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  • 1 ostrea

    ostrĕa, ae, f., and (rarely) ostrĕum, i, n., = ostreon, an oyster, mussel, sea-snail (class.).
    Form ostrea, Enn. Heduph. 2 (p. 166 Vahl.); Lucil. ap. Non. 216, 6; Afran.; Turp. and Varr. ib.; Plaut. Rud. 2, 1, 8; Cic. Fragm. ap. Non. 216, 14:

    ostrearum vivaria,

    Plin. 9, 54, 79, § 168.—
    Form ostreum: luna alit ostrea, Lucil. ap. Gell. 20, 8, 4; id. ap. Non. 216, 16; Varr. ib. 20:

    ostrea Circeis, Miseno oriuntur echini,

    Hor. S. 2, 4, 33; Ov. F. 6, 174; Juv. 4, 142. —In sing. collect.:

    ostrei testas siccas tundere,

    Pall. 1, 41, 3.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ostrea

  • 2 ostrea

        ostrea ae, f plur. ae, ārum, f (C.), and a, ōrum, n    (H., O., Iu.), ὄστρεσν, an oyster, mussel.
    * * *
    oyster, sea-snail

    Latin-English dictionary > ostrea

  • 3 Ostrea edulis

    ENG common oyster, flat oyster, native oyster (UK)
    NLD gewone oester
    GER flache Auster
    FRA huitre plate, huitre de la Zelande

    Animal Names Latin to English > Ostrea edulis

  • 4 португальская устрица

    Русско-английский биологический словарь > португальская устрица

  • 5 устрица

    Русско-английский биологический словарь > устрица

  • 6 стрида

    зоол. oyster (Ostrea edulis)
    * * *
    ж., -и зоол. oyster ( Ostrea edulis).
    * * *
    * * *
    зоол. oyster (Ostrea edulis).

    Български-английски речник > стрида

  • 7 Lucrina

    Lū̆crīnus, i, m., with or without lacus, the Lucrine Lake, on the coast of Campania, in the neighborhood of Baiæ (now Lago Lucrino), Mel. 2, 4, 9; Cic. Att. 4, 16, 1; Hor. C. 2, 15, 3. Cæsar, or, acc. to Suetonius, Augustus, connected it with Lake Avernus, and threw up dikes to ward off the waves of the sea:

    Lucrinoque addita claustra,

    Verg. G. 2, 161; cf. Suet. Aug. 16; Tac. A. 14, 5. The surrounding scenery was celebrated for its beauty: dum nos [p. 1081] blanda tenent lascivi stagna Lucrini, Mart. 4, 57, 1:

    hic mihi Baiani colles mollisque Lucrinus,

    id. 6, 43, 5.—Hence,
    II. A.
    Lū̆crīnus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to Lake Lucrinus, Lucrine:


    the Lucrine Lake, Prop. 1, 11, 10: ostrea Lucrina, the Lucrine oysters, celebrated for their delicious flavor, Plin. 9, 54, 79, § 168; cf.:

    Lucrinum ad saxum... ostrea,

    Juv. 4, 141;

    called also Lucrina conchylia,

    Hor. Epod. 2, 49; and absol.: Lū̆crīna, ōrum, n., Mart. 6, 11, 5; 12, 48, 4.—Near the lake was a temple of Venus;

    hence: Lucrina Venus,

    Stat. S. 3, 1, 150.—
    Lū̆crīnensis, e, adj., Lucrine:

    res Puteolanae et Lucrinenses,

    i. e. oysters, Cic. Att. 4, 10, 1.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Lucrina

  • 8 Lucrinensis

    Lū̆crīnus, i, m., with or without lacus, the Lucrine Lake, on the coast of Campania, in the neighborhood of Baiæ (now Lago Lucrino), Mel. 2, 4, 9; Cic. Att. 4, 16, 1; Hor. C. 2, 15, 3. Cæsar, or, acc. to Suetonius, Augustus, connected it with Lake Avernus, and threw up dikes to ward off the waves of the sea:

    Lucrinoque addita claustra,

    Verg. G. 2, 161; cf. Suet. Aug. 16; Tac. A. 14, 5. The surrounding scenery was celebrated for its beauty: dum nos [p. 1081] blanda tenent lascivi stagna Lucrini, Mart. 4, 57, 1:

    hic mihi Baiani colles mollisque Lucrinus,

    id. 6, 43, 5.—Hence,
    II. A.
    Lū̆crīnus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to Lake Lucrinus, Lucrine:


    the Lucrine Lake, Prop. 1, 11, 10: ostrea Lucrina, the Lucrine oysters, celebrated for their delicious flavor, Plin. 9, 54, 79, § 168; cf.:

    Lucrinum ad saxum... ostrea,

    Juv. 4, 141;

    called also Lucrina conchylia,

    Hor. Epod. 2, 49; and absol.: Lū̆crīna, ōrum, n., Mart. 6, 11, 5; 12, 48, 4.—Near the lake was a temple of Venus;

    hence: Lucrina Venus,

    Stat. S. 3, 1, 150.—
    Lū̆crīnensis, e, adj., Lucrine:

    res Puteolanae et Lucrinenses,

    i. e. oysters, Cic. Att. 4, 10, 1.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Lucrinensis

  • 9 Lucrinus

    Lū̆crīnus, i, m., with or without lacus, the Lucrine Lake, on the coast of Campania, in the neighborhood of Baiæ (now Lago Lucrino), Mel. 2, 4, 9; Cic. Att. 4, 16, 1; Hor. C. 2, 15, 3. Cæsar, or, acc. to Suetonius, Augustus, connected it with Lake Avernus, and threw up dikes to ward off the waves of the sea:

    Lucrinoque addita claustra,

    Verg. G. 2, 161; cf. Suet. Aug. 16; Tac. A. 14, 5. The surrounding scenery was celebrated for its beauty: dum nos [p. 1081] blanda tenent lascivi stagna Lucrini, Mart. 4, 57, 1:

    hic mihi Baiani colles mollisque Lucrinus,

    id. 6, 43, 5.—Hence,
    II. A.
    Lū̆crīnus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to Lake Lucrinus, Lucrine:


    the Lucrine Lake, Prop. 1, 11, 10: ostrea Lucrina, the Lucrine oysters, celebrated for their delicious flavor, Plin. 9, 54, 79, § 168; cf.:

    Lucrinum ad saxum... ostrea,

    Juv. 4, 141;

    called also Lucrina conchylia,

    Hor. Epod. 2, 49; and absol.: Lū̆crīna, ōrum, n., Mart. 6, 11, 5; 12, 48, 4.—Near the lake was a temple of Venus;

    hence: Lucrina Venus,

    Stat. S. 3, 1, 150.—
    Lū̆crīnensis, e, adj., Lucrine:

    res Puteolanae et Lucrinenses,

    i. e. oysters, Cic. Att. 4, 10, 1.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Lucrinus

  • 10 ostrearium

    ostrĕārĭus, a, um, adj. [ostrea], of or belonging to oysters, oyster- (post-Aug.):


    oyster-bread, bread eaten with oysters, Plin. 18, 11, 27, § 105.—
    Subst.: ostrĕā-rĭum, ii, n., an oyster-bed, Plin. 9, 51, 74, § 160:

    in Baiano locare,

    Macr. S. 2, 11.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ostrearium

  • 11 ostrearius

    ostrĕārĭus, a, um, adj. [ostrea], of or belonging to oysters, oyster- (post-Aug.):


    oyster-bread, bread eaten with oysters, Plin. 18, 11, 27, § 105.—
    Subst.: ostrĕā-rĭum, ii, n., an oyster-bed, Plin. 9, 51, 74, § 160:

    in Baiano locare,

    Macr. S. 2, 11.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ostrearius

  • 12 португальская устрица

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > португальская устрица

  • 13 устрица

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > устрица

  • 14 устрицы

    1) General subject: fish, shellfish
    2) Fishery: Ostrea, oysters
    3) Taboo: snots ( pl)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > устрицы

  • 15 ostryga

    - gi; -gi; dat sg - dze; f
    * * *
    zool. oyster ( Ostrea); muszla ostrygi oyster shell; młoda ostryga seed oyster, spat.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > ostryga

  • 16 ostra

    * * *
    f. oyster.
    * * *
    u, f. [for. word; Lat. ostrea], an oyster, Stj. 88, N. G. L. ii. 263.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ostra

  • 17 cēnō

        cēnō āvī, ātus, āre    [cena], to dine, take a meal, eat dinner: spes bene cenandi, Iu.: bene, frugaliter: lauto paratu, Iu.: apud Domitium: unā: cum cenatum esset, L.—P. perf., cenatus, having dined, after dinner: cum cenatus cubitum isset: te cenatum occidere: milites cenatos esse in castris iubet, S.: amet scripsisse (versūs) cenatus, H.— To make a meal of, eat, dine upon. aves, H.: aprum, H.: patinas omasi, H.: pisces, H.: ostrea, Iu.
    * * *
    cenare, cenavi, cenatus V
    dine, eat dinner/supper; have dinner with; dine on, make a meal of

    Latin-English dictionary > cēnō

  • 18 concha

        concha ae, f, κόγχη, a bivalve, shell - fish, mussel: squalentes, V.: cavae, O.: marinae, O.: viles, H. — A mussel-shell: ostrea in conchis suis, O.—Shells were used as trumpets; hence, poet., the trumpet of the Triton, V., O.; also as vessels to hold ointment, H.; or salt, H.; or wine, Iu.— A pearl: Munera fert illi conchas, O.: lucida, Tb. — A dye extracted from shell-fish: concha Sidonide tincta, O.
    * * *
    mollusk/murex/oyster/scallop; pearl/mollusk-shell; Triton horn; female genitalia holy-water font

    Latin-English dictionary > concha

  • 19 crēscō

        crēscō crēvī, crētus, ere, inch.    [1 CER-], to come into being, spring up: crescit seges, O.—P. perf., with abl, arisen, descended, born, produced (poet.): mortali semine, O.: Alcanore, V.: ab origine eādem, O.: Troiano a sanguine, V.—To rise, grow, grow up, thrive, increase, swell, enlarge: ut (ostrea) cum lunā pariter crescant: (caulis) crevit in agris, H.: cresce, puer, O.: Liger ex nivibus creverat, was swollen, Cs.: in frondem crines, to grow into, O.: manūs in unguīs, O.: Cresceret in <*>entrem cucumis, swell, V.: Crescit hydrops, H.: <*>t clivo crevisse putes, O.: non mihi crevisse amicos, increased in number: crescentīs abstulit annos, i. e. her prime, O.—Fig., to grow, increase, be enlarged, be strengthened: plagae crescunt, T.: hostium opes animique: vires, L.: vim crescere victis, V.: (rem) maximis auctibus crescere, L.: primo pecuniae, deinde imperi cupido, S.: inopia omnium, L.: crescetis, amores, V.: Crescit amor nummi, Iu.: usque ego posterā Crescam laude recens, H.: Crescit velut arbor Fama Marcelli, H.: crescente vento, Ct.: Aspera crescit hiems, O.— To rise, be promoted, prosper, become great, attain honor: ex quibus possem crescere: laboribus pubes crevit, in glory, H.: de multis, at the expense of: dignitate, gratiā, N.: ex nostro maerore, to take courage, O.: date crescendi copiam (iis) qui, etc., T.: crescendi in curiā occasio, L.
    * * *
    crescere, crevi, cretus V INTRANS
    come forth/to be; arise/spring (from); be born; become visible/great; grow (up); thrive, increase (size/number/honor), multiply; ascend; attain, be promoted

    Latin-English dictionary > crēscō

  • 20 mordeō

        mordeō momordī, morsus, ēre    [MORD-], to bite, bite into: qui (canes) mordere possunt: (serpens) hastile momordit, bit into, O.: Mordeat ante aliquis quidquid, etc., taste, Iu.: humum ore momordit, bit the dust, V.— To eat, devour, consume: ostrea, Iu.— To bite into, take hold of, catch fast: laterum iuncturas fibula mordet, clasps, V.: mordebat fibula vestem, O.— To cut into, wash away: rura quae Liris quietā Mordet aquā, H.— To nip, bite, sting: matutina parum cautos iam frigora mordent, H.—Fig., to bite, sting, pain, hurt: morderi dictis, O.: iocus mordens, a biting jest, Iu.: mordear opprobriis falsis, shall be vexed, H.: valde me momorderunt epistulae tuae: morderi conscientiā, feel the sting of conscience.
    * * *
    mordere, memordi, - V
    bite; sting; hurt, pain; vex; (archaic perf. form of mordeo)
    mordere, momordi, morsus V
    bite; sting; hurt, pain; vex; criticize, carp at; eat, consume; bite/cut into

    Latin-English dictionary > mordeō

См. также в других словарях:

  • Ostrea — Temporal range: Cretaceous–Recent …   Wikipedia

  • Ostrea — Ostrea …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ostrea — Os tre*a, n. [L., an oyster.] (Zo[ o]l.) A genus of bivalve Mollusca which includes the true oysters. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ostrĕa — (O. Lam.), so v.w. Auster, s.d. Fossile Austern erscheinen zuerst im Muschelkalk u. gehen in zahlreichen Arten bis in die jüngsten Formationen heraus. Man unterscheidet solche mit gefalteten u. solche mit glatten Schalen. a) Mit gefalteten… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Ostrěa — Ostrěa, die Auster; Ostreïdae, Austern, Familie der Muscheln (s. d. und Austern) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Ostrea — Ostrea …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ostrea — «Ostra» redirige aquí. Para otras acepciones, véase Ostra (desambiguación).   Ostrea …   Wikipedia Español

  • Ostrea — Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Muschelart Auster. Weiteres siehe: Auster. Austern Crassostrea gigas Systematik Klasse …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ostrea — noun type genus of the family Ostreidae • Syn: ↑genus Ostrea • Hypernyms: ↑mollusk genus • Member Holonyms: ↑Ostreidae, ↑family Ostreidae • Member Meronyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ostrea edulis — Ostrea edulis …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ostrea edulis — – exterior of left valve Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia …   Wikipedia

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