1 product performance model
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > product performance model
2 product performance model
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > product performance model
3 product performance model
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > product performance model
4 product performance model
1) Техника: модель рабочих характеристик изделий2) Нефть: модель рабочих характеристик изделияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > product performance model
5 product performance model
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > product performance model
6 model
модель, макет; образец; шаблон; копия || моделировать
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модель; макет; образец
* * *
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модель (для исследования физических явлений; может быть теоретической, физической или математической)
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модель; макет; образец- availability model
- average velocity model
- breakdown model
- bulk-freezing model
- catastrophic failure model
- chain model
- constant hazard model
- constant velocity model
- convolutional model
- corrosion model
- critical-failure model
- depth model
- development simulation model
- discrete model
- electrical model
- exploding reflector model
- failure model
- failure development model
- failure diagnosis model
- failure rate model
- failure tendency model
- fatigue model
- fatigue life model
- fault model
- fault-effect model
- fault-handling model
- fault-testing model
- field model
- formation model
- frozen state model
- gas pool model
- gas reservoir model
- geological model
- geological structural model
- hazard-rate model
- homogeneous equilibrium model
- layered model
- life model
- magnetotelluric model
- maintainability model
- maintenance model
- network model
- oil spill risk assessment model
- plane model
- preproduction model
- preventive model
- product performance model
- proportional hazards model
- reliability growth model
- reliability operational model
- reliability prediction model
- reliability simulation model
- reliability structure model
- relief model
- replacement model
- reservoir model
- safety model
- salt-dome model
- scaled model
- seismic model
- service model
- slip model
- static reliability model
- stratified model
- stress-strength reliability model
- system reliability model
- two-fluid model
- two-layer model
- vertically stratified model
- vulnerability model* * * -
7 performance
1) выполнение, исполнение (напр. договора)2) работа, функционирование; производительность; интенсивность3) характеристика (работы машины)4) степень эффективности функционирования (напр. фирмы), результат деятельности; показатель деятельности -
1) Общая лексика: President Police Medal (Бангладеш)2) Компьютерная техника: Pre Processor Module3) Спорт: Points Per Mile, Polytechnic Playing Machine4) Военный термин: periodic preventive maintenance, personnel program manager, position and pay management, production planning memorandum, имп/мин5) Техника: peak program meter, periodic preventive maintenance service, planned preventive maintenance, precision position measurement, procedure preparation manual, pulse-phase modulation, pulse-position modulated6) Химия: Pollution Of Pure Materials7) Математика: PPM( prediction by partial matching)-это метод контекстно-огpаниченного моделиpования8) Юридический термин: Private Placement Memorandum9) Экономика: Project Portfolio Management10) Автомобильный термин: parts per minute11) Биржевой термин: Prudential Portfolio Managers12) Оптика: pulse position modulation13) Сокращение: Pulse Position Modulation (ppm: parts per million), Pulse Power Module, Peak-Program Metre, Planned Preventative Maintenance, Proton Precession Magnetometer14) Фото: Peak Programme Meters15) Электроника: Pulse Period Modulation16) Вычислительная техника: Pulse Position Modulation (MMVF), Post Programmable Memory (Nokia)17) Нефть: particles per million, parts per mille, протонный магнитометр (proton precession magnetometer), Project Program Manager (ТНК-BP), Project Program Manager, planning and performance management18) Кардиология: несовпадение диаметра кольца и сосуда пациента (http://moscow-translator.ru Prosthesis-Patient Mismatch)19) Пищевая промышленность: Potato Processing Machinery20) Фирменный знак: Performance Pest Management21) Реклама: предпроизводственная встреча (pre-production meeting)22) СМИ: Portable People Meter23) Деловая лексика: Project Planning Management, Проект, программа, портфель (Project, Program, Portfolio)24) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: project procedures manual Руководство по процедурам реализации проекта25) Сетевые технологии: pulse-position modulation, фазово-импульсная модуляция26) Автоматика: programmable precision manufacturing system27) Контроль качества: product performance model28) Сахалин Ю: project procedures manual, project procurement manager29) Химическое оружие: pick-and-place machine30) Макаров: peak-program meter, (planned preventative maintenance) планово-предупредительное обслуживание и ремонт31) Расширение файла: Portable Pixel Map, Portable Pixel Map Bitmap graphics32) Высокочастотная электроника: periodic permanent magnet33) Должность: Pension Plan For Management34) NYSE. Investment Grade Municipal Income Fund35) Программное обеспечение: Packaged For Patch Manager, Perl Package Manager36) Единицы измерений: Parts Per Molecule, Peaks Per Minute, Pictures Per Mile, Points Per Minute -
9 ppm
1) Общая лексика: President Police Medal (Бангладеш)2) Компьютерная техника: Pre Processor Module3) Спорт: Points Per Mile, Polytechnic Playing Machine4) Военный термин: periodic preventive maintenance, personnel program manager, position and pay management, production planning memorandum, имп/мин5) Техника: peak program meter, periodic preventive maintenance service, planned preventive maintenance, precision position measurement, procedure preparation manual, pulse-phase modulation, pulse-position modulated6) Химия: Pollution Of Pure Materials7) Математика: PPM (prediction by partial matching)-это метод контекстно-огpаниченного моделиpования8) Юридический термин: Private Placement Memorandum9) Экономика: Project Portfolio Management10) Автомобильный термин: parts per minute11) Биржевой термин: Prudential Portfolio Managers12) Оптика: pulse position modulation13) Сокращение: Pulse Position Modulation (ppm: parts per million), Pulse Power Module, Peak-Program Metre, Planned Preventative Maintenance, Proton Precession Magnetometer14) Фото: Peak Programme Meters15) Электроника: Pulse Period Modulation16) Вычислительная техника: Pulse Position Modulation (MMVF), Post Programmable Memory (Nokia)17) Нефть: particles per million, parts per mille, протонный магнитометр (proton precession magnetometer), Project Program Manager (ТНК-BP), Project Program Manager, planning and performance management18) Кардиология: несовпадение диаметра кольца и сосуда пациента (http://moscow-translator.ru Prosthesis-Patient Mismatch)19) Пищевая промышленность: Potato Processing Machinery20) Фирменный знак: Performance Pest Management21) Реклама: предпроизводственная встреча (pre-production meeting)22) СМИ: Portable People Meter23) Деловая лексика: Project Planning Management, Проект, программа, портфель (Project, Program, Portfolio)24) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: project procedures manual Руководство по процедурам реализации проекта25) Сетевые технологии: pulse-position modulation, фазово-импульсная модуляция26) Автоматика: programmable precision manufacturing system27) Контроль качества: product performance model28) Сахалин Ю: project procedures manual, project procurement manager29) Химическое оружие: pick-and-place machine30) Макаров: peak-program meter, (planned preventative maintenance) планово-предупредительное обслуживание и ремонт31) Расширение файла: Portable Pixel Map, Portable Pixel Map Bitmap graphics32) Высокочастотная электроника: periodic permanent magnet33) Должность: Pension Plan For Management34) NYSE. Investment Grade Municipal Income Fund35) Программное обеспечение: Packaged For Patch Manager, Perl Package Manager36) Единицы измерений: Parts Per Molecule, Peaks Per Minute, Pictures Per Mile, Points Per Minute -
10 PPM
1. pages per minute - страниц в минуту;2. parts per million - частей на миллион;3. peak program meter - пиковый измеритель уровня передачи; квазипиковый измеритель уровня;4. periodic preventive maintenance service - периодическое профилактическое обслуживание техники;5. planned preventive maintenance - планово-предупредительное обслуживание и ремонт;6. precision position measurement - точное измерение положения космического аппарата;7. procedure preparation manual - руководство по подготовке к процедурам;8. product performance model - модель рабочих характеристик изделий;9. proton precession magnetometer - протонный магнитометр;10. pulse-phase modulation - фазово-импульсная модуляция; ФИМ;11. pulse-position modulated - с фазово-импульсной модуляцией;12. pulse-position modulation - фазоимпульсная модуляция; ФИМ;13. pulses per minute - импульсов в минуту -
11 APM
1) Компьютерная техника: Adaptive Power Management, Application Page Module, Application Performance Management, Assignable Program Modulation2) Авиация: Aircraft Performance Monitoring3) Спорт: Arm Power Management4) Военный термин: Air Provost Marshal, Allied Long Lines Agency Plenary Meeting, Army Provost Marshal, Army program memorandum, Assistant Provost Marshal, acquisition project manager, advanced penetration model, alarm panel monitor, antenna positioning mechanism, antipersonnel mine, antipersonnel missile, antipersonnel munitions, assistant paymaster, assistant project manager5) Техника: All Purpose Machine, advanced power management-BIOS interface specification, air particulate monitor, aluminum powder metallurgy, analog processor module, apomict, assistant plant manager, auxiliary processing machine6) Шутливое выражение: Anti Patter Matchers, Average Pink Man7) Математика: Arbitrary Precision Mathematics8) Религия: Annual Parish Meeting9) Бухгалтерия: Accounts Payable Maintenance10) Автомобильный термин: Air Product Manager11) Биржевой термин: arbitrage pricing model12) Музыка: Asian Pop Music13) Сокращение: Air Power Management, Anti-Personnel Mine, Ascent Particle Monitor (USA)14) Университет: Applied Process Material, Art Project Management15) Физика: Absolute Proper Motion, Associated Particle Method16) Вычислительная техника: улучшенное регулирование расхода энергии, усовершенствованное управление питанием, Application Programming Model (J2EE)17) Транспорт: All Pilots Meeting, Automated People Mover, Automotive Playback Modules18) Пищевая промышленность: Automatic Plate Machine19) Образование: Awareness Progress Motivation20) Сетевые технологии: advanced power management21) Автоматика: automatic pallet magazine, Alternating Pulse Modulation22) Химическое оружие: Assistant Program Manager23) Авиационная медицина: Air Force Manual24) Интернет: associated product materials25) Расширение файла: Advanced Power Management (IBM)26) Нефть и газ: advanced process manager27) МИД: antipersonnel mines28) Электротехника: aluminum powder material29) Общественная организация: AIDS Partnership Michigan, Associated Professional Member30) НАСА: Antenna Pointing Mechanism31) Программное обеспечение: Automatic People Manager32) Единицы измерений: Actions Per Melee, Actions Per Minute -
12 apm
1) Компьютерная техника: Adaptive Power Management, Application Page Module, Application Performance Management, Assignable Program Modulation2) Авиация: Aircraft Performance Monitoring3) Спорт: Arm Power Management4) Военный термин: Air Provost Marshal, Allied Long Lines Agency Plenary Meeting, Army Provost Marshal, Army program memorandum, Assistant Provost Marshal, acquisition project manager, advanced penetration model, alarm panel monitor, antenna positioning mechanism, antipersonnel mine, antipersonnel missile, antipersonnel munitions, assistant paymaster, assistant project manager5) Техника: All Purpose Machine, advanced power management-BIOS interface specification, air particulate monitor, aluminum powder metallurgy, analog processor module, apomict, assistant plant manager, auxiliary processing machine6) Шутливое выражение: Anti Patter Matchers, Average Pink Man7) Математика: Arbitrary Precision Mathematics8) Религия: Annual Parish Meeting9) Бухгалтерия: Accounts Payable Maintenance10) Автомобильный термин: Air Product Manager11) Биржевой термин: arbitrage pricing model12) Музыка: Asian Pop Music13) Сокращение: Air Power Management, Anti-Personnel Mine, Ascent Particle Monitor (USA)14) Университет: Applied Process Material, Art Project Management15) Физика: Absolute Proper Motion, Associated Particle Method16) Вычислительная техника: улучшенное регулирование расхода энергии, усовершенствованное управление питанием, Application Programming Model (J2EE)17) Транспорт: All Pilots Meeting, Automated People Mover, Automotive Playback Modules18) Пищевая промышленность: Automatic Plate Machine19) Образование: Awareness Progress Motivation20) Сетевые технологии: advanced power management21) Автоматика: automatic pallet magazine, Alternating Pulse Modulation22) Химическое оружие: Assistant Program Manager23) Авиационная медицина: Air Force Manual24) Интернет: associated product materials25) Расширение файла: Advanced Power Management (IBM)26) Нефть и газ: advanced process manager27) МИД: antipersonnel mines28) Электротехника: aluminum powder material29) Общественная организация: AIDS Partnership Michigan, Associated Professional Member30) НАСА: Antenna Pointing Mechanism31) Программное обеспечение: Automatic People Manager32) Единицы измерений: Actions Per Melee, Actions Per Minute -
13 POP
1) Компьютерная техника: Positively Outstanding Programming, polar orbiting platform2) Медицина: percutaneous osteoplasty3) Американизм: Point Of Purpose, Power Of People4) Военный термин: Partially Ordered Program, period of performance, pipeline outfit, petroleum, preflight operations procedure, primary operation, project objective plan5) Техника: plane of polarization6) Религия: Presbyterian Outreach To Patients7) Метеорология: Professor Ozone Patrol8) Фармакология: Таблетки, содержащие исключительно прогестин (Progestin Only Pills), Таблетки, содержащие исключительно прогестоген (Progestogen Only Pills)9) Телекоммуникации: Post Office Protocol (Internet)10) Сокращение: Perpendicular Ocean Platform, Plug-in, Optronic Payload, Point Of Purchase promotions, Post Office Preferred (European standardized envelopes for automation), Post Office Protocol (Internet) [e.g., POP3 - Post Office Protocol, Version 3], Pulse-On-Pulse, popping, Post Office Protocol (esp. TCP/IP), Prelaunch Operations Plan, Program Operating Plan, Pacific Ocean Park (nautical theme park), Package for Online Programming, Package on Package, Package-Oriented Programming, Parallel Ocean Program (Global Ocean Model), Parity of Product, Partial Order Plan, Passing Out Parade, Pay One Price, Payment on Principal (lending), Peak Optical Power, Peak Overpressure, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Performance Optimized Program, Perpendicular to Orbital Plane, Persistent Occipitoposterior Position (complication of labor and delivery), Picture Out Picture, Picture Outside Picture (television feature), Picture of Performance (human resources), Picture on Picture, Picture on Profile (roleplaying gaming), Picture over Picture, Piece Of Paper, Piece of Pie, Pissed Off Person, Place of Performance, Planes of Power (Everquest expansion), Plasma Oscillation Probe, Plaster of Paris, Point of Penetration, Point of Production, Poke'mon Organized Play, Polar Orbiting Platform (ASPRS), Pop From Stack, Power Of The Pen, Power Optimization Problem, Power of Prevention (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists), Pre-Teens Oppose Prohibition (Kids Next Door show), Precision Optical Performance, Premium Offset Plan (insurance), Premium Only Plan (employee benefit plan), Presensitized Offset Plate, Prince of Peace, Prince of Persia (video game), Princess of Power (She-Ra toy and animated TV show), Principal-Only Payment (loans), Printing-Out Paper, Probability of Paternity, Probability of Precipitation, Problem Oriented Policing, Process Operating Procedure, Processor on Plug-In (H/W), Prodigies of Peace, Professional Options Package, Progestogen-Only Pill (contraception), Prolyl Oligopeptidase, Proof Of Purchase, Proof of Payment, Proof of Performance, Proof of Possession, Proof of Principle, Proof of Product (validate/verify vendor's part number), Proofs-Of-Principle, Proper Operating Procedure (military), Prophets of Profit, Protected Object Policy, Protected Outperformance Participation Unit, Pseudo Operation, Public Offering Price (finance), Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic - La Union (Airport Code), Pulsed Optically Pumped (quantum optical physics), Purchase Order Processing, Pursuit of Perfection (gaming), Pustaka-On-Phone, Put on Production11) Университет: Professor Of The Planet12) Вычислительная техника: Post Office Protocol; Point of Presence, процессор с программируемыми данными, Point Of Presence (Internet, ISP), Point of Presence (Telephony), post office protocol14) Гинекология: выпадение органов малого таза (pelvic organ prolapse)15) Педиатрия: Программа Пропаганды Беременности (Pregnancy Outreach Program)17) Фирменный знак: People's Online Publishing18) Экология: Persistent organic pollutant19) Реклама: реклама в месте продажи20) Деловая лексика: Point Of Purchase21) Бурение: putting on pump (installing a pumping unit on a well)22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: put on the pump, Port Open Permit, Plant Operation Permit23) Нефтегазовая техника вертикальная скорость проходки, механическая скорость бурения24) Сетевые технологии: Pass On Packet, Post Office Protocol, местный поставщик Internet-услуг, месторасположение, почтовый протокол, точка входа в сеть, точка присутствия, узел входа в сеть25) Программирование: Pop a Word from the Stack, (Post Office Protocol) протокол почтового отделения (см. Post Office Protocol)26) Пластмассы: Point of Purchase (Marketing Displays)27) Океанография: Parallel Ocean Program28) Сахалин А: project development plan29) Химическое оружие: performance-oriented packaging30) Ювелирное дело: место продажи (напр. магазин) (Point of Purchase)31) Расширение файла: Point Of Presence, Messages index (PopMail), Pop-up menu object (dBASE Application Generator)32) Имена и фамилии: Prince Of Persia33) Чат: Pissing Off People, Premises Of Post34) NYSE. Pope & Talbot, Inc.35) Аэропорты: Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic -
14 PoP
1) Компьютерная техника: Positively Outstanding Programming, polar orbiting platform2) Медицина: percutaneous osteoplasty3) Американизм: Point Of Purpose, Power Of People4) Военный термин: Partially Ordered Program, period of performance, pipeline outfit, petroleum, preflight operations procedure, primary operation, project objective plan5) Техника: plane of polarization6) Религия: Presbyterian Outreach To Patients7) Метеорология: Professor Ozone Patrol8) Фармакология: Таблетки, содержащие исключительно прогестин (Progestin Only Pills), Таблетки, содержащие исключительно прогестоген (Progestogen Only Pills)9) Телекоммуникации: Post Office Protocol (Internet)10) Сокращение: Perpendicular Ocean Platform, Plug-in, Optronic Payload, Point Of Purchase promotions, Post Office Preferred (European standardized envelopes for automation), Post Office Protocol (Internet) [e.g., POP3 - Post Office Protocol, Version 3], Pulse-On-Pulse, popping, Post Office Protocol (esp. TCP/IP), Prelaunch Operations Plan, Program Operating Plan, Pacific Ocean Park (nautical theme park), Package for Online Programming, Package on Package, Package-Oriented Programming, Parallel Ocean Program (Global Ocean Model), Parity of Product, Partial Order Plan, Passing Out Parade, Pay One Price, Payment on Principal (lending), Peak Optical Power, Peak Overpressure, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Performance Optimized Program, Perpendicular to Orbital Plane, Persistent Occipitoposterior Position (complication of labor and delivery), Picture Out Picture, Picture Outside Picture (television feature), Picture of Performance (human resources), Picture on Picture, Picture on Profile (roleplaying gaming), Picture over Picture, Piece Of Paper, Piece of Pie, Pissed Off Person, Place of Performance, Planes of Power (Everquest expansion), Plasma Oscillation Probe, Plaster of Paris, Point of Penetration, Point of Production, Poke'mon Organized Play, Polar Orbiting Platform (ASPRS), Pop From Stack, Power Of The Pen, Power Optimization Problem, Power of Prevention (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists), Pre-Teens Oppose Prohibition (Kids Next Door show), Precision Optical Performance, Premium Offset Plan (insurance), Premium Only Plan (employee benefit plan), Presensitized Offset Plate, Prince of Peace, Prince of Persia (video game), Princess of Power (She-Ra toy and animated TV show), Principal-Only Payment (loans), Printing-Out Paper, Probability of Paternity, Probability of Precipitation, Problem Oriented Policing, Process Operating Procedure, Processor on Plug-In (H/W), Prodigies of Peace, Professional Options Package, Progestogen-Only Pill (contraception), Prolyl Oligopeptidase, Proof Of Purchase, Proof of Payment, Proof of Performance, Proof of Possession, Proof of Principle, Proof of Product (validate/verify vendor's part number), Proofs-Of-Principle, Proper Operating Procedure (military), Prophets of Profit, Protected Object Policy, Protected Outperformance Participation Unit, Pseudo Operation, Public Offering Price (finance), Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic - La Union (Airport Code), Pulsed Optically Pumped (quantum optical physics), Purchase Order Processing, Pursuit of Perfection (gaming), Pustaka-On-Phone, Put on Production11) Университет: Professor Of The Planet12) Вычислительная техника: Post Office Protocol; Point of Presence, процессор с программируемыми данными, Point Of Presence (Internet, ISP), Point of Presence (Telephony), post office protocol14) Гинекология: выпадение органов малого таза (pelvic organ prolapse)15) Педиатрия: Программа Пропаганды Беременности (Pregnancy Outreach Program)17) Фирменный знак: People's Online Publishing18) Экология: Persistent organic pollutant19) Реклама: реклама в месте продажи20) Деловая лексика: Point Of Purchase21) Бурение: putting on pump (installing a pumping unit on a well)22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: put on the pump, Port Open Permit, Plant Operation Permit23) Нефтегазовая техника вертикальная скорость проходки, механическая скорость бурения24) Сетевые технологии: Pass On Packet, Post Office Protocol, местный поставщик Internet-услуг, месторасположение, почтовый протокол, точка входа в сеть, точка присутствия, узел входа в сеть25) Программирование: Pop a Word from the Stack, (Post Office Protocol) протокол почтового отделения (см. Post Office Protocol)26) Пластмассы: Point of Purchase (Marketing Displays)27) Океанография: Parallel Ocean Program28) Сахалин А: project development plan29) Химическое оружие: performance-oriented packaging30) Ювелирное дело: место продажи (напр. магазин) (Point of Purchase)31) Расширение файла: Point Of Presence, Messages index (PopMail), Pop-up menu object (dBASE Application Generator)32) Имена и фамилии: Prince Of Persia33) Чат: Pissing Off People, Premises Of Post34) NYSE. Pope & Talbot, Inc.35) Аэропорты: Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic -
15 Pop
1) Компьютерная техника: Positively Outstanding Programming, polar orbiting platform2) Медицина: percutaneous osteoplasty3) Американизм: Point Of Purpose, Power Of People4) Военный термин: Partially Ordered Program, period of performance, pipeline outfit, petroleum, preflight operations procedure, primary operation, project objective plan5) Техника: plane of polarization6) Религия: Presbyterian Outreach To Patients7) Метеорология: Professor Ozone Patrol8) Фармакология: Таблетки, содержащие исключительно прогестин (Progestin Only Pills), Таблетки, содержащие исключительно прогестоген (Progestogen Only Pills)9) Телекоммуникации: Post Office Protocol (Internet)10) Сокращение: Perpendicular Ocean Platform, Plug-in, Optronic Payload, Point Of Purchase promotions, Post Office Preferred (European standardized envelopes for automation), Post Office Protocol (Internet) [e.g., POP3 - Post Office Protocol, Version 3], Pulse-On-Pulse, popping, Post Office Protocol (esp. TCP/IP), Prelaunch Operations Plan, Program Operating Plan, Pacific Ocean Park (nautical theme park), Package for Online Programming, Package on Package, Package-Oriented Programming, Parallel Ocean Program (Global Ocean Model), Parity of Product, Partial Order Plan, Passing Out Parade, Pay One Price, Payment on Principal (lending), Peak Optical Power, Peak Overpressure, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Performance Optimized Program, Perpendicular to Orbital Plane, Persistent Occipitoposterior Position (complication of labor and delivery), Picture Out Picture, Picture Outside Picture (television feature), Picture of Performance (human resources), Picture on Picture, Picture on Profile (roleplaying gaming), Picture over Picture, Piece Of Paper, Piece of Pie, Pissed Off Person, Place of Performance, Planes of Power (Everquest expansion), Plasma Oscillation Probe, Plaster of Paris, Point of Penetration, Point of Production, Poke'mon Organized Play, Polar Orbiting Platform (ASPRS), Pop From Stack, Power Of The Pen, Power Optimization Problem, Power of Prevention (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists), Pre-Teens Oppose Prohibition (Kids Next Door show), Precision Optical Performance, Premium Offset Plan (insurance), Premium Only Plan (employee benefit plan), Presensitized Offset Plate, Prince of Peace, Prince of Persia (video game), Princess of Power (She-Ra toy and animated TV show), Principal-Only Payment (loans), Printing-Out Paper, Probability of Paternity, Probability of Precipitation, Problem Oriented Policing, Process Operating Procedure, Processor on Plug-In (H/W), Prodigies of Peace, Professional Options Package, Progestogen-Only Pill (contraception), Prolyl Oligopeptidase, Proof Of Purchase, Proof of Payment, Proof of Performance, Proof of Possession, Proof of Principle, Proof of Product (validate/verify vendor's part number), Proofs-Of-Principle, Proper Operating Procedure (military), Prophets of Profit, Protected Object Policy, Protected Outperformance Participation Unit, Pseudo Operation, Public Offering Price (finance), Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic - La Union (Airport Code), Pulsed Optically Pumped (quantum optical physics), Purchase Order Processing, Pursuit of Perfection (gaming), Pustaka-On-Phone, Put on Production11) Университет: Professor Of The Planet12) Вычислительная техника: Post Office Protocol; Point of Presence, процессор с программируемыми данными, Point Of Presence (Internet, ISP), Point of Presence (Telephony), post office protocol14) Гинекология: выпадение органов малого таза (pelvic organ prolapse)15) Педиатрия: Программа Пропаганды Беременности (Pregnancy Outreach Program)17) Фирменный знак: People's Online Publishing18) Экология: Persistent organic pollutant19) Реклама: реклама в месте продажи20) Деловая лексика: Point Of Purchase21) Бурение: putting on pump (installing a pumping unit on a well)22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: put on the pump, Port Open Permit, Plant Operation Permit23) Нефтегазовая техника вертикальная скорость проходки, механическая скорость бурения24) Сетевые технологии: Pass On Packet, Post Office Protocol, местный поставщик Internet-услуг, месторасположение, почтовый протокол, точка входа в сеть, точка присутствия, узел входа в сеть25) Программирование: Pop a Word from the Stack, (Post Office Protocol) протокол почтового отделения (см. Post Office Protocol)26) Пластмассы: Point of Purchase (Marketing Displays)27) Океанография: Parallel Ocean Program28) Сахалин А: project development plan29) Химическое оружие: performance-oriented packaging30) Ювелирное дело: место продажи (напр. магазин) (Point of Purchase)31) Расширение файла: Point Of Presence, Messages index (PopMail), Pop-up menu object (dBASE Application Generator)32) Имена и фамилии: Prince Of Persia33) Чат: Pissing Off People, Premises Of Post34) NYSE. Pope & Talbot, Inc.35) Аэропорты: Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic -
16 pop
1) Компьютерная техника: Positively Outstanding Programming, polar orbiting platform2) Медицина: percutaneous osteoplasty3) Американизм: Point Of Purpose, Power Of People4) Военный термин: Partially Ordered Program, period of performance, pipeline outfit, petroleum, preflight operations procedure, primary operation, project objective plan5) Техника: plane of polarization6) Религия: Presbyterian Outreach To Patients7) Метеорология: Professor Ozone Patrol8) Фармакология: Таблетки, содержащие исключительно прогестин (Progestin Only Pills), Таблетки, содержащие исключительно прогестоген (Progestogen Only Pills)9) Телекоммуникации: Post Office Protocol (Internet)10) Сокращение: Perpendicular Ocean Platform, Plug-in, Optronic Payload, Point Of Purchase promotions, Post Office Preferred (European standardized envelopes for automation), Post Office Protocol (Internet) [e.g., POP3 - Post Office Protocol, Version 3], Pulse-On-Pulse, popping, Post Office Protocol (esp. TCP/IP), Prelaunch Operations Plan, Program Operating Plan, Pacific Ocean Park (nautical theme park), Package for Online Programming, Package on Package, Package-Oriented Programming, Parallel Ocean Program (Global Ocean Model), Parity of Product, Partial Order Plan, Passing Out Parade, Pay One Price, Payment on Principal (lending), Peak Optical Power, Peak Overpressure, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Performance Optimized Program, Perpendicular to Orbital Plane, Persistent Occipitoposterior Position (complication of labor and delivery), Picture Out Picture, Picture Outside Picture (television feature), Picture of Performance (human resources), Picture on Picture, Picture on Profile (roleplaying gaming), Picture over Picture, Piece Of Paper, Piece of Pie, Pissed Off Person, Place of Performance, Planes of Power (Everquest expansion), Plasma Oscillation Probe, Plaster of Paris, Point of Penetration, Point of Production, Poke'mon Organized Play, Polar Orbiting Platform (ASPRS), Pop From Stack, Power Of The Pen, Power Optimization Problem, Power of Prevention (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists), Pre-Teens Oppose Prohibition (Kids Next Door show), Precision Optical Performance, Premium Offset Plan (insurance), Premium Only Plan (employee benefit plan), Presensitized Offset Plate, Prince of Peace, Prince of Persia (video game), Princess of Power (She-Ra toy and animated TV show), Principal-Only Payment (loans), Printing-Out Paper, Probability of Paternity, Probability of Precipitation, Problem Oriented Policing, Process Operating Procedure, Processor on Plug-In (H/W), Prodigies of Peace, Professional Options Package, Progestogen-Only Pill (contraception), Prolyl Oligopeptidase, Proof Of Purchase, Proof of Payment, Proof of Performance, Proof of Possession, Proof of Principle, Proof of Product (validate/verify vendor's part number), Proofs-Of-Principle, Proper Operating Procedure (military), Prophets of Profit, Protected Object Policy, Protected Outperformance Participation Unit, Pseudo Operation, Public Offering Price (finance), Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic - La Union (Airport Code), Pulsed Optically Pumped (quantum optical physics), Purchase Order Processing, Pursuit of Perfection (gaming), Pustaka-On-Phone, Put on Production11) Университет: Professor Of The Planet12) Вычислительная техника: Post Office Protocol; Point of Presence, процессор с программируемыми данными, Point Of Presence (Internet, ISP), Point of Presence (Telephony), post office protocol14) Гинекология: выпадение органов малого таза (pelvic organ prolapse)15) Педиатрия: Программа Пропаганды Беременности (Pregnancy Outreach Program)17) Фирменный знак: People's Online Publishing18) Экология: Persistent organic pollutant19) Реклама: реклама в месте продажи20) Деловая лексика: Point Of Purchase21) Бурение: putting on pump (installing a pumping unit on a well)22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: put on the pump, Port Open Permit, Plant Operation Permit23) Нефтегазовая техника вертикальная скорость проходки, механическая скорость бурения24) Сетевые технологии: Pass On Packet, Post Office Protocol, местный поставщик Internet-услуг, месторасположение, почтовый протокол, точка входа в сеть, точка присутствия, узел входа в сеть25) Программирование: Pop a Word from the Stack, (Post Office Protocol) протокол почтового отделения (см. Post Office Protocol)26) Пластмассы: Point of Purchase (Marketing Displays)27) Океанография: Parallel Ocean Program28) Сахалин А: project development plan29) Химическое оружие: performance-oriented packaging30) Ювелирное дело: место продажи (напр. магазин) (Point of Purchase)31) Расширение файла: Point Of Presence, Messages index (PopMail), Pop-up menu object (dBASE Application Generator)32) Имена и фамилии: Prince Of Persia33) Чат: Pissing Off People, Premises Of Post34) NYSE. Pope & Talbot, Inc.35) Аэропорты: Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic -
17 PM
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Post Mortem, (Project manager) Руководитель проекта2) Компьютерная техника: Partial Match, Pattern Match, Personal Mainframe, Physical Memory, Power Mac, Private Mail, Product Manual, Production Metadata, Protected Mode, Управление производительностью (Performance Management)3) Американизм: Planning Meeting, Pollution Minimum, Priority Mail4) Ботаника: Paul Martin5) Спорт: Penalty Minutes, Proper Motion6) Латинский язык: Post Meridiem, Pro Memoria7) Военный термин: Peacemaking, Planning Module, Powder Maggots, Preventative Maintenance, Prime Mover, Production Manager, Provost, Provost Marshal, Provost Marshall, Pulse Modulated, periodic maintenance, personnel management, policy memorandum, postmaster, practice message, prepared message, preventive medicine, primary munition, prime depot, procurement and material, program management, program manager, program memorandum, program monitoring, propellant management, purchase memorandum, Post Meridian (after noon)8) Техника: Plumbing Mechanical, passenger module, payload management, payload manager, payload module, performance monitor, permanent memory, personnel management analyst, planned maintenance, plant manager, plate modulation, polymethylmethacrylate, portable magnetometer, power module, predictive maintenance, product acquisition manager, promille, proposal manager, propulsion module, protective measure, prototype matrix, preventive maintenance9) Сельское хозяйство: parent material10) Шутливое выражение: Party Mode, Perl Monger, Project Mayhem11) Математика: Plus And Minus, Plus or Minus, Polygonal Map, Power Matrix, Power Method, Pseudo Manifold, вероятностная мера (probability measure), на тысячу (promille), промилле (promille)12) Юридический термин: Premeditated Murderer13) Лингвистика: показатель14) Автомобильный термин: твёрдые частицы15) Ветеринария: Pesky Mouse, Prime Moose16) Оптика: polarization modulation17) Политика: Panama18) Телекоммуникации: Performance Monitoring, Peripheral Modules, Physical Medium19) Сокращение: Pacific Meridian, Passive Matrix, Past Morning, Permanent Magnet, Permanent Magnet motor, Personal Messages, Phase Modulation, Photomultiplier, Pistolet Makarova (Pistol (Russia)), Plastic Manoeuvre, Point-to-Multipoint, Police Magistrate, Porte Mortier (Mortar carrier (France)), Post Meridiem (after noon), PostMortem, Pressurized Module, Prime Minister, Private Messages, Procurement Manual, Programme Manager, Project Manager (UK), Provost-Marshal, Pulse Modulation, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, paymaster, pounds per minute, push money20) Физика: Particle Multiplication, Particulate Material21) Физиология: Pain Management, Perceptual And Motor, Perceptual Motor, Petit Mal, Power Meditation, Pre Menstrual, Protein Metabolite, Pubococcygeal Muscle22) Электроника: Prototype Model23) Вычислительная техника: Performance Management, Peripheral Module, presentation manager, procedure manual, processing module, управление презентацией, Personal Message (BBS), Privileged Mode (HP, MPE), Protected Mode (Intel, CPU), Presentation Manager (OS/2), Pressurized Module (Space), Post Meridiem (after noon)25) Биохимия: Plasma Membrane26) Космонавтика: фм27) Транспорт: Post Maritime28) Фирменный знак: Preserve Manufacturer29) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: (paper machine) БДМ (бумагоделательная машина)30) СМИ: Performance Media, Place Marker, Preservation Magazine31) Деловая лексика: People Motivation, Power Management, Problems Major, Production Management32) SAP. техническое обслуживание и ремонт оборудования (Plant Maintenance)33) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: заводской манифольд (Plant Manifold)34) Сетевые технологии: Palm Mute, Php Mime, фазовая модуляция35) Полимеры: porous by macromolecular material, powder metallurgy, purpose-made, precious metals36) Автоматика: part motor, powder metal, powdered metal37) Сахалин Р: Plant Manifold, Project Management38) Океанография: Process Manager39) Химическое оружие: potassium mercaptide, potassium mercaptide MK, tassium mercaptide40) Расширение файла: Perl, Personal Mobility, Presentation Manager Bitmap graphics file, Presentation Manager (IBM)41) Имена и фамилии: Patrick Madrid, Paul Mccartney, Paul Murray42) Hi-Fi. обозначение в электронных часах с 12-часовым режимом времени после полудня43) Общественная организация: Prospective Member44) Должность: Pay Me, Perfect Man, Periodically Missing, Piranha Manager, Porch Monkey, Post Man, Project Manager, Property Manager45) Чат: Personal Message46) НАСА: Planetary Mapper, Processor Module47) Программное обеспечение: Pattern Matching, Perl Module, Plot Manager, Program Module48) Единицы измерений: Particle Measure, Past Master, Per Metre, Post Mile, Presidents Meeting49) СМС: Pocket Message, Private Messaging -
18 Pm
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Post Mortem, (Project manager) Руководитель проекта2) Компьютерная техника: Partial Match, Pattern Match, Personal Mainframe, Physical Memory, Power Mac, Private Mail, Product Manual, Production Metadata, Protected Mode, Управление производительностью (Performance Management)3) Американизм: Planning Meeting, Pollution Minimum, Priority Mail4) Ботаника: Paul Martin5) Спорт: Penalty Minutes, Proper Motion6) Латинский язык: Post Meridiem, Pro Memoria7) Военный термин: Peacemaking, Planning Module, Powder Maggots, Preventative Maintenance, Prime Mover, Production Manager, Provost, Provost Marshal, Provost Marshall, Pulse Modulated, periodic maintenance, personnel management, policy memorandum, postmaster, practice message, prepared message, preventive medicine, primary munition, prime depot, procurement and material, program management, program manager, program memorandum, program monitoring, propellant management, purchase memorandum, Post Meridian (after noon)8) Техника: Plumbing Mechanical, passenger module, payload management, payload manager, payload module, performance monitor, permanent memory, personnel management analyst, planned maintenance, plant manager, plate modulation, polymethylmethacrylate, portable magnetometer, power module, predictive maintenance, product acquisition manager, promille, proposal manager, propulsion module, protective measure, prototype matrix, preventive maintenance9) Сельское хозяйство: parent material10) Шутливое выражение: Party Mode, Perl Monger, Project Mayhem11) Математика: Plus And Minus, Plus or Minus, Polygonal Map, Power Matrix, Power Method, Pseudo Manifold, вероятностная мера (probability measure), на тысячу (promille), промилле (promille)12) Юридический термин: Premeditated Murderer13) Лингвистика: показатель14) Автомобильный термин: твёрдые частицы15) Ветеринария: Pesky Mouse, Prime Moose16) Оптика: polarization modulation17) Политика: Panama18) Телекоммуникации: Performance Monitoring, Peripheral Modules, Physical Medium19) Сокращение: Pacific Meridian, Passive Matrix, Past Morning, Permanent Magnet, Permanent Magnet motor, Personal Messages, Phase Modulation, Photomultiplier, Pistolet Makarova (Pistol (Russia)), Plastic Manoeuvre, Point-to-Multipoint, Police Magistrate, Porte Mortier (Mortar carrier (France)), Post Meridiem (after noon), PostMortem, Pressurized Module, Prime Minister, Private Messages, Procurement Manual, Programme Manager, Project Manager (UK), Provost-Marshal, Pulse Modulation, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, paymaster, pounds per minute, push money20) Физика: Particle Multiplication, Particulate Material21) Физиология: Pain Management, Perceptual And Motor, Perceptual Motor, Petit Mal, Power Meditation, Pre Menstrual, Protein Metabolite, Pubococcygeal Muscle22) Электроника: Prototype Model23) Вычислительная техника: Performance Management, Peripheral Module, presentation manager, procedure manual, processing module, управление презентацией, Personal Message (BBS), Privileged Mode (HP, MPE), Protected Mode (Intel, CPU), Presentation Manager (OS/2), Pressurized Module (Space), Post Meridiem (after noon)25) Биохимия: Plasma Membrane26) Космонавтика: фм27) Транспорт: Post Maritime28) Фирменный знак: Preserve Manufacturer29) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: (paper machine) БДМ (бумагоделательная машина)30) СМИ: Performance Media, Place Marker, Preservation Magazine31) Деловая лексика: People Motivation, Power Management, Problems Major, Production Management32) SAP. техническое обслуживание и ремонт оборудования (Plant Maintenance)33) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: заводской манифольд (Plant Manifold)34) Сетевые технологии: Palm Mute, Php Mime, фазовая модуляция35) Полимеры: porous by macromolecular material, powder metallurgy, purpose-made, precious metals36) Автоматика: part motor, powder metal, powdered metal37) Сахалин Р: Plant Manifold, Project Management38) Океанография: Process Manager39) Химическое оружие: potassium mercaptide, potassium mercaptide MK, tassium mercaptide40) Расширение файла: Perl, Personal Mobility, Presentation Manager Bitmap graphics file, Presentation Manager (IBM)41) Имена и фамилии: Patrick Madrid, Paul Mccartney, Paul Murray42) Hi-Fi. обозначение в электронных часах с 12-часовым режимом времени после полудня43) Общественная организация: Prospective Member44) Должность: Pay Me, Perfect Man, Periodically Missing, Piranha Manager, Porch Monkey, Post Man, Project Manager, Property Manager45) Чат: Personal Message46) НАСА: Planetary Mapper, Processor Module47) Программное обеспечение: Pattern Matching, Perl Module, Plot Manager, Program Module48) Единицы измерений: Particle Measure, Past Master, Per Metre, Post Mile, Presidents Meeting49) СМС: Pocket Message, Private Messaging -
19 pm
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Post Mortem, (Project manager) Руководитель проекта2) Компьютерная техника: Partial Match, Pattern Match, Personal Mainframe, Physical Memory, Power Mac, Private Mail, Product Manual, Production Metadata, Protected Mode, Управление производительностью (Performance Management)3) Американизм: Planning Meeting, Pollution Minimum, Priority Mail4) Ботаника: Paul Martin5) Спорт: Penalty Minutes, Proper Motion6) Латинский язык: Post Meridiem, Pro Memoria7) Военный термин: Peacemaking, Planning Module, Powder Maggots, Preventative Maintenance, Prime Mover, Production Manager, Provost, Provost Marshal, Provost Marshall, Pulse Modulated, periodic maintenance, personnel management, policy memorandum, postmaster, practice message, prepared message, preventive medicine, primary munition, prime depot, procurement and material, program management, program manager, program memorandum, program monitoring, propellant management, purchase memorandum, Post Meridian (after noon)8) Техника: Plumbing Mechanical, passenger module, payload management, payload manager, payload module, performance monitor, permanent memory, personnel management analyst, planned maintenance, plant manager, plate modulation, polymethylmethacrylate, portable magnetometer, power module, predictive maintenance, product acquisition manager, promille, proposal manager, propulsion module, protective measure, prototype matrix, preventive maintenance9) Сельское хозяйство: parent material10) Шутливое выражение: Party Mode, Perl Monger, Project Mayhem11) Математика: Plus And Minus, Plus or Minus, Polygonal Map, Power Matrix, Power Method, Pseudo Manifold, вероятностная мера (probability measure), на тысячу (promille), промилле (promille)12) Юридический термин: Premeditated Murderer13) Лингвистика: показатель14) Автомобильный термин: твёрдые частицы15) Ветеринария: Pesky Mouse, Prime Moose16) Оптика: polarization modulation17) Политика: Panama18) Телекоммуникации: Performance Monitoring, Peripheral Modules, Physical Medium19) Сокращение: Pacific Meridian, Passive Matrix, Past Morning, Permanent Magnet, Permanent Magnet motor, Personal Messages, Phase Modulation, Photomultiplier, Pistolet Makarova (Pistol (Russia)), Plastic Manoeuvre, Point-to-Multipoint, Police Magistrate, Porte Mortier (Mortar carrier (France)), Post Meridiem (after noon), PostMortem, Pressurized Module, Prime Minister, Private Messages, Procurement Manual, Programme Manager, Project Manager (UK), Provost-Marshal, Pulse Modulation, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, paymaster, pounds per minute, push money20) Физика: Particle Multiplication, Particulate Material21) Физиология: Pain Management, Perceptual And Motor, Perceptual Motor, Petit Mal, Power Meditation, Pre Menstrual, Protein Metabolite, Pubococcygeal Muscle22) Электроника: Prototype Model23) Вычислительная техника: Performance Management, Peripheral Module, presentation manager, procedure manual, processing module, управление презентацией, Personal Message (BBS), Privileged Mode (HP, MPE), Protected Mode (Intel, CPU), Presentation Manager (OS/2), Pressurized Module (Space), Post Meridiem (after noon)25) Биохимия: Plasma Membrane26) Космонавтика: фм27) Транспорт: Post Maritime28) Фирменный знак: Preserve Manufacturer29) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: (paper machine) БДМ (бумагоделательная машина)30) СМИ: Performance Media, Place Marker, Preservation Magazine31) Деловая лексика: People Motivation, Power Management, Problems Major, Production Management32) SAP. техническое обслуживание и ремонт оборудования (Plant Maintenance)33) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: заводской манифольд (Plant Manifold)34) Сетевые технологии: Palm Mute, Php Mime, фазовая модуляция35) Полимеры: porous by macromolecular material, powder metallurgy, purpose-made, precious metals36) Автоматика: part motor, powder metal, powdered metal37) Сахалин Р: Plant Manifold, Project Management38) Океанография: Process Manager39) Химическое оружие: potassium mercaptide, potassium mercaptide MK, tassium mercaptide40) Расширение файла: Perl, Personal Mobility, Presentation Manager Bitmap graphics file, Presentation Manager (IBM)41) Имена и фамилии: Patrick Madrid, Paul Mccartney, Paul Murray42) Hi-Fi. обозначение в электронных часах с 12-часовым режимом времени после полудня43) Общественная организация: Prospective Member44) Должность: Pay Me, Perfect Man, Periodically Missing, Piranha Manager, Porch Monkey, Post Man, Project Manager, Property Manager45) Чат: Personal Message46) НАСА: Planetary Mapper, Processor Module47) Программное обеспечение: Pattern Matching, Perl Module, Plot Manager, Program Module48) Единицы измерений: Particle Measure, Past Master, Per Metre, Post Mile, Presidents Meeting49) СМС: Pocket Message, Private Messaging -
20 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system
См. также в других словарях:
Model — Contents 1 Physical 1.1 Human models 2 Nonphysical 2.1 … Wikipedia
Model 204 — is a Database management system for IBM and compatible mainframes, which was first deployed in 1972. It incorporates a programming language and an environment for application development. It can deal with very large databases and very high… … Wikipedia
Model-view-controller — (MVC) is an architectural pattern used in software engineering. Successful use of the pattern isolates business logic from user interface considerations, resulting in an application where it is easier to modify either the visual appearance of the … Wikipedia
Model-based design — (MBD) is a mathematical and visual method of addressing problems associated with designing complex control,[1][2] signal processing[3] and communication systems. It is used in many motion control, industrial equipment, aerospace, and automotive… … Wikipedia
model — n Model, example, pattern, exemplar, ideal, standard, beau ideal, mirror are comparable when they denote something set or held before one for guidance or imitation in conduct or endeavor. Model applies to a person or thing set before one for… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Model (person) — For other uses, see Model (disambiguation). A model (from Middle French modèle),[1] sometimes called a mannequin, is a person who is employed to display, advertise and promote commercial products (notably fashion clothing) or to serve as a… … Wikipedia
Model based design — The dawn of the electrical age brought with it various novel, innovative and advanced control systems. It was as early as 1920 s when the two strands of technology, control theory and control system, came together to produce large scale… … Wikipedia
Product design specification — A product design specification (PDS) is a statement of what a not yet designed product is intended to do. Its aim is to ensure that the subsequent design and development of a product meets the needs of the user.The Open University (UK), 2001.… … Wikipedia
Model–view–controller — A general representation of the MVC design pattern. Model view controller concept. The solid line represents a direct as … Wikipedia
Performance-based advertising — With performance based advertising, the advertiser pays only for measurable results. With other forms of advertising they pay regardless of results. Performance based advertising is becoming more common with the spread of electronic media,… … Wikipedia
Model (macroeconomics) — A model in macroeconomics is a logical, mathematical, and/or computational framework designed to describe the operation of a national or regional economy, and especially the dynamics of aggregate quantities such as the total amount of goods and… … Wikipedia