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См. также в других словарях:

  • PHIALA — I. PHIALA Graece φιάλη, quasti πιάλη, παρὰ τὸ πίειν ἅλις παρέχειν, ab eo, quod affatim ad bibendum suppeditet, inter poculorum species Veteribus usitatas, recen setur Macrobio l. 5. Saturnal. c. 21. ubi Lutinâ voce Pateram vocat, qua de voce… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • PHIALA sive PHIALE — PHIALA, sive PHIALE fons alter, ex quo Iordanis fluvius, in tribu Manasse, ut Ioseph. et Egesipp. testantur, ducit originem, qui quidem situs est in regione Trachonitide, non longe a via, quâ a Caesarea Philippi seu Paneade, inter Orientem et… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • phiala — (греч.) фиал, плоская чаша …   Словарь ботанических терминов

  • PHI — Phiala …   Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions

  • P. p, a. — phiala prius agitata, the bottle having been previously shaken …  

  • Phial — phiala, a phial …  

  • phiale — ● phiale nom féminin (latin phiala, du grec phialê) Coupe plate sans anse servant aux libations. ⇒PHIALE, subst. fém. ARCHÉOL. [Dans l antiq. gréco romaine] A. Coupe sans pied ni anse, généralement en métal précieux, destinée aux libations. Les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Black silver art — Black silver (Min.), stephanite , Ag5SbS4 orthorhombic (silver antimony sulfide) [ Rocks and Minerals: A Guide to Field Identification (Golden Field Guide from St. Martin s Press) by Charles A. Sorrell and George Sandstrom (2001) p.114] ,… …   Wikipedia

  • Holy Water Fonts — • Vessels intended for the use of holy water Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Holy Water Fonts     Holy Water Fonts     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Fiale — Pinakel * * * Fi|a|le 〈f. 19; Arch.〉 Türmchen über Strebepfeilern [<grch. phiale „Urne“] * * * Fi|a|le, die; , n [ital. fiala = Flasche mit engem Hals < lat. phiala, ↑ Phiole] (Archit.): schlankes, spitzes gotisches Türmchen. * * * Fiale  … …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Phiole — Phi|o|le 〈f. 19〉 birnenförmiges Fläschchen [<ahd. fiala <mlat. fiole <grch. phiale „Kessel, Urne, Schale“] * * * Phi|o|le [griech. phiále̅ = Schale, Trinkschale], die; , n: in alchemistischen Laboratorien verwendete bauchige Flasche mit… …   Universal-Lexikon

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