1 Trockner
m prakt < druck> (in Druckmaschinen) ■ drying unit; drier US.pract ; dryer GB.pract ; oven collm < hlk> (zum Wasserentzug; allg. und in Klimaanlagen) ■ dehydrator; drier US.pract ; dryer GB.pract -
2 Abblendschalter
m <kfz.licht> (allg., hand- oder fußbetätigt) ■ headlight dimmer switch US ; headlight dimmer US ; dimmer switch US.pract ; dimmer US.pract ; high/low beam change-over switch US.rare ; headlamp dipper switch GB ; headlamp dipper GB.pract ; dipper switch GB.pract ; dipper GB.practm prakt <kfz.msr> (fußbetätigt, pedalförmig) ■ dimmer switch pedal; pedal-operated dip switchm <kfz.msr> (für Scheinwerfer; an Lenksäule) ■ headlight dimmer [switch] US ; high low beams change-over switch US ; headlamp dipper [lever] GB -
3 Bahn
f <bau.mat> (aus Dämmmaterial etc.; z.B. Glaswolle, Folie) ■ blanketf < led> ■ rangef prakt < masch> (z.B. eine Führungsschiene) ■ guideway; slideway; guide pract ; way pract.coll ; track pract.collf < pap> ■ paper web; webf <pap.textil> (fortlaufend, endlos; z.B. Stoffbahn aus Maschine) ■ continuous webf <wz> (flache Hammer-Stirnfläche) ■ facef <wz> (Amboss) ■ top face -
4 Band
n <tech.allg> (z.B. Isolierband, Klebeband, Magnetband) ■ tapen < textil> ■ ribbon -
5 Basisstation
f <tech.allg> ■ base stationf prakt < navig> ■ DGPS reference station; reference station pract ; base station pract ; DGPS station pract ; differential stationf BS prakt < tele> (für Funkübertragung von und zu Mobilstationen) ■ base transceiver station (BTS); base station pract ; radio base station; RBS; BS -
6 Flip-Flop
7 Innenkotflügel
m < kfz> (Kunststoffeinsatz; Zubehörteil) ■ undershield; protective wheel arch liner did ; wheel arch protector pract ; wheel housing liner pract ; fender house liner USm < kfz> (Schutzblech im Radkasten) ■ wheel house panel; inner fender skirt US.did ; fender liner US.pract ; fender shield US.pract ; fender house splash shield US -
8 Kleber
mpl prakt <pap.ents> (in Altpapier) ■ sticky contaminants pl ; stickies pl pract ; adhesives pl pract ; bonding agents pl rare -
9 Kotflügeleinsatz
m prakt < kfz> (Kunststoffeinsatz; Zubehörteil) ■ undershield; protective wheel arch liner did ; wheel arch protector pract ; wheel housing liner pract ; fender house liner USm < kfz> (Schutzblech im Radkasten) ■ wheel house panel; inner fender skirt US.did ; fender liner US.pract ; fender shield US.pract ; fender house splash shield US -
10 Trockenofen
11 Wörterbuch
n < edv> ■ dictionary (wiss - pract) ; collection of code words (wiss - pract) ; dictionary of code words (wiss - pract) ; code book (wiss - pract) ; look-up table (coll) -
12 zweipoliger Ein/Aus-Schalter
m <el> (allg.; Öffner oder Schließer) ■ double-pole single-throw switch; two-pole single-throw switch; 2-pole single-throw switch; DPST switch; 2PST switchm <el> (Öffner) ■ double-pole single-throw normally-closed switch; two-pole single-throw switch normally closed; 2-pole single-throw switch normally closed; DPST NC switch pract ; 2PST NC switch practm <el> (Schließer) ■ double-pole single-throw normally-open switch; two-pole single-throw switch normally open; 2-pole single-throw switch normally open; DPST NO switch pract ; 2PST NO switch practGerman-english technical dictionary > zweipoliger Ein/Aus-Schalter
13 Abtriebswelle
14 Antriebswelle
f <kfz.antr> (zwischen Differential und Antriebsrädern) ■ drive shaft; axle shaft pract ; half shaft practf <kfz.antr> (bei Kfz m. Frontmotor u. Heckantrieb; zw. Getriebe u. Achsdifferential) ■ propeller shaft; propshaft pract ; drive shaft collf <kfz.antr> (zwischen Kupplung und Getriebe) ■ input shaft; primary shaft; clutch shaft; drive pinion -
15 Ausgangswelle
16 Ausgleichsgewicht
n < bau> (in Vertikalschiebefenstern; meist eine Feder) ■ sash weight; counterweight; weight pract ; counterbalance raren <kfz.mot> (von Kurbelwellen) ■ counterweight -
17 Computer-to-Plate-Recorder
m < druck> (zur Direktbebilderung von Offset-Druckmedien ohne Filmbelichtung) ■ computer-to-plate recorder; direct-to-plate recorder; ctp recorder pract ; platesetter pract ; recorder practGerman-english technical dictionary > Computer-to-Plate-Recorder
18 CtP-Recorder
19 DGPS-Bodenstation
20 DGPS-Referenzstation
См. также в других словарях:
pract — practice, practitioner … Medical dictionary
pract — (L). Do, act, work … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms
pract — • practice, practitioner … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
pract — … Useful english dictionary
ЕВАГРИЙ ПОНТИЙСКИЙ — [греч. Εὐάϒριος ὁ Ποντικός] (ок. 345, г. Ивора Понтийская (совр. Сев. Турция) ок. 399, пустыня Келлии (Египет)), монах, аскетический писатель, богослов. Жизнь Источники Помимо скудных автобиографических данных, содержащихся в сочинениях Е. П.,… … Православная энциклопедия
ИОАНН КАССИАН РИМЛЯНИН — [лат. Ioannes Cassianus] (IV V вв.), прп. (пам. 29 февр.), аскетический писатель, богослов, один из основателей зап. монашества. Жизнь Прп. Иоанн Кассиан Римлянин. Икона. Кон. XX нач. XXI в. (мон рь Дервент, Румыния) Прп. Иоанн Кассиан Римлянин.… … Православная энциклопедия
ДОБРОДЕТЕЛЬ — фундаментальная философско богословская категория, обозначающая ценностно значимый аспект духовно нравственного совершенства человека. Слово «Д.», появившееся, вероятно, как калька с греч. термина καλοποιΐα (Lexikon zur Byzantinischen Gräzität /… … Православная энциклопедия
Pre-conception counseling — (also called pre conceptual counseling) is based on the medical theory that all women of child bearing years should be pre screened for health and risk potentials before attempting to be pregnant. Physicians and baby experts recommend that a… … Wikipedia
Juan Gérvas — Juan Gérvas, mayo 2011 Nombre … Wikipedia Español
Chiropractic — Intervention A chiropract … Wikipedia
Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome — ] Various studies have shown between 20–100% of patients prescribed benzodiazepines at therapeutic dosages long term are physically dependent and will experience withdrawal symptoms. [cite book |last= Ashton |first= CH |editor= A Baum, S. Newman … Wikipedia