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  • 1 Pan

    I noun
    1) [Koch]topf, der; (for frying) Pfanne, die
    2) (of scales) Schale, die
    3) (Brit.): (of WC)

    [lavatory] pan — Toilettenschüssel, die

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/89778/pan_out">pan out
    II 1.
    (Cinemat., Telev.)transitive verb - nn- schwenken
    2. intransitive verb
    - nn- schwenken (to auf + Akk.)

    panning shot — Schwenk, der

    * * *
    I [pæn] noun
    1) (a metal pot usually with a long handle, used for cooking food: a frying-pan; a saucepan.) die Pfanne
    2) ((American) a tin for baking or cooking food inside an oven: a cake pan.)
    II [pæn] past tense, past participle - panned; verb
    (to move (a film or television camera) so as to follow a moving object or show a wide view: The camera panned slowly across to the other side of the street.) schwenken
    * * *
    vi FILM, COMPUT schwenken
    I. n
    1. (for cooking) Pfanne f; AM (for oven cooking) Topf m
    pots and \pans Kochtöpfe pl, Kochgeschirr nt
    frying/grill \pan Brat-/Grillpfanne f
    non-stick \pan antihaftbeschichtete Pfanne
    2. (for gold) Goldpfanne f
    3. BRIT (toilet bowl) Toilettenschüssel f
    4. AM (sl: face) Gesicht nt
    to go down the \pan den Bach runtergehen fam
    II. vt
    <- nn->
    1. AM (cook)
    to \pan sth etw [in der Pfanne] braten
    2. (wash)
    to \pan gold Gold waschen
    3. ( fam: criticize)
    to \pan sb/sth jdn/etw heftig kritisieren [o fam verreißen]
    to \pan a book/film einen Film/ein Buch verreißen
    to get \panned verrissen werden
    III. vi
    <- nn->
    to \pan for gold Gold waschen
    * * *
    I [pn]
    1. n
    1) (COOK) Pfanne f; (= saucepan) Topf m
    2) (of scales) Waagschale f; (for gold etc) Goldpfanne f; (of lavatory) Becken nt
    3) (in ground) Mulde f
    2. vt
    1) gold waschen
    2) (US) fish braten
    3) (inf: slate) new play etc verreißen
    3. vi
    II (FILM)
    1. n
    (Kamera)schwenk m
    2. vi

    the camera panned along the wall —

    3. vt
    * * *
    Pan [pæn] Eigenn Antike: Pan m (Gott)
    * * *
    I noun
    1) [Koch]topf, der; (for frying) Pfanne, die
    2) (of scales) Schale, die
    3) (Brit.): (of WC)

    [lavatory] pan — Toilettenschüssel, die

    Phrasal Verbs:
    II 1.
    (Cinemat., Telev.)transitive verb - nn- schwenken
    2. intransitive verb
    - nn- schwenken (to auf + Akk.)

    panning shot — Schwenk, der

    * * *
    Pfanne -n f.
    Tiegel - m.

    English-german dictionary > Pan

  • 2 pan

    I noun
    1) [Koch]topf, der; (for frying) Pfanne, die
    2) (of scales) Schale, die
    3) (Brit.): (of WC)

    [lavatory] pan — Toilettenschüssel, die

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/89778/pan_out">pan out
    II 1.
    (Cinemat., Telev.)transitive verb - nn- schwenken
    2. intransitive verb
    - nn- schwenken (to auf + Akk.)

    panning shot — Schwenk, der

    * * *
    I [pæn] noun
    1) (a metal pot usually with a long handle, used for cooking food: a frying-pan; a saucepan.) die Pfanne
    2) ((American) a tin for baking or cooking food inside an oven: a cake pan.)
    II [pæn] past tense, past participle - panned; verb
    (to move (a film or television camera) so as to follow a moving object or show a wide view: The camera panned slowly across to the other side of the street.) schwenken
    * * *
    vi FILM, COMPUT schwenken
    I. n
    1. (for cooking) Pfanne f; AM (for oven cooking) Topf m
    pots and \pans Kochtöpfe pl, Kochgeschirr nt
    frying/grill \pan Brat-/Grillpfanne f
    non-stick \pan antihaftbeschichtete Pfanne
    2. (for gold) Goldpfanne f
    3. BRIT (toilet bowl) Toilettenschüssel f
    4. AM (sl: face) Gesicht nt
    to go down the \pan den Bach runtergehen fam
    II. vt
    <- nn->
    1. AM (cook)
    to \pan sth etw [in der Pfanne] braten
    2. (wash)
    to \pan gold Gold waschen
    3. ( fam: criticize)
    to \pan sb/sth jdn/etw heftig kritisieren [o fam verreißen]
    to \pan a book/film einen Film/ein Buch verreißen
    to get \panned verrissen werden
    III. vi
    <- nn->
    to \pan for gold Gold waschen
    * * *
    I [pn]
    1. n
    1) (COOK) Pfanne f; (= saucepan) Topf m
    2) (of scales) Waagschale f; (for gold etc) Goldpfanne f; (of lavatory) Becken nt
    3) (in ground) Mulde f
    2. vt
    1) gold waschen
    2) (US) fish braten
    3) (inf: slate) new play etc verreißen
    3. vi
    II (FILM)
    1. n
    (Kamera)schwenk m
    2. vi

    the camera panned along the wall —

    3. vt
    * * *
    pan1 [pæn]
    A s
    1. a) Pfanne f: frying pan
    b) Topf m
    2. TECH Pfanne f, Tiegel m, Becken n, Mulde f, Trog m, Schale f, (besonders Br auch Klosett)Schüssel f
    3. Schale f (einer Waage)
    4. Mulde f (im Erdboden)
    5. oft pan grinder TECH Kollergang m
    6. TECH
    a) Rührwäsche f (zur Aufbereitung von Goldsand)
    b) Setzkasten m
    7. TECH Türangelpfanne f
    8. MIL, HIST Pfanne f (eines Vorderladers): flash A 2
    9. a) Wasserloch n
    b) Salzteich m
    c) künstliches Salz(wasser)loch (zur Gewinnung von Siedesalz)
    10. ANAT
    a) Hirnschale f
    b) Kniescheibe f
    11. (treibende) Eisscholle
    12. sl Visage f
    13. umg Verriss m, vernichtende Kritik:
    have sb on the pan jemanden fertigmachen umg
    B v/t
    1. oft pan out ( oder off) Goldsand (aus)waschen, Gold auswaschen
    2. Salz durch Sieden gewinnen
    3. umg verreißen, vernichtend kritisieren
    C v/i pan out
    a) ergiebig sein (an Gold),
    b) umg sich bezahlt machen, klappen:
    pan out well hinhauen, einschlagen
    pan2 [pæn]
    A v/t die Filmkamera schwenken, fahren
    B v/i
    1. panoramieren, die (Film)Kamera fahren oder schwenken
    2. schwenken (Kamera)
    C s
    1. FILM Schwenk m
    2. FOTO panchromatischer Film
    pan3 [pæn] s ARCH
    1. Fach n
    2. Wandplatte f
    pan4 [pæn; US pɑːn] s
    1. BOT Betelpfefferblatt n
    2. Betel m (Reiz- und Genussmittel)
    * * *
    I noun
    1) [Koch]topf, der; (for frying) Pfanne, die
    2) (of scales) Schale, die
    3) (Brit.): (of WC)

    [lavatory] pan — Toilettenschüssel, die

    Phrasal Verbs:
    II 1.
    (Cinemat., Telev.)transitive verb - nn- schwenken
    2. intransitive verb
    - nn- schwenken (to auf + Akk.)

    panning shot — Schwenk, der

    * * *
    Pfanne -n f.
    Tiegel - m.

    English-german dictionary > pan

  • 3 pan

    < proc> (for vulcanization) ■ Kessel m
    vt < edp> (a view, drawing) ■ schwenken vt ; verschieben vt
    vt <light.theat> (searchlight, left or right) ■ schwenken vt
    <tech.gen> ■ Napf m ; Schale f
    < chem> ■ Teller m
    <edp.av> ■ Stereopanorama n ; Panorama n
    < gastr> ■ Pfanne f ; Schüssel f
    <i&c> (balance) ■ Lastschale f
    <mech.eng> (e.g. to collect chips, cutting fluid) ■ Wanne f
    <pharm.proc> (for coated tablets) ■ Dragierkessel m

    English-german technical dictionary > pan

  • 4 Kameraschwenk

    Filmmethode, bei der die Kamera über eine Einstellung oder Szene bewegt wird, um dem Zuschauer einen Überblick zu verschaffen und die Zusammenhänge zu verdeutlichen, ohne dabei den Standort der Kamera zu verändern.
    A shot made from a camera pivoting horizontally from a fixed axis, usually a tripod, to provide an overview for the audience and to create coherence.

    German-english football dictionary > Kameraschwenk

См. также в других словарях:

  • pan — pan1 panner, n. /pan/, n., v., panned, panning. n. 1. a broad, shallow container of metal, usually having sides flaring outward toward the top, used in various forms for frying, baking, washing, etc. 2. any similar receptacle or part, as the… …   Universalium

  • Pan and scan — is one method of adjusting widescreen film images so that they can be shown within the proportions of a standard definition 4:3 aspect ratio television screen, often cropping off the sides of the original widescreen image to focus on the… …   Wikipedia

  • The Simpsons opening sequence — The Simpsons title screen as of 2009. The Simpsons opening sequence is an element that begins almost every episode of the American animated television series The Simpsons. Starting with the season 20 episode Take My Life, Please , the opening… …   Wikipedia

  • The Maltese Falcon (1941 film) — The Maltese Falcon Theatrical release poster Directed by John Huston Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • The Six Million Dollar Man — Opening credits Genre Science fiction Created by Martin Caidin (novel) …   Wikipedia

  • Pan — Pan, v. t. & i. (Cinematography) To scan (a movie camera), usu. in a horizontal direction, to obtain a panoramic effect; also, to move the camera so as to keep the subject in view. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • camera movement —   the use of the camera to obtain various camera angles and perspectives. (See motion picture camera shots below, including the pan, tilt, track, and zoom; also boom/crane shots, Steadicam, or hand held)   Example: a camera on a dolly track while …   Glossary of cinematic terms

  • pan out — {v.}, {informal} To have a result, especially a good result; result favorably; succeed. * /Suppose the class tried to make money by selling candy. How would that pan out?/ * /Edison s efforts to invent an electric light bulb did not pan out until …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pan out — {v.}, {informal} To have a result, especially a good result; result favorably; succeed. * /Suppose the class tried to make money by selling candy. How would that pan out?/ * /Edison s efforts to invent an electric light bulb did not pan out until …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • The Wizard of Oz (1939 film) — The Wizard of Oz Theatrical release poster Directed by Victor Fleming Uncredited: Norman Taurog Richard Thorpe …   Wikipedia

  • The Office (UK TV series) — The Office Genre Sitcom Mockumentary Created by Ricky Gervais Stephen Merchant Writt …   Wikipedia

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