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См. также в других словарях:

  • Pluries — Plu ri*es, n. [So called from L. pluries many times, often, which occurs in the first clause.] (Law) A writ issued in the third place, after two former writs have been disregarded. Mozley & W. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pluries — plu·ri·es / plu̇r ē ˌēz/ adj: of, relating to, or being a writ issued after the first and alias writs have proven ineffectual Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. pluries …   Law dictionary

  • pluries — ˈplu̇rēˌēz noun (plural pluries) Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin, often, many times, from Latin plur , plus more; from …   Useful english dictionary

  • pluries writs — Multiple or successive writs of attachment or execution issued in the same action or upon the same judgment. 6 Am J2d Attach § 278; 30 Am J2d Exec § 84. At common law, a writ of execution issued after the second or alias writ was a pluries writ.… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • pluries — plu·ri·es …   English syllables

  • pluries fi.fa. — /pl(y)uriyiyz fay(eray) fey(shiyas)/ A writ issued where other commands of the court have proved ineffectual. Process that issues in the third instance, after the first and the alias have been ineffectual …   Black's law dictionary

  • pluries writs of execution — Third and subsequent writs of execution issued to enforce a judgment that was not satisfied by the sheriff acting under the original and alias writs of execution …   Black's law dictionary

  • Quamquam pluries — Die Enzyklika Quamquam pluries (15. August 1889) über den wegen der Not der Zeit anzuflehenden Schutz und Beistand des hl. Josef in Vereinigung mit der jungfräulichen Gottesgebärerin wurde von Papst Leo XIII. veröffentlicht. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Saint Joseph — For other uses, see Saint Joseph (disambiguation). Saint Joseph Saint Joseph with the Infant Jesus, Guido Reni (c. 1635) Born Bethlehem …   Wikipedia

  • Josephology — Saint Joseph by Guido Reni, c. 1640. Josephology is the theological study of Saint Joseph, the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Records of devotions to Saint Joseph go back to the year 800 and Doctors of the Church since Saint Thomas Aquinas… …   Wikipedia

  • RECEPTARORES Haereticorum — iuxta Concilium Tarraconense dicuntur, qui bis vel pluries haereticos scienter in domo sua, vel in alio suo loco receperunt. Receptaculum atuem est domus, vel hospitium, ubi haeretici bis vel pluries onvenerunt ad praedicationem vel lectionem,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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