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the employment of… …   Wikipedia

  • Performance measurement — with a process is the complement to process execution. Based on measured performance, the feedback control loop may be closed. The metrics to assess performance is set according to a determined econometric model. The expected best result is… …   Wikipedia

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