Перевод: с английского на финский

с финского на английский


  • 1 progressiveness

    • edistysmielisyys
    • edistyneisyys
    * * *
    noun eteneminen

    English-Finnish dictionary > progressiveness

  • 2 progress

    • nykyaikaistaa
    • nousu
    • jatkua
    • virallinen matka
    • edistys
    • edistyneisyys
    • edetä
    • edistyminen
    • edistysaskeleet
    • edistyä
    • eteneminen
    • eteenpäinmeno
    • valistuneisuus
    • valistus
    • kehittyä
    • kehitys
    • kehkeytyä
    • kohota
    • mennä
    • selviytyä
    • menestyä
    • kulkea
    • kulku
    * * *
    1. 'prəuɡres, ]( American) 'pro- noun
    1) (movement forward; advance: the progress of civilization.) edistys
    2) (improvement: The students are making (good) progress.) edistyminen
    2. prə'ɡres verb
    1) (to go forward: We had progressed only a few miles when the car broke down.) edetä
    2) (to improve: Your French is progressing.) parantua
    3. noun
    (the progressive (tense) (also the continuous tense): The sentence `They were watching TV'. is in the progressive.)
    - progressiveness
    - in progress

    English-Finnish dictionary > progress

См. также в других словарях:

  • progressiveness — index boom (prosperity) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • progressiveness — progressive ► ADJECTIVE 1) proceeding gradually or in stages. 2) favouring innovation or social reform. 3) (of tax) increasing as a proportion of the sum taxed as that sum increases. 4) (of a card game or dance) involving successive changes of… …   English terms dictionary

  • Progressiveness — Progressive Pro*gress ive, a. [Cf. F. progressif.] [1913 Webster] 1. Moving forward; proceeding onward; advancing; evincing progress; increasing; as, progressive motion or course; opposed to {retrograde}. [1913 Webster] 2. Improving; as, art is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • progressiveness — noun see progressive I …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • progressiveness — See progressively. * * * …   Universalium

  • progressiveness — noun The quality of being progressive Syn: progressivity …   Wiktionary

  • progressiveness — prÉ™ gresɪvnɪs n. modernness, state of being advanced; gradualness, state of being incremental …   English contemporary dictionary

  • progressiveness — pro·gres·sive·ness …   English syllables

  • progressiveness — noun advancement toward better conditions or policies or methods • Syn: ↑progressivity • Derivationally related forms: ↑progressive (for: ↑progressivity), ↑progressive • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Imre Lakatos — For other people with the same name, see Lakatos (disambiguation). Imre Lakatos Imre Lakatos, c. 1960s Full name Imre Lakatos Born November 9, 1922 Debrecen, Hungary …   Wikipedia

  • Culture of New Zealand — The Kiwi has become a New Zealand icon. The culture of New Zealand is largely inherited from British and European custom, interwoven with Maori and Polynesian tradition. An isolated Pacific Island nation, New Zealand was comparatively recently… …   Wikipedia

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